




Should the government laws rule that teenagers stay at home during the regulated time every night? 20xx年12月13日ACT香港考场作文范文:

Seen as the apples of a country’s eyes, teenagers as a special group of youth are often brought under hot

attention. The related issues of their academic performance, diverse interests, secrets of growth and personal safety constantly arouse people’s debates and wait to see more justified conclusions of the society. Under the claim of so called “for teenagers’ consideration”, some educators and supervisors strongly hold that government laws should impose stricter rules which require teenagers to spend time at home every night to guarantee them sound and safe environment. Yes, we do meet challenges when teenagers grow up, but solely shying away from the possible problems and holding up demands lead to no solutions but might backfire sometime. Thus, instead of regulating teenager’s time staying at home evening at night, government should seek better ways to promise their healthy growth.

Firstly, more rigid limitations on teenagers may trigger their rebellious consciousness that results in aversion to guidance from adults. We attach so much significance to teenagers that they have to face abundant burdens from every aspect. They are required to follow various school codes and control their surging hormones to behave as well as possible. They are told to prepare all the quizzes, tests, papers in class and all the games, matches,

competitions after class. They listen to their parents to be good kids, try efforts to meet Dads’ expectations and digest frustrations of academy and despair of first love silently. Pressure mounts! They can well use the evening to do something they like and relieve the stress accumulated in the day. If the laws were to enforce unreasonable

regulation on teenagers to stay at home, they would be deprived of the scarce time of enjoyment at night. When the “protection” of society goes beyond the boundary, it may touch teenagers’ tense nerves and fire their rebellious spirit. Such rule is seen as not only an obvious invasion of their private time but also absurd restraints from the society, leading to worse consequences like thought conflictions and protestant silence that benefit neither side. Secondly, society should put adequate trusts in the more educated children who can regulate themselves better and save the society lots of troubles. Worried about teenagers’ lack of personal discipline, people might argue the great possibility of their gang violence, sexual behaviors and other headaches of parents and school supervisors. However, society progresses, especially in the area of education. Teenagers now receive considerate and complete education of both knowledge and personality, differently from the previous generation. They learn from various outstanding role models and gradually form their mature judgment of what’s right or wrong under the up-graded education system. Moreover, widespread media also become teenagers’ best teachers to demonstrate the society in diverse angles and show them the virtues of welldoing and penalties of wrong doing. These formal and informal directions help teenagers to think deeply and reflect on themselves. They tend to make wiser choices in daily life, not as those skeptical educators contend. Thus, the night time should be freed and a new generation of teenagers deserves the society’ trust.

Truly, some educators highly concern on teenagers’ safety and maintain that asking teenagers to stay at home during the regulated time at night can decrease the chances of their insecurity. Safety indeed is the priority of the society to consider, but too much water drowned the miller. The responsibility of society is to develop healthy and brave youth, not coward and timid ones. Grounding teenagers at home at night does no good to their development and may instead increase their fear of the outside world and reduce their courage to spend night alone. Never can tender flowers be protected under glasshouses, but they should experience to be tougher. And for the government, compared with constraints of teenagers in the night, they should more focus on improving the general social

security conditions and strike any criminal activity that may happen in the communities. Is it necessary for laws to ground teenagers living in safe environment only for their safety? Absolutely not!

To conclude, the society should do a better job in facilitating teenagers to lift burdens, trusting its daughters and sons and enacting laws eradicating dangers endangering its children. Arbitrary prevention of teenagers’ activities at night only results in more serious effects. Therefore, the government laws should not rule that teenagers stay at home during the regulated time every night.





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2014 年6月7号作文题目:

Are people who stay in the same community happier than those who move from one place to another?

这个道题算是一个相对新颖的考题,虽然它归属于成个和幸福类,但和搬家结合起来考查的题目并不是很多。对于这个题目,最快的解题方式就是编两个相反的例子,一个是A搬到一个新的地方见多识广、朋友多,对生活的理解深,然后很开心。另外一个人 B,一直在一个小地方,见得东西少,生活感觉在不断重复,然后觉得生活很无聊,不开心。(A\B指代编撰的人物)


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这个角度看这个题目的话,那就很好办了。没有人的成功是抱怨而来的,相反,抱怨会令我们意志消沉不思进取,甚至做出一个违法的行为。很多成功的人士的成就都是不抱怨,然后努力付出才能获得。如当幸福来敲门的Chris。没钱、没工作,老婆还跑了,还有比这更惨的么?但是他没有抱怨努力工作,然后成就了自己的人生辉煌。有抱怨来“get what they want ”的人么?有。但这方面的名人例子很少。而且一般来说,总是抱怨的人,多半是市井的平凡之人,所以编一个例子说A经常抱怨,然后一直生活在社会底层,没有获得他所想要的生活即可。(A\B指代编撰的人物)


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