




二 主题:


三 内容 :     

时间     3月17日晚上18:30—20:30

地点 :   4—201

参加人员 : 08商务英语专1,08商务英语专2,


时间     3月18日下午14:00—16:00

地点:    3—102

参加人员  08英语本2,08英语本3,08英语本4,08英语本5



Norconsult AS, Vestfjordgaten 4, N-1338  Sandvika, Norway

E-mail: carlsenarne@hotmail.com

Name:     CARLSEN, Arne Johan

Present position:

Norconsult[1]:   Senior project manager (100 %)

Nationality:    Norwegian

Previous positions:

The Norwegian School of Management-BI:

1988 – 20## (25 to 50 % position)       Associate professor

University of Oslo:

1981 – 1986 (50 %)      Assistant professor

Norwegian Water Resources


1991- 1993 (50%)  Project manager


1982 – present Different positions

Norwegian State Power:

1979 -1981     Project engineer

Languages:     English (fluent), German (some), French (some)

Countries of Experience:       Norway, China, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Great Britain, The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Italy, Portugal, Austria, Albania, The US, Egypt, Russia, Ukraine

Professional Societies:   Norwegian Society of Chartered Engineers (TEKNA)

Publications:   See page 4



Master of Science in Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Master of Management , Norwegian School of Management - BI

Other Training:

Courses on undergraduate and graduate level in mathematics, computer science, environment economy, industrial organisation, energy and environment, intercultural communication, international management and art history.

Teaching and research  experience:

University of Oslo: 1981 - 86 (part – time )

Norwegian School of Management – BI:  1988 – 20## (part-time)

 Work/lectures related to China (and Finland):

April 2008

Inner Mongolia Agricultural University -  Three days course in Cross – cultural communication, behaviour and management.

International College of Beijing:  “International Management” – guest lecture

June 2005

Inner Mongolia Polytechnical University – Three days course in Cross – cultural behaviour and Management

November 2004:

Larkulla College, Finland: 15 hours course in Cross cultural behaviour and management

June 2004:

Zhijiang Wanli university: 15 hours course in Cross cultural behaviour and management

March 2004:

 Beijing Jiaotong University: 15 hours course in Cross cultural behaviour and management

October 2003:

Shenzhen university: Cross-cultural behaviour

Zhijiang Wanli university (Ningbo): International management

Tianjin Technology and Science University: Values in a cultural context - a short introduction

March 2003.

Nankai university (Tianjin): Corporate Social Responsibility - an introduction

Nankai university (Tianjin): Environmental costs in hydropower

Fudan university (Shanghai): The concept of face - comparison between China and Norway


Haidian university (Beijing): “Cross-cultural behaviour in business”

Inner Mongolia university: “Cross-cultural behaviour in business”

“Economic models – a short introduction”

China Agriculture university: “Cross-cultural behaviour in business”

Kunming Normal University: “Cross-cultural management”

Capital Normal University (Beijing):  “Cross-cultural behaviour in business”.

North West Jiaotong University: (Beijing): “Cross-cultural behaviour"

Shenyang Architectural and Civil Engineering University: "International Management”


Qinghua university (Beijing): “Institutions and cultural traditions – Their impacts on decision-making regarding air pollution in China and Norway”

Xi'an Jia Tong Daxue: “Cross-cultural behaviour in business- an introduction”

“Practical examples of Operation Research”

“Air-pollution policy – a comparison between Norway and China”

Peking university:     “Use of MCDM to find environmental costs”

“The Norwegian MSG – EE model (Multi Sectoral Growth model for Energy and                                                           Environment) "

Xiamen university : “Cross-cultural behaviour in business- an introduction”

                                   “Economic models – an introduction” 

1998 – 2002: Research and education co-operation with Qinghua University in Beijing and Norwegian School of Management, funded by the Norwegian government.

 2000 – 2002: Education co-operation with Management College at China Agricultural University in Bejing and Norwegian School of Management.

Organiser and assistant teacher for a one week course “International cultural Management” given for undergraduate students at Management College at China Agricultural University in March 2001.

Organiser and assistant teacher for a one week course in “Macroeconomic models” given for undergraduate students at Management College at China Agricultural University in September 2001.


Carlsen, A: Optimisation Methods for Water Resources Planning.  Report no. 3/82. Institute of Geophysics, University of Oslo (in Norwegian)

Carlsen, A.: The use of Decision Analysis in Water Resources Management.: Report no. 1/83. Institute of Geophysics, University of Oslo (in Norwegian)

Carlsen. A.: A Quantitative Decomposional Stochastic Dynamic Programming Model for Multipurpose and Multi-reservoir Water Resources Systems. Report no. 1/84. Institute of Geophysics, University of Oslo (in English)

Carlsen, A.: Economic Evaluation of Power Production and Salmon Fishing. Norwegian National Economist Journal. No 5 1985. (In Norwegian)

Carlsen. A.: Optimal Sequencing of Hydropower Stations. Water Power and Dam Construction. October 1986

Wenstøp, F.,  Carlsen, A.: Ranking Hydroelectric Power Projects with Multicriteria Decision Analysis. Interfaces 18 vol. , 1988.

Carlsen, A., Strand, J. & Wenstøp, F.: Implicit Environmental Costs in Hydroelectric Development. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management no. 25 , 1993.

Wenstøp, F.,  Carlsen, A.: Valuation of environmental goods with expert panels. Norwegian School of Management – B I. Research Report 1994/1.

Carlsen, A., Wenstøp, F.: The use of multicriteria decision making methods to find the environmental cost of hydropower development alternatives. Norwegian School of Management – BI , Research report 1994/8.

Thowsen, M.P., Carlsen, A.:  Institutions and cultural traditions – Their impacts on decision-making regarding urban air pollution in China and Norway. Norwegian School of Management – BI . Research report No. 6 – 2000.

Carlsen, A., Li Yin: A comparative analysis of a survey on losing face in Chinese and Norwegian cultural background (in Chinese): Shanghai Management Science No 5 – 2003.

Articles in Norwegian publications:

Vektoroptimalisering - En metode for optimal utnyttelse av vannet i vassdrag?  (Vann nr. 1)

(Vector optimisation – a method for optimal use of water resources)

Flerbruksplanlegging - moteord eller ny metode?  (Fossekal­len nr. 6)

(Multipurpose planning – a fashion word or a new method?)

Vannressurser - optimaliseringsmetoder  (Vann nr. 1)

(Water resources – optimization methods)

Beslutningsanalyse i offentlig planlegging  (Ingeniør-nytt nr. 106)

(Decision analysis in governmental planning)

Hvor mye vann vil vi ha i Numedalslågen?  (Fossekallen nr. 2)

(How much water would we like to have in the river Numedalslågen)

Økonomisk verdsetting av laksefisket i Numedalslågen  (Vann nr. 1B)

(Economic evaluation of salmon fishing in the river Numedalslågen)

Verdien av vernet natur er ikke lett å måle i kroner og øre  (Teknisk Ukeblad nr. 17)

(The value of nature is not so easy to measure in monetory units)

Nye forskningsmetoder gir bedre beslutningsgrunnlag ved vannkraftut­bygging  (Fossekallen nr. 1)

(New research methods give a better decision support for hydropower development)

Sesongavhengig etterspørsel etter fastkraft  (Fossekallen nr. 1)

(Season dependent demand for electricity)

Samlet plan for vassdrag.  Hva dreier diskusjonen seg egentlig om?  (Teknisk Ukeblad nr. 5)

(The Norwegian water resources plan – what is the discussion really about?)

Hva bør målsetningen med Samlet Plan være?  (Fossekallen nr. 6)

(What should the goal be for the Water resources plan)

Oljeprisen og energiprognoser  (Ingeniør-nytt nr. 70)

(The oilprice and energy scenarios)

Samlet Plan for gjenværende vassdrag fra et metodisk synspunkt  (Vann nr. 3)

(The Water resources plan from a methodological point of view)

Fleksible manøvreringsreglementer  (Fossekallen nr. 8)

(Flexible operation rules )

Energipolitiske konflikter (Kronikk)  (Teknisk Ukeblad nr. 41)

(Energy political conflicts)

Modell for fremtidig oljepris  (Teknisk Ukeblad nr. 13)

(A model for future oilprice)

Vannbruksplanlegging gir bedre utnyttelse av våre vann­ressurser  (Ingeniør-nytt 3. oktober)

(Multipurpose planning gives better use of our water resources)

Vi må leve med konflikter  (Fossekallen nr. 8)

(We have to live with conflicts)

The American Way - flerbruksmagasiner  (Fossekallen nr. 2)

(The American way – multipurpose reservoirs)

Miljøkostnader ved vannkraftutbygging. (Sosialøkonomen nr. 10) (sammen med Fred Wenstøp og Jon Strand)

(Environmental costs of water resources development)

Contribution  to books/proceedings:

IAHS - Publication 172 - 1988: Side-effects of water resourses management:

Chapter 3.3: Reduction of negative side-effects downstream of a reservoir by weirs - Norwegian experience

Proceedings Unesco Symposium on: "Decision making in Water Resources Planning" 1986 (Editor)

Proccedings of the XI th International Conference on MCDM. 1994:

Valuation of Environmental Goods with Expert Panels. Together with professor Fred Wenstøp.

Speaker at conferences:

Norwegian Water Association (1982,1984,1985), Norwegian Operation Research Society (1983), Norwegian Geophysics Association (1985), Norwegian Civil Engineers Association (1982,1987), Norwegian National Economist Association (1987), Nordic Conference on Operation Research in the Energy sector (1985), International UNESCO symposium on  "Decision making in Water Resources Management", World Energy Council (1992)



五  总结:




[1] Norconsult is Norway’s biggest engineering consulting company with 1400 employees and projects in many different countries
























