


一 看图写作(讲故事,过去时)

One day, a crow was eating a meat on a tree. A fox saw that. He was very hungry, and he wanted to eat the meat. So he said: “Mr Crow, could you sing a song for me?” The crow was very happy when he heard that. He said: “OK, I will sing a song for you.” And then, he began to sing. However, when he opened his mouth, the meat fell to the ground. The fox caught the meat quickly, and said: “Thank you Mr. Crow, the meat is delicious.” The crow was angry and sad.

二  生日聚会 (一般现在时)

Janet’s birthday party

Today is May,6th,Sunday. It is Janet’s birthday. She invites all her best friends, Sally, Xiaoling, Jiamin, Yongxian to her birthday party. There are some colourful balloons in the room. In the center of the room, there is a big table. On the table there is a big birthday cake. There are nine candles on it. Janet blows out the candles, and then they sing the birthday song together. They are so happy!

三 暑假计划(一般将来时)
                  My Summer holiday

My Summer holiday is coming. I am very excited. I have lots of plans to do. First, I want to go to the Xiangjiang Wild Animal Zoo to see the white tigers. Second, I am going to go shopping with my mother at Beijing Road, and then we are going to have dimsum in the Guangzhou Restaurant. I think I will be very happy in this summer holiday.

四 最喜欢的事物(综合时态)

My Hero

My favorite person is Dr Sun YatSen. He was born in Guangdong, Zhongshan. He was the father of modern China. He was a great leader. He tried to change China and free the people. He loved the people and the people loved him.

My favorite animal

My favorite animal is the panda. It looks like cat. It has two big eyes and a big body. It can climb trees. It likes eating bamboos. It lives in China. Many people from the world like pandas very much.

My favorite city

My favorite city is Guangzhou. It is in the south of China. It is a big and noisy city, but it is very beautiful. There are a lot of places you can visit. You can go to the Yuexiu park, the Xiangjiang wild animals zoo, and the Pearl River. The people in Guangzhou are very kind and friendly. Do you like Guangzhou?

My favorite season

My favorite season is summer. It is from June to August. In this season, the weather is very hot. We can wear shorts and T-shirts. We can go swimming. We can eat ice cream, and play in the park. So I like spring best.

My favorite festival

My favorite festival is Spring Festival. Spring Festival is the most important and popular festival in China. Before Spring Festival, people clean and decorate their houses. At Spring Festival’s Eve, adults always give lucky money to kids. During Spring Festival, people usually get together and have a big dinner. It is really fantastic. I hope every day is Spring Festival.

五 写日记(过去时)

Saturday, June 3rd                                    Sunny


    Today was a busy day. My classmates and I went to Baiyun Hill to plant trees. First, we dug holes. Then we put the young trees into the holes and filled the holes with earth. Some boys carried water for the new trees. Some girls helped them water the trees. We were tired, but we were very happy. All of us hope the trees will grow well.

六 写愿望(一般将来时)

My dream

     I want to be a doctor when I grow up. Do you know why? Because I think a doctor can help sick people. If I am a doctor, I will help the sick people. I will be very friendly to them. We can help each other. I am sure I will love the people and the people will love me. I hope I can save the poor people. This is my dream. I hope my dream will come true.



doc文档可能在WAP端浏览体验不佳。建议您优先选择TXT,或下载源文件到本机查看。 小学升中学数学模拟卷

一,填空. 1.一个数由 5 个十和 4 个十分之一组成, ,这个数写作( 2.9.08 千米=( 3.0.8 的倒数是( )千米( ) . )人. )米 ) .

青教师的人数比是 4.京华中学有教师 120 人,老,中,青教师的人数比是 1:3:4,有中年教师(



)%. )比例.

5.2 :5= 15 =(

6.在比例中,两个外项的积一定,两个两内项成 两个两内项成( 7.当 x=0.5 时,4x+3 的值是(

) 当 x =( )时,4x + 3=7. . )平

8.一个圆锥体底面积周长是 12.56 厘米, ,体积是 37.68 立方厘米,圆锥体的底面积是( 方厘米,高是( )厘米.

9.100 克的糖溶在水里,制成的糖水含糠率为 12.56.如果再加 200 克水,这时糖与糖水最简单 制成的糖水含糠率为 的整数比是( 10. ) .

如果在这个长方形中画一人最大半圆,这个半圆珠笔的面 如图,长方形的面积是 20 平方厘米,如果在这个长方形中画一人最大半圆 积是( )平方厘米. )里画 里画"√ " ,错误的画"×" . )


1.除 2 以外,所有的质数都是奇数. (

2 2.分母是一位数,分子是质数的最小的最简分数是 3 . ( 分子是质数的最小的最简分数是

3.钝角三角形的内角和大于税角三角形的内角和 ( 钝角三角形的内角和大于税角三角形的内角和. 三,选择正确答案的序号填在( )里. . )


1. 甲乙两地实际距离是 320 千米, 在一幅地图上量得的距离是 4 厘米, 这幅地图的比例尺是 ( (1)1:80(2)1:8000(3)1:8000000 8000000 2.比较两池的拥挤程度,结果是( ) . ) .

(1)甲池拥挤(2)乙池拥抗挤(3)两池一样 两池一样 四,用简便方法计算下面各题. 写简算过程) (写简算过程

1.16.4 + 3.5 + 83.6 + 166.5 五,脱式计算下面各题. 1.498+9870÷35

4 4 2. 5 ×38.3 + 1.7× 5

2.420.5 - 294÷2.8×2.1

2 2 1 5 ÷ + 3. 3 5 8 12

2 3 + 1 × 4 4. 3 ÷ 4 12 5

3 5. 5 ÷

1 2 7 4 + 7 × 20


2 9 商是多少? 1. 9 的 10 除以的 20 与 18 的差,商是多少

2.一个数减少它的 15%后是 5.1,这个数是多少 这个数是多少?(列方程解) 七,求下面组合图形的体积. (单位:厘米 厘米)

八,应用题. 1.在第 27 届奥运会上,中国运动员获牌情况统计如下 中国运动员获牌情况统计如下: 金牌 28 块 银牌 16 块 铜牌 15 块

(1)金牌数量占奖牌总数的百分之几?( ?(2)铜牌数量是银行数量的百分之几? (3)金牌数量比铜牌数百分之几? 2.一辆汽车从东城开往西城,每小时行 42 千米,5 小时到达乙城;返回时用了 4 小时,平均每 小时行多少千米?(用比例解)

1 比建成时低了 3.埃及金字塔现在高度大约 140 米,比建成时低了 21, 建成时大约高多少米?

4.甲,乙两队合修一条水渠需要 15 天,甲 甲,乙两队的工作效率比是 2 :3,如果乙队单独修这 条水渠需要多少天? 5. 桌子的价钱是椅子的 3.2 倍, 5 把椅子和 4 张桌子共花 2670 元, 买 每把椅子的单价是多少元?








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