



1.目前很多中国学生出国留学 2.出国留学的好处 3.我的看法

范文 Studying Abroad

Nowadays, going abroad for studies is enjoying a striking popularity among adolescents. Importance should be attached to studying abroad.

There are a great many advantages of studying overseas. First and foremost, living and studying abroad offers students a different perspective of the world. On a university campus, international students are likely to encounter their counterparts from various countries and are exposed to diverse ideas and values. What is more, overseas experience is the best opportunity for the real-life use of foreign languages. There is no better opportunity to improve second-language skills than living in the country in which it is spoken.

Generally speaking, it is my view that although going abroad is expensive and perhaps painful, the payoff is worthwhile. In the first place, in addition to knowledge, overseas students can gain precious experiences that those who stay at home will never have. Furthermore, overseas experience, frustrating and painful as it may be, is conducive to the growth of adolescents.


1.大学生难找工作 2.原因很多 3.解决的办法

范文 Jobs for Graduates

Job hunting has always been a headache for college students. Though many graduates are employed right after graduation, some are not. Most serious of all, some still have no idea where to go working even a long time after graduation.

The reasons for this phenomenon are various. On the one hand, a few years ago colleges and universities enrolled so many students in popular majors, such as economy, finance and so on that the number of graduates was greater than the need in the market. On the other hand, most graduates would rather stay in large cities without suitable job to do than go to the country.

I reckon this problem can be solved if both colleges and students take measures. First, they should research the market and develop special skills to suit its need. Second, students’ towards employment should be changed. They should go to small cities and country. There they can also give full play to their professional knowledge. In a word, if we pay much attention, the situation can be improved.


1.互联网使用的现状 2.大学生是否应该使用互联网,人们的看法不同 3.我的看法 范文 Internet

In recent years, people are developing an inseparable relationship with internet. As is known to all, it is convenient for us to click the mouse when surfing on line, either to entertain ourselves or to meet the work’s needs.

On the one hand, no one denies that internet is currently one of the most useful media in our daily life. As a college student, I get on line every day to exchange information through e-mails with my net friends. But on the other hand, a good many people admit that they are too much addicted to internet to maintain a regular and 1

wholesome lifestyle.

Thus, it is necessary for us to use internet in a reasonable way and restrain from overindulgence. After all, internet is invented to enrich our life, and to improve the efficiency of our work rather than shackle us with a chain.


1.大学都用考试来衡量学生的成绩 2.考生可能带来的副作用 3.我对考试的看法

范文 My Views on Examinations

In most colleges and universities the examination is used as a chief means of deciding whether a student succeeds of fails in mastering a particular subject. Although it does the job quite efficiently, its side effects are also enormous.

To begin with, examinations lower the standards of teaching. Since teachers are often judged by examination results, they are reduced to training their students in exam techniques. No subjects can be taught successfully merely through being approached with intent to take examinations. In addition, the most undesirable effect is that examinations encourage bad study habits. As the examination score is the only criterion for his academic performance, a student is driven to memorize mechanically rather than to think creatively.

In fact, few of us admit that examinations can contribute anything really important to the students’ academic development. If that is the case, why cannot we make a change and devise something more efficient and reliable than examinations?


1.年轻人日益喜欢西方节日 2.关于西方与东方节日,人们的看法不同 3.我的看法 范文 Which to Celebrate—the Western of Eastern Festivals?

Nowadays, the majority of young people are willing to celebrate western festivals. As a result, importance For one thing, western festival celebrations are so colorful that especially the youth cannot resist all the should be attached to the issue of festival celebration. temptation of having one. Just imagine the romantic atmosphere on St. Valentine’s Day, the fun on All Fool’s Day and the ecstasy brought by gifts and games at Christmas. For another, Chinese festivals have their own attractions. Think about the comfort of family reunion during Spring Festival and the delicacy of national feelings on many occasions.

As for me, some fashionable western festivals are no doubt days to set aside as special. Meanwhile, I cannot afford to be absent from family gathering during many Chinese festivals. My celebration would be a combined one, some for western festivals, some for Chinese ones.


1.网上交友的现状 2.我所了解的一个例子 3.我对于网上交友的看法

范文 Internet Friendship

According to the recent survey by CCTV, 80% of people who surf online are there in search of social interaction. As a consequence, the voice speaking through the other side of the line can be used to disguise aspects of a user’s personality. And this might bring an unpleasant or even damaging outcome.

Numerous examples can be given, but this will suffice. One of my closest friend, Helen, started a net 2

relationship with a man she knew as “Prince Charming”. The physical contact, however, reveals that her beloved idol was a husband with wife.

In my view, first and foremost, it is true that people may gain community on the net, but this exists only in cyberspace. Furthermore, although internet friendship can give users companionship and even romance, it often ends with failure and even disaster. It is high time that we placed great emphasis on this phenomenon.


1.青少年犯罪的现状 2.这个问题的原因 3.我的建议

范文 Juvenile Delinquency

Recently, juvenile delinquency is increasingly lower than normal age. Careful deliberation of this problem To begin with, with the rising divorce rate, some children are not properly taken care of, and are easily led has given me several ideas as to why this should be so. astray by evildoers. What is more, inexperienced and gullible young people plunge into the illusory world of electric games, on-line chat or even pornography. Such alienation from proper social values is the slippery slope to crime.

It is my view that, first of all, the whole of society should attach great importance to the sound growth of youngsters. Furthermore, proper guidance and protection of adults and schools are vital to teenagers. To sum up, if we exert every effort, the juvenile crime rate will undoubtedly be brought down and effectively controlled in a short while.



1.要求下学期换一个新房间 2.解释原因 3.要求单间

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to inform you that I wish to move into a new room next semester. I would prefer a single room, I must explain that the reason for my dissatisfaction is my roommate’s inconsiderate behavior. For one thing, as I find the present sharing arrangement inconvenient. his friends are constantly visiting him; for another, he regularly holds noisy parties. In these circumstances, I find it difficult to concentrate on my studies, and I am falling behind my assignments.

I am sure you will agree that the only solution for me is to move into a room of my own. Therefore, I would be grateful if you could find a single room for me, preferably not in the same building but as near to the college campus as possible.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


1.你想要书籍的详细信息 2.付款方式 3.送货的时间和方式

Dear Sir or Madam,

As I am planning to take College English Test Band 4 (CET-4), I have decided to place an order of some Firstly, please give me particular accounts as regards names, authors, publishing houses and prices of these 3 CET-4 books with due consideration of the good reputation of your bookstore and the high quality of your books.

books. Secondly, I also need to know the terms of payment and after-sell service. Thirdly, I wonder if it is convenient for you to deliver these books by EMS to the headquarters of Beijing New Oriental School by September 1, 2007. I have arranged to pay for the service.

I would like to express my gratitude for your kind consideration of my requests. I took forward to hearing

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


1.询问是否已找到包 2.提供关于包的具体信息 3.告知联系方式

Dear Sir or Madam,

I stayed in Room 608 in your hotel on the 10 of August, 2006. when I arrived home, I discovered that I had left one of my bags at that hotel. Could you please check your Lost and Found Department and see if my bag is there?

The bag is a small black, leather document case. Inside it, you will find several business cards and a photo of I would appreciate it if you could contact me as soon as possible. If you could send the bag to me by EMS, I

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming






Li Ming

P.O. Box 237, Tianping College of Suzhou University of Science and Technology

8, Changjiang Road, New District, Suzhou 215009

Tel: 68091316


Career Objective:

Educational Background:

Sept 2007 to

July 2011 A position with management potential (具有管理前景的职位)in the banking business specializing in international corporate financing(银行业国际融资方向) Tianping College of Suzhou University of Science and Technology Major in Environmental Science and Engineering/ Machinery Professional/ Computer Science/ Chinese professionals

Main courses include English, Computer, Business Management, Accounting,

International Commercial Law

Work Experience:

July 2007 to

you soon. Miss Lin Daiyu. These things are not very valuable in money terms, but they have a lot of personal value. would be most grateful. Thank you for your help. Bank of China Internship实习, Secretary to Deputy Manager of Marketing任市场部副总经理秘书 4

June 2008

Qualifications: Draft business correspondence(负责起草商务函件) Schedule deputy manger’s appointments (安排副总日程) University graduation certificate and bachelor degree to be conferred upon

graduation (2011)

College English Test Band 4 ,June 2008

Honors & Awards:

Special Skills: Twice awarded scholarship by Tianping College of Suzhou University of Science and Technology 2007 &2008 Familiarity with Microsoft Word, Excel,VFP,VB

Ability to work independently擅长独立工作

Outstanding organizational skills


Personal Data: President of Student Union 2007 to present Date of Birth: Sep. 17, 1986

Gender: Female

Marital Status: Unmarried


1.比赛目的、时间、地点 2.参赛者的要求 3.裁判和奖励的细节

Chinese Speaking Contest

February 3, 2007

To improve students’ ability to speak Chinese and enrich after-class activities, the Students’ Union of Department of Chinese Language and Literature is organizing a school-wide Chinese speaking contest to be held on next Saturday (10 February) at the Students’ Auditorium. Those who are interested in taking part in it may sign up with the monitor of their classes before Tuesday nest week. Five professors will be judges. The first six winners will be given awards. Everybody is welcome to be present at the contest.

The Students’ Union

Department of Chinese Language and Literature


When asked about______, most people believe that______, but other people consider it differently. Importance has to be attached to the issue of______. First and foremost,______. In addition,______. The To overcome this difficulty, it is necessary to take effective steps to reverse the disturbing trend. One last but not the least,______. Generally speaking, ______. measure would be ______. But more importantly, ______. Although the drive to fight against it is a long-standing and tremendous one, our joint efforts will eventually pay off. I assume that a happy and brilliant future is awaiting us if we exert every effort to it.


对于______的问题应该给予重视。首先,______。其次,______。最后,______。总之,______。 为了克服这个困难,我们很有必要采取有效措施逆转这个不好的趋势。一种措施是______。但更为重要的是,______。尽管抵制这个问题是个长期而艰巨的过程,我们的齐心协力最终是会有所回报的。我认为如果我们竭尽全力,等待着我们的将是一个美好而光明的未来。


There has been significant changers in ______ in the past ______ years. There is no denying that ______ is the indication of civilization, progress and development. Nevertheless,, it causes the serious problem of ______. Experts have warned that unless effective measures are taken, the problem of ______ will eventually get out of hand. Actually, people are showing a real concern over the problem. For example, people ______ so as to prevent it from happening.

Indeed, the earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and our descendents. In my opinion, we should work out concrete solutions to the problem of ______. On the one hand, ______. On the other hand, ______. Only in this way can we really crack this hard nut.

译文: 在过去______年中,在______方面已经发生了急剧的变化。



When it comes to ______. People’s opinions differ. Some hold the opinion that ______, while others claim It seems that I am sending a message about the significance of ______ and the need of everyone to fight that ______. against the danger of this issue. In fact, what I am saying is if we do not exert our efforts to it, ______. If we let this situation go as it is, our ______ will suffer a great destruction.

To improve this situation, the best way to ______ is to ______. First and foremost, we should always be ready to ______, no matter whether we are college students or staff members. More importantly, ______. Only by doing so can we help to make the world a better place.


当谈论到______的时候,人们的观点有所不同。有些人认为______,而其他人认为______。 似乎我在发表关于??重要性的信息,需要大家抵制这个问题的危害。实际上,我所要表达的是:为了改善这种状况,______最好的方式是______。首先,无论我们是大学生还是职员,我们都应该如果我们不竭尽全力,那么______。如果我们对这种情况听之任之,我们的______将遭受巨大的破坏。 时刻准备好______。更重要的是,______。只有这样,我们才能使这个世界变得更加美好。


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am honored to have this chance of communicating with you through this letter. I am writing to ask if you First, ______. Second, ______. Third, ______. My appreciation to you for your generous help is beyond words. I can be reached on mobile telephone; the

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

6 can do me a favor. number is 139xxxxxxxx. I would appreciate it if you could contact me as soon as possible.

※ 专家预测作文1

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter applying for a position of a company. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:





Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a senior from the Department of Business Administration. I am writing the letter in purpose of I am sure that I am qualified for it. First, enclosed with this letter is my resume, which further details my applying for your recently advertised position for a staff member. previous academic qualifications and work experience. Second, not only do my qualifications and experience make me a perfect candidate for it(我的资历和经历使我成为此职位合适的人选), my cheerful personality is well suited to working as a staff member. Last, my hobbies include sports and music.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Is Stress a Bad Thing? You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:




Is Stress a Bad Thing?

In the past few years, quite a number of men and women have chosen to do something less competitive. They are afraid that the stress and strains of work will rob them of joy and happiness and do them harm both physically and mentally.

In fact, however, stress isn’t the bad thing it is often supposed to be. Above all, unless it gets out of control, a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and challenge, and to give purpose and significance to an otherwise meaningless, idle life(首先,除非你控制不了它,否则一定的压力可以为人们提供动力和挑战,使本来没有意义、无所事事的生活变得有目的、有意义,这一点对人们的生活很重要). Furthermore, people under stress tend to express their full range of potential and to actualize their own personal worth—the very aim of a human life.

7 Words fail me when I want to express my sincere gratitude to you(感激之情,溢于言表). Your prompt and favorable attention to my inquiry would be highly appreciated. Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. What we can do is to develop our adaptive abilities to deal with it rather than to escape from it.


1. 描述图表中所显示的变化 2. 变化的原因 3. 对未来趋势作出预测


Statistics in People’s Daily Expenses in Xi’an

What is shown in the table above indicates that dramatic changes have taken place in the daily expenses in Xi’an from 1995 to 1999. The expenses on food have declined by 30% while those on clothing and recreation have increased respectively by 9% and 7%.

There are two factors accounting for these changes. In the first place, the risen income resulting from economic growth plays a vital role in the less expense on food. In the second place, when food presents no worry to the average (当普通人不再担心食物的时候), people begin to focus more of their interest on handsome appearance and happy leisure time. As a result of such a shift, spending on clothing and recreation increases year by year.

From the analyses made above, with the further growth in economy and more changes in life style, the tendency indicated in the table will continue in the better direction.


1. In 1990, it increased/decreased from…to…

2. By comparison with 1998, it increased/decreased by…

3. The figure has nearly doubled, compared with that of last year.和去年相比,数据几乎翻倍 4. It has increased/decreased almost three times, compared with… 5. The number is twice as much as that of 1990. 数据是19xx年的 6. It accounts for… percent of the total. 它占总数的百分之一??

7. The number was…, less/more than a half/third/quarter of the 1990 total. 数字是??,少于/多于19xx年总数的二/三/四分之一。





Due Attention should be given to Internet Safety

With the occurrence of the vicious competition between the two software companies, many netizens realize the fact that their privacy is suffering violation and threat(深受侵犯和威胁). In their daily life, they are not only disturbed by strangers due to personal information disclosure on the internet, but also are suffering the property losses because of the bank account leak.

When it comes to the Internet safety problem, some network operators’ ignorance of users’ interest is the first factor to blame, for they often sell the private information of the users to pursue their own profits. The second factor lies in the lack of the relevant laws enacted by the government, which means that the Internet users’ right has not been officially protected.

To avoid such violation and threat, I recommend two different approaches. On the one hand, certain industrial associations should be established to supervise and stop the wrong doing performed by Internet companies; on the other hand, the netizens should manage to equip themselves with knowledge of Internet safety and improve the awareness of self-protection so that their privacy will not be violated.




Principal Recommendation System

Recently, principal recommendation system has been implemented among several universities; that is the high-school principals are granted with the authority to(被赐予??的权利) recommend their students to enter top colleges with favorable priority. Ever since such system was proposed, there has been a heated controversy.

As far as such system is concerned, there are both advantages sand disadvantages. Positively, the principal system provides a shortcut for excellent students to enter universities and will encourage more students to pursue excellence to grasp such opportunity. Negatively, under current social circumstance, the principal system may not be carried out objectively and fairly, which will cause educational inequality or even corruption.

I personally believe both the above opinions are biased. The suggestion of the principal recommendation system symbolizes the improvement in educational reform to certain extent, which will definitely exert positive effects on(对??有积极作用) some students. However, considering the subjectivity of the whole system, certain supervision and test should also be executed.





Should Driving Private Cars on Campus Be Prohibited?

Campus used to be regarded as a pure paradise for all the students; however, with the increase of private cars, traffic accidents on campus have been far more than common in recent years, which not only pose great threats to students’ lives, but also severely damage the image of universities. Therefore, it is proposed that driving private cars on campus be prohibited for the sake of campus safety.

People who hold that private cars should be prevented on campus deem that the entrance of the private cars will not only interrupt students’ learning environment, but also increase the possibility of the car accidents. With those who oppose the proposal consider that not all the private car owners should take the blame for(为??承担责任) the mistakes made by certain drivers and they have the right to run their cars legally.

As far as I am concerned, I agreed with the former opinion so that the potential threat of accidents can be rooted out (根除)and the campus safety can be guaranteed.




















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