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Good morning teachers, I’m pleasure to give you my presentation. The name of the project is Burt’s Bees Personal Care Products Store. In the presentation, I’ll tell you the following aspects: First of all, I’ll introduce myself; then I’ll give you the Current Business Analysis; After that, you’ll be told the SWOT Analysis and the Execution Steps; at last, the Practical Significance. Now, let me introduce myself. My name is Tian Juan, I’m 26 years old. I’m studying with Shijingshan Branch of BTVU. I’m a guide from China International Travel Service.

Why I chose this project? Let’s see the Current Business Analysis. Nowadays, because of the development of the economy, people’s living standard is getting higher and higher, so more and more people pay attention to their appearance and health. Therefore, in the market, you can find the cosmetics consumption is increasing grammatically and people are interested in the natural and green cosmetics. And what is natural and green cosmetic? That is the cosmetics made from botanic and organic elements. Burt’s Bees is an “earth friendly natural personal care product brand” from America. The ingredients of their products are beeswax, botanical and essential oils, herbs, flowers and minerals. They use natural colors and there are no nasty artificial preservatives inside. They use

fragrance components only when absolutely necessary and the container they use are recycled materials. So from this analysis, I can see the market for Burt’s Bees project is very bright.

But can I make money from it? I’m not sure. So I must do the SWOT Analysis. As we know, ‘SWOT’ stands for strength, weakness, opportunity and threat respectively.

Our first strength is that Burt’s Bees is the first and the only cosmetics store in Lugu area, we don’t have competitors. The second one is that the rental of the shop is rational. And we can also offer some free services to customers like free delivery to doorstep, give free samples to test, make privately skin care plan and so on. Of course, we have some weaknesses. Firstly, I don’t have enough management experiences. Secondly, due to the limited running cost, I can’t make large scale advertising. Thirdly, it is difficult to employ a professional Beauty Adviser.

Well, there are big opportunities for us. Nowadays the concept of “natural and green” is deeply understood and accepted by the common people; natural cosmetics stores have very huge market potential. Good location and convenient transportation of the store would bring more benefit to me. Internet is developed rapidly, we can provide more convenient and speediness services through the net. Gentlemen pay more attention to their

appearances and health, lots of male consumers will attach importance to our products. There are also some threats. Because of the development of the Internet and the amelioration of shopping system on the Internet, more competitors will appear. Burt’s Bees personal care products are new things to lots of consumers. They need more time to learn and accept them. Although there are many strengths and opportunities, we also need to face the weaknesses and threats. That’s means when we do the execution step, we must plan it carefully.

First of all, we organized a focus group discussion. The basic objective of Burt’s Bees is peoples’ needs, demands and expectations. But different people have different requirements, so we organized three different people to have the group discussion: the students and clerks; pregnant women and male consumers. Since we pay high attention to customers’ ideas and opinions, during the discussion, we ask questions about the customers’ needs, about the price, the popularity and so on. Those groups of people also give us many useful suggestions. For example, classify the products into different categories; make Chinese introduction cards; according to customer’s requirement, give professional advices; set up customer records and member system and so on.

After that, we make a careful action plan. This project would take about ten

weeks to finish. In the first week, we’ll look for suitable place for the store, negotiate rental and sign rental contract. In the following five weeks, we’ll have the store decorated. At the same time, we’ll do market research, buy equipments and furniture, strike off advertising materials, find a good supplier and invest in stock, employ beauty advisor and so on. From the seventh week to the ninth week, we’ll install equipments, train the staff, hand out brochures and leaflets and so on. In the last week, we’ll hold the opening ceremony.

Even with the careful plan, we still need to be alerted to how much we spent, so we also did the cost breaking down. According to the analysis, for monthly cost we spent RMB53,640 on rental, wages, water & electricity fee, telephone and so on; we also need one-time investment as much as RMB29,400 on equipments, decoration, furniture, leaflets and otherwise. So totally we need to invest RMB83,040 in early days.

We put lots of money in it, can we make money? So we need to see whether there is a practical significance. According to the analysis, if everything runs well, the monthly sale would be RMB9,000, deduct the monthly cost and initially cost, which leave the benefit of RMB2,080. Therefore, at the end of the first year, the annual benefit would be RMB24,960. With the development of the store, next year we are going to

make revenue as much as RMB50,000. Hopefully, our aim is to increase revenue by 10% by the end of the third year.

Not only there is an economy benefit, but also social benefit in it. First of all, this store can offer convenience to local people, because we supply free services like free delivery, make personal care plan and so on. And we provide high quality cosmetics to local people, because our products are natural and green, they can be used by everyone, even pregnant women and infants. The most important is we introduce a healthy way of living to our customers.

Therefore we come to the conclusion that the Burt’s Bees Personal Care Products Store is practical. Last but not least, at the end of the presentation I want to use this opportunity to give great thanks to my tutor Ms. Li who spent a lot of time to give me many useful and helpful suggestions. Of course thank you all for your attention. Thank you.



四月里,油菜花开了,黄灿灿的一片,远远看去,就像在厚厚的绿毯上铺了一层金子。 油菜花放出醉人的芬芳,诱惑着小蜜蜂们:“勤劳的蜜蜂妹妹,快帮我授粉吧!我会给你们优厚的报酬,送给你们芳香的花粉和甜美的蜜汁。”

蜜蜂们说: “油菜花姐姐,我们很想多传花粉, 多采蜜。可就怕力量不足,采得不多。”

管理蜂群的金大伯乐呵呵地说:“小丫头们,愁什么?我会帮你们想办法的!” 蜜蜂们听了,高兴得在蜂场上又是唱又是舞,说:“好啊!金大伯又帮我们想办法啦!” 金大伯笑眯眯地说: “对!这回我帮你们搞‘分组管理’提高你们的采蜜效果。” 金大伯帮蜜蜂们组织起来,把她们分成三群一组。白蜂箱、黄蜂箱、蓝蜂箱正好排在一起,这些“房子”里的蜜蜂是一个小组。

金大伯对黄蜂箱和蓝蜂箱的蜜蜂说:“你们力量比较弱小,就当繁殖群吧!”又对白蜂箱的蜜蜂说: “你们是大群,蜂多势众,就当采蜜群吧!”


黄蜂箱和蓝蜂箱的蜜蜂们恍然大悟地对金大伯说: “怪不得您把我们快要出房的小妹妹搬到白房子里去,原来是要支援白房子的姐妹,让她们多采蜜啊!”


春天的阳光格外明媚,暖融融地照着大地。蜜蜂们嗡嗡嗡地唱着快乐的歌儿出去采蜜了,春风在她们后面跑着,给她们送行,对她们说:“孩子们,祝你们采集更多的花蜜!” 蜜蜂们飞到花丛里,油菜姐姐热烈欢迎她们,拿出最香的花粉和最甜的花蜜款待她们。 勤劳的蜜蜂开始工作了!她们把身子探到花朵里,用管子般的舌头吮吸着花蜜;她们停在花蕊上,用那六只毛茸茸的刷子般的脚扫下花粉,搓成花粉球,装进后腿的花粉篮里。



蓝蜂箱的蜜蜂却找不到自己的蓝房子,黄蜂箱的蜜蜂也找不到自己的黄房子。她们在蜂场上空不住地低飞,转着圈圈,焦急地互相询问: “我们蓝房子到哪儿去了?” “我们的黄房子怎么也不见啦?”


蓝蜂箱和黄蜂箱的蜜蜂们互相商量了一阵,便决定一起到白房子借宿。她们飞到白房子前面,向门口的哨兵请求道:“我们找不到自己的家了,请让我们进去吧! 我们情愿把蜜汁和花粉都送给你们。”

忠于职守的哨兵却不答应,说: “不行,不行!我们这里凭气味做通行证。你的气味跟我们不一样,没有通行证怎么能进来呢?”

家里的其他蜜蜂听到了,忙说: “不,还是请她们进来吧!瞧,她们带来多么丰盛的礼物啊!就凭这个,我们也应当欢迎她们!”

失去了房子的客人,就在这白房子里住下了。主人和客人相处得很好。过了几天,主人邀请道: “亲爱的朋友,你们很勤劳,我们很喜欢你们,请你们永远住在这儿吧!”客人也说: “这里确实不错,我们也不想离开,今后我们就一起生活吧!”他们终于变成了一家人。

再说黄房子和蓝房子里的蜜蜂们,不久便发现自己家里那些出去采蜜的姐妹们不回来,都着急起来,说: “他们还不回来,这可怎么办呢?”

蜂王安慰他们说: “不要紧,她们要走就走吧!房子空了,我还可以多生些儿女呢!” 蜂王产了很多子,黄房子和蓝房子里的蜜蜂繁殖得更多了。她们高兴地说: “等下一次苕子开花的时候,我们家那些小蜂妹妹都长大了,那时也能采很多很多的蜜了!”

当紫色的苕子花开遍田野的时候,三座房子的蜜蜂们又碰到一起了,她们满心高兴地说:“金大伯结咱们搞的 ‘分组管理’真好!咱们采的蜜比过去多了!”



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