










本人在校学习认真,曾担任班委、院团委等重要职务,工作塌实,有良好的组织协调能力和团队意识。曾获一等奖学金,XX大学优秀毕业生,优秀班干部等。爱好专业,掌握有较好的专业知识,有一定的钻研精神,做事塌实,认真。 自我介绍完了,谢谢大家.














四年来,我一直怀着对本专业的热爱,认真学习专业知识。学习了电路分析,微机原理,C/C++编程,数字/模拟电子技术,单片机,DSP,电路CAD等等一系列与电子相关的课程;出于对嵌入式开发的爱好,我自学了许多嵌入式方面的知识,比如ARM嵌入式系统,Linux操作系统,Linux C编程,uc/GUI等。参加了西南大学创新基金项目,并担任主要队员,培养了团队合作意识,学到了一定的开发经验,并了解到了很多先进技术。

作为一名电子专业的大学应届毕业生,我所拥有的是年轻和知识。年轻虽然缺少经验,但是年轻也意味着热情和活力,我自信能凭自己的能力和学识在毕业以后的工作和生活中克服各种困难,不断实现自我的人生价值和追求的目标。 您好,我的名字叫xxx,毕业于xx大学。在学校期间,我勤奋学习专业知识,努力把理论知识运用到实践中去。我的性格乐观向上,并且适应力强。做事脚踏实地、认真负责,敢于创新勇于迎接新挑战。虽然工作经验不足,但我会虚心学习、积极工作、尽忠尽责做好本职工作。


★ 勤奋、踏实、诚实守信,为人正直、热情,积极主动,能吃苦耐劳★ 拥有较为全面的专业知识和一定的实践经验★ 有较强的适应能力、自学能力及沟通能力 ★ 有极强的责任心和团体协作能力


一、毕业的问题  1、Studying Abroad or Home   1) 现在有越来越多的人想出国留学。   2) 出国留学与在国内学习的对比。   3) 你的观点。   Nowadays, with the development of science and technology, more and more people want to study abroad. This group of people include /There are students from colleges and universities, from the middle schools, from the primary schools, and people from all walks of life. What difference does it make between studying abroad and home ?  Though many students are crazy about going abroad to pursue/be in search of their higher education, I think studying home is preferable. For one thing, you don’t have to take foreign language tests such as TOEFL/proficiency tests and GRE. This can save you a tremendous amount of time, money and effort, allowing much of your energy to be devoted to your academic goals. In addition, if you study home, you can stay with your family and old friends. Meanwhile, while studying home, you can enjoy the kind of intimate friendship and comfortable family atmosphere which you can only dream of in a foreign university , where you will be accompanied by your own shadow most of the time. For these reasons, pursuing one’s higher education at home is a more realistic and sensible choice.   In a word, I prefer to study home.2.The Intensified Postgraduate Entrance Examination   1). 请简略叙述图表;(图表略)   2). 说明造成这种现象的原因和可能的结果;   3). 你的观点。   It can be seen from the graph that there are more and more students attending the postgraduate entrance examination year by year. Compared with before, the rate of the student taking part in the postgraduate entrance examination becomes higher and higher. In the meanwhile, the admittance rate is also rising.   What are the reasons for this and the possible consequences? On the one hand, there are three reasons for this. First, the job market becomes more and more competitive. As a result, most people want to find or exchange for a better job by obtaining a high degree. Second, most college students want to pursue their study after their graduation from the undergraduate. Third, with the development the science and technology, what has been learned at college is not enough to meet the need of the society. On the other hand, there are some possible consequences of this. For one thing, most people will be force to pay more attention to the examination than to the improvement of their true ability. For another, it will have a negative effect not only on the individual but also on the society in the long run.   In my opinion, high degree doesn’t necessarily mean high ability. It is important for us to pay more attention to the improvement of our abilities than to the examinations.  3.下图是某校毕业生去向图,请就此图描述,并分析原因。   就业的占50%

  出国留学占17%   考研占30%   其它 3%二、个人生活方面的话题1. On Responsibility   We Chinese place a high value on responsibility. It is traditional deal for us Chinese to take care of our parents. We owe them a great deal for the love they give us while we are growing up. It is right, then, when they are getting older with each passing day, we help them and see that they are well cared for. In this way, we give back some of the love and care they have given to us.   As loyal Chinese citizens, we must have a strong sense of responsibility to our country. I t is our duty to keep China strong in the eyes of the world. Therefore, we should study and work hard for China’s strongness which also depends on the advanced science and technology. We must be willing to join the Army and defend our country, would we be threatened by an invader. In short, to be a responsible citizen, we must put our country’s welfare above our own needs.   Finally, we must remember that we have a responsibility to the world we live in. It is important that we learn to live in peace with the other nations of the world and to protect our environment. If we carry out these responsibilities, we will be respected citizens of our country.   Key words:守时,独立、乱刻乱划、信心的重要性、幽默感的重要性、能力与分数, 聪明与勤奋, 能力与长相、合作与竞争等对比性的文章、各种健康问题, 减肥等   2. Motives   Behind every daily activity lies a motive. Generally speaking, those who have good motives may succeed both in their career and life. For example, prominent men like scientists usually have very clear motives in fields they are exploring. Ordinary men like those young parents work hard to support families. Students study diligently either to rank the top in their class or to be prepared for future success. So holding positive motives will contribute to people leading a healthy and useful life.   Evil can also be a motive. The motive for obtaining money without hard work makes a pickpocket steal a purse. To fulfill his evil desire, a robber can grab others’ belongings, and a murderer can kill an innocent person. These wicked motives are the kind that people need to get rid of because they are harmful to other people and society.   But all good motives do not necessarily result in satisfactory outcomes. Some of them lead to bad ends. Actions should not be guided solely by a motive without any attention to effects. We often find people who tend to be good to others end up with the opposite results. It is those people who pay attention both to their motives and effects can achieve worthy goals.3. Is the Spirit of Lei Feng out of Style   There are some voices claiming Lei Feng’s spirit has gone out of style in today’s society. They reason that in commodity economy people should seek more practical things, such as

fame, money and the comfortable life. To them nothing is more important than those things, which is often regarded as the views of the present generation.   There are some other voices claiming that the spirit of Lei Feng still has an enormous echo in millions of Chinese people. The great soldier’s story has such a strong influence on people’s ideas, values and ways of life that in every field of society there arise countless “Living Lei Fengs”, who follow the example of Lei Feng and serve the people heart and soul.   In my opinion, the spirit of Lei Feng will never be out of date. Instead, it has been brought forward. Today more and more “Lei Fengs” are coming forth from various circles among whom “Xu Hu” has already set a good example to the whole nation. The spirit of Lei Feng---an unselfish spirit will always encourage us to go forward.4. Challenges   For thousands of years, people have accepted challenges in different fields. There are not only physical challenges, but also social and intellectual challenges. Some people risk their lives in playing sports to see how well they can do. Others try to make and invent something to make life easier. They all enjoy challenges.   Why do people enjoy these challenges? There are probably many reasons. One is curiosity. The other is the personal feeling of success, of achievement, and nowadays, for some people, it is a business.   Today, we still have many challengers before us. Medical science faces the challenges of conquering many diseases which still attack human beings. Engineers and planners must build new cities, design and produce new kinds of transportation. Scientists must develop new forms of energy. In short, we live in an age of challenges.5. How to Face up to Your Difficulties   Life is not always full of smiles and flowers. Every personhas his own difficulties no matter how high his position or how great his achievement is. So it is of vital importance to have a correct attitude to face up to difficulties.   Some people feel so dejected about their difficulties that they fall into pessimism; others resort to putting the blame on others, the society or circumstance; still others are frightened by difficulties and give up halfway. All these people don’t use their abilities to overcome difficulties. So their attitudes are negative.   The positive method is to utilize your ability to clear away your difficulties that appear in your way of life rather than run away from them. Confront difficulties with joyful energy and enthusiasm , and you will find the difficulties are really not so hard as they appear and they will disappear in due course.6. More Academic Pressure Does Harm to Health   Some people think working under pressure keeps us motivated. Maybe a little pressure does good to us, but too much pressure is not beneficial to students.   Scientific studies show people working under too much pre

ssure generally don’t perform as well as they do when are not under extreme pressure. Psychologically, too much pressure can lead to mental problems or disorders. In recent years, there has been an increase in stress-related diseases among college and high-school students. Psychologists say it is due to too much pressure from their academic studies. A newspaper article says many students admit that they have cheated in exams because of excessive pressure coming from their parents and teachers who demand high marks in their examination. When they fail to live up to their parents’ expectations, some may even commit suicide.   Student should be self-motivated. Fair competition should be encouraged. Most students do better when they are studying for themselves, not for their parents or teachers and definitely not under more pressure from school.7. Family and Personal Development   Family has a great influence on our personal development. If we are from a happy family, we tend to be cheerful and optimistic. If we are brought up in an unhappy family, we may grow up miserable and pessimistic. If we are not loved by our family, we may not learn to love others.   An ideal family should be a place where we can get warmth, help, comfort and strength. It should also be a source of laughter, and a good means to lessen the tension and pressure we all face every day. A family should be a place where we can cultivate our self-confidence, which is crucial to our further development and to our mental health.   Since family plays a very important role in our life, it is up to every family member to contribute to the building of such a family. We should be considerate and understanding. We should love and show concern for each other. We should strive to establish a happy family. After all, if every family is happy, the whole society will be stable.8.Wealth and Health   1)some think that wealth means everything.   2)Actually, health is more important than wealth.   3)Keep healthy first if you want to become wealthy. So far as the topic Health and Wealth is concerned, different people have different opinions about it. Some think that wealth means everything. To them, wealth or having a lot of money can help them to do what they want to do. With a lot of money, they can buy the beautiful house, expensive car, beautiful clothes , and so on. They even have the idea that they can buy happiness which they like.   On the other hand, some other people don’t agree with those people mentioned above. They believe that Healthy is more important than wealth. First, you can enjoy a happier life with healthy body than those wealthy people with poor health. Second, a healthy body is the foundation for a successful career. Third, a healthy body is also necessary for accumulating wealth.   In a word, keeping health first if you want become wealthy. It is well-known that a person can make a large fortune if he has the

right opportunities during his life. But if the person suffers from a terrible illness, then no matter how much money he may earn, he will still lead a miserable life. Therefore, health is much more important than wealth.9. 我对在校大学生结婚问题的看法 1). 有些人持反对意见。 2). 有些人表示支持。 3). 我的看法…… It is a new thing that Chinese on-campus college students are legally allowed to get married before they complete their courses. Many people applaud / welcome this new development while others have expressed their concern about this. Those who take sides against this new trend believe that college students will inevitably have less time and energy for their academic life because married students have more real-life problems to deal with than those unmarried ones. One common argument, however, for on-campus college students’ marriage is that a number of students do have a desire for an ideal marriage. Now that they have come of age, they are entitled to such happiness. Of the two views discussed above, I’m in favor of the former. My reason is that on-campus students are laden with academic tasks. If one gets married now, he or she has to work much harder than any other student because they have to solve their financial problems at the same time. As a married couple, for instance, they are supposed to rent a room in or outside the university, which will naturally add to their spending.三. Man and Environment   1. 1) The world we live in is becoming more and more intolerable because of environmental destruction.    2) A lot of measures have been taken …    3) However, the problem of environmental protection remains far from being solved.   The world we live in is becoming more and more intolerable because of environmental destruction. For example, forest destruction results in decrease of planting land and unpleasant weather. In addition, man is faced with problems of water pollution and air pollution.   A lot of measures have been taken. Planting trees helps improve and beautify the environment. Besides, laws concerning environmental protection have been put into effect and achieved good results.   However, the problem of environmental protection remains far from being solved. On the one hand, the environment pollution and destruction are getting worse and worse in the modern world. On the other hand, the lack of knowledge about the importance of protecting environment hinders the solving of the problem. In a word, there is a long way to go before we enjoy a clean and comfortable world.2. The Problems of Plastic Bags   Plastic bags have found their way into a wide area of everyday life. They are applied in big supermarkets, ordinary shops, small stores and street markets. People put in plastic bags everything they buy. They no longer need to carry cloth bags, leather bags or basket bags with the

m when go shopping. Obviously it is very convenient for plastic bags to be used in people’s everyday life. They are also very cheap. They are usually offered free of charge.   However, plastic bags also bring us side effects. Some people throw away plastic bags causally. This causes the white pollution to our environment, which is very harmful because plastic bags can not disappear by natural decomposition. This is certainly not beneficial to our future.   People have to be careful with the use of plastic bags. They should make sure they put the sued plastic bags into the dustbin when they want to dispose of them. It also might be better for people to use the traditional cloth bags to hold the goods they buy instead of using plastic bags.3. How to Solve the Energy Shortage   Energy shortage is a very serious problem in the world. Many people worry that energy resources on the earth will be exhausted if we use them in an unchecked way. This, most people agree, will cause serious problems and even crisis and jeopardize the survival of mankind.   On the one hand, most people agree that the problem can be solved in one way or another. One is to conserve and save our energy. Energy refers not only to coal, oil, or natural gases but also to goods, land and water, etc. Most countries have realized the wastefulness in their using of energy. They are trying to conserve energy. For example, some countries have a daylight saving system to use less electricity for lighting. Some cities have enforced water savers at public such as restrooms and bars. Some have enforced serious penalties on overuse of electricity, water, and farming land. By these means, people hope the drain on energy resources could be slowed down.   However, conservation alone cannot solve the problem. Another way, perhaps the best I think,, is to develop new energy resources. Obviously, no matter how hard we try to save energy resources and how abundant they are, we will use them up sooner or later. I think there are many energy resources that we can develop and utilize. We don’t have to depend only on the current conventional energy resources. There are many other energy resources that we can develop such as nuclear power, waterpower and solar power. These resources, if developed, can completely replace the conventional energy and thus solve the problem of energy shortage.四. Education1.Private School   1) 现在社会上有各种各样的私立学校和培训学校;   2) 私立学校和培训学校的利与弊。   With the development of the society and economy, there arise a lot of new things. Various Private schools are one of them. When you open newspapers, when you turn on TV, when you walk on the road, you will inevitably see lots of advertisements about private schools. There are private schools mainly dealing with foreign languages, computers, music, sports, and so on.   However, is it a good or bad thi

ng to have so many private schools? As a coin has two sides, so are the private schools concerning their advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, private schools can meet the special need of the society and the special need of people. On the other hand, they often bring people extra burden because of comparison and competition. Were it left to me decide whether we should have a society without private schools or a society with private schools, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.2. Is It Necessary to Attend Training Classes   1). State the graph briefly; (图表略)   2). Give the possible reasons for the phenomenon;   3). Your opinion.   It can be seen from the graph that great changes have taken place in the number of training classes in the past fifteen years. On the one hand, before the 90s, the increase of the training classes was not so great. On the other hand, there has been a sharp increase in the training classes after the 90s.   What are the reasons for the change? There are three reasons for this. First, with the development of the society, more and more people pay much attention to the improvement of their ability, which they hope to improve through special training classes. Second, to most people, training plays a direct part in helping them to attain their goal quickly and efficiently. Third, with the improvement of the people’s living standards, more and more people regard it as a preferable way to spend their spare time.   As far as I am concerned, I think it is necessary to attend training classes. For one thing, they can play a very important role in help you to attain your goal quickly and efficiently. For another, you can learn not only what you need quickly but also a new way to broaden your horizon.3. Knowledge and Diploma (Fake Diploma)   1) 目前,在社会上有这样的一种说法,文凭越高越吃香;   2)而有些人则认为文凭不等于知识;   3)你的观点。   With the development of the society, more and more people enroll in the postgraduate examination for getting a high diploma. It is believed that high diploma equals to high ability and profound knowledge. Most companies are inclined to hire the people with high diploma. It seems that having high diploma means a better future.   However, is it really true that high diploma equals to high ability or profound knowledge? Some people do not agree on this kind of idea. They claim that ability or knowledge means more than diploma. Take Bill Gates, the head of the Microsoft, for example, he does not have a MBA degree which is believed to play a vital role in the success in commercial life. Furthermore, Sam Walton of WalMart Stores Inc. does not a MBA degree, but they are the most successful man in commercial.   In my opinion, diploma does not equal to knowledge. A di

ploma is a piece of paper which establishes your education degree. But your true ability and the real knowledge come from your hard work and endowment. If you got a diploma by dishonest behavior, no matter how high a diploma it is, it were just a piece of paper, and you were as blank as that paper.4.. What Students Need English For   What Do Students Need English for(英语教学问题,词汇量、辞典、口语等)   Purpose % of students    Economics Engineering   Reading textbooks 80 90   Reading journals 60 70   Reading business letters  40 20   Reading reports  25 10   Writing letters  5 7   Attending lectures  60 40   Attending seminars  5 10   Talking to English-speaking visitors  6 8   Today, English is becoming more and more popular. Many countries have made English taught as the second language in schools. But why do students need English? If they do need, what do they need it for? A survey made by a teacher at a university answers the two questions.   The result of the survey suggests that almost all students need English and they need it for different purposes. Most of the students learn English because they need to read English textbooks or journals and attend English lectures, while only a few students need to use it to talks to English-speaking visitors, attend seminars, write letters, etc. There are also some differences between economics students and engineering students: Compared with engineering students, more economics students need to read English business and to write reports in English.   From the results of the survey, we can see that students learn English different purposes, which varies with different students. Whatever the purposes are, one thing is certain: Students need English, and English teaching should be strengthened in universities. 5. The Importance of Education   The prosperity of a nation depends on the development of education. Any development in science and technology throughout the world is due to the development of education which brings up scientists and inventors. It is difficult to emphasize just how important the role of education is. There is no doubt that countries with undeveloped education will remain poor.   Education is also vital to the development of an individual. Of all elements of success in our careers none is more important than education. It is not genius but the knowledge that makes the difference between success and failure.

In fact most of the famous people of our times spent many years studying. Can you name any great men you admire who are not well educated?   Some people, however, are still ignorant of the importance of education. Some parents, especially those in the countryside, think it unnecessary to send their children to school. Some parents have their children work for money at a very young age. In view of this, compulsory education must be enforced to see to it that every young people will have the chance to receive adequate education.6. The Pros and Cons of Dormitory Life (集体生活的利与弊)   For most university students, dormitory life is a new experience. Most students have never lived far away from their parents before coming to university. They have always had their parents to depend on for advice and guidance, and when they become university students, their lives begin to change.   There are striking difference between home life and dormitory life. Student must begin to be responsible for their own action. They must depend on themselves to get up in the morning on, time for class, to eat properly, to keep their clothes and themselves clean, and to set aside an appropriate amount of time for study and relaxation. They must also learn to take care of their money, making sure to preserve enough for both necessities and for fun.   In general, there are both good and bad points about life in student dormitory. Often, dormitory rooms are small and crowded. This lack of space can limit one’s privacy and make it difficult for students to concentrate on their studies. On the other hand, in a dormitory, students have a great deal more freedom than they might have at home. They can act according to their own will and desire than to that of parents.7. 独生子女面临大学生活的挑战   Now more and more sons and daughters from one-child families are attending universities. They distinguish themselves as a new social group. This new generation has obvious advantages since they are brought up in favorable family circumstances. But there also exist some weaknesses in the way they think, behave, in their sentiments and in their characters.   Though most of these college students are intelligent and fond of study, some are comparatively less capable of handling their social and living affairs. When they meet something unexpected, they don’t know how to solve it. Some, even phone home to ask what to do each time they run into any problem. They feel weak at knowing how to conduct themselves in college for this is the first time for them to live independently.   I think we should not blame all this on them. It is not their own faults to be like this because they’re inevitable products of certain times. We should sincerely help them be aware of their shortcoming and adjust themselves to college life and to the society.8. Campus Activities   Campus activities have been organized in many uni

versities and colleges. These activities range from academic to recreational, such as academic reports, social consulting services, speech contests, poet’s club, painting clubs, singing and dancing groups, etc.   These activities provide students with two major advantages. First of all, they play a positive role in improving students’ studies. Due to their heavy schedules, students are often busy themselves with textbooks and seldom expose themselves to a colorful life. But the variety of the activities provides opportunities for them to relax themselves and enrich their minds and knowledge. In addition, the activities also serve students living in the “ivory tower” have little chance to get in touch with society. Now the activities open the door for participants to leave their classrooms and get to know society.   All this offers an important means for students to broaden their horizons. They believe with the right kind of guidance and help campus activities will continue to grow and flourish.五、社会话题  1. Why Do People Like to Buy Lottery   1)目前社会上流行着各种各样的彩票,有许多人在购买彩票;   2)为什么有那么多的人购买彩票呢?   Nowadays, there are all kinds of lotteries in our society. Wherever you go, you will see the advertisements of lotteries on TV, on newspapers, in the streets and so on. These lotteries are divided into welfare lottery, sports lottery, computer lottery, and so forth. Meanwhile, there are quite a few people buying them.   But why are there so many people buying lotteries? Why are the lotteries so popular? In my opinion, there are three reasons for this. First, most people are trying their luck on lottery tickets. They have a long-cherished dream of making big money overnight. Second, some people just like it and it can make their life more colorful. Finally, there are some people who want to make donation to public welfare by buying lotteries.   2. Is Outer Space Worth Exploring   值得探索太空吗   Almost everyday we may see something in the newspaper or on TV about the latest exciting developments in space exploration. There is an immense pride in our science and technology and a sense of its importance for the welfare of mankind.   Not everyone, however, shares this feeling. Ever since space research began, it has been criticized as a huge waste of money and other resources, which might be used to help to relieve the suffering of the earth’s starving millions. It has also been felt that the space program might lead to the total destruction of the earth. Despite these disadvantages and potential dangers, the advantages are far greater. We have already succeeded in using satellites for communications, weather forecast and oil exploration and with further space research, more problems we are having now can be solved. For instance, with the success of space shuttles and the feasi

bility of living in other planets, we may solve the population problem on the earth. Space projects will also enable us to find a few chemical elements to cure presently incurable diseases.   Space exploration contributes not only to the improvement of the quality of human life, but also to our understanding of the interdependence of all beings; and therefore, of the need to take better care of each other.3.为什么电视观众喜欢看体育节目   News 68%   Movies54%   Sports 78%   Specials20%   Documentary42%   The sports programs enjoyed a boom among TV viewers. According to the above graph, 78 percent of TV viewers frequently watch Sports, which is obviously far ahead of other televised events. News follows second with 68 percent of viewers, compared with 54 percent Movies watchers. Documentary seems preferable among people than Special do, with 42 percent and 26 percent respectively.   A passion for sports has taken possession of thousands of people. One of the reasons perhaps is that sports provide an outlet for open-up emotions. People extract themselves from routine life and fully express their feeling towards sports. Stimulated by the excitement, they applaud for the victory and hold their breath for the exhilarating competition. In a sense, sports are a heaven for people to escape from boredom and tension..   Enthusiasm for sports also reflects people’s desire to transcend geographical and cultural limits. Freed from border and language difference, sports are accessible to everyone. People will no longer be confined to a certain living circle. They can share the same fantasy with the viewers at another hemisphere. Taken by sports, they can roam from country to country, continent to continent. Sports thus become a common language for all the people throughout the world. 4. 私家车1). 目前,有越来越多的人拥有私家车;(图表略)    2). 拥有私家车的利与弊;    3). 结论。   Nowadays, there are more and more people owning private cars. On the one hand, some wealthy people who either are the boss of the private company or the white-collar managers in big companies have their private cars. On the other hand, some young people who are future-minded buy private cars ahead of their income by loans from banks.   Is it a good or bad thing to have a private car? Just as a coin has two sides, so there are both advantages and disadvantages of having a private car. So far as its advantages are concerned, there are two examples for this. First, it plays a very important part in providing its owner with convenience, enabling the owner to go where he wants to quickly and easily. Second, it can help its owner to save a lot of time which may be wasted by waiting for other vehicles. However, it also has its disadvantages. For one thing, it will have a negative effect on both the crowded traffic system and the e

nvironment in the long run. For another, it places burden on the public utility in providing more parking lots.   In short, owning a private car has both its advantages and disadvantages. It is advisable that we should pay much attention to the environmental protection by not having a private car if we have little or no practical use of the private car.5. Mobile Telephone on Campus   1) 学校园里越来越多的学生拿手机;   2) 手机对学生的影响;   3) 你的观点。 With the development of science and technology, mobile telephone becomes more and more popular. Even the students on campus begin to use mobile telephone. Is it a good or bad thing?   Mobile telephone, on the one hand, is good to the students. For one thing, it enables them to keep in touch with their friends and family more conveniently and quickly. For another, it can make the students fashionable and proud. On the other hand, mobile telephone has a negative effect on the students. First, it will cost them more money than before. Second, it will distract them from their study. Third, it will sometimes become a nuisance especially when it rings in class or in the library.   In my opinion, it is not good for the students on campus to use mobile telephone. Since the students’ main purpose on campus is to study, they should pay much attention to their study. If they want to use mobile telephone, they can use it after graduation.   6. Telecommunication Brings Convenience to Modern Life   Modern life would be unimaginable without telecommunications. Telephone, fax and TV are already household words. New terms like pager, mobile phone and E-mail are entering our daily life at a rapid pace. Telecommunications have penetrated nearly every aspect of modern life and are fast changing the way we live.   It is no exaggeration to say that telecommunication brings huge profits and great convenience to our daily life. For instance, the telephone makes it possible for people in different places to talk to one another. Pager and mobile phone enable us to make a phone call regardless of time and place. Compared with ordinary mail delivery, or even with express airmail delivery, electronic mail delivers mails much faster and at a surprisingly cheap price, no matter where the receiver is. Surfing the Internet is also a by-product of telecommunication, which, provides us with easy access to a wealth of information. Furthermore, thanks to the rapid growth of telecommunications, business corporations can manage business affairs far more efficiently through phone, fax, and on-line computer.   However, there are disadvantages brought about by telecommunication, such as phone bills for unnecessary talks, the disturbance of unwanted or wrong calls, and the attraction of hot-line services, etc. Yet by and large, telecommunications bring more benefit than harm to our life. By shortening distance,

telecommunication enhances efficiency in our commercial activities, save time and money in promoting interpersonal relations as well as in acquiring knowledge and accumulating information. Telecommunication has changed and will change our way of life. 六. 互联网1. 互联网为什么越来越流行(图略)   With the arrival of the knowledge economy age, Internet, as a new media, has come into our life. Nowadays, getting on line and surfing the Internet for information has become popular in China, especially among college students and teachers. Why is Internet getting so popular in such a short time?   The popularity of Internet results from its great convenience and easy accessibility to information. Thanks to the Internet, a world of information is just a click away. E-mail is another contributing factor to its popularity. It can transmit your letter quickly, safely and accurately. Besides, Internet has some other uses. Doctors may use it to diagnose and treat their patients by discussing or exchanging experiences with doctors in other parts of the world. Students may obtain new knowledge from a national long-distance educational system via Internet. Finally, businessman can conduct E-commerce or E-business on the net.   With so many uses and advantages, there is no doubt more and more people will be wired to the Internet-the information expressway. In short, with its high speed and efficiency, Internet will be more popular in China in the near future.2. The Advantages of Hunting for Jobs on Internet   网上求职的好处   Recently there’s been a wave of hunting for jobs on internet. Instead of looking for a job in a personnel market or in the ads of newspapers and magazines, a job hunter tends to look for a job on the Net. Because of its convenience and high success rate and more opportunities on the Internet, In fact, many people now resort to the way of hunting for jobs, less depending upon the traditional way.   There are many advantages that people take the advantage of this modern scientific and technological product—Internet. In the first place, it’s very convenient. A job seeker can look for a job without bothering to get recommendation form his friends, bosses, or wasting time at an employment exchange. In the second place, it’s quite simple. A job hunter can get a job by simply clicking the ads online and sending one’s resume through an E-mail. Lastly, it’s fair, for everyone can utilize this modern means to win his or her opportunities, even if one fails to find a job.   In a word, I suppose, with the ever-increasing popularity of Internet, this new way of hunting for jobs will win favor among more and more job hunters in China.3. The Way to Get Information (图表略)   1. 获得信息的方式有很多种;   2. 我最喜欢通过……获得信息;   3. 结论。   There are many different ways to get information. On the one

hand, the traditional ways such as newspaper , magazines , books ,and so on play a very important role in obtaining the information for many people. On the other hand, with the development of science and technology, internet and multi-media become more and more popular for people to get information.   As far as I am concerned, I like to get information through reading newspapers. There are three reasons for this. First, there are many interesting things on the newspaper besides what I am looking for. Second, I like to read the printed words which will always give me a deeper understanding of the language. As was said by Francis Bacon, reading makes a full man. Third, it provides me with a chance to clip down all the articles and useful things so as to be kept for later use.   In conclusion, different people prefer different ways to get what they want. However, it is necessary to keep in mind that no definite way is suitable for all circumstances. With the development of science and technology, we’d better make good use of the advanced media so as to be benefited much more.七、应用型作文  1. 有一国外学校欲在国内选取若干名大学生去国外进修,请进行自我推荐并说明选择上该校的理由。你的地址  日 期  收信人的地址Dear Sir or Madam:  I’m very glad to avail myself of the chance to recommend myself to you. My name is Thomas. I’m studying in the Chinese Department in Northwest Normal University, majoring in the Chinese language and literature. I’m getting along with my studies quite well, obtaining three “Top Students” awards in my major. I am also an honest, industrious and progressive person, which makes me very popular in and out of my class. Accordingly, I have quite a few friends in and out of the college.  Then, why do I choose to attend your college? I think there are three main reasons for this. First, your college enjoys a very good reputation. Second, your college offers the first-class teaching facilities and a very good studying atmosphere, which is of primary importance to the academic study. Third, your college provides the promising students with opportunities of all-round development. Therefore, I am applying for the admittance to your university.  Thank you for reading my letter. I’m looking forward to your kind and early reply.  Best wishes,   your sincerely,  Thomas  2.A Letter of Thanks(一封感谢信)    Oct.10, 1999 Dear Mark:   Tom and I both to thank you for the many kindness you showed Jim when he visited your campus last week .He has returned full of enthusiasm for Hill College .Having been raised in the shadow of a large university, he found the close contact between students and faculty at Hill particularly exciting.   Your were right on target t

o arrange an interview with Dr .Johnson of the Chemistry Department and to have a student take Jim to a soccer game .Seeing the well-equipped laboratories and the spirit of the athletes confirmed his belief that he has chosen the right school.   If you will be in our area in the coming months ,do give us a call. We would enjoy having you come for dinner and an evening of catching up .Give Ellen our regards.  Cordially, Tom and Kate 3. A Letter of Complaint 一封投诉信   Nov. 10, 2000   Dear Manager:   Much to my regret, I write this to place a complaint against your bad delivery service in your company.   The Samsung tape recorder model number JB/4703 which I ordered from your company on Nov. 1 arrived yesterday. The serial number of the machine is 4703-0641. I am sorry to report that the recorder has been badly damaged. There was no unusual damage to the packing case, but when I opened it, I found that the lid of the recorder had been cracked and that the front surface of the machine had been scratched.   Since there was such damage to the goods, I decided to file a complaint against the delivery service. Would you please let me know whether I should return the recorder to you for a replacement or if you have an authorized service representative here to which I should take it? I will hold onto this recorder until I hear from you4. 慰问信 Dear James, In today’s newspaper, I read about the recent events in your town and I am writing to extend my deepest condolences. It broke my heart to see all those pictures of those whose homes have been destroyed in the tragic hurricane. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw a little girl crying on the roof of her house asking for help. I am really worried about you and your family, and all your friends there. I am crossing my fingers for you now in hopes that you are all safe and sound. I can only imagine how difficult this time must be for you, and I want to extend to you my unwavering support. Our government and many nongovernmental organizations are initiating various campaigns to urge people to donate money and necessary things to send to America. I donated all my allowance that I have been saving for years. I feel extremely sorry for this tragedy, and I will be looking forward to hearing from you. Please pass my concern on to your parents. Yours sincerely, Meng Fei5.爱心捐款、和谐社会Dear friends,When we came back to start a new term full of passion and dream after the winter vacation, a piece of bad news struck Li Ming. His illness was diagnosed as leukemia. He has been fighting bravely against this deadly disease in hospital for nearly a month. Li Ming entered our university two years ago and he performed quite well in various fields and has left good impression on people around hi

m. He was once awarded the first prize scholarship and praised by the university for his efforts in helping a child escape a traffic accident last term. He has won deep respect from his friends, classmates and teachers by virtue of his diligence, kindness and optimistic attitudes toward life.However, the huge expenditure on this disease has quickly exhausted the poor savings of his family. He was born in a small village in Shanxi province, and the total income of his parents cannot exceed 6000 Yuan a year. In addition, his parents have to support his grandparents who have been sick for many years.My fellow friends, “blood is thicker than water”. We cannot see the young life of our brother leaving us this way. Please donate your love and give out your hands, and we believe a miracle can be created, a life can be saved and the harmonious society is sure to be achieved. 6. 招聘启事 Greetings, prospective Lenovo interns! This year, our program is heading into its 10th year of bringing China's best and brightest to the nation's capital to help China’s most successful technology company improve its reach into the next generation. We expect that 2006 will be the most exciting one yet! Why, you might be asking yourself, do I want to be a part of this demanding, yet rewarding program? Check this out: You have the chance to see the inner workings of Lenovo’s marketing department from an insider’s perspective! Over the course of just three months, you can build lasting relationships with some of China’s most influential business leaders! Get access to first-class on-the-job training that is useful in a number of fields post-graduation! The successful applicant will have a bachelor’s degree (or equivalent), and will have a working command of English. While the internship is unpaid, housing, food, and transportation are all provided.Dear Sir, Upon my graduation from college this fall, I am desirous of securing a position that will offer me an opportunity in the field of import and export trading.Knowing something of the scope and enterprise of your huge export department,I thought perhaps you would keep me in mind for a possible opening. I am strong and alert, and shall be twenty years of age in July next year. At present I am a student at Renmin University but I shall graduate from college this coming July, finishing the requirements in four years. Though I have had no business experience, I feel confident that I can contribute to your company with the professional skills I obtained in college, including a high command of English. I am enclosing my resume and letter of recommendation from the president of the University, I shall be obliged if you will give me a personal interview at your convenience. 7. 倡议书 Children’s Day is coming! To truly show your care for the next generation, students should use this Children’s Day

to make a lasting gift -- a donation to Project Hope in their honor. As college students, we understand the value of education and the positive impact it can have on a person's future by increasing marketable job skills and earning power. Unfortunately, many children who have postponed their school plans to get jobs to support their families are unable to afford the expense of education today. With your support, Project Hope can continue to give deserving children the chance to strengthen themselves, their families and their communities through education. To make a Children’s Day donation or for more information about Project Hope, check out our Web site at or you can contact the student union by the number 010-36227711 8. 学生会公告 This time of year most students are focused on meeting new friends, joining new activities and upcoming classes. Thoughts of the past easily drift away while future exploits receive the most attention. But as you busy yourself with the new semester, pause a moment to remember the famous writer, Lu Xun, who would have celebrated his 124th birthday today. In commemoration of this great man’s life, the Book Club has organized a guest speaker from Peking University to come speak to students about some of Lu Xun’s unpublished memoirs. The lecture will be in Classroom 204 in the main building, starting at 7:00 pm. Such an academic lecture might not seem like the most appealing way to spend a Friday evening, but it promises to be an evening that will both entertain and inform even the most seasoned students of Chinese history.八. 记叙文一次吵架 1). 与同宿舍的一个同学吵架及原因。 2). 你是如何解决的。 3). 你从中吸取的教训。 A Quarrel with My Roommate The other week I had a bitter quarrel with one of my roommates. Six of us live in small room about eight square meters, desperate for more space. Weeks ago, one of my roommates brought in a very large suitcase and placed it under her bed, but days later she (he) found something wrong with her (his) suitcase. As we live on the ground floor, her case soon got wet. She took it out and, after drying it up, she/he just put it on her desk because she had no other choices. I happened to be opposite her desk and her suitcase was so large that it not only occupied the whole of her desk but half of mine as well. I was very much annoyed, so I angrily pushed it forward without first talking to her about it. I pushed a bit too hard and the case fell off her desk, messing up everything it contained. On seeing this, she flew into a temper and angrily shouted at me. The quarrel started and lasted about two hours. When I calmed down days later, I thought over the quarrel and began to see something. I should have talked to her about it first and then worked with her to find a solution to the problem. Living in a room with limited space, we s

hould learn to get on well with one another.
























