


Promotion Cooperation Confirmation

本促销合作确认书(“确认书”)由作为正在谈判中的 2013 商品合同或 2013 代销合同(统称为“商品合同”) 一方的供应商出具给作为合同另一方的家乐福商业公司(“家乐福”)。本确认书中所提及的家乐福商业公 司系指作为商品合同一方的并在本确认书附件一列名的城市中开设有商店的家乐福商业公司。

This Promotion Cooperation Confirmation (the “Confirmation”) is issued by the Supplier, as a party to the 2013Merchandise Contract or 2013Contract for Consignment Sales (together the “Merchandise

Contract”) being negotiated on, to the Carrefour Commercial Companies (“Carrefour”), the counterpart to the same contracts. The Carrefour Commercial Companies mentioned in this Confirmation shall refer to those who are a party to the Merchandise Contract and have stores opened in the cities listed in Annex 1 hereto.


For the purpose hereof, all the terms used with a capitalized initial letter shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the Merchandise Contract.


供应商与家乐福商业公司(统称为“双方”)正在友好协商的基础上商讨签订商品合同,一旦商品合同签订, 其有效期将追溯至 2013 年 1 月 1 日起生效。

The Supplier and the Carrefour Commercial Companies (together the “Parties”) are, in accordance with friendly consultation, in process of negotiation regarding the conclusion of Merchandise Contract, which shall retroactively come into force on January 1st, 2010 upon the execution hereof.

在商品合同正式签订之前,为了进一步促进商店对供应商提供的商品的销售,考虑到供应商具有销售商品 所需的具备专业知识的驻店促销人员,供应商将向家乐福商业公司的商店派驻该等专业驻店促销人员,并 得到家乐福商业公司的同意。

Prior to the execution of Merchandise Contract, in order to further promote the sales of the Goods provided by the Supplier in the Stores, in consideration of the Supplier’ possession of the promotion personnel having professional knowledge with respect to the sale of the Goods, the Supplier will send such promotion personnel to the Stores of Carrefour Commercial Companies, which has been consented by Carrefour Commercial Companies.


Therefore, after friendly negotiations conducted in accordance with principle of fairness and mutual benefit, the Supplier issues the following Confirmations to Carrefour Commercial Companies:

1. 供应商特此承诺其向商店派驻驻店促销人员(“促销人员”)均具备销售供应商所提供商品所需的专业知 识和技巧。促销人员分为长期促销人员(一年期)及短期促销人员(少于等于三个月)。除非本确认书 另行明确载明,所有提及“促销人员”处均包括所有长期及短期促销人员。长期促销人员的具体人数 见附件一。由于新店开业等原因造成的新增加长期促销人员或因任何原因造成的短期促销人员人数变 动,供应商将以附件二中载明的形式将相关人数另行知会家乐福商业公司,该等人数经家乐福城市采 购中心促销管理协调员书面确认后生效。短期促销人员派驻商店的工作期限应当以日为单位,并以变 动确认表中确认的期限为准。如因供应商原因未能及时或准确签署变动确认表的,则促销人员人数以 实际驻店促销人员人数及变动确认表中所载明人数的较高者计。


The Supplier hereby undertakes that the promotion personnel sent by the Supplier in the Store (the “Promotion Personnel”) shall have professional knowledge and skills necessary for the sale of the Goods provided by the Supplier. There are two types of promotion personnel: Long Term Promoters (with a one year term) and Short Term Promoters (with a term less or equal to three month). Unless otherwise specified in this Letter, the “Promotion Personnel mentioned herein shall refer to both Long Term Promoters and Short Term Promoters. The detailed number of Long Term Promoters is set forth in the Annex 1 hereto. If the number of Long Term Promoters shall be increased due to new store opening or other reasons, or if there is any change of number of Short Term Promoters due to any reasons, the Supplier shall inform the relevant Carrefour Commercial Companies about such modification in the format set forth in Annex 2 herein below, and such modification shall become effective after written confirmation by Carrefour CCU manager or CCU promotion coordinator. The working term of the Short Term Promoters in store shall be on a daily basis, and such working term shall be the one confirmed in the modification confirmation, If, the supplier fails to sign the

modification confirmation on time or precisely due to its own reason, the higher number of Promotion Personnel between the those actually working in Store and those set forth in the modification

confirmation shall prevail.

2. 供应商同意,为激励促销人员的销售工作,家乐福商业公司可以为促销人员设定销售目标,并通知供 应商。促销人员应当按照家乐福商业公司设定的月销售目标完成促销任务。

The Supplier agrees that, in order to encourage the promotion work of the Promotion Personnel, Carrefour Commercial Companies may set out sales target for the Promotion Personnel and inform the Supplier of the same. The Promotion Personnel shall complete the promotion work according to the sales target set out by the Carrefour Commercial Companies.

3. 促销人员应当在供应商的管理下工作,但应当在任何与遵守商店内部规章制度有关的事项上受商店相 关部门领导的监督。

The Promotion Personnel shall work under the authority of the Supplier, provided, however, that the Promotion Personnel shall be under the general supervision of the relevant department chief of the Store for any matters related to the compliance with the internal policies and regulations of the Stores.

4. 供应商授权委托家乐福商业公司对促销人员进行管理,包括委托家乐福商业公司为促销员排班及提供 考勤记录。供应商同意,由家乐福商业公司向促销人员提供管理及培训服务,包括但不限于为促销人 员提供统一的服装、胸牌,派专人负责促销人员事务、向促销人员提供工作场所及便利、组织促销人 员参加培训,以使他们知晓商店适用的相关内部规章制度,包括但不限于卫生与安全方面的内容。 The Supplier athorizes and entrust Carrefour Commercial Companies to provide management to the Promotion Personnel, including that entrust Carrefour Commercial Companies to arrange the working time schedule and attendance recordation. The Supplier agrees that, the Carrefour Commercial Companies shall provide management and training services to the Promotion Personnel, including but not limited to the provision of uniform and badge to the Promotion Personnel, the equipment of a special personnel in charge of the affairs in relation with the Promotion Personnel, the provision of working place and convenience to the Promotion Personnel, the organization of training courses to the Promotion Personnel in order to inform them about the internal policies and regulations applicable in the Store, including but not limited to hygiene and safety.1

在不影响上述条款的普遍适用性的前提下,促销人员应当(1)着干净的制服(由家乐福商业公司提供), 保持双手干净,不留长指甲,男员工不留胡须及长发;(2)有健康证并将复印件悬挂在胸牌上;(3)遵



Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Promotion Personnel shall (i) have clean uniform (provided by the Carrefour Commercial Companies),clean hands, cut nails, cut hairs(for male) and no beard (for male),(ii) have health certificate and wear a duplicate in their badge and (iii) follow the working time schedule of the Store.

5. 促销人员应配合家乐福商业公司的专职人员,妥善保存并使用家乐福商业公司提供的服装、胸牌及其 他物品(不得在工作时间以外使用),并积极参与培训。如促销人员归还的服装、胸牌或其他物品有损 坏而无法继续使用的,供应商应按照每件物品的成本价赔付给家乐福商业公司,具体金额见附件一, 家乐福有权从供应商的货款中直接扣除。

The Promotion Personnel shall cooperate with the employee of the Carrefour Commercial

Companies, properly keep and use the uniform, badge and other materials provided by the Carrefour Commercial Companies (which shall be used exclusively in the working hours), and shall actively participate in the training courses. If the uniform, badge and other materials returned by the

Promotion Personnel is damaged and can not be used any more, the Supplier shall pay for the cost of each item to the Carrefour Commercial Companies as compensation, the cost of each item is set forth in Annex 1 hereto, and Carrefour Commercial Companies shall have the right to directly deduct the same from the merchandise payment to the Supplier.

6. 促销人员的工作主要是促销供应商的产品、维持供应商货架产品区域的整洁和良好秩序,并从事与供 应商产品销售及其销售区域相关的其他必要的工作。

The tasks of the Promotion Personnel are mainly to promote the Supplier’s products, keep the shelves and area(s) of the supplier’s products tidy and in good order and to conduct such other necessary work related to sale and sales area of the Supplier’s products.

供应商同意,基于“家乐福”作为一个整体向商店顾客提供统一优质的服务,因此,尽管促销人员系由供 应商派遣并从事与该供应商所供商品有关的销售服务工作,为让所有顾客获得满意的购物体验,该促 销人员可根据顾客的要求向顾客介绍非供应商提供的商品。

The Supplier agrees that, since Carrefour provides unified quality services to the customers of the Stores as a whole, therefore although the Promotion Personnel, is sent by the Supplier and shall engage in the sale work related to the commodities provided by such Suppliers, in order to provide all the customers with satisfactory shopping experience, the Promotion Personnel may introduce at the request of the customers the Goods which are not provided by the Supplier.

7. 本促销合作条件适用于供应商派遣或其委托劳务派遣公司派遣促销人员。在不影响本确认书其他条款 的效力的前提下,促销人员的劳动关系仍然归属于供应商,若供应商通过与劳务派遣单位签署劳务派 遣协议的形式向家乐福派驻促销人员,则促销人员的劳动关系归属于劳务派遣单位,供应商为用工单 位。供应商或劳务派遣单位将与促销人员签署合法有效、期限长于其驻店期限的劳动合同,直接向促 销人员支付劳动报酬(包括但不限于工资、加班费用及其费用),依法为他们交纳相关的社保费用,依 法向他们提供其他福利,促销人员在家乐福商业公司发生工伤由供应商承担全部责任,包括但不限于 工伤申报,工伤待遇支付,货物损失费用及商店里顾客损伤费用。如供应商违反上述约定,家乐福有 权禁止相关促销人员进场,并向供应商收取人民币三千元每次的违约金,并直接自货款中予以扣除。 促销人员在商店里的促销和其他活动应被视为其在供应商处的活动,供应商将对其在商店的活动负责, 包括但不限于赔偿因促销人员的行为导致第三人向家乐福商业公司进行追诉所产生的损害。供应商特 此同意,因促销人员向家乐福商业公司和/或供应商提出的任何主张而导致家乐福商业公司承受的损 害、侵害以及合理的支出,供应商将向家乐福商业公司进行赔偿、辩护并使其免受伤害。


This Promotion Cooperation Conditions shall be adopted to the promotion personnel sent by the Supplier or the promotion personnel dispatched by the labour dispatch company.Without prejudice to the effect of the Articles of this Confirmation, the employment matter of the Promotion Personnel shall remain with the Supplier. If the Supplier sends Promotion Personnel to Carrefour by means of signing dispatch agreement with worker dispatch service provider, the employment matter of the Promotion Personnel shall remain with the worker dispatch service provider and the Supplier shall be the entity where the promoters work. The Supplier / the worker dispatch service provider shall enter into lawfully effective labour contract with the Promotion Personnel with a term longer than his/her working period in Store, shall directly pay them labor compensation, shall lawfully pay for them related social security fees and shall lawfully provide them such other welfare benefits (including but not limited to salary, OT payment and other payment), shall take all responsibilities for their working injury in Carrefour Commercial Companies, which includes but not limited to working injury application, working injury treatment payment, broken goods and store customers’ damage. If the Supplier fails to perform the above obligations, Carrefour shall have the right to reject the relevant Promotion Personnel to enter into Store and shall have the right to charge a breach of contract penalty from the Supplier of RMB 3000 each time, which can be directly deducted from the amount payable to Supplier. The promotional and other work of the Promotion Personnel in the Store shall be deemed as their work in the premise of the Supplier, and the Supplier shall be responsible for work of the Promotion Personnel in the Store, which includes but not limited to indemnification for the loss incurred by Carrefour Commercial Companies resulted from any claims by third party due to the Promotion Personnel’s conducts. The Supplier hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Carrefour Commercial Companies from any damages or prejudice incurred to the Carrefour Commercial Companies due to any claim raised by the Promotion Personnel against the Carrefour Commercial Companies and/or the Supplier.

8. 供应商同意,其将确保促销人员遵守本确认书的规定、商店适用的内部规章制度(包括但不限于严禁 促销人员从其他排面拿取商品放入供应商的商品排面)、促销人员守则(见附件三)与销售商品有关的 法律法规或其他法律法规,任何促销人员违反上述规定,尤其是促销人员守则的行为将被视为供应商 违约,供应商将按照附件三的约定向家乐福支付违约金(家乐福有权从供应商的货款中直接扣除),并 且家乐福可根据附件三的约定选择(1)要求供应商更换促销人员;或(2)终止与本确认书有关的促 销合作,并书面通知供应商。

The Supplier agrees that, it will guarantee that Promotion Personnel shall obey the provisions of this Confirmation, the internal policies and regulations applicable in the Store (including but not limit to forbidding Promotion Personnel to take goods from other shelf to the shelf of the Supplier), the Disciplinary Principles Concerning Promotion Personnel (see Annex 3), laws and regulations applicable in connection to the sales of the Goods or other laws and regulations, and violation of the above provisions, particularly the Disciplinary Principles Concerning Promotion Personnel by the Promotion Personnel shall be deemed as a breach of contract by the Supplier, and the Supplier shall pay a breach of contract penalty to the Carrefour Commercial Companies in accordance with the provisions of Annex 3, and the Carrefour Commercial Companies shall have the right to deduct the amount from supplier goods debts, and may further choose, as provided by Annex 3, to (i) request to the Supplier for change of the Promotion Personnel; or (ii) terminate the promotion cooperation provided under this Confirmation and inform the Supplier in writing.

若家乐福商业公司要求供应商更换促销人员,供应商将立即向商店派遣新的促销人员,并确保新的促 销人员遵守本确认书的规定、商店适用的内部规章制度、促销人员守则及与销售商品有关的法律法规



If Carrefour Commercial Companies choose to request to the Supplier for change of Promotion

Personnel, the Supplier shall promptly send the new Promotion Personnel and ensure the new Promotion Personnel comply with the provision of this Confirmation, Disciplinary Principles

Concerning Promotion Personnel, laws and regulations applicable in to the sales of Goods and other laws and regulations.

9. 除下述所列各类情况外,本确认书追溯自 20xx年 1 月 1 日起生效,至 2013 年 12 月 31 日(“确认书 期限”)止:

(1) 商品合同签订后,本确认书效力自然终止,双方的促销合作关系由商品合同有关驻店促销人员的 条款和附件加以约束,因本确认书引起的费用补偿及赔偿等不受其效力终止的影响。未尽事宜应 按商品合同的规定处理,包括但不限于争议解决有关的事宜;

(2) 一旦商品合同未能签订,根据双方间以往合作年度已签订的持续有效的原商品合同(“原商品合 同”)关于期限的有关规定,原商品合同终止的,本确认书效力同时终止;

(3) 在确认书期限内,家乐福商业公司可提前一个月书面通知供应商终止本确认书。

Unless otherwise listed as follows, this Confirmation shall retroactively come into force from January 1st, 2013 to December 31st, 2013 (“Term of the Confirmation”): (1) This Confirmation shall terminate forthwith upon the execution of Merchandise Contract. The

promotion cooperation relationship shall be regulated by clauses and annex concerning promoters for the goods. Any refund for expenses and compensation arising from this

Confirmation shall not be affected by the termination hereof. Any matter not addressed in this Confirmation shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of the Merchandise Contract, including but not limited to the Settlement of Disputes; (2) In the event that the Merchandise Contract fails to be concluded, if, according to the relevant

stipulation concerning term of the existing merchandise contract (“Existing Merchandise Contract”) signed between the Parties in the previous cooperation years which continues to be binding, the Existing Merchandise Contract terminates, this Confirmation shall simultaneously terminate; (3) Within the Term of the Confirmation, Carrefour is entitled to terminate this Confirmation by

sending a one-month prior written notice to the Supplier.

本确认书终止时,供应商应立即撤回商店内所有的促销人员。促销人员应立即向家乐福商业公司返还 服装、胸牌和其他家乐福商业公司给予的物品。家乐福商业公司有权从供应商货款中扣除促销人员发 生的费用和赔偿金(如有)。如有不足,将由供应商另行补偿。供应商将在收到家乐福商业公司的书面 通知后三日内向家乐福商业公司补偿损失(如有)。

Upon the termination of this Confirmation, the Supplier shall forthwith withdraw all the Promotion Personnel from the Store and the Supplier shall forthwith return to the Carrefour Commercial

Companies the uniform, badge and other articles given by the Carrefour Commercial Companies. The Carrefour Commercial Companies may deduct the expenses incurred by the Promotion Personnel from Supplier’s payment account for goods and penalties (if any). If the Supplier’s payment account

for goods is not enough, the Supplier shall further indemnify the Carrefour Commercial Companies the loss not covered by the Supplier’s payment account for goods. The Supplier shall indemnify the

Carrefour Commercial Companies any loss not covered by the Supplier’s payment account for goods (if any) within three days after its receipt of the written notice of the Carrefour Commercial Companies.

10.除上述第 5 条、第 7 条、第 8 条另有规定外,供应商可以选择直接向家乐福商业公司支付所有费用,



Unless otherwise provided in Article 5, Article 7 and Article 8 hereinabove, the Supplier can choose to directly pay all expenses to the Carrefour Commercial Companies or to be deducted from Supplier’s payment account for goods. Its choice is set forth in Annex 1 hereto.

11.因本确认书引起或与本确认书有关的任何争议应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会上海分会管辖。 Any dispute arising from or in connection with this Confirmation shall fall under the jurisdiction of the Shanghai Branch of China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission.

12.供应商已促使其正式授权代表于文首载明日期签署本确认书,本确认书以家乐福城市采购中心促销管 理协调员书面签字为生效前提。未经家乐福商业公司事先书面同意,供应商不得擅自修改或撤回本确 认书。

The Supplier has caused this Confirmation to be executed by its duly authorized representative on the date first set forth above, the written confirmation from the CCU manager or CCU Promotion Coordinator of Carrefour is a precondition of the effectiveness of this Confirmation. The Supplier shall not modify or rescind this Confirmation without prior written consent from Carrefour Commercial Companies.


Name of the Supplier (Chop):

签名 Signature:.


Name of the Authorized Representative:



CCU 名称 Name: __________________


Holding Code: _______________

供应商编码:Supplier Code:___________________ 确认 Confirmed by : _____________________ 家乐福城市采购中心经理 或促销管理协调员 CCU Manager or CCU Promotion Coordinator of Carrefour Commercial Company


附件一 部分条款的具体约定 Annex 1: Detailed Provisions

1. 本确认书适用的家乐福商业公司开设有商店的城市(参见确认书第一段。Reference: First Paragraph): Cities where Carrefour Commercial Companies applicable to this Confirmation operate Stores:

2.长期促销人员具体分派 Detailed Dispatch of Long Term Promoter (参见确认书第 1 条 Reference: Article1) 店名

Store name


Number of Long Term

Promotion Personnel


Store name


Number of Long Term

Promotion Personnel


Total Number of Stores


Total Number of Long Term Promoter

3, 损坏物品需赔偿的成本(单位:每件)Cost of Damaged Items (unit: per item) (参见确认书第 5 条 Reference: Article 5)

服装 uniform胸牌 Badge钥匙 key

4. 供应商选择的付款方式 Payment Method Chosen by Supplier (参见确认书第 10 条 Reference: Article 10) □ 直接付至家乐福商业公司帐户□ 从货款中扣除

Directly pay to Accounts of Carrefour CommercialDeduct from Merchandise Payment



Name of the Supplier (Chop):

签名 Signature:.


Name of the Authorized Representative:



CCU 名称 Name: __________________


Holding Code: _______________

供应商编码:Supplier Code:___________________ 确认 Confirmed by : _____________________ 家乐福城市采购中心经理 或促销管理协调员 CCU Manager or CCU Promotion Coordinator of Carrefour Commercial Company


附件二 促销人员变动确认表

Annex 2 Confirmation of the Modification of Promotional Personnel


Because of the opening of [] store, Supplier hereby request to add [

Promoter 】名。 ] Long Term

2. 因家乐福商业公司新店开业/商品促销服务需求变化,供应商申请与家乐福商业公司确认增加如下短期 促销人员人数:

Due to the opening of new stores or new requirements of promotion services, the Supplier hereby applies to confirm the following number of newly-added Short Term Promoters to the Carrefour Commercial Companies.


Store name


Number of Short Term Promoter


Store name


Number of Short Term


增加的短期促销人员工作期限为 :【】年【 】月【 】日至【

The working term of the newly-added Short Term Promoters shall be: from [ insert month, day, year ] to [ insert month, day, year ] 】年【 】月【 】日

本月度确认表经家乐福城市采购中心经理或促销管理协调员书面确认后生效,并视为确认书的补充与附 件。

This Monthly Confirmation shall become effective after written confirmation by the CCU manager or CCU Promotion Coordinator, and shall be deemed as an annex and supplementary.


Name of the Supplier (Chop):

签名 Signature:.


Name of the Authorized Representative:


Date: 确认 Confirmed by: _____________________ 家乐福城市采购中心经理或促销管理协调员 CCU Manager or CCU Promotion Coordinator of Carrefour Commercial Company 日期:


Annex 3 A Disciplinary Principle of Promotion Personnel (to be signed by Supplier)

附件三 A 促销人员守则 (由供应商签署)

The disciplinary principle is set by Carrefour and applied to all promotion personnel sent by supplier to Carrefour stores for promotional work.


When doing promotional work in Carrefour, the promotion personnel will be managed by Carrefour with supplier ’s authorization. The Promotion Personnel must comply with this disciplinary principle and Carrefour other relevant policies and regulations.

供应商的促销人员在家乐福超市从事促销期间,供应商委托家乐福超市对该等促销人员进行管理。该等促销人员应遵守 本守则以及家乐福其他有关的管理制度。

任何促销人员违反本促销人员守则的行为将被视为供应商违约,供应商将按照下述约定向家乐福支付违约金。 Any violation of this Disciplinary Principles Concerning Promotion Personnel by the Promotion Personnel shall be deemed as a breach of contract by the Supplier, and the Supplier shall pay a breach of contract penalty to the Carrefour Commercial Companies in accordance with the provisions of herein below.

A.Minor Violation of discipline


Inappropriate dressing and/or behavior that does not comply with Carrefour code of conduct

1) 着装、仪表、礼仪、言行不符合家乐福规定的行为规范

Leaving post and horse play during Carrefour working time ,light degree

2) 在家乐福上班时间内擅离工作岗位、戏闹等情节较轻

Does not follow Carrefour manager ’s instruction,shift change or does not follow the working schedule or task assigned light degree

3) 不服从家乐福主管人员合理指导,换班、调班、不按工作时间表或分派的任务进行工作,情节轻微

Bring personal items to Carrefour and use the locker for customers

4) 工作时间将个人物品带入家乐福超市,使用顾客自动寄包柜

In/out cashier line in wearing uniform,or not check out in the appointed cashier counter

5) 身着制服出入收银线,或未在指定的收银机台结帐

Other behaviors that violate Carrefour rules ,light degree

6) 违反家乐福其他规章制度,情节较轻的其他行为


If the Promotion Personnel committed any of the above relatively serious violation ,Carrefour shall have the right to aurally warn such personal and inform the Supplier in writing .

B.Secondary serious violation of discipline


Promotion Personnel make locker key privately even make no loss

1) 私配更衣柜钥匙;即使未造成损失

During Carrefour working hours without legitimate reason,leave post,visit other post,horse play, work on personaand matters,serious degree

2) 在家乐福上班时间内擅离工作岗位、戏闹、闲聊、干私活等情节较重


In/out Carrefour without passing staff's exit during Carrefour working hours

3) 在工作时间内出入家乐福超市没有通过员工通道

Come to work late or leave work early above 3 times within 1 month without proper reasons

4) 一个月内累计无故早退或迟到达三次以上者

The Supplier failed to ensure the Promotion Personnel Punch card incompliance with Carrefour procedure ,the Promotion Personnel ask others punch card or punch card for others

5) 供应商未确保其促销员按家乐福规定进行打卡,其促销员托人打卡或代人打卡

Incompliance with Carrefour related leave procedure

6) 不遵守家乐福的相关请假流程

Shopping,test eating and using merchandise during working hours

7) 在工作时间内购物,试吃、试用商品

Does not follow Carrefour manager ’s instruction,change shift or does not follow the working schedule or task assigned serious degree

8) 不服从家乐福主管人员合理指导,换班、调班、不按工作时间表或分派的任务进行工作,情节较重

The Supplier dispatches any Promotion Personnel enter into the Store without registration in Carrefour.

9) 供应商派遣为经家乐福登机手续的促销员进入商店

Other violation of Carrefour policy in relatively serious degree

10) 违反家乐福其他规章制度,情节较重的其他行为

如促销人员有任何一项上述中度不当行为,家乐福应书面通知供应商。供应商将向家乐福支付违约金人民币五百元 / 每 次。

If the Promotion Personnel committed any of the above secondary serious violation ,Carrefour shall inform the Supplier in writing,and the Supplier shall pay a breach of contract penalty to Carrefour of RMB 500 /per time.

C.Relatively serious violation of discipline


Defame and denigrate merchandise of other supplier within Carrefour area .


Complained by customer for personal reason and confirmed to be true after investigation


Absent work above 3 days within 1 year

3)一年内累计旷职 3 天以上者

Promote change pocket and uniform function without approval


Post promotion brochure and related advertised item freely


如促销人员有任何一项上述较重不当行为,家乐福应书面通知供应商,供应商将向家乐福支付违约金人民币一千五百元 /每次。家乐福并有权要求供应商立即更换促销人员,或终止有关的促销合作。

If the Promotion Personnel committed any of the above relatively serious violation ,Carrefour shall inform the Supplier in writing, and the Supplier shall pay a breach of contract penalty to Carrefour Of RMB 1500/per time , Carrefour shall further have the right to ask the Supplier to change the Promotion Personnel immediately ,or immediately stop the promotion cooperation .

D. Serious violation of discipline



Insult and attach customer or Carrefour staff and treat customer or Carrefour employees in bad attitude within Carrefour area.


Conduct hard sale by illegal way and deceive consumer


Come to work late or leave work early above 5 times within 1 month without proper reasons ,or absent work above 5 days within 1 year

3)一个月内累计无故迟到、早退达五次以上者,或一年内累计旷职 5 天以上者

Uncivilization behavior Promotion Personnel quarrel and fight with customers or other Promotion Personnels


Disobey legitimate instruction from Carrefour supervisor .humiliate or threat management


Steal or unlawful possess of other people’s property,including the property of customer,Carrefour and Carrefour employee.


Distribute gift and free-goods without approval of Carrefour supervisor during working hours


Severe violation of Carrefour policy/regulation and caused serious damage/loss to Carrefour


Hide shortage on shelves


Change the implementation (facing) without prior approval


By any ways, guide customer outside the casher line to make exchange outside the Carrefour sales area.


如促销人员有任何一项上述严重不当行为,家乐福应书面通知供应商,供应商将向家乐福支付违约金人民币三千元/ 每次。家乐福并有权要求供应商立即更换促销人员,或终止有关的促销合作。

If the Promotion Personnel committed any of the above serious violation ,Carrefour shall inform the Supplier in writing, and the Supplier shall pay a breach of contract penalty to Carrefour Of RMB 3000/per time ,

Carrefour shall further have the right to ask the Supplier to change the Promotion Personnel immediately ,or immediately stop the promotion cooperation .


The Supplier has read the above Promotion Cooperation Condition, and accepts the contents therein. 供应商名称(章):

Name of the Supplier (Chop):

签名 Signature:


Name of the Authorized Representative:



11 .

Disciplinary principle of Promotion Personnel (to be signed by Promotion Personnel)

附件三 B 促销人员守则 (由促销人员签署)

The disciplinary principle is set by Carrefour and applied to all promotion personnel sent by supplier to Carrefour stores for promotional work.


When doing promotional work in Carrefour, the promotion personnel will be managed by Carrefour with supplier ’s authorization. The Promotion Personnel must comply with this disciplinary principle and Carrefour other relevant policies and regulations.

供应商的促销人员在家乐福超市从事促销期间,供应商委托家乐福超市对该等促销人员进行管理。该等促销人员应遵守 本守则以及家乐福其他有关的管理制度。


This Annex 3 shall be deemed as a supplementary to the Promotion Confirmation Letter signed between the Supplier and Carrefour, the definitions used herein shall have the same meaning as that in the Promotion Confirmation Letter. 任何促销人员违反本促销人员守则的行为将被视为供应商违约,供应商将按照下述约定向家乐福支付违约金。 Any violation of this Disciplinary Principles Concerning Promotion Personnel by the Promotion Personnel shall be

deemed as a breach of contract by the Supplier, and the Supplier shall pay a breach of contract penalty to the Carrefour Commercial Companies in accordance with the provisions of herein below.

A.Minor Violation of discipline


Inappropriate dressing and/or behavior that does not comply with Carrefour code of conduct

1) 着装、仪表、礼仪、言行不符合家乐福规定的行为规范

Leaving post and horse play during Carrefour working time ,light degree

2) 在家乐福上班时间内擅离工作岗位、戏闹等情节较轻

Does not follow Carrefour manager ’s instruction,shift change or does not follow the working schedule or task assigned light degree

3) 不服从家乐福主管人员合理指导,换班、调班、不按工作时间表或分派的任务进行工作,情节轻微

Bring personal items to Carrefour and use the locker for customers

4) 工作时间将个人物品带入家乐福超市,使用顾客自动寄包柜

In/out cashier line in wearing uniform,or not check out in the appointed cashier counter

5) 身着制服出入收银线,或未在指定的收银机台结帐

Other behaviors that violate Carrefour rules ,light degree

6) 违反家乐福其他规章制度,情节较轻的其他行为


If the Promotion Personnel committed any of the above relatively serious violation ,Carrefour shall have the right to aurally warn such personal and inform the Supplier in writing .

B.Secondary serious violation of discipline


12 Annex 3 B

Promotion Personnel make locker key privately even make no loss

1) 私配更衣柜钥匙;即使未造成损失

During Carrefour working hours without legitimate reason,leave post,visit other post,horse play, work on personaand matters,serious degree

2) 在家乐福上班时间内擅离工作岗位、戏闹、闲聊、干私活等情节较重

In/out Carrefour without passing staff's exit during Carrefour working hours

3) 在工作时间内出入家乐福超市没有通过员工通道

Come to work late or leave work early above 3 times within 1 month without proper reasons

4) 一个月内累计无故早退或迟到达三次以上者

The Supplier failed to ensure the Promotion Personnel Punch card incompliance with Carrefour procedure ,the Promotion Personnel ask others punch card or punch card for others

5) 供应商未确保其促销员按家乐福规定进行打卡,其促销员托人打卡或代人打卡

Incompliance with Carrefour related leave procedure

6) 不遵守家乐福的相关请假流程

Shopping,test eating and using merchandise during working hours

7) 在工作时间内购物,试吃、试用商品

Does not follow Carrefour manager ’s instruction,change shift or does not follow the working schedule or task assigned serious degree

8) 不服从家乐福主管人员合理指导,换班、调班、不按工作时间表或分派的任务进行工作,情节较重

The Supplier dispatches any Promotion Personnel enter into the Store without registration in Carrefour.

9) 供应商派遣未经家乐福登机手续的促销员进入商店

Other violation of Carrefour policy in relatively serious degree

10) 违反家乐福其他规章制度,情节较重的其他行为

如促销人员有任何一项上述中度不当行为,家乐福应书面通知供应商。供应商将向家乐福支付违约金人民币五百元 / 每 次。

If the Promotion Personnel committed any of the above secondary serious violation ,Carrefour shall inform the Supplier in writing,and the Supplier shall pay a breach of contract penalty to Carrefour of RMB 500 /per time.

C.Relatively serious violation of discipline


Defame and denigrate merchandise of other supplier within Carrefour area .


Complained by customer for personal reason and confirmed to be true after investigation


Absent work above 3 days within 1 year

3)一年内累计旷职 3 天以上者

Promote change pocket and uniform function without approval


Post promotion brochure and related advertised item freely


如促销人员有任何一项上述较重不当行为,家乐福应书面通知供应商,供应商将向家乐福支付违约金人民币一千五百元 /每次。家乐福并有权要求供应商立即更换促销人员,或终止有关的促销合作。

If the Promotion Personnel committed any of the above relatively serious violation ,Carrefour shall inform the


Supplier in writing, and the Supplier shall pay a breach of contract penalty to Carrefour Of RMB 1500/per time , Carrefour shall further have the right to ask the Supplier to change the Promotion Personnel immediately ,or immediately stop the promotion cooperation .

D. Serious violation of discipline


Insult and attach customer or Carrefour staff and treat customer or Carrefour employees in bad attitude within Carrefour area.


Conduct hard sale by illegal way and deceive consumer


Come to work late or leave work early above 5 times within 1 month without proper reasons ,or absent work above 5 days within 1 year

3)一个月内累计无故迟到、早退达五次以上者,或一年内累计旷职 5 天以上者

Uncivilization behavior Promotion Personnel quarrel and fight with customers or other Promotion Personnels


Disobey legitimate instruction from Carrefour supervisor .humiliate or threat management


Steal or unlawful possess of other people’s property,including the property of customer,Carrefour and Carrefour employee.


Distribute gift and free-goods without approval of Carrefour supervisor during working hours


Severe violation of Carrefour policy/regulation and caused serious damage/loss to Carrefour


Hide shortage on shelves


Change the implementation (facing) without prior approval


By any ways, guide customer outside the casher line to make exchange outside the Carrefour sales area.


如促销人员有任何一项上述严重不当行为,家乐福应书面通知供应商,供应商将向家乐福支付违约金人民币三千元/ 每次。家乐福并有权要求供应商立即更换促销人员,或终止有关的促销合作。

If the Promotion Personnel committed any of the above serious violation ,Carrefour shall inform the Supplier in writing, and the Supplier shall pay a breach of contract penalty to Carrefour Of RMB 3000/per time , Carrefour shall further have the right to ask the Supplier to change the Promotion Personnel immediately ,or immediately stop the promotion cooperation .

I have read carefully the “disciplinary principle of Promotion Personnel” and fully understand the above article, and am sure to obey it strictly.

本人已经仔细阅读了本”促销人员守则”, 并了解该守则的所有内容.并承诺遵守家乐福各项规章 制度

Promotion Personnel Signature

























客户及佣金确认书(范本) - 副本



