



1.Recently,the problem of ... has aroused people's concern. 最近,...的问题引起了人们的关注。

2.Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.


3.Nowadays, ... has become a problem we have to face.


4.It is commonly believe that...


5.Many people insist that...


6.With the development of science and technology more and more people believe that...



1.People's views on ... vary from person person.Some hold that ... However,others believe that...


2.Attitudes towards ... vary from person to person.


3.There are different opinions among people as to...


4.Different people hold different attitudes towards failure. 对(失败),人们的态度各不相同。


1.Taking all these factors into consideration,we naturally come to the conclusion that...


2.Taking into account all these factors,we may reasonably come to the conclusion that...


3.There is no doubt that(job-hopping)has its draw backs,as well as merits.


4.All in all,we can't live with out...,but at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise. 总之,我们没有...是无法生活的。但同时,我们必须寻求新的解决方法来对付可能出现的新问题。


1.It is high time that we put an end to the trend.


2.It is time to take the advice of ... and to put special emphasis on the improvement of ...


3.There's no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of ...


4.Obviously, ... if we want to do something ... ,it is essential that...


5.Only in this way can we ...


6.It must be realized that ...



一、时态和语态:主要考查时态一致;从句中的时态规则;习惯上不用被动语态的词; 时态的点与线;完成时态;进行时态的被动语态等。如:

1. Do you know _______________________________(他们认识多久了)before they _____________? (know, marry)

2. As soon as he __________ (回来), I’ll tell him ________________

____________(你何时会来看他). (see)

3. __________________(已经说得够多了)about how to learn English. (enough)

4. Though the novel ____________(写得不错),it _____________(不畅销). (write, sell)

5. _____________________________(已经下了三天雨了)when we got there. (rain)

6. When and where to build the new school ___________________(仍然在讨论中). (discuss)


1. How interesting the film is! I’ve never seen __________________(比这更有趣的电影了). (one)

2. The football match is disappointing. It ______________(不能再糟了). (can)

3. He can eat ________________________(两倍的冰激淋)as I do. (ice cream)

4. The temperature of Wuhan is _____________________________(比广州高得多). (high)

5. New Zealand is mainly made up of two islands, ______________(其中较大的一个)is the South Island. (large)

6. The more I know him, __________________(我越不喜欢他).(like)


1. I got up early, but I ___________________(不必这么做), because it was Sunday. (need)

2. ____________________(他肯定没回家), I saw him playing basketball a moment ago. (go)

3. Why didn’t you tell me about your problem? I _________________(本来能够帮你的). (could)

4. _________________________________(一定有太多的人)waiting to get the ticket. It was such a popular match. (there)

5. _____________________(你不该离开)without saying a word. You don’t know how anxious we were about you! (leave)


1. If a child ___________________(习惯了给予), he will be spoiled. (used, give)

2. When I got off the train, It ______________________(碰巧下雨). (happen)

3. Badly damaged during the earthquake, he had to _______________

_______(请人重修房子). (have, rebuild)

4. The speaker raised his voice to _________________(使别人听见).

5. The poor boy _____________________(通常被迫学习)until late into the night. (make)

6. ___________________(受到批评)by the teacher, the boy felt unhappy. (criticize)

7. ___________________(他没有被邀请)to the party made him disappointed. (invite)

8. Another coal mine accident ____________________________(据报道发生)in Shang xi yesterday. (report, take place)

五、名词性从句:侧重what, that, where, how, why 以及whatever, whoever等复合连词引导的主语、表语、宾语和同位语从句。

1. _____________________________________(以前认为不可能的事)has now turned into realities. (used, consider)

2. ________________________(任何当选领导的人)should do ________

______(他能做的来帮助)the people. (elect)

3. You can give the document to _________________(你见到的任何人)in my house. (see)

4. _______________________________(地球绕太阳转)has long been proved. (move)

5. Nobody knows _____________________(人类将是什么样子)in the future. (look)

6. The idea ______________________(我们去野炊)didn’t appeal to me at all. (go)

7. Air is to man ___________________(正如水之于鱼)

六、定语从句:侧重as, which引导的非限定性从句,介词+which / whom从句以及whose 引导的定语从句等。

1. ___________________(众所周知), Taiwan is part of China. (know)

2. The newcomer is from Japan, __________________(这点可以分辨)from his appearance. (tell)

3. There are more than 50 students in our class, _______________(其中大部分)are from Wuhan. (most)

4. My house is in the suburb, _____________________(前面有个湖). 5. The white building, ___________(其屋顶)was damaged in the big fire, is actually a hospital. (roof)

6. The bike ______________________(他请人修过的)broke down again. (have, repair)

七、状语从句:侧重where, before, unless, when以及whatever (no matter what), however (no matter how) 等引导的状语从句,以及其它惯用状语从句结构,如as, be just about to…when; It won’t be long before等。

1. __________________(要不了多久)the Beijing Olympic Games are held. (long)

2. I’m sure the letter won’t arrive in time ______________________(除非用航空邮寄). (unless)

3. _____________(尽管她很富有), she is not happy. (as)

4. Many graduates demanded to be sent ______________________(最需要他们的地方去). (need)

5. _____________________________________________(一首诗歌无论翻译得多好),something of the original is lost. (however)

6. _______________________(我正准备出发)it began to rain. (about)

7. Tom is ________________________ (这么聪明的孩子)that all of us like him. (so, boy)

八. 倒装与强调:常用的倒装结构(部分与全部倒装);强调句型的疑问句以及名词性从句中的语序等。

1. _______________________(任何别处你不可能看到)so many grand bridges as in Wuhan.

( nowhere)

2. Luckily, the accident didn’t cause any death,__________________

_____ (也没有造成)any injuries. (nor)

3. Hardly ________________(我刚启程出发)it began to rain. (set off)

4. Never _______________________________(他们彼此吵架), though they have been married for twenty years. (quarrel)

5. By no means ______________________(我们应该脱离)from the people. (separate)

6. So _______________(他如此沉醉于)in the novel that he didn’t notice my coming. (absorb)

7. _________________________(直到半夜)she came home last night, which worried her parents a lot. (until)

8. Do you know _________________(是什么时候)we last met? (it)

九、虚拟语气:条件句,as if, wish 后的虚拟语气;表示“建议,命令,要求”等动词后的虚拟语气以及otherwise, but for, without, is only, it is time that…等引出的虚拟语气。

1. The teacher treats her _____________________(好像她是他女儿). (as if)

2. The boy __________________________(就会淹死了)but for the rescue of the soldier. (drown)

3. He didn’t work hard. Otherwise he __________________________(就已经通过考试了). (pass)

4. Look what mistakes I’ve made. If only I ______________________(听你的劝告). (follow)

5. It is high time _________________________________(我们重视)environment problems. (attach)

6. He insisted that ____________________________(会议延期)until the next day. (put off)

十、特殊句式:英语常用句型和惯用结构;如: it 作形式主语和宾语,以及It引导的常用结构,如 it is said..., It happened that...等,with+复合结构,be of +抽象名词,祈使句,感叹句等。

1. _____________________________________(谈到电脑游戏), he is always interested and excited. (come)

2. The development of technology _____________________________(使我们…很方便)to keep in touch with each other. (convenient)

3. Though your composition is well written, much __________

______________(有待改进). (remain)

4. _____________________(有老师的帮助), he is making progress in English. (with)

5. It is said that ___________________________(她宁可死也不嫁给)the man. (rather)

十、特殊句式:英语常用句型和惯用结构;如: it 作形式主语和宾语,以及It引导的常用结构,如 it is said..., It happened that...等,with+复合结构,be of +抽象名词,祈使句,感叹句等。

6. Tom hasn’t shown up yet. ____________________________(你认为发生了什么)to him? (think)

7. The mother don’t know who is ________(该受到责备)for the broken window. (blame)

8. ___________________________(再给我三分钟), and I’ll finish the job. (give)

9. We all think it _________________(非常重要)to master English. (importance)

10. _________________ (多么激动人心的消息啊) it is that China successfully launched Chang’e I, the lunar orbiter! ( news)


1. The notice on the wall says “Please put the book back ________________________(你拿的地方)it after reading. (take)

2. With _____________________(他的梦想实现), the man felt extremely happy. (realize)

3. Ever since the computer was introduced in teaching in our school, not only ______________________________________(学生感兴趣)in the lessons, but the teachers’ energy has been saved. (interest)

4. Look at the trouble you have caused to yourself! If only you ____________________(听从)my advice. (follow)

5. It’s ten o’clock already, but the Smiths are nowhere to be seen. Most probably, the

__________________(遇上了)the traffic. (catch)

6. ____________________________________(我从没想到)that you would object to the

decision, since you hadn’t said anything about it before. (occur)

7. Many coal mine accdents ________________________________(本来可以避免的)

if we had followed the strict safty rules. (avoid)

8. _____________________________(直到二次大战)was the importance of Fleming’s

discovery fully recognized. (until)

9. By no means _____________________(中国会干涉)with other countries’ affairs.


10. Shelter is a basic need for any living creature. A nest is to a bird

__________________(就像房子)is to man. (what)

11. To her relief, the research ____________________________(她致力于)in the last decades turned out to be a great success and earned her many awards. (devote)

12. The old gentleman never fails to help ____________________(任何需要帮助的人). (need)

13. The movie has won several awards at the film festival, ___________________(这证明)that it is really a success. (prove)

14. Why didn’t you tell me about your problem. I _____________________(或许能给你)some help. (give)

15. Compared with some developed countries, we still _________________________(有

很大的差距). (go)

16. Those flowers, ________________________(尽管闻起来香), are actually very poisonous and harmful. (smell)

17. It’s not like him to be so late for such an important ocassion. _________________________(我想他不会来了). (think)

18. Most films directed by Zhang Yimou ______________________(受到很高的评价). (think)

19. Luckily we’d brought a map with us, _________________(没有它)we might have got lost. (without0

20. I was very busy yesterday, otherwise I ____________________(就会来照顾)my sick mother in hospital. (attend)

21. It was so cold and the road was so icy. It ______________________(肯定不是)a comfortable journey. (be)

22. So hard ______________________(他工作)in the past few months that he has made great progress in English. (wor)

23. There was so much noise that the speaker couldn’t ___________________________(让别人听到自己讲话). (himself)

24. People prefer T-shirts made of cotton, because they ____________________ (穿着舒适)and absorbs sweat. (wear)

25. What luck! It ___________________ (一直下雨) ever since we came down to the

beach 3 days ago. (rain)

26. The mobile phones in this shop are not so expensive as _______________________(那家商店的). (that)

27. Having failed in the examination, the boy regretted that he had spend too much time, which __________________________(本该用来)to study, playing computer games.

28. Some new evidence has come to light, which led to the cheat’s ________________(被捕). (arrest)

29. His _______________________(没有被邀请)to the party made him feel unhappy. (invite)

30. ____________________(被带到)abroad for a tour is an exciting experience for an ordinary child. (take)

31. Though your composition is well written, much remains ___________________(改进). (improve)

32. _______________________(曾经被认为)impossible has now been turned into realities. (consider)

33. A determined person will try his best to reach the goal, _____________________(无论多么困难)he may meet. (difficulty)

34. It is hard work, intelligent and strong will that has made ____________________(今天的他). (is)

35. ________________________(那个城市所在的地方)now used to be a poor village.


36. There is a mountain at the back of our house, ___________________(山顶)is covered

with snow throughout the year. (top)

37. He was not well yesterday, otherwise he _____________________(就会帮助)you with the experiment. (help)

38. With so many things ________________(要处理), the manager feels as busy as a bee. (deal)

39. The teacher treats the students as if they _______________________(他自己的孩子). (be)

40. Actually, there are lots of nice places in the city for tourists to explore, but the Yellow Crane Tower with its long history is a must-see , ________________________(东湖也是). (as)


1. Before the Hope Project was carried out in this poor area, many children here had

no access to education.

2. Nowadays much importance is attached to students’ mental health as they have been under too much pressure from their parents as well as the teachers on their academic skills.

3. Research shows that the choice of one’s clothes is often the reflection of one’s personality and character.

4. It is hoped that you can make some adjustments about the quality of your service in response to the reactions of the customers.

5. After our government launched a campaign to popularize Chinese language worldwide, lots of Confucius colleges have appeared in foreign universities.


Don’t disturb them! If they have water and light, most plants are best left alone to grow in a natural way.


Technology will continue to advance and change, and you must constantly learn and adapt or risk becoming a dinosaur. (落伍的人)


The workers agreed to call off strike for improving working conditions if their demand was immediately satisfied.


Some of the most important concepts in physics owe their success to these mathematical system.


Nowadays, a beautiful scenery alone is not enough to guarantee a boom in tourism. Quality

of accomodation plays a crucial(决定性的) role.


Tibet has been one of the hottest places for visitors, as it treats visitors to not only the typical high land landscape, but a colorful ethnic(种族) cutural diversity as well.


With the economic crisis over, the following years are likely to see a rise in production. 13.

Local charity workers are joining a nationwide drive to raise public awareness of AIDS, a disease for which there is no effective cure.


Since my bike was broken, my friend let me use his bike, saying that he lived near the school and could go without it.


It’s true that the old road is less direct and a bit longer. We won’t take the new one, though , because we don’t feel as safe on it.


Jenny Wang came out first in the English Speech Competition. What makes her stand out in learning English is enough practive, I suppose.


Affected by the global financial crisis, our situation of economy suggests to be very serious in the next few years.


It’s really disappointing that lots of people should just look on when they saw the drowning girl struggling in the river.


Most educators agree that the time a person spends at high schools usually helps to shape his or her future.


Though influenced by the bad weather, the football match is due to take place at the fixed time.


Three months after the terrible eathquake, everything returned to be normal and people are going about their daily routine regularly.


Natural disasters, instead of letting us down, have brought about(引起) the best in Chinese people, who are more firmly united to overcome any difficulty.


Unfortunately, his car broke down half way to the destination. To make matters worse, it was so late, he had to put up(投宿) at a roadside inn for the night.


Whatever becomes of us in the future, we must get down to fundamental—doing what we should.


The traditional way of judging someone in terms of (按照)their diploma is not always the best way to recognize someone really talented.


Further investigation showed that lots of high officials were also involved in the case, which surprised the court.


Finally, the workers agreed to call off strike if their demand for a rise was immediately satisfied.


The author had qualified as a doctor but later gave up the practice of medicine for full-time writing.


Although the necklace is not made of real crystal, The shape and its size is still appealing to most young people to buy it.


To keep up with the changing society, we should equip ourselves with a wide rang of knowledge.


The absence of air and water explains why there is no life on Mars though the temperature in certain parts is acceptable.


My parents always remind me to make sure the gas is turned off after a bath, which would otherwise cause danger.


The story of Harry Porter was inspired by a young wizard J. K. Rolling met on a train. 34.

The newly-built airport will be accessible to all kinds of vehicles from all directions. 35.

Some new evidences about the case came to light recently, which led to the arrest of the criminal.


It wasn’t long before we found ourselves on the island and then came the problem how we could come into contact with our family and friends.


The poor mother, who had been ill in bed, had to have her little son adopted at his uncle’s. 38.

The world is moving fast and you need to show employers that you can keep up , so as to keep the position.


The stronger the motivation, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language. That is to say, it is up to whether he has an interest in the foreign language.


The government must be very cautious about setting policies and make no decision until they are quite sure it is the right one.
























