






Nowadays, we often hear that _____________________________ (提出要探讨的现象). This phenomenon is not accidental, and there are social and individual background.

Why _____________________________ (提问原因)?                    

For one thing, ________________________________(原因1). For example, ____________ _____________(举例说明). For another, ________________________(原因2). A case in point is that ______________________(举例说明).

 As for as I am concerned, ____________________________(作者本人的观点). We should __________________________ (提出建议).


Nowadays, _____________________ has been gainning greater popularity. (目前的现象). For that, I think it is not an occasional phenomenon.                                                                                                                              

A number of factors might contribute to (account for) the phenomenon(引出原因分析). The most important reason, I think, is that ________________________ (最重要原因). Besides, ________________________ (原因2). What’s more, ______________________ (原因3).

     In my opinion, people should _______________________(向人们提出建议). At the same time, the government should give correct instruction to ______________________ as well as a firm control of _______________________(向政府提出建议).


In recent years there has been an experienced growing tendency in _________(提出现象). There are many reasons for ________________(讨论的主题), but in general they come down to the three major ones.

     First, _____________________ (原因1). Additionally, _____________________ (原因2). The last but not least, ____________________________ (原因3).

     In my eyes, effective measures should be taken to ___________________(提出解决思路). We may _______________________(措施1). We can ______________________(措施2). And ______________ is also contributory to solving the problem(措施3).


In the past dacade, the number of _______________________ has increased dramatically. (目前的现象). The reasons for this phenomenon are varied.

     ________________, in my eyes, plays a critical role (重要原因). _______________ __________________________ (扩展说明或例证). And _________________, to some extent, is also responsible for the problem (原因2). _______________________________ (扩展说明或例证). But still, ______________________________ (原因3).

     In summary, __________________________________________(作者评述). Though it is a good idea to ______________, _______________ (各种影响因素)should be taken into full consideration when people ______________ (提出建议).




S1. 简单讲述十年前大学生就业的情况,作为铺垫;

S2. 用“But nowadays”引出现在的变化;句中“get employed”与上一句中“find satisfactory jobs”形成对比,暗示现在找工作很难,更不用说找一份令人满意的工作了;“bitterly experiencing”形象地描绘出大学生求职难的苦涩经历;

S3. 本句为提问原因的常用句型;

S4. 用“In the first place”列举第一个原因;短语“rush into”生动地描绘出数以百万计的大学毕业生步出校门涌入职场的情形;副词“thus”使上下文逻辑清晰、衔接紧密;考生在用词方面力求变化,避免重复,在以上几个句子中,作者分别用了“find a job”、“get employed”和“job hunting”来表达“求职”,用“cause”、“lead to”和“result in”来表达“导致”;

S5. 密切联系时事,文章的内容显得更具现实性;短语“it is particulary the case”意为“尤其是这样”,其基本形式为“it is the case”;

S6. 用“Secondly”列举第二个原因;使用副词“therefore”表达上下文的因果关系,避免与上文中的“thus”重复;

S7. 用“Thirdly”列举第三个原因;作者在句中选用“gap”来表达“差距”,而没有使用缺乏新意的“difference”等词;两个并列的“what”从句使句子整齐对称、形神俱佳;整段结构清晰,层次分明,用词准确生动,词语丰富;在构句方面,考生使用了非限制性定语从句、名词从句、并列句、分词结构等,显示出考生扎实的语言基本功;

S8. 用“Facing the increasing employment pressure, … should ….”句型提议解决问题;到此处为止,“竞争”一词使用了“competition”、“competitive”和“competitivess”三种不同形式,显示出考生对词语的掌握程度和运用能力;

S9. S10. 用“on the one hand”和“on the other (hand)”从两个方面提出解决问题的具体办法;文中 “enhance competitiveness”、“master knowledge”、“attend social activities”、“accumulate practical experience”等词语搭配恰当,使用准确,再次反映出良好的语言能力。


l  Obviously, we should attach more importance to one’s abilities than to his degree.


l  Having experienced hardships, we will know better how to survive crisis.


l  Some students hope to enhance their practical abilities by attending social practice, and hence increase their chances of getting employed.


l  Forced by employment pressure, some college graduates begin to set up their own business.


l  Life is a battle from cradle to grave.




S1. 简单介绍当前越来越多的人参加公务员考试的社会现象;句中“crazily”一词与题目形成呼应,“elbowed into”意为“用胳膊肘推挤着进入”,该短语形象地描绘出人们争相参加公务员考试的情景;

S2. 为上一句的延伸,更具体地讲述大学毕业生以及具有更高学历的硕士生、博士生等都将公务员视作最理想职业;

S3. 用句型“This phenomenon has attracted widespread attention.”说明该现象受到广泛的关注;

S4. 本句是引起原因分析的常用句型;

S5. 用“Above all”引出第一个原因;“in today’s China”给出时间和地域范围,使描述更为准确,“preferable”一词使用得当且不落俗套;本句是由“and”连接两个并列分句,在第二个分句中,主语“civil servant”后插入“as”介词短语,使句型结构富于变化;

S6. 用“Besides”列举第二个原因;本句运用非限制性定语从句,使整个句子含义丰富;

S7. 用“What’s more”列举第三个原因;本句以并列的三个名词短语作主语,在“factor”之后接现在分词短语作进一步表述,与S5中的非限制性定语从句异曲同工,作用相同,但表达方式不同;以上三句分别阐述了三个原因,句中提到的“stable profession”、“welfare and salary”、 “high social position”、“power”以及“potential benefit”等使整个原因分析内容充实,客观合理,具有说服力;三个句子中均表达了“吸引”之意,但分别使用了“preferable”、“attract”和“draw”以避免重复;

S8. 用“As far as I am concerned”提出自己的看法;短语“from the long run”使用得当,显示出考生能较好地用英语表达思想;

S9. 简单指出政府应采取措施,使文章内容及结构完整。


l  A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk.


l  He that climbs a ladder must begin at the first step. ——Scott


l  Industry is fortune’s right hand, and frugality her left.


l  Losses make us more cautious.


l  Every pleasure has a pain.

乐中必有苦。/ 喜中必有悲。

l  Birds of a feather flock together.




S1. 指出当前许多大学毕业生自主创业的现象,用短语“instead of ”引出以前大学生毕业后找工作的传统模式,与上文形成对比,突出前面提出的情况;

S2. 进一步说明该现象得到政府及社会各界的鼓励和支持,暗示出作者对此现象持肯定态度;“preferential policies and facilitation”言之有物,表意准确,显示出学生不仅有思想,而且能用语言准确地表达思想;

S3. 用“Why ”提问原因;

S4. 用“For one thing”列举第一个原因;短语“find other ways out”意为“找到解决的办法”,其基本形式为“find a way out”;

S5. 用“For another”列举第二个原因,与上一句呼应;使用“running business”以求变化;

S6. 用“In addition”列举第三个原因;“motivate ”一词准确精炼;“step on”意为“踏上”,此短语避免了“make this choice”、“start their own business”等说法的重复使用;

S7. 用“As for me”表达自己的观点;短语“a good try”灵活得当;

S8. 说明自主创业的困难,列举自主创业所要求的能力和条件等;说理充分,所列举的条件合乎情理,用词准确丰富,显示出考生清晰的思路和严谨的逻辑以及良好的语言能力;

S9. 用祈使句发出呼吁;连接词“So”使上下文的关系更为清楚,语气也更为顺畅。


l  Every one is the maker of his own fortune. ——Richard Steele


l  Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.


l  Storms make trees take deeper roots.


l  Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.


l  All things are difficult before they are easy.


l  In doing we learn.


l  Constant dropping wears the stone.


l  If a thing is worth doing it is worth doing well.


l  Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.


l  From small beginning come great things.


l  A bold attempt is half success.


l  Deeds are fruits; words are but leaves.


l  Experience without learning is better than learning without experience.



S1. 本句由分号隔为两部分,第二部分讲述的情况是对第一部分情况的递进和补充;副词“bitterly”形象地描述出大学生的苦涩心情;短语“it mayl turn out”使句式改变了以主语开头的单一形式;而两个对称的“what”从句显示出考生扎实的语言基本功;

S2. 由现象进而引申出人们的感想;

S3. 此句型常被用来引出原因;

S4. 用“Above all”列举第一个原因;短语“have a clear picture”意为“对某事有清楚的了解”,另一表达此意的常用短语为“have a good understanding”;

S5. 此句简明准确地指出大学生的理想与现实的差距;短语“differ with the reality”意为“与现实有差距”;

S6. 用“Secondly”列举第二个原因;“put their knowledge into practice”与下句中“apply the knowledge into practice”意思相同,考生使用了不同的动词以求变化;

S7. 本句中考生未使用极为常用的“pattention to”,而用了“focus on”与“attach importance to”两个不同短语表达“注重”一意;

S8. 用“What’s more”列出又一原因;整个段落分析了四个原因,条理清晰,层次分明,词语丰富,富于变化;

S9. 短语“Faced with this”为常用的引起对策的句式;

S10. 本句为一句俗语——“理论与现实之间总是存在差距”,以此对问题进行高度概括;

S11. 简单提出建议;短语“keep an eye on”不落俗套,令人眼前一亮。


l  It takes students plenty of time and energy to attend the association activities, which may influence their study.


l  The students are keen on taking part in all kinds of extracurricular activities to develop their abilities and interpersonal skills.


l  Great hopes make great man.


l  God helps those who help themselves.


l  People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation.


l  When it comes to education, the majority of people believe it is a life time study.


l  Learn whatever it may be, whenever you can and whenever you will.




S1. 用“the number of … has increased dramatically”句型指出目前越来越多的毕业生选择考研究生的社会现象;

S2. 对考研热进行补充描述,指出已经工作的人中考研者也大有人在;

S3. 用“The following factors can account for ….”引出下文,分析原因;句中“fervency”一词与题目中“craze”均表示对某事物的狂热;

S4. 用“First”列举第一个原因;短语“step out of school”使用恰当,较之“leave school”更为生动形象;“in turn”意为“转而”,其使用增强了上下文之间的逻辑关系;

S5. 用“Secondly”列举第二个原因;本句中“and”连接两个有递进关系的并列分句,句子信息含量大,结构严谨,句间关系自然、清晰;

S6. 用“Thirdly”列举第三个原因;以上三个长句分别阐述了形成考研热的三个原因,层次清晰,表述充分;句式结构较为复杂,显示出考生具有扎实的语言基本功;

S7. 补充说明已经工作的人考研的原因,与第一段中最后一句进行呼应;短语“this is the case”意为“就是这样”,“this is also the case”意为“也是这样”;

S8. 表示个人看法的词语如“I think”、“in my opinion,”、“as for as I am concerned”等极为常见,可选择一些使用相对较少的词语,可为文章增加亮点,如“in my eyes”、“in my case”、 “as for me”等;

S9. 以“Though”引导的从句放在句首,改变了主语开头的单一句式,同时也对后面的主句形成强调;短语“it is not necessarily true”意为“不一定是这样;不一定适用”,其基本形式为“it is true”,可在此基础上进行否定或填加词语;

S10. 采用被动语气,使句式产生变化;短语“take into consideration”意为“‘纳入’考虑”,也可写作“take into account”。


l  Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgement and disposition of business.


l  They (Studies) perfect nature, and are perfected by experience.


l  Crafty men contemn studies, simple men admire them, and wise men use them.


l  Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.


(摘自英国哲学家 培根. F.《论读书》,王佐良译)



S1. 简述目前大学生面临前所未有的学习压力的情况;“are confronted with”意为“面临”,更多的同学会使用“are facing”,但要注意不要在“face”后面添加“to”,表示“面临”时,“face”为及物动词,不而要带任何介词,而表达“勇敢面对”时其搭配为“face up to”,不要将两种用法混淆;“than ever”意为“比以前”,加上这一表述使句中描述的现象得到了强调,句意丰富,句子结构也更灵活;

S2. 提出他人观点,为之后陈述自己的观点埋下伏笔;“claim”意为“声称;主张”,语气比“think”略强,是表达观点时最常用的词语之一;

S3. 用反对他人观点的方法来间接提出自己的观点,即“过重的学习压力没有好处”;副词“personally”语意明确,简洁实用,是表达个人观点时的最佳选择之一;

S4. 用“It’s true that”先承认“没有压力就没有动力的事实”,欲扬先抑,为之后陈述自己的观点作铺垫;

S5. 用“But”进行转折,陈述第一个理由;“in essence”(“实质上”)、 “hinder”(“阻碍”)以及“rather than”(“而不是”)等力求不俗的词语结构,再一次展示出该生驾驭语言的能力;

S6. 用“Besides”引出第二个理由;整个句子长且复杂,但考生将各个部分安排得井井有条,且使用了“acquaint themselves with”、“a vast number of”、“lessen”以及“transfer”等词语,再一次展示出该生驾驭语言的能力;

S7. 用“What’s more”引出第三个理由;“mental disorder or psychological problems”选词及搭配准确到位,加上所列举的症状如“nervousness”、“depression”及“anxiety”等,显示出考生知识全面,考虑周到,词汇量大,善于表达;而“make sth. impossible”中“impossible”一词更是显示出考生的语言基本功和技巧;以上三个结构复杂的长句分别陈述了支持自己观点的三个理由,每个句子中都包含一个非限定性定语从句,起到对称、呼应的效果;整个段落结构清晰,层次分明,用词丰富,表意准确;

S8. 重申自己的观点;短语“In summary”常常用来引出结论;

S9. 进一步引申指出优秀的学生尤其不应被施加过大的学习压力。


l  Exams inevitably result in a test oriented, force-feeding teaching method, which seriously hinders the development of students’ creativity.


l  Adversity is a good discipline.


l  The more we study, the more we discover our ignorance.——Shelley


l  Choice of the end covers choice of the means.


l  Circumstances are therulers of the weak, instrument of the wise.


l  Perhaps nothing can rival the pleasure from reading.


l  Habit is second nature.




S1. 简单讲述中国家庭以孩子教育为产要任务的传统,为下一步指出当前的情况埋下伏笔;

S2. 用“even more”与上一句形成对比,强调当前中国家庭更为注重孩子的教育;短语“the best education possible”,尤其是其中“possible”的用法显示出作者驾驭语言的能力;

S3. 此句式常用来引起原因分析;

S4. 句中 “place all their hopes on”和“sacrifice everything for”形象地描绘出中国家长对孩子的期待和付出;

S5. “guarantee”一词使用准确得当,“sound”和“decent”是一般学生不会使用的,这显示出考生具有较大的词汇量;

S6. 用“But still”列举又一原因,能够掌握这一用法的学生不多,表现出该考生的语言能力;“blindly”一词生动地描述出有些父母在子女教育方面的迷茫;

S7. 将“while”引导的省略性从句置于句首,使句式有所变化;

S8. 对前述观点进行补充;表达“获得”一意时,选用了“acquire”而非“get”等常用词,可以体会出其不想流于简单或普通的用心;短语“lose sight of”用得不俗;

S9. 本句中“aptitude”考生选用了“aptitude”(“才能;资质”);本句中的“aptitude”、“recklessly”等词再一次显示出考生丰富的词汇。


l  Courage in excess becomes foolhardiness, affection weakness, thrift avarice.


l  Two is company, three is misery.


l  The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.


l  A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon.


l  Example is better than precept.




S1. 简单讲述各种彩票通过不同途径吸引人们购买的现状;

S2. “man or woman”、“young or old”、“queue”以及“develop a habit of”等词语生动地描述出男女老少都争相购买彩票、有的人甚至养成每天都买的习惯的情形;

S3. 以提问的方式引出原因分析;

S4. 首先指出最重要的原因;插入语“I think”使句子结构灵活,且在主语后形成语气的停顿,加强了强调效果;

S5. “deep-hidden but long-lasting”描述了人们天性中潜藏的赌性,而“people try to deny it”和下句中“the appeal of … can never be denied”更是反映出考生对人类这一本性的深刻认识;同时,这一认识通过“It seems to me”——“在我看来”——这种委婉方式表达出来,更显示出考生思维严谨,在表达中很善于把握分寸;

S6. 用“Besides”列出其他原因;本段中作者将大量的笔墨放在分析最重要的原因上,只在此句中对其他原因一笔带过,这种写法使整个部分有详有略,轻重有别,使人不觉得呆板单调;

S7. 针对重要原因提出自己的观点,发展自然,逻辑合理;

S8.S9. 对个人及政府简单发出呼吁,使文章在内容和结构上都非常完整,同时又不喧宾夺主,整篇文章保持以原因分析为主要内容;“money pooled”意为“募集到的资金”,这一用法再次显示出考生掌握了丰富的词汇。


l  Some people think that in modern society people should seek more practical things, such as fame, money and comfortable life.


l  With the rapid development of market economy, money plays a more and more important role in the society.


l  Care and diligence bring luck.


l  Depend on others and you always repent.




S1. “sth. is getting more concern”为指出问题或现象的常用句式;

S2. “fire engines screaming through streets”形象地描述出消防车呼啸着奔赴火灾现场的情景;S3. 用关联连词“not only … but also”并列指出财务及人员两方面的损失;“even”一词使“injured”和“killed”之间的层次递进关系更为清楚;

S4. 本句为提问原因的常用句型;

S5. 用“First”列举第一个原因;本句的主语为名词短语“people’s lack of safety consciousness”,能够正确书写此结构说明考生的语言基本功较为扎实;“play a … role”为常用短语,但学生一般会用“important”或“great”来修饰“role”,此处考生选用了“vital”一词,不落俗套;

S6.S7. 进一步分析原因一;“carelessness”和“seriousness”构词形式相同,意义相对,遥相呼应,增进了前后两句之间的连贯性;短语“violation of fire safety regulations”和“fire precaution”在表意和用词上都非常精准,显示出考生丰富的知识、敏捷的思维和良好的语言能力;

S8. 用“Besides”列举第二个原因;前面已用较多笔墨分析了第一个原因,此处只简要提及第二个原因,这种有简有略的写法使整个部分显得“浓淡相宜”;

S9. 现在分词短语置于句首,使句式有所变化;过去分词短语“brought by”置于名词“harm”之后对其进行修饰;“it is high time”及“prevent sth. from doing”等结构书写准确,显示出考生扎实的语言功底;

S10. 本句为防止火灾的具体提议,使整篇文章形成“提出问题——分析原因——提出建议”的完整结构;句中“foster a sense of fire prevention”、“inspection”和“supervision”等词语的使用再次显示出考生良好的语言能力。


l  It is desirable to build more hospitals, shopping centers, recreation centers, cinemas and other public facilitics to meet the growing needs of people.


l  In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measure should be taken before things get worse.


l  There is no smoke without fire.


l  A man must take consequence of his own deeds.



S1. 简单指出某些地方禁放烟花爆竹的情况;

S2. 提问政府为何作出这一举措;“put sth. into effect”意为“使……生效”;

S3. 用“A very important reason”引出第一个也是很重要的一个原因;“densely populated and crowded with tall buildings” 是对大城市的形象描写;

S4. 以20##年初发生的央视大楼起火事件为例,说明燃放烟花爆竹的危险性;所举例子为众所周知的事件,十分典型,易引起共鸣;

S5. 用“Secondly”引出第二个原因;

S6. 指出用每年春节花费在烟花爆竹上的钱可以做更多有意义和有益的事情;句中“if”从句采用省略句形式,插入在“which”之后,使句式和语气有所变化;

S7. 用“Besides”引出第三个原因;短语“it is well acknowledged”意为“众所周知;人们普遍认为”;由于是众所周知的原因,这里只作简略陈述;

S8. 提及他人观点,使文章显得客观全面,同时也为进一步强调自己的观点埋下伏笔;此处再一次将省略的“if”从句放在“which”之后,后面还插入了短语“they believe”,使整个句子更为灵活多变,富有层次感;

S9. “weigh the gains and loss”意为“衡量得失”,常用来引出结论;

S10. 委婉指出没有必要坚持已经不适合现代社会的旧风俗;采用反问的方式提出或陈述自己的观点既有力且不落俗套。


l  Don’t put the cart before the horse.


l  A man has two ears and one mouth that he may hear much and speak little.


l  Everything great is not always good, but all good things are great.


l  Hope for the best and prepare fot the worst.




S1. 简明扼要地指出目前户外运动越来越流行;在表达“变得越来越流行”时,一般学生往往会使用“become more and more popular”,而本文中考生选用了“gain greater popularity”,不落俗套;

S2. 举例介绍户外运动;

S3. 指出人们从户外运动中受益颇多;本句承上启下,一方面承接首句,即文章主题句,暗示户外运动之所以流行是由于对人们有很多好处,另一方面则提示下文的原因分析将围绕户外运动对人们的好处展开;

S4. 由于上一段最后一句对下文的启示作用,此处没有出现“There are some reasons for this phenomenon.”之类的套句,而是直截了当地指出第一点原因,这种写法反而使上下文的衔接更为紧密连贯;这种行文方法往往是水平较高的学生才会使用;句中“relax”一词相当多见,但很多学生都不会使用“release pressure”这一结构,可见该考生掌握的词语表达较多;

S5. 短语“bathed in the open air”和“absorbed in the exciting activities”形象地描述出户外运动的吸引人之处,引起读者的共鸣,有利于说服读者接受作者的观点;

S6.此处用“Besides”列举第二个原因,使读者自然而然地、也更加清楚地体会出上文是在讲述第一个原因;“build up one’s will”和“strengthen his body”在词语搭配和意思上均准确得当;

S7. 用“What’s more”列举第三个原因;本段层次清晰,语言简练,篇幅虽然不长,却精确地讲述了多个原因,有很强的说服力,表现出考生清晰的思路和使用语言的能力;

S8. 用“From my point of view”引出自己的观点,由于本文重在分析原因,此处只需以说明自己观点的方式简单地重申主题就可以;“for a change of their routine life”事实上还是户外运动流行的原因,和前面的原因分析有重合也有超越,这一说法放在结尾段中极为合适,既是对上文的呼应,也是文章收尾的总结;

S9. 简单提出建议;此句增加了文章的完整感;“enhance their security consciousness”意为“加强安全意识”该短语书写正确,表意恰当。


l  Exercise, temperance, fresh air, and needful rest are the best of all physicians.


l  The first wealth is health.


l  Men say the chief good is health, beauty the second, wealth the third.——Plato


l  Happiness consists in contentment.


l  Pleasure and action make the hours seem short. ——Shakespeare


l  Just as woods are indispensable to birds, so is the earth to human beings.


l  Travel broadens the mind.




S1. 简单讲述外国快餐在中国流行的现象;用“booming”修饰“business”是一般学生想不到的;

S2. “convenient as well as fashionable”是对外国快餐厅的准确定位;

S3. 对餐厅而言,受欢迎就是成功,因此在分析原因时,用“keys to success”再合适不过了;

S4. 用“The first thing”列举第一个原因;插入语“of course”暗示该原因众所周知,这种写法增强了说服力;

S5. 此句是对第一个原因的进一步说明;其中“faster pace of life”与上句中“change in living style”相呼应;“patronize”意为“光顾”, 该词有一定难度,一般学生都不会使用;短语“for convenience”简练准确地说明人们光顾快餐厅的一个重要原因——方便;

S6. 由于第一个原因是显而易见、得到公认的,从而人们极有可能忽略其他方面的原因,因此这里考生使用转折的语气,用短语“But it can not be denied that”引出第二个原因,此处与前一句中的“of course”产生对比,形成对第二个原因的强调;短语“to the taste of”使用得当;

S7. 用“Then”指出又一原因;“clean environment”、“pleasant atmosphere”和“a strong appeal to”等描写准确精炼;本段中三个原因之间的逻辑关系并非简单的并列,但考生借助连接词语和上下文的呼应将其中的关系表达得非常准确,层次既分明又丰富,句子之间联系紧密,充分体现出考生驾驭语言的能力;

S8. 本句中用现在分词结构讲述“criticize”的具体内容,句型灵活,富有变化;

S9. 由于上句中人们对外国快餐的批评是公众认可的,因此这里先用“This may be true”作出与大家站在同一立场的姿态,然后再提出质疑,这种说理方法不易引起反感,更易于引导读者跟随作者的思路,继而接受作者的观点;

S10. 简单回答上一句的疑问,对中国餐饮业提出建议;“sanitation”和“quality control”不仅用词准确,更显示出考生敏捷的思维和清晰的思路。


l  Actions speak louder than words.


l  A good example is the best sermon.


l  The shortest way to do many things is to do only one thing at a time.


l  Patience, time, and money overcome everything.


l  One man’s fault is another man’s lesson.


l  Experience is the mother of wisdom.




S1. 简单指出现代社会中人际关系淡漠的现象;

S2.  “are engaged in their own business”形象地描绘出现代社会人们只关心自己的事情的情形;

S3. 进一步描述现象,“even”一词提示本句与上一句的递进关系;

S4.  “The reasons for … are varied”是引出原因分析的常用句型;

S5. 本句没有使用常规的“First”等词语来列举第一个原因,但此句的功能依然不证自明;短语“… plays a critical role”常用来指出重要原因;

S6. 本句中的“devote … to …”与第一段中的“are engaged in”表达相同意思,遥相呼应,使文章内容密切关联;

S7. 此处依然未使用常见的“Secondly”等词语,而是用“And”简洁地指出另一原因,清新而不落俗套;“to some extent”使分析显得客观,同时也与前面的“critical reason”形成对比;

S8. 用“What’s more”引出又一原因;“an atmosphere of distrust and fear”的说法既有新意且有深度,显示出考生的思想深度和语言能力;

S9. 简单指出冷漠的人际关系不利于个人及社会的发展;

S10. 用“It’s high time”句型发出呼吁,使文章内容结构完整;此处作者简写,整篇文章保持以原因分析为重点。


l  Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public.


l  A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both.


l  A friend is a second self.


l  Better good neighbours near than relations far away.


l  Familiar paths and old friends are the best.


l  Love all, trust a few, be false to none.


l  First impressions are most lasting. ——Dickens


l  Books and friends should be few but good.


l  To err is human; to forgive divine.




S1. 简述现象;用“swamped with”描述互联网仿佛陷入了广告的泥沼之中;

S2. 短语“pop out”、 “one after another”和“again and again”形象地描绘出互联网上不断跳出一个又一个广告的情形;

S3. 用“Why”提问原因;“preferred”一词相对于“good”、“popular”等更准确且有新意;

S4. 整个段落只分析网络广告方式受青睐的主要原因,短语“The chief reason”常用来引出主要原因;

S5.-S10. 在本段首句概括性地指出原因后,下面的句子是对原因的具体分析,从消费者有多种选择到厂家被迫激烈竞争,竞争漫延至广告领域,从而需要更方便有效又低价的广告媒介,最后到因特网被证明是非常理想的媒介,之后又将网络与两种常见的广告媒介——报刊与电视——作了比较,说明因特网为何成为商家青睐的广告方式的原因;整个段落层层递进,一气呵成,有理有据,令人信服;“pressed by this”、“ spare no effort”、“ extends to”、“ up-to-date products”以及“advertising time range”等词语的使用显示考生具有较强的组织能力和语言表达能力;

S11. 简单进行概括;“In short”为进行总结的常用短语;“gainning greater popularity”用词不俗;“high speed and efficiency as well as its competitive price”是对上文原因分析的高度概括,用词简练但表达准确。


l  A stranger’s eyes see clearest.


l  No invention has received more praise and abuse than the Internet.


l  Physical disorder is to an individual body as moreal correction is to a society.


l  Opportunity seldom knocks twice.




S1. 长期以来对安乐死一直存在争议;“sth. has long been existing”为描述现象的常用句型;

S2. 指出现象——越来越多的人主张立法通过安乐死;

S3. 用“why”提问原因;

S4. 分析第一个原因;“incurable”、“painful”、“helplessly”以及“lies on bed”、“waits for the death coming”等词语形象地描绘出濒临死亡、遭受痛苦折磨的病人对安乐死的需求,这一描写非常富有感染力;“a sensible choice”意为“明智的选择”;

S5. 进上步说明第一个原因;一般学生常使用“It’s meaningless”等来表达“没有意义”,此处考生选用了“It doesn’t make any sense”,足见其匠心;

S6. 用“Secondly”引出第二个原因;此处考生使用“a wise choice”以避免与上文中的表达重复;该原因是从家属的角度考虑;

S7. 进一步说明第二个原因;“be painful”和“feel relieved”描绘出病人家属的矛盾心情;“in a dignified and humane way”意为“有尊严的、人道的方式”,这种说法准确到位,有说服力;

S8. 用“Besides”引出第三点原因的分析,此句陈述虽然简练,但意思表达得非常清晰,能引起读者的共鸣;

S9. 文章前两段均讲述支持安乐死的观点,这里适当提出对立的情况,避免文章流于片面;

S10. 用“To be honest”间接表述自己的观点;此句作出自己同意对方观点的姿态,事实上却是为下文的转折作铺垫,这种写法更易取得读者的信任,进而说服读者;

S11. 用“However”进行转折,提出自己真正的想法;“we should have confidence that”意为“我们应有信心”,这一短语用得非常漂亮。


l  Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sigh.



l  If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.


l  What you are you do not see, what you see is your shadow.


l  I cannot choose the best. The best chooses me.





l  要忠实于原作,表现作者本意,不加个人评论;

l  要用自己的语言进行概括,而非摘选原文中的句子或短语进行拼缀;

l  缩写的长度通常是原文的1/3或1/4,但并非绝对,要视实际情况或要求而定。


原文:Cet4 07年12月 Reading

By almost any measure, there is a boom in Internet-based instruction. In just a few years, 34 percent of American universities have begun offering some form of distance learning (DL), and among the larger schools, it’s closer to 90 percent. If you doubt the popularity of the trend, you probably haven’t heard of the University of Phoenix. It grants degrees entirely on the basis of online instruction. It enrolls 90,000 students, a statistic used to support its claim to be the largest private university in the country.

While the kinds of instruction offered in these programs will differ, DL usually signifies a course in which the instructors post syllabi (课程大纲), reading assignments, and schedules on Websites, and students send in their assignments by e-mail. Generally speaking, face-to-face communication with an instructor is minimized or eliminated altogether.

The attraction for students might at first seem obvious. Primarily, there’s the convenience promised by courses on the Net: you can do the work, as they say, in your pajamas (睡衣). But figures indicate that the reduced effort results in a reduced commitment to the course. While dropout rates for all freshmen at American universities is around 20 percent, the rate for online students is 35 percent. Students themselves seem to understand the weaknesses inherent in the setup. In a survey conducted for eCornell, the DL division of Cornell University, less than a third of the respondents expected the quality of the online course to be as good as the classroom course.

Clearly, from the schools’ perspective, there’s a lot of money to be saved. Although some of the more ambitious programs require new investments in severs and networks to support collaborative software, most DL courses can run on existing or minimally upgraded (升级) systems. The more students who enroll in a course but don’t come to campus, the more the schools saves on keeping the lights on in the classrooms, paying doorkeepers, and maintaining parking lots. And, while there’s evidence that instructors must work harder to run a DL course for a variety of reasons, they won’t be paid any more, and might well be paid less.



S1. 开门见山阐明主题;

S2. 精简细节,将第一段中说明远程教育在美国很流行的细节中的具体数字以及“University of Phoenix”的例子全部省略;以上两句为原文第一段的概要;

S3. 高度概括了第二段中对远程教育课程的介绍,将其中教师通过网络发布教学大纲、布置作业、安排日程,以及学生通过电子邮件提交作业等细节简化为“teachers teach and students learn”,并且将最后一句中关于“face-to-face communication”的意思巧妙地用“without”嵌入句中,而“rather than in classroom”的加入使表意更为清晰,同时也使前后两层意思的衔接更显自然;

S4. 概括远程教育吸引学生之处;“convenience”一词取自原文,而“freedom”则是由原文中的细节推导而来;

S5. 用较为简洁的语言表达“参加远程教育的学生在学习中付出努力较少”这层意思;

S6. 简化关于学生退学率的细节,省略具体数字;

S7. 简单讲述“很少人认为网络课程会具有与传统的教室课程同样的质量”,只保留主要意思,省略所有细枝末节的描述和信息;以上四句是对原文第三段的概要,原文中信息较多,在缩写时不能一味求短而有所遗漏,应使用尽可能简短的语言涵盖所有关键信息;

S8. 直截了当地指出第四段的主题;

S9. 高度浓缩细节,如原文中关于“servers and networks”和“upgraded systems”部分,以及“keeping the lights on in the classrooms, paying doorkeepers, and maintaining parking lots”被概括为“provide school facilities”,又如最后关于教师报酬降低部分只用了四个单词进行概括——“paying less to teachers”。


原文:Cet4 08年6月Reading

Global warming may or may not be the great environmental crisis of the 21st century, but – regardless of whether it is or isn't – we won't do much about it. We will argue over it and may even, as a nation, make some fairly solemn-sounding commitments to avoid it. But the more dramatic and meaningful these commitments seem, the less likely they are to be observed.

A1 Gore calls global warming an "inconvenient truth," as if merely recognizing it could put us on a path to a solution. But the real truth is that we don't know enough to relieve global warming, and – without major technological breakthroughs – we can't do much about it.

      From 20## to 2050, the world's population is projected to grow from 6.4 billion to 9.1 billion, a 42% increase. If energy use per person and technology remain the same, total energy use and greenhouse gas emissions (mainly, CO2) will be 42% higher in 2050. But that's too low, because societies that grow richer use more energy. We need economic growth unless we condemn the world's poor to their present poverty and freeze everyone else's living standards. With modest growth, energy use and greenhouse emissions more than double by 2050.

No government will adopt rigid restrictions on economic growth and personal freeom (limits on electrity usage, driving and travel) that might cut bach global warming. Still, politicians want to show they're "doing something." Consider the Kyoto Protocol (京都议定书). It allowed countries that joined to punish those that didn't. But it hasn't reduced CO2 emissions (up about 25% since 1990), and many signatories (签字国) didn't adopt tough enough policies to hit their 20##-2012 targets.

The practical conclusion is that if global warming is a potential disaster, the only solution is new technology. Only an aggressive research and development program might find ways of breaking our dependence on fossil fuels or dealing with it.

The trouble with the global warming debate is that it has become a moral problem when it's really an engineering one. The inconvenient truth is that if we don't solve the engineering problem,we're helpless.



S1. 原文前两段表达了作者对全球变暖问题的观点;第一段第一句中的强调性转折连词“but”提示此句的重点为后半部分,而第二段中第二句以“But”起句,显示此句极有可能是该段的重点所在;读过之后很快发观,在两句中“but”之后有两个相呼应的结构:“we won't do much about it”和 “we can't do much about it”,结合上下文,不难看出作者是以这种层进的方式表达出自己的看法,即“尽管人们关注并采取行动以解决全球变暖问题,但如果没有科技突破,人们将束手无策”。在缩写时要将此观点表达清楚;

S2. 对原文第三段内容进行浓缩;在捋顺各层次关系后,将具体细节略去,用一个句子概括原段落中的全部信息;该段中心内容是能源消耗和废气排出的增长幅度将远远大于人口的增长幅度,这层意思由含比较结构的主句进行表达,后面接“because”引导的从句说明造成此现象的原因,其中又包含一个非限制性定语从句作进一步说明;原文中关于经济发展和生活水平提高部分的内容被概括为“are universally and endlessly demanded”;

S3. 第三段的中心内容是第一句,段中有一个重要细节——京都协定书,二者的关系是:尽管签订了京都协定书,却没有哪个国家真正愿意执行。因此在这里先指出京都协定书只是一种形式主义的产物,然后再说明各个国家真正的做法,这样写使上下文层次清晰,内容连贯,不会产生断章取义的感觉;

S4. 概括第三段的中心内容,即各个国家不愿限制经济发展以缓解全球变暖;短语“As a matter of fact”清楚地表明上句中的形式主义与下文中真实作法的对立;

S5. 作者在最后两段中再一次指出解决全球变暖的唯一途径是发展科技,两段内容浓缩为一个并列句。


原文:Cet4 07年6月Listening - Long Conversation Two:

M: Sarah, you work in the admissions office, don' t you?

W: Yes, I’ve been here ten years as assistant director.

M: Really? What does that involve?

W: Well, I’m in charge of all the admissions of postgraduate students in the university.

M: Only postgraduates?

W: Yes, postgraduates only. I have nothing at all to do with undergraduates.

M: Do you find that you get particular sort of ... different national groups? I mean, do you get large numbers from Latin America or ...

W: Yes. Well, of all the students enrolled last year, nearly half were from overseas. They were from African countries, the Far East, the Middle East, and Latin America.

M: Em. But have you been doing just that for the last 10 years, or, have you done other things?

W: Well, I' ve been doing the same job. Er, before that, I was secretary of the medical school at Birmingham, and further back, I worked in the local government.

M: Oh, I see.

W: So I’ve done different types of things.

M: Yes, indeed. How do you imagine your job might develop in the future? Can you imagine shifting into a different kind of responsibility or doing something ...

W: Oh, yeah, from October 1, I' ll be doing an entirely different job. There' s going to be more committee work. I mean, more policy work, and less dealing with students, unfortunately, I’ll miss my contact with students.



S1. 开门见山,点出该对话的中心内容——女士的工作情况;

S2. 对话中第一部分谈论的是女士目前的工作,包括工作时间、部门和职位、工作职责以及工作对象——学生——的情况,这些内容在原对话中是通过几个回合的问答传递给听众的,由于信息较多,用一句话进行概括时要注意内容和句子结构的合理安排,如原来在对话中较晚出现的“have been doing just that for the last 10 years”修饰的对象是“work”,与其它内容如职责、学生等无关,因此在概括时放至最前,与谓语“have been working”距离最近,接着说工作部门“in the admissions office”和职务“as assisstant director”,由职务自然而然地讲到职责“in charge of all the admissions of postgraduate students”,之后顺理成章地谈到工作对象“students”的情况;前面几条信息全部采用介词短语结构,最后一点用非限制性定语从句来表达;整个句子信息量大,结构紧凑,布局合理;

S3.简单概括过去的工作经历,省略细节;“Before this” 和“then”简短有效地表明了时间和先后顺序;

S4. 对话中最后一部分谈论女士将要转换去做的工作,主要提到工作内容与目前工作的不同,缩写时应涵盖这一信息。


原文:News report from CHINA DAILY, May 7, 2009

Briton ‘bungee jumps’ into the ‘best job in the world’

SYDNEY: There are far more cushy jobs with fatter paychecks. But none qualifies as the “best job in the world”. And that has gone to a bungee-jumping, ostrich-riding British charity worker.

Ben Southall, 34, of Petersfield, was yesterday named the winner of what has been dubbed the “best job in the world”: a six-month contract to serve as caretaker of a tropical Australian island.

Southall beat out nearly 35,000 applicants from around the world for the dream assignment to swim, explore and relax on Hamilton Island in the Great Barrier Reef while writing a blog to promote the area.

Among those Southall beat to the job were two Chinese candidates, who made it to the last 16.

He was selected for the $111,000 assignment by officials of Queensland state’s tourism department.

Southall and 15 other finalists spent four days on the island enduring an extended interview process, which required them to snorkel through crystalline waters, gorge themselves at a beach side barbecue and rlax at a spa. The finalists also had to demonstrate their blogging abilities, take swimming tests and sit through in-person interviews.

“It was quite traumatic today because we’ve just grown to love all of them, so to actually have to choose one was just dreadful,” Tourism Queensland CEO Anthony Hayes said with an exhausted sigh after the announcement.

“I think we picked the right one, though. He’s the most fabulous guy and his people skills are just outstanding.”

The job is part of a $1.26 million tourism campaign to publicize the charms of northeastern Queensland, and officials say it has already generated more than $81.5 million worth of publicity for the region. It quickly became a viral marketing hit, spreading across the globe through You-Tube and social networking sites such as Facebook.



S1. 新闻前半部分讲述Ben Southall如何击败其他候选者赢得“世界最好的工作”;由于新闻需要传递信息、展示要点、吸引读者,原作者没有按照时间顺序或事情发展的顺序平铺直叙,而是将各个细节分开、打乱,单独讲述,进行强调以影响读者;在缩写中,这些细节被重新整理、筛选、简化,得到的核心内容为:Ben(人物描述)经过对最后16人进行的为时4天的面试后,终于击败约35,000名申请者,获得了“世界最好的工作”(工作描述);至此,这部分的内容概括已然完成,“interview”部分用“after”引导的时间状语从句表述,对Ben的描述采用同位语形式,而工作的描述取原新闻中的形式,放在冒号之后;

S2. 本句不仅表意,而且起承上启下的作用;前半句讲Ben被授予该工作,是对上文的承接,后面告知工作的授予者,由此自然而然引出下文对设置此工作的意图的说明;尽管是概要,也要注意上下文的衔接和短文的完整性;

S3. 概括原新闻中最后一部分内容,省略具体细节,如“more than $81.5 million worth”缩写为“certain worh”,“through You-Tube and social networking sites such as Facebook” 被概括为“through networks”。


原文:News report from CHINA DAILY, May 9-10, 2009

Chinese teenager seeks votes in Euro poll

Like many Chinese immigrants of his generation and before, Steven Cheung was thrown deep into the vastly different culure of the West and expected to adjust fast.

Eight years later, the 19-year-old has not only settled well into his new London home, but he wants to help other Chinese residents do the same by being the first person of Chinese ethnicity in the UK to stand for election to the European Parliament.

Born to a Chinese father and Filipino mother in Hong Kong, Cheung left the special administrative region for the United Kingdom when he was 11. The Cambridge University freshman, who turns 20 in October, speaks Mandarin, Cantonese, English and Tagalog.

He remembers the challenges he faced upon his arrival in Britain, similar to ones faced by many Chinese people when they land on foreign shores.

“I faced discrimination due to my skin color when I first came here. I was the only Chinese in the classroom,” Cheung told China Daily on Friday.

He solved the problem himself by introducing Chinese culture to his classmates, teaching them simple Chinese words.

A year-and-a-half ago, when Cheung started to work as a DJ at Spectrum, a multi-eghnic radio station in London, he was reminded of his problems as a new arrival when he began receiving calls from Chinese people in London.

“I can understand the issues Chinese people face in the UK, but they have no one to help them. That’s one of the reasons why I decided to run for election,” he said.

Cheung’s achievements reflect his early ambition to make a difference for his community.

After being accepted by Cambridge last year, cheung decided instead to take a year off from his studies to do social work.

He was chosen to be the London 20## Olympic Ambassador for the London borough of Waltham Forest and appointed by the British Ministry of Justice as one of its young advisors. Cheung is also a winner of the 20## Princess Diana Award, an accolade for young people who make a difference to their community.

“The slogan for my campaign is peace. I want to show that it is possible for people from different cultures to live together and respect each other. I believe that the Chinese can be a minority yet still have their voices heard,” he said.

Cheung will run as an independent candidate on a platform that includes calling on the European Union to lift its embargo on some Chinese goods.

“In theory anyone 18 or over can run for a seat in parliament, but hat is just theory,” said Cheung.



S1. 阐述本则新闻的核心内容:英国一名19岁的华裔年轻人Steven Cheung竞选欧盟议会议员;句中同时纳入相关信息,如该年轻人目前是剑桥大学一年级学生,以及他是英国第一位竞选欧盟议员的华人;

S2. 简单交代Steven Cheung的移民背景,其父母的情况被略去,只保留他在11岁时由中国香港移民到英国的信息;接着讲述Cheung作为移民在异国的经历,原文中的信息被概括为一句话,同时也特别列出了“discrimination ”这一重要问题;此部分内容为下面讲述参选原因作了铺垫;

S3. 概括参选的原因,新闻中分散的细节被整合成为一个句子;首先接着上一句的内容讲Cheung成功融入移入国生活,此内容以让步状语从句表述,与下文形成转折,下面讲述导致他参选的经历,句子的主语部分是Cheung在一个电台工作的经历,其中“where”引导的从句作进一步说明,讲述他在工作过程中接到很多在英华人打进的电话,由此了解到他们的艰难处境,这才是真正促使他决定参选的原因;

S4. 按时间顺序排列细节;读原新闻得知,Steven Cheung一年半前开始在电台工作,之后被剑桥大学录取,于是决定暂时离开播音室去做一些社会工作,他的工作和活动非常突出,获得了许多荣誉和奖项;

S5. 总结他的成就源于他立志为华人社区带来改变的抱负;此部分内容在原新闻中虽位置较早,但在缩写中放在这里具有承上启下的作用,句子的主语“His achievements” 与前一句的内容呼应,而宾语“his early ambition to make a difference for his community”自然而然地引出他竞选的口号、政治观点及提案;

S6. 概括Steven Cheung竞选的口号和政治观点。
























