


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Can two people be good friends if one person has more money than the other?

  Friendship is a relationship with unconditional support, love, care and a sense of security. A real friendship technically couldn’t be jeopardized by factors such as money.

  Two good friends with one of them richer are actually more likely to maintain a stable relationship than those who possess more equal wealth. When the relatively less rich person gets into financial trouble, he could easily turn to his friend who will help him through hardship financially. There was a well-known legend, dating back to the Spring and Autumn period which was approximately three thousand years ago, about Guan Zhong and Bao Shuya’s friendship. Guan was poor but very talented and Bao took a tremendous amount of money to assist him to study and establish his career. Years later, their friendship still was maintained so well that even Guan because the prime minister of the enemy state of Bao’s.

  In contrast, equally rich friends sometimes end up with being enemy. The reason is simple. The very nature of human being has one evil aspect: jealousy. Good friends usually know each other much better than the other people around. It is very hard to avoid that one of them starts comparing all sorts of things such as wealth, fame, achievements and so on. In Monte Christo, Fernandez was so jealous of Dantes that he eventually betrayed Dantes and didn’t hesitate to push him into the jail and stole his beautiful fiance.

  Those things I have mentioned above can be viewed as money is far less than important in a healthy friendship. What real friends can give us is that they are always there. A lot of my friends are working in careers such as freelance writing and mountain climbing. They don’t make as much money as I do. But when we get together and have a couple of drink, we never ever consider who is richer. Actually, this is the only moment when I am able to take off the mask and demonstrate a real me. One day, one of my best friends claimed that he went bankruptcy and he decided to pack up to go wandering first. He didn’t want any money from me but told me that he made friends with me not because of my wealth but my personality.

  The shining side of humanity is that we were born with free spirit and people make friends by looking for ones who share the same spirits. Money comes and goes easily and has nothing to do with friendship. (416 words, Ge Xu; 2013/1/17)



托福独立写作高分范文 3

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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The main purpose for people who have jobs is for money rather than social status.

People choose their careers and jobs for many different reasons. Some choose a job for money. Some for social status, and some even because it’s something they really enjoy to do. However, the main reason people choose a certain job is for social status.

People might choose a job for its money, but mainly a job with social status automatically has a high salary. Lots of people want to be lawyers and doctors, because they are prestigious and respected jobs in society. Another plus is that these jobs also have very high paying salaries. In comparison, jobs with a lower social status typically come with a lower paying salary. Many people grow up wanting to be laywers, but not many grow up wanting to be trash collectors. This does not sound like a very fun job and it also does not pay very well. A job with a high social status always pay more.

In addition, jobs with a higher social status require education. Being well educated is important in society, and most parents continually encourage their child do well in school. The better you do in school, the more interests you develop. When it comes to choosing a career, a person will want to put to use all of their years of education. To not do so would be a waste of all of those hours spent studying in the library. Since education gives one social status, choosing a job equivallent to one’s education level in effect is motivated by social status, not money.

Admittedly, there are some exceptions, where people choose a job to make a difference in society. Jobs like being a social worker or teaching. These jobs don’t pay as well and are not considered the best jobs in society. However, these jobs require highly educated workers. Although these jobs are not considered the most glamorous by society, they deserve respect. This is case where people choose a job based neither on social status nor money.

People choose their career for many different reasons. The main reason people choose certain jobs is based on the social status these jobs will bring. (355)


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A university should focus more on its facilities such as libraries, computers or laboratory, rather than on hiring famous teachers.

In this age of rapid technological development, in order to be the most advanced and successful, universities must keep their facilities and resources up to date. This not

only attracts more students, but also attracts renowned professors to the university.

Students now more than ever are demanding that universities provide the very latest in academics. To receive the most advanced education, advanced facilities are required. A student majoring in science cannot obtain an accredited level of experience if his university does not have the proper laboratory facilities. Likewise, a liberal arts student is equally as dependent on a current library. Progress is the main purpose of institutions of higher education. A university that does not seek to improve its facility will fail in improving its students.

A university that does not invest in its facilities will not only fail to produce good students, but will also fail to attract famous professors. Universities are able to attract professors because they can offer them good facilities with state-of-the-art technology so that these professors can conduct successful research and remain at the top of their respective fields. For example, a famous biology professor would think it a waste of time to teach at a university that does not at least have an electron microscope. With the proper facilities, universities can easily attract the best teachers in the world.

There may be some university facilities, like gymnasiums, that on the outside do not have any direct connection to the success of the university’s academics. However, athletics is great way to draw attention to a university. When universities get attention, they also get funding. Private donors are the main way that universities can afford to upgrade their facilities. Therefore, the more attention a university gives to its facilities, the more potential donors it will attract. This is why so many universities in America lay such great importance on their sports teams and their sports facilities.

Universities should make updating their facilities a top priority. Having world-renown professors is important for the success and prestige of a university; however without advanced facilities, a university will not be able to attract these professors. Without advanced facilities, a university will also not be able to attract many good students or even donors to help further improve the university. (380)









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