

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have the honor and the pleasure ,on behalf of the Organizing Committee ,to extend our cordial welcome to all the scientists and experts who have been invited to this internationalconferenceof “onebeltandoneroad“. Let me introduce myself .I am hujianjun, from Tsinghua University .It is a greate pleasure for me to be the chairman of the session today.

When Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Central Asia and Southeast Asia in September and October of 2013, he raised the initiative of jointly building the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road, which have attracted close attention from all over the world.The Belt and Road Initiative is a way for win-win cooperation that promotes common development and prosperity and a road toward peace and friendship by enhancing mutual understanding and trust, and strengthening all-around exchanges. Now A series of results in different field have been obtained. The Congress will cover all aspects of One Belt and one Road,and the strategy , impact ,achievement of B&R will be included. I hope that the conference will improve our understanding of OBOR, and I also hope that the congress will provide the opportunity for personal exchange of scientific results ,facilitate the making of new acquaintances and to strengthen the personal friendships among

participants from different parts of the world.

Today’s speakers will share their thoughtson “onebeltandoneroad”. Then, we’ll have a Question and Answer session, which allows the everyone to ask some questions you may be interested. I am sure that you will find some topics to be presented both interesting and informative.


now,let’s go on the first stage of the conference ,which is about making an oral presentation about onebeltandoneroad.


1. Now, I will be very excited to introduce the firstspeaker, Prof.XXX, who is a professor of political science at the

Peking University.And his topic is “The One Belt And One Road: Actions and Future.”

2. Let me introduce the second speaker, who is very very rich, not in dollars, but in knowledge and experiences, She got her Ph.D in the economics ,Central SouthUniversity, followed by a series of teaching and research positions at

OxfordUniversity. Please don’t hesitate to join me in

welcoming our first speaker, Prof.XXX, whose topic is(“The

Security Challenges to the “One Belt and One Road”

Strategy and China's Choices “). Welcome.

3. Let’s welcome to professorXXX,whoisa Sociologist from Tsinghua University . He will give us a wonderful speech titled “Belt and road"--to promote China’s Marshall plan”.

4. Today our 4th speaker is XXX, professor ofChicago

University,The title of her presentation is “The“One Belt and One Road”:the Bridge between the Chinese Dream and the World Dream”. Let’s welcome to professor于彦芳.

5. Our 5th speaker is XXX , as the president of Baidu company, he will give us an excellent report titled “The One Belt and One Road Grand Smart Banlance”. Let’s welcome to

president yang with our warm applause.

6. OurnextspeakerisprofessorXXX comefromColumbia

University,whosetopictiteld“Examining the "One Belt and One Road"Strategy in the Background of RMB

Internationalization“,Let’s welcome to professorXXX.

7. Today our 7th speaker is XXX, who is aExperienced

professorofColumbia University, The title of her presentation is “Impact of the National Strategy of One Belt and One Road for World Investment Construction”. Let’s welcome to professorXXX.

8. I will be very pleased and excitedtointroduceour8speaker,王th

欢,the director of National Energy Administration,andthetitleofhistopicis“"Belt and Road"Initiative Promote International Energy Cooperation“ .

9. OurlastspeakerisXXX,professorofFudanUniversity,will give us an excellent report titled"One Belt, One Road" Initiative: The Impacts on Economy of China’s Various Region


Ladies and gentleman, our distinguished speakers have finished their presentations, we now enter into the question and answer session. Isthereanyquestionyouwouldliketoaddresstoourspeakers.I believeourspeakerwillgiveyouanysatisfactoryanswers。


Any additional questions.?

I hope the audience will participate in the discussion by rising their


Nobody, ok ,Iwould like ask professor 蒋 a question.””


1.what kind of opportunity the implementation of B&R can bring to college students?

2.what can we do and how to do in order to achieve self-value better when the country drive the B&R?

3.how does the construction of B&R make our country more



Let’s keep on schedule and go ahead to the fourth paper. We’ll then go on with the last paper. Well, I am sure we could discuss longer, but unfortunately time is up. Thank you very much, Dr A. Our next speaker isDr C. Sorry, we don’t have any time for questions, so we have to proceed to the next paper.


Okay, well, as time is limited . I am sorry to say that this session will have to stop here.Now ,let’s welcome the chairman ,Miss Fu to give us a Closing speech.

Closing speech

First of all, I would like to thank Mrs. Make and the organizing committee for having appointed me to serve as the chair of this conference.

We are now very close to the end of this conference. I believe that our conference is a great success. More than 40 participants have come to Changsha to discuss not only general questions about one belt and one road but more concrete questions and problems and their possible solutions.

It went smoothly as scheduled. In these two days the conference has covered so many important and complex problems in the flied of one belt and one road both theoretical and practical. All the

presentations were very illuminating and informative. And the heated panel discussions were very stimulating and fruitful.

It’s our hope that the result of the conference will carry the study of one belt and one road to a new stage. We all hope to maintain close contact and cooperation with each other in the field of future research work on one belt and one road.

Now, with great joy and reluctant mind to part, we get together again to declare that the conference has drawn to a successful close.

Thank you to every body who has contributed to the conference with reports and introductions。

As the chair of the conference, I would like to express my thanks again.

Thank you for coming to the 2st international conference of one belt and one road.






好啦,我们今天的《生活袋袋裤》到此结束,我们下周六不见不散。Bey-bey . 2

观众朋友大家晚上好,欢迎打开新一期的《人物周刊》,我是主持人迎。 本周我们所要关注的人物,他呢,从小就爱做梦。 7岁那年,他说,“总有一天我会成为最富有的人”,伙伴们都笑他在说梦话。






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