



Party committees democratic life meeting minutes

The company OO9 third party in two joint meeting held August 11, 2009 at a joint

meeting of the fifth, the company party fixed assets management way, ship miscellaneous a fee management way, 315KW tug human resources operational mode reform plan, barges team dry management plan and other matters. Meetings LiuFaQuan read the group about employment for huangshan Yangtze shipping company comrade total the captain's decision. ZhangWeiZhong general manager at the meeting. The company mainly responsible leadership, authorities received attended the meeting. Now will meeting minutes as follows: deciding

matters, about wuhu changhang shipping company's fixed assets management way conference heard about the bursary huangshan shipping company fixed assets management way "report. The participants agreed that regulate and strengthen the company's fixed assets management program is clear power responsibility, improve operation efficiency needs. Meeting by the

principle of management way. Meeting demand, according to the meeting of the two bursary, third party in OO9 joint meeting held August 11, 2009 at a joint meeting of the fifth, the company party fixed assets management way, ship miscellaneous a fee management way, 315KW tug human resources operational mode reform plan, barges team dry management plan and other matters. Meetings LiuFaQuan read the group about employment for huangshan Yangtze shipping company comrade total the captain's decision. ZhangWeiZhong general manager at the meeting. The company mainly responsible leadership, authorities received attended the meeting. Now will meeting minutes as follows: deciding matters, about wuhu changhang shipping company's fixed assets management way conference heard about the bursary huangshan shipping company fixed assets management way "report. The participants agreed that regulate and strengthen the company's fixed assets management program is clear power responsibility, improve operation efficiency needs. Meeting by the principle of

management way. Meeting demand, according to the conference spirit adjust bursary, dispatch execution. Conference heard about further standardize bursary, purchasing, business

borrowing and the report reimbursement process. Meeting and regulate the purchase, that business borrowing and reimbursement process to further strengthen financial management, help strengthen the construction of the party's work style. Meeting through the provisions principle. Conference stressed that specified purehasing, business borrowing formalities is company innovation management is an important content of the trial, according to next year, years after trial implementation shall improve into financial management category. Conference heard about the five kiloton tug purposr of human resources operation mode reform plan (try out) "'s report. The meeting noted that implementing the shipping personnel system reform, is the inevitable trend of enterprise's development in the future. Considering the company

currently 315KW type shipping technology condition, personnel quality and age levels and ship running Labour, etc., was seeking advice, and on the basis of crew first choose a ship long water, a ship short two tug, formulate two sets of schemes for shipping selected for obtaining experiences from pilot, and gradually expand the promotion. Meeting through the trial scheme, the principle in late August or early September began commissioning. During the trial the requirement: about 1, establish the company pilot leadership team, peace, where, where

technology personnel sent boat people attended, responsible for the revision and improvement

scheme and dynamic, logistics supply worker thought comprehensive work report to the company leadership, regularly. 2, allocation plan shall be fair and reasonable, solicit crew comments. Three, relevant implementation scheme to edge trial edge perfect, gradually formed astandardized, is extended. 4, pilot period departments shall give support and

cooperation, guidance, and ensure the safety captain must be accessible. Conference heard noise "about ship bursary a fee runs way", the report for the personnel will ship miscellaneous teams that use survey fee. The meeting noted that a fee, the ship noise is service shipping production needs. Since the company has just started, inadequate economic first a small increase this year, next year, comprehensive consideration with tableware fee increase,

followed. Meeting by the principle of management way. Conference heard about strengthening barges team party-mass office description. Dry treatment solutions The meeting noted that the unit, strengthen the barge, and help to improve the ship branch governance vessel integrated level of management, ensure the safety in production. By the principle of treatment plan meeting. Meeting demand, the single round-robin system in office, she must strengthen the communication, mutual cooperation, avoid work cross. Involve the work of production safety of abijah directly to the team in dry layout. At the end of each month, held a team on dry meeting on 21 September 2009, the Chinese people branch four group members dawn party held democratic life who attend the meeting were meeting, zhang Ming, LiLiang municipal branch comrade, such as, zhang fei three main issue was serious meeting controlled the party

constitution stipulates party members obligation, the party member the leading cadre's basic conditions and a new period maintains the communist party member sophistication, according to the basic requirements of the two musts "and" ight insisted, eight oppositions "the request, key find its leadership and the group members in their recent reliably and carry out the science development view and the correct achievements view, strengthen cost consciousness, improve operation efficiency, preventing financial risks, improve the working style, honesty and

self-discipline, etc to strengthen the outstanding problems. From the world outlook, the outlook on life, the values on ideological origins, especially to analyze standing in the party member the leading cadre from the view of democracy party committee meetings of authority view on 21 September 2009, xx sub-branches party four people group members dawn held democratic life meetings, attend the meeting were LiLiang municipal branch zhang Ming, such as, zhang fei main issue is three comrades meeting controlled the party constitution stipulates seriously member of the party member the leading cadre obligation, the basic conditions and the new era maintains the communist party member sophistication, according to the basic requirements of the two musts "and" ight insisted, eight oppositions "the request, key find its leadership and the group members in their recent reliably and carry out the science development view and the correct achievements view, strengthen cost consciousness, improve operation efficiency, preventing financial risks, improve the working style, honesty and self-discipline, etc to

strengthen the outstanding problems. From the world outlook, the outlook on life, the values on ideological origins, especially to analyze standing in the party member the leading cadre from the view of status view, the benefit authority view, aspects of thoroughly analyzed, clear, earnestly carry out rectification key to unity of thinking, enhancing unity, strengthen the leadership of the party committee of the advanced consciousness, give play to the core of leadership of the role. First, vice secretary of party xx comrade seriously

翻 译


20xx年9月21日,中国人民支行党委班子成员黎明等四人召开了民主生活会议,列席会议的有市分行张明、李良、张飞等三位同志,会议主要议题是认真对照《党章》规定的党员义务、党员领导干部的基本条件和新时期保持共 产 党员先进性的基本要求,按照“两个务必”和“八个坚持、八个反对”的要求,重点查找领导班子和班子成员自身近年来在牢固树立和落实科学发展观和正确业绩观、强化成本意识、提高经营效益、防范金融风险、改进工作作风、加强廉洁自律等方面的突出问题。要从世界观、人生观、价值观上剖析思想根源,尤其要站在党员领导干部的角度,从权力观党委民主生活会议纪要 20xx年9月21日,xx支行党委班子成员黎明等四人召开了民主生活会议,列席会议的有市分行张明、李良、张飞等三位同志会议主要议题是认真对照《党章》规定的党员义务、党员领导干部的基本条件和新时期保持共 产 党员先进性的基本要求,按照“两个务必”和“八个坚持、八个反对”的要求,重点查找领导班子和班子成员自身近年来在牢固树立和落实科学发展观和正确业绩观、强化成本意识、提高经营效益、防范金融风险、改进工作作风、加强廉洁自律等方面的突出问题。要从世界观、人生观、价值观上剖析思想根源,尤其要站在党员领导干部的角度,从权力观、地位观、利益观等方面进行深入剖析,明确整改重点,认真抓好落实,以统一思想,增进团结,增强领导班子的先进性意识,发挥党委领导班子的核心作用。首先,党委副书记xx同志认真总结了党委班子所取得的成绩,同时也指出了不足,分析了原因,明确了今后的努力方向。其次,党委副书记同志就党委民主生活会征求意见情况向与会人员予以报告,具体分为五个方面11个问题,提交党委会逐一进行研究,提出解决办法。 一、关于经营管理方面的问题 1、员工年度评定市分行先进的问题。经研究,要在10月初出台员工年度考核方案,并通过职大会讨论通过,方案出台要考虑周全,要统一思想。对过去做的不妥的地方认真进行修正,尽可能避免人情操作。 2、建议行领导多到基层开展调研工作,增强服务基层的意识,及时解决基层出现的各类问题。经研究,提倡行领导每月下一次基层网点,全年4名领导累计到基层不少于48次,方式多样化,检查工作、了解情况、找员工谈心,解决实际问题,都可以,但要有记录。 3、汽车消费贷款遗留问题太多,建议支行调整汽车消费贷款考核方案的问题。经研究,因方案与实际有些问题,可根据实际情况区别对待。如果管户经理管理到位,工作尽职尽责,不是人为因素造成贷款逾期,年终视情况可调整方案。 二、关于财务费用方面的问题 1、倡导节约,对系统内来客要从严控制招待标准的问题。经研究,一是解决好机关食堂炊事员(重新换人),提高烹调技术,让上级行来客吃得满意;二是在目前费用特别紧张时期,要做好礼节接待,系统内人员不发整包烟;三是外单位的人员尽量做到不发烟,如确需发烟由主管行长到保管员处签字领取,须在外面吃饭要执行报告登记制度,核定额度,严禁超标准。四是外出出差人员在外就餐,其伙食标准严格控制在15元/人之内开支,同时不准报出差补助。 2、支行机关员工反映在工作中所垫付的费用过多,一直无法报帐兑现的问题。经研究,对报帐的费用统一由网点营销管理部牵头,截止时间对所有的费用进行清理登记,做到心中有数,严格费用控制,避免时间长了有些事情难以说清楚。 三、关于劳资人事方面的问题 1、加强业务培训,全面提高素质,为确保今后工作正常运转,特别要在电脑维护、文字综合、党务工作、劳动人事等岗位增加应知应会人员的问题。经研究,综合办要在10月初拿出切实可行的员工培训计划,认真组织员工进行业务培训,并针对一些特殊岗位,要有意识地物色对象进行培养,使岗位轮换矛盾得以解决。 2、经常找员工谈心,解决员工的思想问题,充分调动员工的工作积极性的问题。经研究,从现在开始,切实改进领导干部工作作风,贴近

员工,关心员工,形成谈心制度,在落实好“三必谈、四必防”制度的基础上,行领导坚持每月2次找员工谈心,并形成记录。 四、关于关心员工,搞好福利待遇方面的问题 1、关于过渡医疗保险和补充医疗保险费的问题。经研究,主管行长和相关部门要加紧与市分行衔接,如实反映情况,力争200X年的过渡医疗保险和补充医疗保险费兑现到人。 2、关于保卫部要求改善守库条件,提高保卫人员待遇的问题。经研究,库房安装空调,因机关大楼需要撤迁,暂不解决,并做好解释工作。 五、关于基础设施改造和维护方面的问题关于基层网点的点钞机、刷卡器、打印机、对话器等要及时维护或更换,和xx分理处安装电视监控器的问题。研究认为,这些问题多次向市分行反映过,这次又向市分行党委提了意见,需要市分行的答复,才能得以解决。会上,支行党委具体解决两个难点问题:一是倡导节约型支行,缓解财务费用支出压力。二是做好谈心服务工作,充分调动员工积极性。 再次,支行党委班子及班子成员采取自身找、相互提、班子帮等方式对宗旨观念、理论水平、工作作风、方式方法等方面进行了认真的反思、剖析,并切合实际地提出了改进措施和办法。最后,市分行副行长xx讲话,一是对支行党委班子和班子成员的工作进行了综合评价,在肯定成绩的同时,也指出了不足;二是强调召开民主生活会的必要性,是我党多年来的历史传统,是改进提高的有效方式,是沟通协调、团结一致的需要,是了解群众、关心群众的需要。三是就如何开好民主生活会,怎样体现会议效果等提出了要求,旨在以此促进工作开展。
























