

V: Victoria S: Steven

V: (Background) our company has launched a new medicine into market and now decides to increase sales. We are going to talk about what are the promotional strategies, and what promotional gifts can be offered and what are the cost and quality of promotional gifts.

S: I think the most effective promotional strategy is advertising, since advertising can reach large audiences in a wide area.

V: I agree with you. Our product is a new product; we should tell customers that we have launched a new medicine and what kinds of diseases it cures. Advertising can fulfill all these objectives very well. S: That’s right. We should place and ad on television or in a national newspaper, in that way, a large number of people will know our product, although the advertising will be expensive.

V: That’s true. We can also put up posters and arrange point-of-sales displays to attract potential customers.

S: Apart from advertising. We can also promote our medicine by personal selling. We can employ some experienced salespeople to sell the medicine to hospitals and chemist’s shops.

V: Yes, personal selling would be very effective for promoting our product. In addition, we can also use sales promotion to boost sales.

S: we can offer promotional gifts to customers who buy this medicine. Any idea for what gifts to offer? I don’t think we should spend a lot of

money on gifts, so we may offer small gifts.

V: Yes, we can’t afford very expensive gifts. I think we may offer umbrellas and T-shirts, etc. they are cheap and it will be easy for us to advertise our product on these gifts.

S: That’s a good idea. And I think we can also offer raincoats with our product’s ad to customers. In rainy days, the ad is quite eye-catching. V: What about the quality of these promotional gifts? Do you think they should be high quality?

S: Yes, high quality signals image of our company. If these gifts are of low quality, customers may have low opinions of our company, and of course, it will affect the sales of the product.

V: I’m quite with you on that. If these gifts are of durable materials, then, they may bear our product ad longer and I think it will help boost the sales.





Warm-up Activities


1-g 2-f, 3-a, 4-m, 5-j, 6-b, 7-l, 8-k, 9-n, 10-e, 11-o, 12-c, 13-d, 14-i, 15- h.


A products? Even you are an old exporter, there still remains the question of finding new markets for in overseas markets. To look for a good market, an exporter must consider such factors as communications, legal aspects and so on. For example, countries with different political and economic systems take different attitudes toward foreign trade and their policies related to affect the demand for your products. For another example, if there is low standard of living with

Tape script:


Most management and marketing writers now distinguish between selling and marketing. The ?selling concept? assumes that resisting consumers have to be persuaded by vigorous hard-selling techniques to buy non-essential goods or services. Products are sold rather than bought. The ?marketing concept?, on the contrary, assumes that the producer?s task is to find wants and fill them. In other words, you don?t sell what you make, you make what will be bought. As well as satisfying existing needs, marketers can also anticipate and create new ones.


Marketers are consequently always looking for market opportunities-profitable possibilities of filling unsatisfied needs or creating new ones in areas in which the company is likely to enjoy a differential advantage, due to its distinctive competencies. Market opportunities are generally isolated by market segmentation. Once a target market has been identified, a company has to decide what goods or service to offer. This means that much of the work of marketing has been done before the final product or service comes into existence.

Rather than risk launching a product or service solely on the basis of intuition or guesswork, most companies undertake market research. They collect and analyze information about the size of a potential market, about consumers? reactions to particular product or service features, and so on.

Once the basic offer, e.g. a product concept, has been established, the company has to think about the marketing mix. Marketing mix is the set of controllable tactical marketing tools that the firm blends to produce the response it wants in the target market. The marketing mix consists of everything the firm can do to influence the demand for its product. The many possibilities can be collected into four groups of variables known as the “Four Ps”: product, price, place, and promotion. Product means the “goods-and-service” combination the company offers to the target market, including quality, features, style, brand name, size, packaging, services and guarantee. Price, the amount of money customers have to pay to obtain the product, includes the basic list price, discounts, the length of the payment period, possible credit terms, and so on. Place includes company activities that make the product available to target consumers. Promotion means activities that communicate the merits of the product and persuade target customers to buy it. It groups together advertising publicity, sales promotion, and personal selling, etc. An effective marketing program blends all of the marketing mix elements into a coordinated program designed to achieve the company?s marketing objectives by delivering value to consumers.


1). ?selling concept? assumes that resisting consumers have to be persuaded to buy goods or services. ?marketing concept? assumes that the producer?s task is to find wants and fill them.

2). Through market segmentation

3). Market research is needed. The information about the size of a potential market, about consumers? reactions to particular product or service features etc. are needed to collect.

4). The marketing mix consists of everything the firm can do to influence the demand for its product. “Four Ps” refer to product, price, place, and promotion, i.e. the “goods-and-service” combination the company offers to the target market, the amount of money customers have to pay to obtain the product, factors that make the product available to target consumers and activities that communicate the merits of the product and persuade target customers to buy it.

Language Points


keys: (1) producer; (2) product; (3)productive; (4)production;

(5) unproductive; (6)productivity; (7)produce; (8)produce

I. 课文解释











1. Phrases & Expressions




1) Until recently, …

The traditional family—a working husband, a wife who stays home, and their not-yet-grown children—until recently the predominant form of American household, now makes up a minority of American’s population.

2) …skyrocket from…to…

The US market for cable-based VoIP will skyrocket from 2.2 million subscribers in 2005, to 19.8 million by 2009, according to a new report from IDC.

3) …, with an estimated sth,

New York City is approximately 220 miles southeast of Cornell University with an estimated driving time of 5 hours.

4) It takes time/money for sb to do sth

It takes more than 90 days to build a company.

5) sth./sb. start out as……

Jack started out as a VJ after studying some courses.

6) Although+ subordinate clause, + main clause

Although it was very muddy, the football game went on.

7) In the case of…, ….

In the case of the Enron executives there was certainly harm done to individuals, specifically the Enron employees whose retirement was tied entirely to the performance of Enron stock. In case…

If it happens that… if. if there happens to be need;

"in case of trouble call 911"; "I have money, just in case"

As a precaution: took along an umbrella, just in case.

8) An important measure of sth. is…

An important measure of a superior work of literature is its ability to produce in the reader a healthy confusion of pleasure and disquietude.

An important measure of success from the perspective of the publisher is the circulation figures.

9) sth is a first step to sth

Setting financial goals should be first step to the future.

For a growing number of youth, truancy may be a first step to a lifetime of unemployment, crime, and incarceration.



10) sb/sth +v+ adj.+er +noun than aux. + sb/sth

Jason has finished much more work than have I today.

Language Points

1. The lightning-fast emergence of supermarkets … the final piece of the China market puzzle….

China's development as a market for imported foods. (Para. 1)

Until recently, many exporters eyeing the Chinese market fled in…(Para. 2)

How to differentiate China, China’s and Chinese:

All the three words can be used as attributes and can be translated into Chinese as “中国的”, however the connotation of these words are different.

Grammatically speaking, China’s is a possessive case (所有格) which emphasizes that China is a nation, e.g. “中国的四大发明” (China's four greatest wonders). Such examples occur especially in legal documents, e.g.“中国经济的特性”(the special characteristic of China's economy);“中国的关税配额制度”(China's TRO system);“中国的具体承诺减让表”((China's Schedule of Specific Commitments);“中国专利法”(China's Patent Law). However, Chinese is an adjective which emphasize Chinese people, culture and history, e.g. “中方”(Chinese side);“中国人”(Chinese nationals);“中国政府”(Chinese government);“中国执业律师”(Chinese national registered lawyers); “中国画”(Chinese painting), “中国菜”(Chinese cuisine), etc. As for China, it can be used to describe nouns directly. In some cases, China and Chinese can be replaced with each other, e.g. Chinese vanish (漆) ;Chinese ink (墨). However, in most cases, they have fixed collocation, e.g. China Sea (中国海) ;Chinatown (华人区、唐人街) ;China teas (中国茶) ;Chinese cabbage (白菜) ;Chinese lantern (灯笼).

2. Until recently, many exporters eyeing the Chinese market fled in frustration after

encountering a fragmented market made up of thousands of mom-and-pop shops; old-style, open-air markets;…(Para. 1)

1) Present participles can be used as premodifier(e.g. working people ) and post modifier

in a noun phrase(名词的前位和后位修饰语), complement (补足语), an adverb clause equivalent (状语), absolute construction and unattached construction(独立结构和无归属结构).

eyeing here is a postmodifier. Other examples are as follows:

The problem (which is) bothering us is the lack of money.

These are goods (which were) imported from Japan.

encountering is an adverb clause equivalent whose original form should be “subject+v/be”. Other examples are as follows:

While reading(= While I was reading) his composition, I noticed some mistakes.

If/When (If/When it is) heated, water changes into steam.

2) Hyphen can be used to make compound words, such as:

a.adj. + n.: long-distance telephone(长途电话),old-style machine(旧式机器); b.n.+v-ing: peace-loving people(热爱和平的人民);

c.n.+ past participle(过去分词): hand-made goods(手工制品),man-made lake(人工



d.adv.+past participle: highly-developed industry(高度发达的工业);

e.adv.+v-ing: hard-working people勤劳的人民;

f.n.+n.: coal-mine(煤矿),wave-length(波长);

g.adj.+n. +-ed: old-fashioned machine(老式机器),cold-blooded animals(冷血动


h.n.+adj.: snow-white paper(雪白的纸);

i.adj.+v-ing(或过去分词): funny-looking man(相貌可笑的人),clear-cut answer(明确的回答);

j.adj.+adj.:如dark-blue ink(深蓝色的墨水)。

3. The old marketing system…consisted of small, fragmented wholesale and retail segments

selling local produce; multiple layers of small brokers, wholesalers, distributors and government-licensed importers; and government-run retail outlets. (Para. 1)

1) produce n. [????????? ]????produce v. [????????? ]??

Other relevant words: product (n.); production (n.); productivity (n.); producer (n.);

productive (adj.); unproductive (adj.).

Please fill in the following blanks with the above words:

A few years ago, Harry Coe?s, a large (1) _________of tinned food (2) _______s, decided that some of their workers were not (3)_______enough. Much of the work of preparing fruit and vegetables was done on rows of tables rather than on a (4) ________ line. So they decided to introduce a piecework system, whereby workers got paid according to the amount of work they completed. The company through that this would motivate previously (5)________ workers, and thereby increase (6)________. Yet the new pay scheme did not (7) ________the results they expected: after six months they were still processing the same amount of agricultural (8)_______, but there was a lot of dissatisfaction among the workers who were now all earning different amounts of money.

2) n.+ past participles

e.g. government-licensed, government-run, government-operated, ect.

4. The good news for food suppliers is that "supermarketization" is transforming China's food

sector into a modern retail system. (Para. 3)

prefix and suffix:

Prefix: a letter or group of letters added to the beginning of a word to make a new word, e.g.

neo-, con-, un-, im-, mono-, ect.

Suffix: a letter or group of letters added at the end of a word to make a new word, e.g. -ity,

-ment, -ation, -ist, -ance, -eous, ect.

In supermarketization, supermarket is the word root, -ize is a verb suffix making it a verb and -ation is a noun suffix making the previous a noun, in Chinese “化”, e.g. modernization, socialization, globalization, etc.

5. …retail formats nearly non-existent in China in the early 1990s - have now captured an

estimated 30% of the urban food market and are growing at rates of 30-40% annually. (Para. 3)


Multinational chains…in the development of the sector in the mid- to late 1990s in the most

prosperous coastal cities…(Para. 9)

1) non-existent: The prefix non-, which means “not,” comes from Latin non. The prefix was

used primarily in Roman law terms that were adopted into Old French, and then into English. Today non- can be added to almost any adjective. Some examples include nonessential, nonmetallic, and nonproductive. Non- also combines with many nouns, as in nonentity, nonresident, and nonviolence. Most recently non- is used in combination with some verbs to form adjectives, as in nonskid and nonstop.

2) in the early 1990s, in the mid- to late 1990s 在90年代前期,中期,后期

Similar examples are as follows: in the early summer, in the early 21st century, in mid-November, in the late December, in the late 19th century

3) When rate means a quantity measured with respect to another measured quantity or

speed of movement, change, it can be used in the following phrases:

at a/ the rate of 以…的速度

at a great , dreadful, steady, etc rate 以很高的,惊人的,稳定的…速度 at any rate: whatever may happen, in any case.

E.G. That?s one part of the job done at any rate.

at a rate of knots: (infml) very rapidly

at this /that rate: (infml) if this/that contimues; doing things this/ that way

E.G. At this rate, we shall soon be bankrupt.

6. Chinese supermarkets skyrocketed from just one outlet in 1990 to approximately 60,000 stores,

with an estimated $71 billion in sales… (Para. 4)

Skyrocket means increasing greatly. When interpreting figures describing the development trend, the following terms are frequently employed:

1) Show an upward trend 上升

a. verbs and verb phrases:to increase, go up, rise, grow, jump, leap, soar, shoot, pick up b. nouns:an increase, a growth, a jump, a soar, an upward trend

2) Show a downward trend 下降

a. verbs and verb phrases: fall, descend, decrease, go down, slide, collapse, reduce,

decline, drop, lessen

b. nouns: a collapse, a decrease, a fall, a decline, a drop

3) Stable稳定: steady, remain, maintain, keep, be the same as, similar to, hardly change,

have little change, keep steady, level off, stay the same, remain constant

4) fluctuate波动: fluctuation, rise and falls, up and down

7. Growth in the industry that took several decades in the United States and Europe has occurred

in a single decade in China. (Para. 4)

take (no passive) here means need or require (the specified time, quality, person or action). it takes sth for sb to do sth

e.g. The journey from London to Oxford takes about an hour and a half.

It took her three hours to mend her bicycle./ It took three hours for her to mend her bicycle.


8. Supermarket sales in Shanghai alone during 2003 were estimated at $5 billion, equivalent to

half of Shanghai's retail food sales. (Para. 4)

equivalent means equal in value, amount, meaning, importance, etc. and is often used with the preposition “to”. e.g. What is $ 2 equivalent to in RMB?

9. The large formats account for the lion's share (95%) of sales in the modern retail sector; (Para.


account for here means comprise, make up, total, represent, constitute, form. It has other main meanings which are as follows:

1) To constitute the governing or primary factor:导致,引起,构成决定性的或主要的因素

e.g. Bad weather accounted for the long delay.

2) To provide an explanation or justification: 做出解释,提出理由

e.g. The suspect couldn't account for his time that night.

The idiom the lion's share comes from Aesop's Fables and means the best or largest part of sth. when it is divided.

e.g. As usual, the lion's share of the budget is for defense.

The lion's share of the responsibility for getting things done fell on my shoulders.

Reference: Aesop's Fables--The Lion's Share

The Lion went once a-hunting along with the Fox, the Jackal, and the Wolf. They hunted and they hunted 'til at last they surprised a Stag, and soon took its life. Then came the question how the spoil should be divided. "Quarter me this Stag," roared the Lion; so the other animals skinned it and cut it into four parts. Then the Lion took his stand in front of the carcass and pronounced judgment: The first quarter is for me in my capacity as King of Beasts; the second is mine as arbiter; another share comes to me for my part in the chase; and as for the fourth quarter, well, as for that, I should like to see which of you will dare to lay a paw upon it."

"Humph," grumbled the Fox as he walked away with his tail between his legs; but he spoke in a low growl ."You may share the labours of the great, but you will not share the spoil."

10. Supermarkets began developing in the early 1990s in Shanghai and several other major

cities(Para. 9)

All major chains have aggressive expansion plans targeting medium and small cities. (Para.


Pay attention to the adjectives describing cities: major, medium and small cities 大,中,小城市. When describing enterprises, however, we use such adjectives as large-, medium-, small-sized enterprises.

11. Supermarkets and convenience stores have also played a key role in boosting consumption

of milk products, other beverages, snacks and convenience foods. (Para.12)


In the phrase play a key role in sth, role means function or importance of sb/sth. and key can be replaced with other adjectives such as important, significant, large, influential, leading, major, negative, etc.

12. Supermarkets offer a wider array of products than do traditional shops. (Para.13)


e.g. America consumes more energy than did our country.(美国消耗的能源比我们国家多。) Her face is rather pale and even paler are her hands.(她的脸色苍白,她的手更白。) When using comparison, pay special attention to use logical comparison. See the following examples and find out the mistakes:

*The salary of a professor is higher than a professor.

*His drawings are as good as his instructor.

*The duties of a policeman is more dangerous than a teacher.

*Swimming is better than to walk.

*He loves his wife more than his dog.

*It is hotter in Guangzhou than Hongkong.

13. They prefer the freshness, low prices and personal interaction at wet markets for fresh fruits

and vegetables. (Para.13)

Pay attention to the usage of prefer:

1) To choose or be in the habit of choosing as more desirable or as having more value选


e.g. Do you prefer hot or cold weather?

I prefer red wine to white.


prefer doing sth.

e.g. He prefers watching rugby to playing it.

prefer to do sth.

e.g. I'd prefer not to discuss this issue.

(FORMAL) I'd prefer you not to smoke (= I would like it better if you did not smoke), please.

2) (Law)To file, prosecute, or offer for consideration or resolution before a magistrate,

court, or other legal authority: preferred the suit in a higher court.对…提出控告

14. An important measure of their initial success is that Chinese supermarkets now sell roughly

$4 billion worth of fruits and vegetables to Chinese consumers. (Para.14)

The usage of worth:

1. noun.

1) the amount of money which something can be sold for; value

e.g. The estimated worth of the plastics and petrochemical industry is about $640 billion.

2) $100, etc. worth of sth

the amount of something that you could buy for $100, etc:

e.g. $4 million worth of souvenirs and gift items have been produced for the event.



get your money's worth: to get good value:

e.g. We were determined to get our money's worth from our day tickets and went to

every museum in the city.

2. adj.

1) having a particular value, especially in money:

e.g. Our house is worth about ?00 000.

Heroin worth about $5 million was seized.


be worth it: to be of reasonable or good value for the price

e.g. Four days' car hire costs ?50, which is well worth it for the freedom it gives you.

make sth/it worth your while: (INFORMAL) to pay you money to do something

e.g. If you can get me the list of names I want, I'll make it worth your while.

worth your salt: good at your job

e.g. Any accountant worth their salt should be aware of the latest changes in taxation.

be worth your/its weight in gold: to be very useful or helpful

e.g. This recipe book is worth its weight in gold - it tells you everything you need to know

about cookery.

Boys who can sing like that are worth their weight in gold to the choir.

15. … about twice China's exports in that category to the rest of the world. (Para.14) Expressing Multiples 倍数的表达

a. A is X times + as + adj/adv + as B

e.g. This tree is three times as tall as that one. 这棵树是那棵树的三倍高。

His father is twice as old as he. 他父亲的年纪有他两倍大。

b. A is X times + adj/adv (comp. Form) + than B

e.g. The Yangtze River is almost twice longer than the Pearl River. 长江差不多比珠江长两倍。

The dictionary is exactly five times more expensive than that one. 这本字典比那本恰好贵5倍。

c. A is X times the size (length, width, depth, amount, etc.) of B

e.g. The newly broadened square id four times the size of the previous one.


d. the size (length, width, depth, amount, etc.) is X times that of B

e.g. The size of the newly broadened square is four times that of the previous one.


e. other usages:

I'm twice/ double his age. 我的年龄是他的两倍。

I've paid five times the usual price for the stamp. 我出了5倍于往常的价格买这枚邮票。 The average income of the staff has been increased by 50 percent compared with last year. 与去年相比,该单位职工的收入增加了50%.

The price of TVs is twofold down over these years.


16. China's growing middle class (estimated at 200-300 million persons, out of a population of

1.3 billion) has the purchasing power to afford imported foods (Para.16)

purchasing power has two meanings as shown in the following; according to the explanation, 14

please identify the meaning in the context.

1. The ability to purchase, generally measured by income.

e.g. The purchasing power of people living on investment income has fallen as interest rates have gone down.

2. The value of a particular monetary unit in terms of the goods or services that can be purchased with it.

e.g. The purchasing power of the average hourly wage has risen in the last five years.

17. Lower trade barriers are a first step to opening the Chinese market at its borders and ports,

but a competitive, efficient domestic marketing system is necessary to get imported products from entry points to the Chinese consumer. (Para.16)

1) step here means any one of a series of things done in some process or course of action or

development and to is a preposition.

e.g. This has been a great step forward.

What is the next step?


in step: describes opinions, ideas or ways of living that are the same as those of other people e.g. Television companies need to keep in step with public opinion.

out of step: describes opinions, ideas or ways of living that are different from those of other


e.g. “The Republicans are out of step with the country,” Williams said.

He thinks that everyone is out of step except him.

2) entry points: point refers to a particular place or time and entry points refer to the time when those imported products came across the border.

18. Wal-Mart's procurements from China are already so huge that the amount exceeds the gross

national product of many countries, and Wal-Mart's sales in China are increasing as well. gross national product (GNP): 国民生产总值Measures and economy's total income. It is equal to G.D.P. plus the income abroad accruing to domestic residents minus income generated in domestic market accruing to non-residents.

gross domestic product (GDP): 国内生产总值The market value of final goods and services produced over time including the income of foreign corporations and foreign residents working in the U.S., but excluding the income of U.S. residents and corporations overseas.

In-Class Exercises


1. Reading Comprehension Unit 10 Marketing

a) The rising incomes and an expanding urban middle class.

b) The fragmented market, labyrinthine, antiquated wholesale and logistics systems and old

marketing system.

c) The way they sell to consumers and the way they buy from suppliers

d) The large formats account for 95% of sales and convenience stores garner only 5%.

e) Supermarkets began to develop in the early 1990s in major cities. Being motivated by

multinational chains in the mid- to late 1990s, supermarkets in the most prosperous coastal cities developed greatly and the trend spread to other large cities in the late 1990s.

f) A five-year plan issued by China?s Ministy of Commerce aims to develop a rural retail

network of chain supermarkets and express stores in small towns and push the supermarket format further into the rural hinterland.

g) All major chains have aggressive expansion plans targeting medium and small cities, central

and western provinces, and rural areas. Local governments are actively encouraging the transition to supermarkets.

h) Wet market can offer fresh foods in low prices and provide a sense of personal interaction,

while supermarkets offer a wider array of products and a cleaner, more comfortable and convenient shopping environment. In order to compete with wet markets, supermarkets may match wet market prices and offer superior quality and sanitation.

i) High tariffs, import licensing requirements and state trading monopolies, ect.

j) More multinational logistics firms will operate in China and many world?s largest food retail

chains can buy from and sell to China and China?s food retailer can also have access to foreign markets as well as domestic markets.

2. Paraphrase

1. The income of the Chinese citizens has been increased and the middle class in the cities has

been expanding, which make China a favorable market for foreign imported foods.

2. Until recently, many exporters who pay close attention to the Chinese market have been

frustrated and left because they have encountered a fragmental market that was made up of thousands of small shops, old-style, open-air markets; and the wholesale and logistic systems are very complicated and old-fashioned.

3. The modernization in procurement is increasing the advantage of suppliers that can offer

good quality products in time and at a competitive price.

4. Supermarkets are becoming more and more competitive than those traditional retailers.

5. Supermarkets can offer products of more variety than traditional shops.

6. Even so, supermarkets are also quickly taking over the market segment of fresh produce , the

prices they offer are similar to those in the wet market, but they can offer better quality and sanitation.

7. Because of China's old fashioned marketing system and high trade barriers, the market of the

middle class, which is growing rapidly and be able to afford the imported foods, has been kept largely out of the reach of food exporters.

8. It is the first step that China should do to have lower trade barriers to open the Chinese

market, but it is also necessary to make possible that the goods can be delivered to the consumers from the customs, which requires a competitive, efficient domestic marketing system.


9. By integrating China into multinational retail chains could make more foreign products have

access to China?s market.

10. Suppliers who are able to establish themselves in the procurement system of a multinational

chain may find it less difficult to enter the China market.

3. Vocabulary

1. 2. 3. Another factor closely related to the of Chinese science is the return of

overseas scholars.

4. 5. The capacity of another bomb that did explode in a university dormitory early on 6. 7. There are no universal solutions or specific rules for responding to ethnic, gender, and 8. Because of the severe resolution of coal loading to the surroundings, in 1999, it was 9. 10. the advanced market.

11. WHO works on aspects of water, and hygiene where the health burden is


12. 13. 14. Companies looking for low-risk, relatively low-cost supply chain management (SCM) 15.

Comprehensive Exercises

1. Dictation

Tape script:

China's Ministry of Commerce said that the country's retail sales for 2006 are expected to reach 7.6 trillion yuan, up around 13 percent from a year earlier. 17

The ministry said the result is mainly attributed to government measures to

encourage retail consumption and raise income. It also revealed the consumer price index growth is likely to be controlled within two percent this year. An analysis report from the ministry shows that fixed-asset investment growth will remain high in the fourth quarter. But the growth rate is likely to drop due to the central government's macro-controls.

2. Vocabulary

1) China on Wednesday issued landmark rules allowing foreign banks to offer services to local customers.

2) and letters.

3) 4) The Arabs met in Khartum and issued their three famous "no's": "No peace, no recognition, 5) Industry refers to the material production sector which is extraction of natural

resources and processing and reprocessing of minerals and agricultural products

6) Despite the merger of Bank of Taiwan and the Central Trust of China, the nation's banking 7) US.

8) International Labor Organization (ILO) should try to more area in

southern Mon state, Burma.

9) 10)

11) Microsoft.

12) 13) 14) value agricultural products.

15) Now that the Democrats have Congress, do you think there will be dramatic

changes for the better?

3. Discrimination of Synonyms

1. 1). Advent 2) appearance, 3) emerged

2. 1) appraised, 2) assessed, 3) assayed, 4), evaluate, 5) estimate

3. 1) accounts for, 2) took up

4. 1) made of, 2) made from, 3) be composed of, 4) consists of

5. 1) metaphosing, 2) convert, 3) transfigured, 4) transformed, 5) transmute

4. Cloze


on Friday. from that.'' Saturday, which is its 7th in Beijing and 1,000th in the world.

5. Translation

1) They started out on a street corner and took country music to every corner of the earth.

2) Our university established the first telecommunication major to meet students? demand.

3) Damage and losses to agriculture, fisheries and forestry in the flood are estimated at around

$280 million.

4) Heat can be converted into other forms of energy.

5) Health care is projected to account for 15.2 percent of U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) in


6) In the case of accidental death or suicide, the police will make out a legal certificate of death.

7) Until recently most historians spoke very critically of the Industrial Revolution.

8) An important measure of success from the perspective of the publisher is the circulation


9) Setting financial goals should be first step to the future.

10) With an estimated 400000 already dead, warnings that the tragedy is getting worse appeared

to be unheeded.

6. Sentence Transformation

1. Not only do we vary the product but also the way it is marketed.

2. The wholesale and retail segments constitute the marketing system.

3. According to all statistics, a high infant mortality 4. There is some likeness,




1. Speed Reading Comprehension

1. C 2. B 3. D 4.B 5.A

3. Dictionary Work





















1) are in one of its molecules.

2) endeavoring to obstruct justice.

3) stresses of reality.

4) 5) the crowded life of cities.

6) quarter that Sun?s market share grew.

7) 8) 9) a couple of days.

20 English Meaning Chinese Meaning infamy _________________________________________ _______________ angst _________________________________________ _______________ ensue _________________________________________ _______________ testimony _________________________________________ _______________ lethargic _________________________________________ _______________ consecutive _________________________________________ _______________ tamper _________________________________________ _______________ pundit _________________________________________ _______________ blast _________________________________________ _______________ blunder _________________________________________ _______________ hoard _________________________________________ _______________ impose _________________________________________ _______________ virtually _________________________________________ _______________ spawn _________________________________________ _______________ reformulate _________________________________________ _______________ panic _________________________________________ _______________ formula _________________________________________ _______________ incredible _________________________________________ _______________ flagship _________________________________________ _______________ dumb _________________________________________ _______________ 4. Vocabulary

10) In practice, government would be reluctant to give an evacuation order because of the


Language Points

1. Although DHL may not be a common household name, it is so well known as an

international air express carrier that many businesses—even ones made up for the movies—think in terms of “sending it DHL.” (Para. 3)

i. Pay attention to the sentence structure it is so well known as and it is well known

that…,which means “everyone knows that …” It can also be transformed into: it is

widely known that…/ it is fairly well known that…

e.g. It's fairly well known that Skype's founders won't come to the US for fear of


It is well known that large buildings and other structures such as wind farms can

adversely affect terrestrial television reception.

It is widely known that Japanese companies treat their employees not well.

ii. in terms of

a. As measured or indicated by; in units of:

e.g. distances expressed in terms of kilometers as well as miles;

cheap entertainment, but costly in terms of time wasted.

b. In relation to; with reference to:

e.g. facilities planned and programmed in terms of their interrelationships

2. DHL began as a small San Francisco firm founded by three entrepreneurs to shuttle bills

of lading between Hawaii and California. (Para. 3)

begin as means start as, originally act as, etc.

e.g. Service dogs begin as foster puppies.

All great truths begin as imagine.

3. In another room, more than 50 people frantically read paperwork in dozens of languages

so that all the parcels can clear customs. (Para. 6)

a. in order that: e.g. I stopped so that you could catch up.

b. with the result or consequence that: e.g. I ask for Wholesale so that they sell products to me.

4. Another is that DHL hires its own people to deliver documents and packages abroad, in

contrast to most other carriers, which hire local agencies. (Para. 6)

in contrast to/ by contrast:与形成对比

e.g. By contrast, the amount of every premium dollar retained by private insurance

companies for marketing, administration and profit is 14%.

In contrast to previous reports, one senior British official suggested an attack was

not imminent.


5. As a result, customers can be certain that their packages will never leave DHL?s hands

until they reach their locations. (Para. 6)

not …until 直到…才

She didn't arrive until 6 o'clock.

Don't get off the bus until it has stopped.

I didn't manage to do it until you had explained how.

When “Not until …” is used at the beginning of one sentence, inversion is needed.

Not until the early years of the 19th century did man know what heat is.

Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I had wasted.

6. The system provides DHL management with information on routing, delivery times, and

volumes. (Para. 7)

provide [RECEIVER] with [SOMETHING] :

We will provide all conference participants with a name badge and a glossy brochure.

Try office 231. They'll provide you with the form you need.

provide [SOMETHING] (for [RECEIVER]) : it means supplying sth for some purposes

or somebody,

e.g. provide food and shelter for a family;

an agreement that provides deadlines for completion of the work.

The company will provide free drinks and pizza for all conference participants.

7. In addition to its traditional services, such as overnight mail for documents and parcels,

same-day service between locations in the United States and to some foreign countries,

and international air freight, DHL has become a provider of logistics service. (Para. 8)

In addition to : Over and above; besides.

e.g. The instrument includes several convenient applications in addition to the Ether

Scope Network Assistant.

8. In response, DHL has tried lowering prices by creating special discount tariffs. (Para. 9) try doing sth: attempt

e.g. tried gardening but didn't succeed.

try to do sth: to make an effort to do or accomplish sth

e.g. We'll try to improve our teaching methods.

Reading Comprehension

1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B

Structure Analysis

1. The article is an expository writing.

2. The article must be an introduction to DHL , including its history, services, strong points and so on.

3. The author quotes a conversation from a movie, implying that DHL is well known to all people around the world and many businesses use it even in the made up movie. It can better attract readers? 22

attention and arouse their interests to know more about such a famous express carrier.

4. The author contrasts DHL?s and other competitors? work methods and services to convince readers that DHL is a better choice. When introducing its new service, the author adopts two real cases of its cooperation with famous companies such as Kubota in Japan and Bendon in New Zealand, which makes his introduction more convincing. In addition, the author compares DHL?s past and present, employing a lot of data, to show that great changes have occurred and DHL is now prosperous.

5. The author firstly introduces DHL? s history and present situation; then he mentions DHL?s working system, distinguishing characteristics, advanced global information system, services and the challenges they are facing. The arrangement is logical and objective, and presents a comprehensive picture of DHL.

6. Exposition is a type of oral or written discourse that is used to explain, describe, give information or inform. The creator of an expository text can not assume that the reader or listener has prior knowledge or prior understanding of the topic that is being discussed. One important point to keep in mind for the author is to try to use words that clearly show what they are talking about rather then blatantly telling the reader what is being discussed. Since clarity requires strong organization, one of the most important mechanisms that can be used to improve our skills in exposition is to provide directions to improve the organization of the text.


Write out the word or phrase according to the explanation provided.



Consolidation Exercises

1. Note-taking, Retelling & Summarising

Tape script:

China, with one fifth of the world?s population and one of the fastest rates of economic growth, is a major target for global business. Direct UK exports to China amounted to £928.2 million in 1997; exports to China via Hong Kong were worth another £697 million. With pledged investment of US $ 12 billion, the UK is acknowledged to be the leading European investor in China and the main EU source of technology. We can now build on this base to increase our exports and to develop our commercial interests.

Our strengths match China?s needs, particularly in telecommunications, financial services, aviation and environmental technology. There are a number of different strategies for entering the Chinese market. Agents or distributors in Hong Kong are often able to generate sales in mainland China, particularly in the south, but there is a growing private sector within China itself. Agents and distributors are still a rarity, however, and most business is done by identifying end users and/or possible joint venture partners, Success in China will require long term commitment and the ability to research the market thoroughly and forge relationships with the Chinese themselves. Companies with previous experience of exporting who are willing to participate in trade fairs in China and who are prepared to produce trade literature in Chinese will have the greatest chance of success.

1) one fifth

2) global business

3) £928.2 million; £697 million

4) the leading European investor

5) telecommunications; environmental technology

6) rarity

7) long term commitment; forge relationships

2. Vocabulary

A. Choose the best answer for each of the following.

1-5 D B C C C

6-10 A A B C C

11-15 B C D A A

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words given in the brackets.

1) cooperated

















imposing prosperity equivalence outsourcing distinguished tampering rare expedition resemblance ensuing addition stands response frustrated

3. Error Identification

The following sentences contain some mistakes that Chinese students commonly make. Identify the mistakes, and make the corrections.

1) Your essays should be submitted on time, which is one way to be a successful student.

One essential requirement is the timely submission of essays, which is also one way to be a successful student.

A pronoun must always refer specifically to one noun (or noun phrase).

2) As you went up Red Hill we could see the whole of Canberra spread out below us.

As you went up Red Hill you could see the whole of Canberra spread out below you.

As we went up Red Hill we could see the whole of Canberra spread out below us.

3) We wrote the report and give it to the lecturer.

We wrote the report and gave it to the lecturer.

4) The research assistant who is in the office next door is investigating the use of English words

which are used in Portuguese as it is spoken in Portugal rather than in other countries.

The research assistant next door is investigating the use of English words in European


5) Looking into the hole, the researchers found a wombat.

While they were looking into the hole, the researchers found a wombat.

6) Every nurse know that he or she will have to give a ward report at some stage.

Every nurse knows that he or she will have to give a ward report at some stage.

7) Each workman has his instructions and know how to take safety measures.

Each workman has his instructions and knows how to take safety measures.

8) Don?t never forget these rules or you won?t go nowhere.

Don?t ever forget these rules, or you won?t go anywhere.

9) Doug thought he was prepared although he failed the examination which meant that he had to

repeat the course before he could graduate.

Although Doug thought he was prepared, he failed the examination. This meant that he had to repeat the course before he could graduate.


10) The experiment had been left unobserved for too long, therefore it failed.

The experiment had been left unobserved for too long; therefore it failed.

The experiment had been left unobserved for too long. Therefore it failed.

4. Proofreading and Error Correction

users to the appropriate product groups within the website.

segment themselves when they visit by choosing the main benefit(s) or

geographic location, and interest level.

5. Translation




4.When people are not unfamiliar with your company or organization, one of the easiest ways to build trust is through a partnership with a more established and successful company. But keep in mind you?re going to need to be offering a product or service that is so useful to their customer base that your partner is willing to risk their reputation by cooperating with you.

5.Marketers should know that even a small scale effort at segmentation can offer valuable market information. Although the level of accuracy may not be as good as that of the report made by an expert research company, small efforts can still produce nice rewards.

6.Companies sometimes assume that what works in their home country will work in another country. They take the same product, same advertising campaign, even the same brand names and packaging to market it the same way in another country. The result in many cases is failure.





在过去十年间,像闪电般出现的超市或许是中国市场这幅拼图的最后一块. 持续增长的收入与不断扩大的城市中产阶级为中国进口食物市场的发展准备着条件.

许多出口商都垂涎着中国市场, 直到最近他们遭遇到数千个由家庭经营的小店铺组成的破碎分离的市场, 旧式的户外市场, 以及像迷宫似的陈旧的批发及物流系统,之后他们受到挫折便带着沮丧逃离这个市场. 旧的市场体系由不同的省市销售部门控制, 这种市场体系包括销售当地农产品的小而零散的批发和零售点,小型中介,批发商,分销商和获得政府许可的进口商组成的多层销售体系以及政府经营的零售商店.

“超市化”正把中国的食品行业转型为一个现代零售系统,这对食品供应商来说是个好消息. 现代超市,便利店,高级百货商店和货仓式商场—这些在90年代初的中国几乎没有的零售形式--现在占领了估计有30%的市区的食品市场, 并且正以平均每年30-40%的速度增长.

据中国连锁加盟经营协会的资料显示, 19xx年中国仅有一家超市,而到了20xx年超市的数目大幅增加到约60,000家,销售额约达710亿美元.超市行业的增长在美国和欧洲需要几十年,而在中国十年就可以了. 20xx年,仅上海的超市的销售额就达到约50亿美元,是上海全部零售食品销售额的一半.


出口商从超市这个新兴行业中受益匪浅, 主要有以下两个原因:

超市对顾客的销售方式: 超市与其他的销售方式都在激烈竞争, 想赚中国消费者的钱. 超市急需进口新产品来满足消费者对产品质量和品种多样化的需求. 其中一些超市就以宣传外国产品来招揽生意.

超市向供应商购买的方式: 连锁超市采用集中庞大的销售体系, 出口商要经过的分销层次减少了,却能覆盖更大的目标市场. 能及时送递价廉物美的商品是供应商的优势,而采购现代化正在突出这个优势. 这些因素应该能让外国食品供应商更好地在中国市场竞争.



超市业有许多不同的形式店铺:有主要销售罐装食品和饮料的小型连锁便利店,有的还销售小吃和方便食品,有的则没有; 有标准的超市; 有销售从衣服到电器到自行车等完整的商品品种的高级百货商店; 还有大型的货仓式商场. 大型的店铺占了现代零售业的最大份额 (95%),而便利店只占5%. 在可预见的未来,这些市场份额发展态势将会持续.

二十世纪九十年代初,受到政府的鼓励,超市开始在上海以及其他几个大城市发展起来.中国最大的超市连锁最初的形式只是在上海的由政府经营的百货商店和销售部门. 超市行业在90年代中后期发展的第二个重要动力是欧洲,日本,香港和美国的跨国连锁超市的发展. 那时超市在最繁荣的沿海城市火了起来,包括上海,广州和深圳. 在90年代后期,超市在北京这样的大城市也开始兴起.

尽管中国约80%的超市都位于东部地区,现在所有主要的连锁店都对准中小城市,中西部省份和农村制定了雄心勃勃的扩张计划. 虽然目前跨国公司约占了超市销售额的40%,联华和华联等国内公司也飞速地发展.

地方政府积极地鼓励关闭菜市场(传统街边市场)或者把一些菜市场转变为超市. 20xx年,国家商务部宣布了一个五年计划,即在小城镇发展一个由连锁超市和便利店的构成的农村零售网络,推动超市形式在中国的广大内地乡镇的发展.


在包装食品和米,面粉,烹饪油等加工食品上,超市取得初步成功,尝到喜悦的滋味.而在促进奶制品,其他饮料,小吃和方便食品的消费上,超市和便利店也发挥了重要的作用.中国消费者的传统做法是从菜市场买大部分的新鲜食品如蔬菜,水果和肉类. 菜市场的的小贩卖的普通的农产品是自己地里种的或者是从批发市场买回来的. 在超市还未普及前,消费者通常会在小型的家庭经营的商店,路边的小摊档和政府经营的百货商店的食品零售点购买罐装和包装食品.

与传统的零售商相比,超市正在显示其竞争优势: 超市提供了一个更干净更舒适更方便的购物环境; 总体质量较好较标准. 购物者在买包装好的食品时, 不用去杀价砍价, 因为他们信得过产品的测量方法. 超市比传统商店供应更多样的品种如冷冻食品和即食食品,在约有90%个中国家庭拥有家用电冰箱的背景下,这是个明显的优势. 然而,许多购物者仍然继续在菜市场购买新鲜农产品而在周末时会去超市买其他东西. 他们在购买新鲜水果和蔬菜时还是比较喜欢菜市场食品的新鲜,低价以及与卖主间的互动.

尽管如此,超市也正在快速接管新鲜农产品这一块市场,以与菜市场相同的价格供应更高品质和更卫生的产品.中国的超市现在对中国的消费者销售了价值约40亿美元的水果和蔬菜,大概相当于中国出口的水果蔬菜的价值的两倍. 由此可以看出超市取得了初步成功.也就是说,国内的“超市市场”已经非常巨大,充满活力,可以与中国的出口市场媲美.它也是极具生机的一个进口市场.



不久前在中国还是稀有物的进口食品,现在在中国超市广泛供应. 在超市货架上都能找到华盛顿的苹果,加州的橙子和酒,泰国的荔枝,新西兰的黄油和法国的奶酪. 超市的一个特点是有许多国际食品品牌,像家乐氏(Kellogg's)的谷类食品, 荷美尔(Hormel)的香肠和热狗,乐事(Lay's)的薯片,雀巢和达能(Nestle and Danone)的牛奶制品,味可美(McCormick)的果冻和四季宝(Skippy)的花生酱. 这些产品大多数都是在销售地生产的, 虽然有时一些配料是进口的,

在中国,日渐增多的中产阶级(据估计在13亿人口中约有2亿到3亿人)有能力购买进口食品.然而中国营销体系陈旧过时,贸易壁垒严重,使得许多食品出口商不能覆盖这块至关重要的市场. 但是中国在20xx年加入世界贸易组织后削减了关税,降低了对进口许可的要求以及削弱了国营贸易的垄断. 而且较低的贸易壁垒使中国在其边界和港口开放市场踏出了第一步, 可是要中国消费者能在入境地就得到进口产品还需要一个有竞争力有效的国内营销体系. 超级市场就是这样应运而生.

超市给中国带来世界一流的采购系统, 整合被地理和其它因素分割的市场,因而出口商有了更大的目标市场. 连锁超市正在建立大型、集中的配送中心,从这里可以获得产自整个中国,亚洲其他国家,大洋州,美洲和欧洲的产品. 中国履行了其入世承诺,在20xx年对从事批发和分销的外国公司开放市场,现在有许多跨国的物流公司正在中国运营.

把中国融合到跨国零售链中或许给出口商提供了更多进入中国市场的机会. 世界最大的食品零售连锁超市,比如沃尔玛,家乐福,麦德龙(Metro)和德斯高(Tesco),都在中国进行着买卖交易.沃尔玛从中国的采购量甚至大得超过了许多国家的国民生产总值,而沃尔玛在中国的销售额也在不断上升.

中国最大的食品零售商,联华,打算发展成为在国内外市场都能进行买卖的零售商, 开始在欧洲开设连锁店. 如果供应商能在跨国连锁的购买体系中占有一席之地,或许能比较容易打进中国市场.



也许您曾听说过吧,19xx年4月23日是市场营销史上的一个永远抹不去的污点。 那天,可口可乐公司在消费品历史上冒了最大的一次险。 那天,可口可乐公司公告天下,将改变可乐这种世界上最受欢迎的软饮料的配方。 由此,造成了史无前例的消费者焦虑。

可口可乐公司推出改进版可口可乐(即所谓的“新可乐”)做了自99年以来可乐配方的首次改变。 可口可乐公司原计划在其最大的美国市场给可口可乐这个牌子注入新的活力,没想到却制造出了一连串的消费者反对风暴。

反对风暴在数月后原版可乐(即现在的“经典可乐”)的回归中平息。 19xx年6月11日,原版可乐回归,软饮料业革命以及可口可乐公司改革的79天画上了句点;从今天的角度分析,改革事件虽然失败了,但它却是一次对智慧冒险力量的试验。


“我们本打算改变美国含糖可乐的势头。 我们也确实那么做了——尽管这种改革方式的效果和我们原计划设想的不一致。”19xx年主席兼执行总裁罗伯托.戈伊苏埃塔在“新可乐”十周年的员工特别聚会上说。

“但是至今为止,?新可乐?最显著的效果是它发出了一个惊人的强烈信号。 这个信号就是:我们随时都准备全力付出为企业的拥有者创造价值。”

“新可乐”事件被广泛地记住了,但是其经过却总被遗忘。 19xx年的时候,可口可乐公司王牌产品在其旗舰市场的份额领先它的主要竞争者的状况已悠悠地度过了连续的15个年头。 可乐类饮料总体来说毫无变化。 消费者的可口可乐偏好和感知度都在下滑。 当然,这种状况在19xx年的夏天得以改变;当时,消费者对“经典可乐”的喜爱替代了他们对“新可乐”的不满。

可口可乐的著名秘密配方被改变了,取而代之的是一个通过近二十万人口感测试的新配方。 无疑这项测试并没有显示出消费者对可乐的忠诚——这种忠诚是消费者不愿受到任何挑衅的,包括来自可口可乐公司的挑衅。


在十周年庆典上,总裁戈伊苏埃塔先生把“新可乐”的决策定位为智慧冒险的最好例子。 他倡导所有的员工都在其岗位上实行智慧冒险;他说这对公司的成败至关紧要。 当时在场的许多员工在19xx年时已在可口可乐公司工作,对成千上万的反对呼声和消费者投诉记忆犹新。

电话洪水般淹没了800条“要可乐”电话热线,甚至直接打到了美国各地的可口可乐办公地点。 到19xx年6月止,每天打入可口可乐公司消费者热线的电话高达1500个,而在可乐口味改变前,这个数目仅为每日400个。 人们似乎把可乐口味改革归咎于可口可乐公司里的每名员工,从总公司的保安人员到他们服务于可口可乐公司的邻居。

总裁戈伊苏埃塔曾收到一封“可口可乐公司的古板领袖收”的信,他总是沮丧这封信是寄给他的。 还有人给他写信向他索取亲笔签名,理由是:在未来的几年,美国商业史上最蠢管理者的亲笔签名些许能卖钱。

口味改革的消息一公布,一些消费者就恐慌了。 他们把成箱的可乐往地窖里搬。 德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥的一名男子开车前往当地的灌瓶点,买了价值一千美元的可口可乐。 有些公众因要失去他们最爱的软饮料而沮丧。 一时之间,人人都在谈可口可乐,人们都意识到了可口可乐在自己生命中所占据的分量。

反对队伍如雨后春笋蔓延全国各地,如宣称已经召集十万人发动一场再现“原版可乐”运动的组织——“保护原创和美国旧版可乐饮用者协会”。 歌颂原版可乐的歌曲也出现了。 五月,亚太兰大闹市区一可口可乐的活动上,反对者们高举“我们要原创”以及“我们的孩子再也不会知道什么叫饮料了”的标牌。


原版可口可乐重新回到货架上的消息成为两家电视网络头条新闻,几乎占据了所有报刊的头版。 消费者们为原版可乐的重新上市拍手称好。 “经典可乐”发布的仅仅两天时间里,可口可乐公司接到的热线电话数量达到31600个。 显而易见,可口可乐并不只是软饮料这 30


19xx年,“经典可乐”与“新可乐”一起导入市场。 两种可乐有各自的广告运动:“新可乐”的是前沿的“捕捉潮流” 广告攻势,而“经典可乐”的是“你和红与白”概念广告宣传。

后来,新口味可乐的名字被改成了“可乐二号”,后来这种可乐在美国市场上停售了。 19xx年的事件永远地改变了软饮料业各股力量,也决定了可口可乐公司的成功。 可口可乐这个品牌攀上了一个新的高度;消费者们一如既往地记着他们对可口可乐的喜爱。


DHL 墩豪全球快递






在另一间房子里,超过50名工人在疯狂地阅读着几十种语言的文件以至于所有的包裹都可以清关。如果没有他们,包裹的传送将会被耽搁。内部翻译人员和清 31




自从北美自由贸易区建立以来,墨西哥便成为了美过之外市场中最重要的一个航空快递服务市场。DHL是在19xx年进入墨西哥市场的。现在,它已是当地主要的快递公司,向400个墨西哥城市开展装运服务。DHL内部拥有关税代理提供货物清关手续以及为顾客接收所有的装运单据。但是,墨西哥市场上的竞争越来越激烈,因为成百的同行对手在那竞争着生意。UPS正在努力前进,而墨西哥邮政服务已开展了Estafeta, Aeroflash, and Mexpost等以提供国内外服务。一些墨西哥的公司由于对私有快递公司的递送时间和过于昂贵的价格产生不满,现在已依赖于墨西哥邮政服务。对此,DHL正努力开展特别折扣优惠服务以降低价格,同时DHL也在墨西哥国内的部分地区开展一天快递服务。

























