







1)In short,it can be said that.。

2)It may be briefly summed up as follows。

3)From what has been mentioned above,we can come to the conclusion that.。.

4)in general/above all/with the result that/as a result/consequently。.

5)As far as I am concerned/as for me, .。.

6)This truth above seems to be self-evident。

7)Whether we examine the above, such things can happens anywhere anytime to anyone。

8)In my point of view, I like/prefer A much more than B。

9)I still prefer A, however, for they teach me not only to be ...but also to be...,both in...and in...。

10) There is no doubt that。

11) In order to make our world a better place in which to live we should efforts to。

12)To a large extent,..., therefore, reflects。

13)If all above mentioned measures are achieved。

14) Wherever you are and whatever you do, ...is always meaningful。

15)So clear/evident/obvious it is that there are quite different opinions on it。

16)Now, which one do you prefer-----the one...or the one...? Were it left to me to select, I should not hesitated a moment to choose the former/latter。

资料来源:教育优选 /






资料来源:教育优选 /


07年雅思写作走势 复习策略与重点题目



社会类:道德角度:It seems that the level of public morality is decreasing.

Discuss the possible causes and results of this phenomenon.


援助角度:生活角度:Discuss the possible reasons of this situation.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

设施角度:Public transportations are superior to private ones in many ways.

Discuss the advantages of public transportation and the possible ways to promote it.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

青年角度:Ever-increasing numbers of teenagers are now committing suicide.

Discuss the possible reasons of this situation and what kinds of assistances should be given.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


就业角度:Most of the organizations have their own requirements for the minimum qualifications of candidates. And someone suggests that this is a kind of discrimination.

Do you agree or disagree and present your own idea.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. 文化教育类

文物角度: Government should invest to developing new cultures instead of maintaining historical relic.

Do you agree or disagree.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. 古文化角度:Vanishing cultures must be out of date.

现代文化角度: 家庭教育角度:学校教育角度:School education should not only make students appreciate the bright sides of our society but also make them realize that there are also evils.

Do you agree or disagree and present your own idea.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. 全球类:

组织角度:International cooperation has greatly helped those underdeveloped countries.

Discuss the possible negative influences of it and present your idea.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


文化角度:International tourism is gradually changing the cultural identities of some countries.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion and present your idea.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

科技角度:Over-rapid development in information sectors will cause further polarization among various regions. Discuss this opinion and present your idea.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

卫生角度:International organization should figure out the ways to cure a certain disease by joint efforts. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this practice and present your idea.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.



?(2006-1-21 A类)

(2006-4-8 G类) (2006-5-17G类)

上面的两篇作文虽不能代表全部的作文难度,但作文整体考试的组成部分也从一个侧面反映了20xx年的题目走势。 基于这样一种情况,我们暂且从题目理解难度与题目写作难度两个方面来制定20xx年的写作复习对策。

首先,从题目理解难度来看。所谓的题目理解困难可以归结为三个方面的问题:1. 词汇的不理解 2. 内容的不理解。作文首先从词汇角度来说,很多同学就在2006-1-21的A类作文中的arts这个词上犯了难,这里究竟应该是理解为艺术还是文科呢?2006-4-8G类作文中的nuclear family(小家庭) 和extended family(大家庭) 又作何解呢? 而2006-5-17G类作文中的pastime(消遣)又为何物?因此,同学们为了在以后的临场应试中避免遇到词汇理解方面的问题,那么就应该在日常多多阅读各类的作文题目。在明白了词汇之后,有些同学还是无法理解题目,这是为什么呢?这是因为大家在这个方面的知识是空白的。比如小家庭和大家庭是两个什么概念呢?只有通过日常的学习,大家才能理解所谓的小家庭就是不隔代的由两辈人组成的家庭(“草屋单见妻烹水,亭前稚儿捻苇帘),而大家庭则是由两辈以上的人组成的家庭(福禄寿喜七星至,耄耋孙小共言欢)。因此,大家平时还要加强各个方面书籍的阅读,只有这样才能够看到一个词就明白它的词义,而且要做到立即构思成篇。




此外,从证明与结构来看。考试改革后,很多的同学仍然在沿用以往的方式进行作文写作。无论基础如何,大家都对于模板趋之若骛。诚然,对于一些基础不好或者是所需分数较低的同学而言,模板还是有一定借鉴意义的。但是对于基础较好,而且分数要求较高的同学而言,模板就不是一个好的选择了。试想,考官拿到一卷作文,共30篇,每一篇开头都是With the

development of our society/ some people think that ,while other people think that













:老师最近复习雅思作文头脑里一点思路也没有,老师能否预测一下20xx年2月3号的作文题会往哪个方向发展哈哈 望百忙之中给予回复





二、知道什么话题以后希望大家主动去搜索和积累这相关的论点。比如刚才来之前我在Google上实验了一下,输入8月26号考题中的关键词multicultural society就命中了相当多的文章,在命中的文章中我又搜索到了ethnic diversity, multiculturalism等术语。接着再用这些来搜索你就能看到更多的文章。








这位同学可能有“恐flow chart”症:) 但我个人认为,其实流程图比数据图更好些。原因很简单,数据多了,整理的逻辑思路是很能考验一个人的思维的,往往很多人就写成了流水账。

而flow chart只要能看懂,并且把各个阶段中的重点体现出来就搞定了。


网友:曹老师, 我做剑桥4、5,发现:



两种却基本保持一样的错题率,大概错15-20个。我07年1月20日就考试了,就此您能给我点建议么? 另外,如果这次没有考好,三个月后再考,您能就阅读再给些建议么?




你说的问题,我想是因为搜索方法的缺陷。你说上过我的语法课,看来是我的错,在语法课上没有跟大家谈到阅读的技巧吧 :)

其实对于你的问题,方法很简单。看来你是去生找Key Words,在一篇学术文章中去生找一个词,当然不可能那么迅速。








曹铭伟:其实写作得5的问题可能还是Task207年一月的Task2而且我个人感觉——直觉啊,不准不要怪我——文化问题的可能性更大。翻一翻下半年雅思写作,几乎每个题目都与文化有关。原因很简单,一是因为这种题比较能考出一个人的思维深度和逻辑水平;二文化问题却是也是最近社会的热点问题,所以就是雅思官方对于Task2命题的界定:Contemporary issues of common interests.




其实说到阅读能力,我不知道你是指整体的阅读还是具体的雅思阅读解题能力。不管你指哪个,总之我都说一下吧。 要说整体的阅读能力,你得有语言功底去进行词句的破译,还得有把握上下文从中推测的能力,更得具有从全局上把握全文思路结构理清脉络的能力。这些能力大家是否都具有呢?根据我的观察,可能大多数同学的理解还是在最起码的语言破译,也就是字面的把握上,这就是导致你说的问题的一个原因。因为只掌握字面九不得不时时刻刻去看那些单词,这第一慢,第二相当吃力。

再说做题能力。做题能力除了语言功底和整体阅读能力还得包括对试题思路的准确把握。有可能有些同学不知道题目思路和特点导致浪费时间,虽然最终也解出来了,但是效率很低。最典型的就是List of Headings。

















1. a lot of/lots of

这对词组一般不要出现在academic essay中,考官已经看烦了.可以用A considerable number of代替

2. Everything has two sides/every coin has tow sides


3. Recently

这个词不好.按照他们的说法就是too imprecise,没有一个具体的时间.可以用 In the last 5 years…/since….代替


4. There is survey……

老师是这么说的:has there been?/only say this if you actually know of one 也就是说考官知道这些都是你编的,最好不要用了

5. And, because, but

这三个词我们还是经常会用到.其实最好用in addition, therefore, however等代替

6. 不能用vivid 来形容world vivid可以用来说memories或者是dream之类的

7. No one can deny that…/Undoubtedly

这2个词组太绝对了,用来开头并不合适. 其实每个人都能持与你意见相反的态度

8. in a word

很多人会用它来做conclusion. 鬼佬的意见是:如果你准备用这个词组来引出你的观点,那你最好用一个词来概括,谁让你是这么写的呢

9. Meanwhile don’t use in general academic writing or for task 2—10. Nowadays

理由和3差不多, 这个词用在文章里显得太普通了, 11. It is a well known fact… 最好不要用,

12. advantages and disadvantages 换成13. In my opinion, I dis/agree with this


14. IELTS文章中千万不能用缩写, ,平时最好也别写缩写,多多注意,养成习惯

15. very不能用来形容16. human being MS这个词指的是动物+植物, 以后可以用man kind代替



as we all know?

it can not be denied?

除非你真的列举一些不可推翻的事实,比如:中国是世界上人口最多的国家——可是太过事实的事实,往往对你的作文毫无用处,就比如:every coin has two sides.都是写可写可不写的废话。


1.sign sb 与(球员明星)签约

2.be heavily influenced by


3.His fee was then a British record of $ 28 million.

4.Despite repeated criticism, A has always been supportive of sb.

5.A is struggling to fight for....

6.It's an opportunity for sb to experience the coaching style of .....

7.De123ce has been a trademark of his team.

8.But A's problem this past year was more about sth than anything else.

9.The way you have the best chance to win a championship is to....

10.The big question still remains, ...

11.Will workers be OK with having to do more work?

12.A competent plan that we can follow and be successful with

13.government policy and market force

14.As far as saying that I'm going to do sth, there is nothing specific right now.

15.maximize the potential of sb

16.focus much of one's attention on

17.gain reputation as 被(人们)尊为.....

18.His dedication and love for the game earned him the respect of others.


22.bold exploration

24.at a primary stage of development


26.I'm a native of Jiangsu province

27.lifetime occasion 人生大事(结婚等)

33.Sci-fi peaked in the 1970s. 科幻小说

34.Many firms use tactics designed to hide their intent to gather and profit from the data they collect.

35.We have done our part to provide up-to-date info.

36.With a shared vision for the future, 21st century will prosper.


38.motivate sb to do

39.provide easy access to English education for learners

40.The hosting of the 2008 Olympic games

41.the outbreak of SARS

42.exert a lot of pressure on me to do sth

43.The hope of....was shattered when we heard the news.

44.I have still got a big future ahead of me.

45.I are planning on playing football for as long as I continue to enjoy it.

46.It is never route to win a world title.

47.premarital * and homo*uality

48.My whole life is exposed to my parents, I hate this feeling.


49.Since they have had less freedom, they've gone in pursuit of it.

50.No doubt, the development of information technology has contr123ted its bit in broadening or bending the minds of the 80's generation.

51.get in touch via QQ

52.The Internet is so much more to A than you can imagine.

53.a aspiring student

54.After years of ups and downs

55.It's a lot more mainstream, I think, than people realize.


57.women outnumber men 2-to-1 with the disease

58.This in part, prompted her participation in the campaign.

59.stem the spread of disease

60.remake its image as a center of international activities

61.His subtle smile made him curious.

62.Boys have a strong tendency to fight than girls.

63.Freedom of action is one of inviolable rules of human behavior.

64.Their furniture was chosen for utility rather than for elegance.

65.He welcomes us with artificial smile on his face.

66.A doctor like him is a disgrace to our hospital.

68.Her thrift saved her enough money to buy a house.

73.technical foul 技术犯规///three-point shot///out-of-bound 界外

74.Believe you me! 76.credibility problem

77.The fact has silenced the doubters.

78.It's staging a remarkable comeback.

79.At Yahoo, spontaneity is out, order is in.

80.Wait a few years before we judge them as a group.

81.Different people have different views.

82.paint a picture of young people insecure about their future and deciding to do...

83.The book succeeded in doing a number of things,....

84.be quickly adopted by the media

85.It fails to take into account individual traits and differences between people of same age or background.

86.They are seen to share a general attitude.

87.Great strides have been made in science since 1950.

88.We had a very fruitful discussion in the classroom.

89.in urgent need of medical supplies///overshadow sth

90.There 's evidence to suggest that the onion has a high level of nutrition.

91.A is believed to have the ability to prevent disease.

92.Rest is as crucial as exercise.

93.Proponents say cyclic fitness duplicates the physiology of how humans evolved.



95.They will not ,he believes, get the health benefits(such as losing weight) without putting sufficient time into their exercise.

96.redraw the line between what is private and public

97.The SARS outbreak deprived A of the chance to display her talent.

98.But,on second thought, I see that

99.give more weight to

100.His "sleepless in the dorm" problem is hardly unique.

101.an 11pm light-out rule 11点熄灯

102.Judge me on the basis of result, and not on style.

103.You must calculate all the advantages and disadvantage before coming to a discussion.

104.convenience store 便利店

105.guarantee financial security

106.win a place as 占有一席之地

107.the world beyond the school walls.

108.market segment 市场份额

109.The price of sugar soars.

110.With continued growth it will surpass Japan by 2020.

111.The long-term trends lend support to the optimistic view.

112.on the cover of magazine

113.That is my priority.

114.We must be more selective in what we choose.

115.A can make fiction a reality in this decade.

116.give sb an edge over sb 给予.....

down to work.

123.The things that they catch or miss often determine whether a game will become a top seller or a failure. 124.In the US, the sale of liquor is restricted to people less than 21 years old.

125.It is a reminder that, behind their smiles and skills, they are as imperfect as the rest of us.

126.Tunes fuelling growth in cell phone market.

127.The mood was light.

128.greet each other by saying....

129.There are so many novel things there.

130.China's Internet population hit 68 million by the end of June.

131.Netizens between the ages of 18 and 30 are the driving force.

132.As the number of china's Internet users grows so does the junk mail.

133.Volunteers help develop backward regions.

134.have gone through a similar progression.

135.Following ringer tones(手机铃声) in popularity are games.

136.We've had a doubling of the number of a every month since 1999.

137.The coming month promise even more content.


138.in the very near future

139.acquire knowledge ("learn knowledge" is wrong!)

140.We study science to gain insight into the world we live in.

141.The doctor had great prestige among the members of his profession.

142.The trend of modern living is away from many customs.

143.They made a systematic search for the lost car.

144.I hesitated about taking his side until I know the whole story.

145.He reacted my question with much surprise.

146.Her plan was upset by the change of the weather.

147.You must learn to behave in a mature way.

148.The economic gap between A and B has been narrowed.

149.You stood me up. 放我鸽子

150.China is offering preferential politics to encourage retuning scholars to start their own business.

151.The government was accused of paying insufficient attention to the growing AIDS crisis.

152.More than 55% of the people questioned in a recent sina.com survey said that....


154.As the water unexpectedly hot, he jerked his hand out.

155.What bliss it is to be able to lie in bed instead of working.

156.He'll start receiving a pension after he retires.

158.Such a movie is not wholesome to children.

160.endanger one's health

168.bet my future on more study.

169.A school can only be a temporary buffer against social risks. One day, they have to go out.

170.Education has become a lengthier process.

171.But fear of joblessness is not the only thing that sends grads back home.

172.helpful to keep a line between work and personal life.

173.professional conflicts of interest.

174.compete for the same promotion 为同一个竞升职位而竞争

175.Most importantly, an office relationship might make the loves believe that they have a lot more in common than they actually do.

176.Sad breakups show that love and work make a disastrous mix.

177.jet lag 时差

178.Many students share the same opinion that...

179.find a job that is related to their professional knowledge

180.We shouldn't have such high expectations on our future jobs.

181.slid(slide) from fourth to seventh

182.Students are no exception.学生没有例外


183.When you take shoes off plants nearby die and small birds fall to earth unconscious.

184.Time to do sth

185.Be most upbeat about future

186.A is already being feted as the new "king of .." but time will tell whether he is the real deal. 187.Today,everyone everywhere recognizes A.

188.For underneath all the posing and preening is a man who puts his family's desires alongside his own. 189.have a passion for sth

190.They remain, underneath all the brashness, traditionalists at heart.

191.A great many cancers can be cured, but only if properly treated before they begun to spread. 192.He left his successful business and life of luxury to become a monk.

193.be appropriate for

194.relevant evidence

195.You should not appropriate other people's belongings without their permission.

196.consider all of the possibilities carefully.

197.His wages are not adequate to support his family.

198.A man who is careless in what he does will never succeed.

199.It's impolite behavior to smoke in...

200.The ice on the roads is a hazard for driving and walking.

209.go into the politics

210.No doubt about it.

212.What would Jazz be without ..

213.It's just a term.

214.China is not developed to its fullest potential

215.The broken lock facilitated my entrance into that empty house.

216.Despite the opposition from his family,he remained resolute in his decision.

217.The habit of travelling by air is becoming more prevalent each year.

218.The answer to the question is affirmative.

219.a petty problem

220.They deprived the criminal of his right to vote.

221.She could not restrain her curiosity to see what was in the box.

222.Will you swear to the truth of your statement?

223.Scientists are now on the threshold of a better understanding of how the human brain works. 224.Fame,power,wealth -- all is vanity before death.

225.I have a sensation that ...



227.We attr123te Edison's success to intelligence and hard work.

228.Our friendship began with a casual meeting.

229.There are hundreds of children who need to be nourished.

230.a exclusive club

231.The discipline of his early hardships contr123ted to his cuccess.

232.Because of advances in medical technology,heart surgery is not as risky as it formorly was.

233.She took the initiative in getting acquainted with sb.

234.She has supersition that breaking a mirror brings bad luck.

235.This one would be even more demanding. 要求更高

236.bring many benefits and conveniences to people

237.The establish of more courses that are contr123tory to the shaping of a sound psychology for students in high school derives form the current social demand.

238.The evcr-increasing improvement in all the realms of human life has necessitated the priority particitation of those who are in possession of adequate expertise, upright conduct and a competent mental condtion.

239.be beneficial to both A and to society as a whole

240.enable sb to stand the sundry emotional social strains

241.exert a huge influence upon...

246.They sacrifice too much.

247.It's not unreasonable that.... ...不无道理

248.Sb should be more supportive of..

255.dreamlands for small children

256.dragon's descendants 龙的传人

257.add to their knowledge something they will never acquire in the classroom

258.research facilities

259.gradually rises to 10% at 8:00 and maintains the same for the next 2 hours

260.There is ... increase ... ,however, after that it drops.

261.During the period from .. to .. , the output increased.

262.This is not a matter of the-earlier-the-better when we discuss sth.

263.It's difficult for them to cope with problems that others find easy to handle.

264.near-sightedness and stunted growth

265.sb should be on guard against sth.

266.Many people hold optimistic attitude towards... ,and are confident of the positive alterations it will bring to the present world.


268.People who believe in different religions may learn to give understanding to one another.


269.I hope you will place strong emphasis on living a healthy life in order to be truly happy.

270.The 'healthy' in question refers to being at the same time mentally and physically healthy.

271.From this prospective, sb can be considered as...

272.receive higher education

273.His work is more meaningful to the society he lives in.

274.Economists and merchants may serve as perfect examples to verify this point.

275.One's earning can not be solely determined by his education background.

276.We should decide how we are to define "personal income" before finally judging who should own more. 277.He set the tone in the house. 在家里说了算

278.There is not a great deal of difference between A and B.

279.The figures bottomed out in ...

280.This is one of the side effects brought about by this modern world.

281.Failure to take this responsibility constitutes delinquency as parents.

282.be eliminated from the chance to get a proper education

283.The juvenile crime rate will undoubtedly be rapidly brought down and controlled.

284.The overwhelming burden of educating children falls upon the teachers' shoulders.

285.job market

286.I feel that it is not too much to say that modern human beings to being slaves of machines.

287.care nothing about job satisfaction and enjoying life

292.it is less tasty and less nutrition

and calculate are not mutually cxclusive.

299.potential harmful impact on sb

300.such worries have proved to be unfounded

301.They don't care about winning or losing.

302.produce better foodstuffs in terms of quality and quantity

303.GM(Genetically modified) technology opens a new dimension for scientific research.

304.bring the whole plant growth process under our control

305.With careful regulation and control, the advantages wil far outweight the disadvantages.

306.high tuition fees 复数

307.make sure that money does not corrupt this international goodwill sports gathering

308.dissolve tensions between countries and promote harmony between their people

309.deter would-be crimials


311.private proerty is inviolable

312.did a great service for society


313.He is faced with problem of finding a high-paying job related to his past studies and interest.

314.pursure sth to the highest extent

315.For people fresh from universities,experience is what they are in great need of.

316.Work experience is equivalent to work expertise.

317.Conversely, aiming at a position beyond one's ability at the beginning of the interview,thought it appears to show ambition,usually proves to be impractical,and is therefore doomed a failure.

318.This dose involve some expence in terms of good food and medical treatment.


320.They only eat the leftovers of family meals

321.Sensational stories such as these cause great uhappiness to the people concerned.

322.They are highly-skilled professionals who are aware of all the latest development in their fields of interest. 323.develop many interpersonal skills and become more tolerate,more emotionally mature

324.They adapt so much to weatern culture that they have problems readjusting when they finally return home. 325.infrastructure such as road system and electricity supply

326.Both government and private groups can share in the provision of most services.

327.sth is not an essential feature of modern education.

329.Jealousy can be very destructive, especiall at an early age.

330.There are often many difficult issues to cope with.

relationship succeed.

332.cut short one's lifetime

334.arrange sb's time

335.handle various unexpected crisis

341.pronograghic items

342.It's shortsighted to do A instead of ..

343.Any country which falls behind in the "information race" will become economically backward.

344.China is still struggling to achieve modernization.

345.But I'm far from advocating neglect of culture and art.

346.enhance their sense of identity and solidarity

347.make students proud of belonging to their school

348.Besides, uniforms enhance discipline, which is what most young students lack.

349.sth result in hostility toward...

350.military uniforms 军装

351.People's suitability for a position should be a reflection of their performance in the job.

352.Workers who can still demonstrate the capacity to carry out their work should not be asked to retire simply because they have reached a certain age.

353.You may do well to look again at their policies.

354.While a person can study a foreign language in his or her country, it can not compare with constant use of the language in academic and everyday use.


355.There is no better opportunity to improve second-language skills than living in the country which it is spoken. 356.living and studying abroad offers me a new and different perspective of the world

357.While any anxiety about A is certainly understandable, it is important to remember that the benefits offered by the experience make it well worthwhile.

358.The media,representing the value of their owners,tend to report wars with a bias.

359.clothing styles

360.A popular figure such as Michael Jackson would never be so well known were it hot for the media's extensive reach into every society on the globe.

361.For a parent with young children,this may be a blessing.

362.One substantial benefit for sb is that there will be no need to travel to work.

363.Sth will serve not only to change the way we work but also the way we live.

364.Sb should engage in educational pursuits in their spare time.

365.It's not contr123tive to do sth in the process of growing up.

366.take painting or drawing

367.The experience of researching and understanding is both useful and thoroghly satisfying.

368.It's true that in today's competitive age it 's essential for children to be adequately educated in order to be successful in the future.

369.Playing sports teaches children about cooperation and goals.

370.a wide range of subjects

371.The pressure to do well.

372.It's not common these days for sb to do

undergo discomfort.

381.Sth is of great importance for sb

382.Sb is undergoing fast physical development.

384.A reasonable amount of exercise guarantees a good appetite and sound sleep at night.

385.The colorful pictures and vivid characters of PC games are far more exciting than dull black letters in textbooks.

386.contain violence pornography

387.PC games have contr123ted a lot to failing eyesight among teenagers in recent years.

388.use sth in a more rational and controlled way

389.With one parent at home, the family will enjoy a lot of advantages that it has never experienced before.

390.There is often something exclusively for adults involved in them, such as the adoption of *ually appealing scenes. 391.As we know, young people are susceptible to bad influences.

392.Sb try every means possible to attract people's attention

393.mislead young people in choosing their lifestyles

394.Teachers should give priority to practical courses over such traditional ones as history and geography.

395.These days there is a growing tendency for college students to have difficulties in finding jobs when they graduate.


396.hold the opinion that lack of practical knowledge contr123te to this situation

397.emphasis on practical course is demanded by our ever-developing society

398.If a student has little knowledge of computers or business, he will lag behind the times.

399.They are either too theoretical or too academic.

400.There is no denying the fact that.....

401.the balance should be tipped toward practical courses in school curriculums.

402.Women are more law-abiding than men.

403.The number of vehicles is increasing much more rapidly than the building of roads.

404.Many people, including drivers, pedestrians do not obey traffic rules properly, carefully at busy intersections. 405.This undoubtedly worsens the already grave situation.

406. I'm confident that it will not be long before city traffic in China follows in a smother and more efficient manner.

407.come up with their own solutions to problems they encounter instead of turning to their parents for help 408.find it easier to adapt to modern society, which is full of competition when they grow up

409.Children have less time to communicate with their parents, which may eventually create a gap between them, and weaken family ties.

412.The maintenance of sth is futile.

416.Pigs are used in the battle against drugs.

as a whole, will arise in the future.

s with ancestors’ experience but also help us to avoid going off the right path.

423.social intercourse

424.intense academic atmosphere can guide us to reach a balance between academic and practical activities. 425.Sb have made great progress in supplying sb with more and more field trips and practical courses.

426.accululate experience helpful for our future enterprises

427.from the historical prospective

428.achieve spectacular business success

429.have every reason to lend support in

430.suffer under the colonial rule of western powers

431.the further development of rich countries is dependent upon


433.be under an obligation to give sb a helping hand in improving sth

434.The situation is completely unacceptable.

435.make allowance for 体谅

436.is a necessary supplement to the knowledge they gain from school course

437.reinforce children’s sense of responsibility


438.help them understand the famous saying” no pain no pain” better

439.corporal punishment

440.numerous studies have been done on

441.The mission of educating the young to be useful to society and to avoid wrongdoing can be fulfilled in many ways. 442.should learn more about the inner world of youngsters, try to understand them, and guide them to acquire a sense of self-worth.

443.Whether sth is the best measure for handing any problem caused by children is up to the parents to decide—not the schools.


445.disturb the natural balance

446.a powerful corrective

447.Don’t forget to flush. 便后要冲水

448.dyed yellow hair

449.It is not absolute that an intelligent couple will have a clever child.

450.a more environmentally friendly place to live

451.the dangerous gas given off by exhausts of cars , bus and lorries

452.plain looking face 平凡的长相



increase decrease

rise drop

grow fall

shoot up(非常得快) decline

reach a peak

reach a number


________ level off, to stablize,to maintain a trend


rapid(ly) *dramatical(ly) *slight

*sharp(ly) *gradual(ly)



sluggish(ly) *stead

带* 的我比较常用:)

还有就是注意要比较数据之间的关系(same ,similar,twice...),通常在文章的结尾给出一定的猜想,例如趋势什么的。 还有实心的线(solid line),虚线(break line),点线(dot line) 图表作文,要看到就写,因为就是让你描述这个图说了什么,数据之间的关系,所以不用想太多,留点时间给下面的部分。第一句话经常是: this graph shows(illustrates)



首先是文章的组织结构。思维方式的差异,外国人的文章我们会发现,都是简单明了,一般是让你看了它的第一段就知道,他要说什么,甚至就知道了文章的组织结构。实际上我觉得文章的组织结构是很重要的,要在文章的组织结构下点功夫。 其次,就是一些连词的使用。通常我们的中文写作是没有这样的连词的使用的,但是在英文写作中,连词就变得很重要。如果不能合理的使用连词,有的人甚至没有使用,那就大大的糟糕了。因为通过连词,别人能发现你要做什么比如说

furthermore, 那么别人就知道你要进一步的说明。如果是however 那么别人就知道你要转折了。这些连词在读文章的时候也是很重要的,引人注目的地方。



however,on the other hand,furthermore,in addition,

表示因果的:result in , lead to,result from.consequently



第一段,一般是概括全文 ,首先一般是定义,要是单独的argument, 这种文章,接下来就要说你的观点了,然后就是outline, 章就按照这种理由的顺序来写,是in conclusion,sum up 什么的。

如果是discussion, 题目不这样写不行,那么通常的结构是:第一段 优点和缺点,我给的我的文章的advertising 就是那样的outline 分别有双方面的理由。然后的以后的段落,基本上是先说你的最后不同意的观点,1,2段 4,5,6 自己比较倾向的观点写的多些。最后 虽然是 议论文,你还是要有自己的观点的。 argument 比较好写,两方面论证比较繁。想不10 分钟来想怎么写,什么

对啦差点忘了说了,还要注意 每段的结构,一般是topic sentence 放在最前面,topic sentence 很重要啊。段与段之间也可以用一些呼应,就是什么the first argument in favor of xxxx is, 下一段:another aspect of xxx ....


8月26日的雅思成绩出来了,第一次考,总分有6.5,写作出乎意料的有7分。惊喜之余将自己的心得写出,仅供参考。 考试之前,我一篇完整的大作文都没有写过,实在写不出来,每次写一半就会扔掉,而小作文我也仅完整写过一篇。真正复习作文,我大概只用了5天不到的时间,3天看范文,1天总结出自己的一套写法,1天背诵。就因为自己没写过,加之紧张,考试时我小作文用了28分钟,大作文相当吃紧。好在周围考生和我速度也差不多,没有让我心里很慌张;也幸好我自己加快了速度,否则会和周围考生一样大作文只写出100字左右。 几个复习要点:










Obviously(此为过渡短语), we can draw the conclusion that good manners arise from politeness and respect for others.

更多过渡短语: to sum up, in conclusion, in brief, on account of this, thus

更多句型: Thus, it can be concluded that…, Therefore, we can find that…


Accordingly, I recommend that some measures be taken.





4、目前,共同之处是_________,因为_______除此之外还由于_____ Nowadays, it is common to ______________. Many people like ______________ because ______________. Besides,




______________, just like many other things, are preferred by ______________.

While being attacked by the idea that ______________, some people consider

______________. They point that ______________.


Everything has two sides and ______________ is not an exception, it has both

advantages and disadvantages.


For years ______________ had been viewed as ______________. But people are

taking a fresh look at it now.


It has stipulated by the government that ______________. To this stipulation,


many people respond actively because ______________.

9、_______出现在我们日常生活中是很平常的,无论我们做什么,_______都是不可避免的 ______________ is a common occurrence in our daily life. Whatever we do, ______________ can't be avoided.


______________ has become a hot topic among people, especially among the

young, and heated debates are right on their way.


Recently, ______________ has become the focus of the society, and in this way..

People swarm to ______________.



______________ has been playing an increasingly important role in our

day-to-day life. It has brought us a lot of benefits but created some serious

problems as well.


Man is now facing a big problem-______________, which is becoming more and





16、有一个旧的说法________- 正确的


18、_____是______,同时又是______,我们应该做些什么解决 ________面对目前的环境

These two factors have caused ______________. Then what shall we do to solve

______________ in the face of such a situation.


One of our ancient philosophers said, ______________. Chinese people have

always been holding this idea to be one of their standards of morality.

20、一位非常著名的作家说过______,如果这是真的,目前的状况应使我们沉思______ One of the great early writers said that ______________. If this is true, the present situation should make us ponder over ______________.


1. 最明显的原因_______,因此_________

The most obvious reason for this phenomenon is that ______________.

Consequently, ______________.

2. 无论你喜欢与否,_____已经变得越来越流行,这是有原因的

No matter you like it or not, AAA has become more and more popular and there are

many reason for it.


3. 对我们来说,改变这个不利的环境________是非常紧急的

It’s an urgent task for us to change this unfavorable situation: ______________.

4. 这个图片会让你想起一些奇怪的东西,这种现象还是会继续存在这个社会

The picture can reminds you of some strange, yet familiar phenomena existing in our society.

5. 提供了大量的解决方案,一些人建议______,另一些人建议______

A great number of solutions are being offered. Some people suggest that

______________. Others argue that ______________.

6. 对于____,我们应该____

Confronted with AAA, we should take a serious of effective measures to cope with the situation.

7. 然而,______引起了许多为问题,

However, _____________ may cause some problems. First, it is ______________. Second, ______________. Finally, ______________. So, it is clear that ________ has its advantages and disadvantages.

8. 虽然_____有一个______的非常大的好处,但是它不能完全在方面 compete with ______________ in ______________.

9._____也许更喜欢_____,但是_____忍受_____ disadvantages that ______________.


_________. 11.


13. On the contrary, there are some people in favor of ______________. They believe ______________. Moreover, they think ______________.

14. There are several measures for us to adopt. First, we can ______________, there are a number of advantages of __________. Another solution is to ________.

15. It is high time that something was done about it. For example, ______________. In addition, ______________. All these measures will certainly ______________. 16.

There are some other people, who ______________. Their reasons are different, something for ______________, sometimes for ______________, and sometimes simply for ______________.

17. ______________ is necessary and important to our country’s development and construction. First, ______________. What’s more, ______________. Most important of all, ______________.

18. However, if not managed properly, ______________ can create many problems. Sometimes ______________. Furthermore, ______________. Therefore,


______________ has been gaining public concern.

19. 有很多原因____,………

①There are probably many reasons for ______________. First, ______________. ②Second, ______________. Finally, ______________.

There are, I think, two main reasons for ______________. In the first place, ______________. In the second place, ______________. Therefore, ______________.

③Well, why is there ______________? I think there might be two reasons. One is ______________, and the other is ______________.

④Why ______________? For one thing, ______________. For another,

______________. Perhaps the main reason is ______________.

⑤Why ______________? The first reason is that ______________. The second reason is ______________. The third is ______________. For all this, the main cause of ______________ is due to ______________.

20. It is no easy job to find the reasons for this tendency which involves several complicated factors. For some ______________. For others ______________.


22. ______________?

23. brings this result? The main reason rests with.

24. ①

become more and more common.


that ______________.

26. Nowadays, ______________ has become a problem we have to face. Though it’s with the help of modern technology, we now have many means to solve it.

27. 对于这个图,说明了_____

①The graph shows the general trend in ______________.

②According to the figures/numbers/statistics/percentages in the table/chart/bar graph/line graph, it can be seen that ______________. Obviously,

______________, but why?

③The figure indicates/shows/suggests/proves that ______________. There is a steady/rapid development/trend of ______________.

④From the graph/chart, we know the statistics of ______________ and

______________. It can be seen easily that ______________.

⑤According to the two graphs presented, it can be observed that _____

In the left graph, ______________. At the same time, ______________ as the right graph shows.

28. 现在我们经常听到_____,但是真的如此吗?

鲤鱼网——成功在于执着第24页(共31页) addition, easier said than done,

①These days we are often told that ______________. But is it true?

②These days we often hear about ______________. But is this really the case?

29. 一位著名的作家曾经说过_____,

One of the great writers once said that ______________. Now it still has a

realistic significance.

30. 回看历史,______的想法从来都没流行过,一方面_____另一方面______

In our history, the idea that ______________ never has been so popular. On one

hand, ______________, on the other hand, ______________.

31. 人们中有许多像____不同的意见,一些人认为_______

There are different opinions among people as to ______________. Some people

suggest that ______________.

32. 一些人认为________对_______来说在许多方面都是好的,然而,其他人不同意 Some people hold the opinion that ______________ is superior to

______________ in many ways: Others, however, disagree with it.

33. 现在虽然越来越多的人______,但仍有一些_____的人,他们也许认为_____

Nowadays although more and more people ______________, still there are some





























IDEA:老师,我还有两个月考,此前参加过环球,老师叫我们听LISTEN TO THIS我也听了并且严格按老师的方法听的,但这几天听剑桥3效果很差,老师我现在要绝望了,我只要求6分,请老师帮忙!!!


















任晓冬:无忧雅思网: ,雅思官方网站:,新航道的网站:。






1. a lot of/lots of

这对词组一般不要出现在academic essay中,考官已经看烦了.可以用A considerable number of代替

2. Everything has two sides/every coin has tow sides


3. Recently

这个词不好.按照他们的说法就是too imprecise,没有一个具体的时间.可以用 In the last 5 years…/since….代替

4. There is survey……

老师是这么说的:has there been?/only say this if you actually know of one 也就是说考官知道这些都是你编的,最好不要用了


5. And, because, but

这三个词我们还是经常会用到.其实最好用in addition, therefore, however等代替

6. 不能用vivid 来形容world vivid可以用来说memories或者是dream之类的

7. No one can deny that…/Undoubtedly

这2个词组太绝对了,用来开头并不合适. 其实每个人都能持与你意见相反的态度

8. in a word

很多人会用它来做conclusion. 鬼佬的意见是:如果你准备用这个词组来引出你的观点,那你最好用一个词来概括,谁让你是这么写的呢

9. Meanwhile don’t use in general academic writing or for task 2—but it is ok for describing a process in task 1 10 Nowadays

理由和3差不多, 这个词用在文章里显得太普通了, 老师的原话是it does not mean very much

11 It is a well known fact… 最好不要用, 有的考官会扣分

12 advantages and disadvantages 换成13 In my opinion, I dis/agree with this


14 IELTS文章中千万不能用缩写, 例如I’m ,,多多注意,养成习惯

15 very不能用来形容16 human being MSman kind代替



as we all know?

it can not be denied?

除非你真的列举一些不可推翻的事实,比如:中国是世界上人口最多的国家——可是太过事实的事实,往往对你的作文毫无用处,就比如:every coin has two sides.都是写可写可不写的废话。(


Many people believe that human activity is causing the earth’s temperature to rise. They say that this global warming will have dreadful consequences for our environment, such as drought and flooding.

What should governments do to help prevent global warming? Give reasons for your suggestions.

The earth’s temperature is rapidly changing. As a result there has been a lot of climate change such as heat waves, droughts and floods. Scientists believe that this is the result of human activity, which is polluting the Earth’s


atmosphere. This could become a disaster if governments do not act to help prevent global warming. They can act in three ways; by supporting research, by making laws and by keeping the general public informed.

Firstly, governments can support research. For example, they should encourage companies to develop vehicles that cause less pollution. They should also support alternative sources of electricity from wind and water rather than from oil and coal. As well, they should sponsor conferences to discuss the effects of greenhouse gas emissions and possible solutions to the problem.

Secondly, they should make laws that limit the amount of greenhouse gases that companies can emit. Private companies should be rewarded for following these laws. They should also be punished for creating pollution. Finally, everybody is affected by global warming. Therefore, it is important that governments involve individuals in the problem solving process. For example they should encourage households to save as much energy as possible by using more efficient light bulbs or less hot water. They should also encourage the public to recycle, and this should be compulsory for everyone. Another way of saving energy is by public transport systems. Governments should spend money on public transport to make it as easy as possible for the public to save energy. They


Two sides of an argument

Give the other side




? Some people think that… It is claimed that… Some people feel that…

One sentence (While, although)




? While it is true that… … I believe… Despite the fact that millions of people die every year from lung cancer, many people think it is cool to smoke. Although many people think that…., I feel that Although it is often said that…, in fact the opposite is true

Two sentences




? It is undoubtedly true that… …However… It is often argued that… However, it is Some people say that… They claim… However, I feel… Supporters of this viewpoint say that… However, it is


One sentence (While, although)




? While it is true that… … I believe… Despite the fact that millions of people die every year from lung cancer, many people think it is cool to smoke. Although many people think that…., I feel that Although it is often said that…, in fact the opposite is true


题目:Some people think that personal happiness is directly related to economic success. Others argue that happiness depends on completely other factors. Discuss both of the views and give your own opinion. In recent years, the discussion of whether personal happiness is directly associated to economic success has become a controversial issue. Notions toward it differ widely from person to person.

阿s multiple life domains, ders happiness. What’s more, It is indisputable that ask for more time.

















雅思高分作文范文- 教育类








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