高中英语作文素材 新年新计划 My plan for the new year


选修课(Selective Courses) This term our school laid down a new rule about selective court. For the first two weeks, we may sit in as many classes as we like before we decide on which courses to choose. We jumped for joy. The first week I attended classes for four evenings on end and found out that most of the teachers took it serioualy. They were busy in "winning votes" for fear, that later on no one would attend their lectures.

For example, the teacher of Modern Literature of Taiwan said, "Actually the flrst two hours of my lecture were only a prelude. The real contents have not been involved. In the furore, we shall discuss such famous writers as Qiong Yao, Xi Murong, etc, and such famous aetresses as Lin Fengjiao, Lin Qingxia etc. We have lots of vedio-taped films to watch. These are confined only to those who co-major in this court." See, after all, the last sentence is the core of everything he said.

The teacher of Appreciation and Critics of Modern Opera said, "We have a variety of contents and the teaching method is changable. For instance, l may choose one act from a play and let you perform it in class. If you do a good job, you can put on the play at the school theater festival. Also, we shall arrange for you to watch current plays. The school is in charge of the traffic and tickets, Of course, only those who co-major this course are eligible." You see, the most important thing comes at last through twists and turns.


Dialogue 1

Jingjing: Hello?


Xiao Gao: Hey, it's XiaoGao. How yadoin'?


Jingjing: I'm fine,what's up?


Xiao Gao: Not much, I was just seeing what's going on tonight.


Jingjing: Well, I'm fixing to get my hair cut right now, after that we can chill. What do you feellike doing?


Xiao Gao: Me and my peeps are gonna grab a bite to eat, then we're gonna go to Bob's house and watch amovie. Why don't you swing by and say hello? 小高:我和朋友们准备先去吃点儿东西,然后去鲍勃家里看一场电影,你不如也顺便过来打个招呼吧!

Jingjing: I don't know, I don't think I wanna stay inside someone's home. I'd rather go out and hit the bars.


Xiao Gao: Really? I never knew you were such the party animal.


Jingjing: Honestly, I just wanna show off my new hair cut, that's all.


Xiao Gao: Ohhh, I get it. Anyways, if you change your mind, just stop on by. 小高:啊,我明白了,无论怎样,如果你改变主意的话就随时过来吧。 Jingjing: No problem, talk to you later! 京晶:没问题,拜拜。

Xiao Gao: Peace!小高:拜拜。


1. How yadoin'? = 相当于“你好吗?”,“are”已经被省略。

2. What's going on? =你在干什么呢?

3. fixing to (do something) = 准备做某事(多用于美国南部)

4. chill = 和朋友一起放松娱乐(不等于chill out)

5. peeps = “people”的简称,朋友

6. grab a bite to eat = 吃点儿东西,通常是在朋友家或一个不需要事先预定的地方

7. swing by = 顺便造访

8. cooped up = 被禁锢;被困于某处;闷在在同一个地方长时间不离开

9. hit (a place) = 去某地

10. party animal =派对动物(喜欢参加派对、酒吧或夜店的人)

11. show off = 炫耀自己的能力

12. That's all. = 仅此而已。

13. I get it. = 我明白了。

14. change one's mind = 改主意

15. Peace! = goodbye 再见

Dialogue 2

Xiao Gao: Hey, Jingjing, are you free next Friday? Me and the guys are having a cookout at my house. You should stop by.


Jingjing: I'd love to,but I need to cram for a test.


Xiao Gao: A test?like I'm asking you to hang out with us until the crack of dawn! Just study after the cookout.


Jingjing: Relax! This is my final exam! If I don't pass this test my folks are gonna have a cow!

京晶:不行啦,这可是我的期末考试!如果我过不了的话,我父母会非常生气的。 Xiao Gao: No they won't! It's all in your head!


Jingjing: Not only this,if I do bad on my exam, it will hurt my GPA. How am I supposed to get into college with a low GPA?


Xiao Gao: Okay, okay. I'm sorry! Just give me a call after your tests, okay? 小高:好啦,好啦,我知道啦,那你考完试再给我打电话吧,好吗? Jingjing: You're the best! Thanks!


Xiao Gao: It's cool, talk to you later!



1. Are you free? = 你有空吗?

2. cookout = 一种朋友的野餐聚会(通常在家里的后院烧烤)

3. cram = 尽快尽多地记忆信息;仓促备考

4. 24/7 = 每天24小时,每周7天,指一天24小时不停歇地,整天整夜地

5. live it up =好好享受时光;

6. hang out = 一起消磨时光

7. the crack of dawn = 黎明,破晓时分

8. folks = 父母

9. have a cow = 惊慌;大惊小怪

10. It's all in your head. = 不是真的,你是唯一这么想的人。

11. GPA =平均成绩点数(美国是4分制度)

12. It's cool. = 没关系。

Jingjing: Hey, Xiao Gao, I could really use your help studying for my math final, would you mind giving me a hand?


Xiao Gao: I'd love to,but my hands are tied this weekend, I have finals next week too!


Jingjing: Well, let'skeep our fingers crossed that we both do well on our tests. I guess I shouldn't worry too much though, after all, I aced my math final last year.


Xiao Gao: Yeah, well don't get your hopes up too high, lig

htning never strikes the same place twice, you know?


Jingjing: Hey, you don't have to take the wind out of my sail! Anyways, I'm sure we'll be so happy once finals are out of the way. Then we can take a vacation!


Xiao Gao: That reminds me, I still have to buy my train ticket back to my home town.


Jingjing: Bye, Xiao Gao.Good luck on your exams.


Xiao Gao: Thanks, you too!



1. final = final exam 期末考试

2. give (someone) a hand = 帮助某人做某事

3. My hands are tied. = (因忙碌而)无能为力。

4. keep one's fingers crossed =祈愿,上天保佑

5. ace (something) = 做好某事;取得好成绩

6. get one's hopes up = 对某事抱很大希望

7. Lightning never strikes the same place twice. =闪电不会两次打在同一地方(同一件事情不会碰巧发生两次)。

8. take the wind out of one's sails = 打击某人的自信

9. out of the way = 某事结束了,不需要再担心

10. That reminds me. = 对了,你提醒我了。

Dialogue 2

Jingjing: I'm SO happy that finals are over! Now we can finally breathe a sigh of relief. How did your tests go, Xiao Gao?


Xiao Gao: My science test was a little rough, but I did well on the others. How about your math test, did you ace it again?


Jingjing: Actually, Idid!


Xiao Gao: Yeah right!


Jingjing: I have the test results right here, read it and weep!


Xiao Gao: Okay, I believe you. So, where are you going for the vacation?


Jingjing: I haven't decided yet. Probably some place warm, and you?


Xiao Gao: It looks like I'm stuck in Beijing this year. I waited in line to buy the train ticket last night, but by the time I got to the counter, the tickets were sold out.


Jingjing: Oh well, at least you can catch up on some shut eye.


Xiao Gao: That's true.The past few weeks really drained me. 小高:那倒是真的,过去这几周我可真累坏了。


1. breathe a sigh of relief = 舒了一口气

2. rough = 难,不顺利

3. Yeah right! = 我才不信呢!

4. Read it and weep. = 不信你看(跟别人炫耀一个小胜利)。

5. stuck (somewhere) = 被困在某地

6. sold out = 卖光了

7. Oh, well. = 没关系。

8. at least = 起码

9. shut eye = 睡眠

10. drained = 耗干某人精力

Xiaogao:Hey, JingJing! Happy New Year!


Jingjing:Hey, XiaoGao! The same to you! I can’t believe it’s already 2016! My, how time flies!


Xiaogao:Yeah. So, what are your new year’s resolutions for this year? I’m gonna make a point to send my best friends actual birthday cards, instead of just sending an email or text message.


Jingjing::I’m gonna do one small act of kindness every week. Don’t misunderstand me, I don’t mean I’m gonna donate all of my money to charity, I mean I’m gonna do smaller things like helping old people cross the street and treating my friends to lunch.


Xiaogao:Cool,I’m gonna make a to-do list, especially when I’m stressed. I really need to get organized this year. Also, I’m gonna try and get closer to nature. I spent way too much time inside last year. We should go camping this y



Jingjing:That’s so ironic! One of my other resolutions for this year is to plan a trip and make use of all of my vacation time. Last year, I didn’t use all of my vacation time. What a waste!


Xiaogao:I’m gonna save my money for something I really want. I wanna buy a new video camera, but I need about 60,000 more RMB!


Jingjing: You want another camera? You just bought one a few years ago! I think your new goal should be to cherish the things you already have!


Xiaogao:I do cherish my old camera. And I wanna cherish a new camera too! Also, I’m gonna try at least one new thing a month. For example, I signed myself up for yoga classes this month, and drawing classes next month.


Jingjing:Remember,Xiao Gao, don’t make yourself too stressed out. All of these new things could backfire and make your life more stressful. Come on, let’s go relieve some stress right now. I’m gonna treat you to some ice cream!


习语短语New words for dialogue:

The same to you = 你也是

My, how time flies! = 哇塞!时间过得真快!

Make a point [to do something] = Try very hard to make sure something is accomplished 尽力而为做某事

Don’t misunderstand me = 别误解我的意思

To-dolist = a list of tasks that need to be completed “待完成清单”

Get closer to nature = 亲近大自然

Ironic = 具有讽刺的

Make use of [something] = to take advantage of [something] 利用

What a waste! = 好浪费!太可惜了!

Cherish =珍惜

Stressed out = to have a lot of pressure 压力大

Backfire= a negative result that happens when a positive ult was intended 适得其反,弄巧成拙








春节新年新计划 英语作文范文








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