


Words and Phrases

年   级: 九年级上册




            Unit 1 ~ Unit 4

(一)  单词拼写


1.       I finally s_______________ the problem with the help of my teacher and I felt very happy.

2.       If you have a s_______________ of humour, you will find a lot of fun in your life.

3.       He is a very p_______________ man. He always says “Please” and “Thank you”.

4.       She is the s_______________ child in her family, so she always feels lonely.

5.       He’s a nice man but I doubt that he will tell the t_______________.

6.       He is wise and he can work out this question without d_______________.

7.       My parents are so busy that they can’t s_______________ too much time with me.

8.       The d_______________ couldn’t stop his car and hit into a tall tree.

9.       Mike couldn’t go to school today because he h______________ his leg badly.

10.   Mary looks p_____________. Is she ill?

11.   The a______________ were enjoying every minute of the performance.

12.   Many people c_____________ Albert Einstein a genius. He is one of the greatest men in history.

13.   I am c______________ I can pass the coming test. I am well prepared.

14.   Please keep q______________ because the child is sleeping.

15.   Ben copied the homework from Janny because he made e_____________ the same mistakes as Janny’s.

16.   You should watch l______________ television, for it might be harmful to your eyes.

17.   You can always t______________ him. He is honest and never tricks others.

18.   He received an i_______________ to a party yesterday, but he didn’t want to go.

19.   I bought a new mobile phone. It c______________ me much money

20.   I don’t know the w_______________ of my elder sister. I only know she is fat.

21.   The statue in the museum looks like a r_____________ person.

【总结】:完成时间:_________________        正确率:_________________




22.   There is no d              that he can do it well. Don’t worry about it.

23.   I o              my teacher’s instructions and made a success in the exam.

24.   You don’t need to agree with me. That’s only my p                opinion.

25.   Emily’s parents did all the housework, and she was never e_______________ to do any.

26.   You should bring less food to r_______________ the weight of your big bag.

27.   Wu Song was b_______________ enough to kill the tiger.

28.   Kids, don’t be afraid of making m_______________, just open your mouth and speak.

29.   Do you know Tom’s uncle? He has been in p_______________ for five years for breaking laws.

30.   I don’t have a son but a d               , she helps me a lot.

31.   We must have three m                a day, or it will be bad for our health.

32.   The bus is so crowed. Could you please o_______________ your seat to the old lady?

33.   If you don’t work hard now, you’ll r________________ in the future.

34.   These photos r_______________ me of my wonderful childhood.

35.   Nowadays, cars are not completely made of m_______________.

36.   He was so c______________ that he made the same mistake again.

37.   Go away! What happens here is none of your b_______________.

38.   T_____________ he was very tired, he kept on working.

39.   We need more time to discuss before we can make a d_______________.

40.   Poor Tony! He failed the e______________ again.

41.   This room is a m_______________. No one wants to live here.

42.   I s_____________ that you should remember ten new words every morning.

【总结】:完成时间:_________________        正确率:_________________



(二)  完成句子


1. 她环顾四周以确定没有其他人。

She looked around to _____________ _____________ there was nobody else.

2. 不要抓弄他,他是个可怜的孩子。

Don’t __________ ___________ ___________ ___________ him. He is a poor boy!

3. 真正好的音乐永远不会过的。

Really good music will never ___________ __________ __________ __________.

4. 我不能吃太多东西,因为我正在节食。

I can’t eat too much because I ___________ ___________ __________ ___________.

5. 在工作日他们常常看新闻。

They often watch news ____________ ___________.

6. 他不停地读这篇文章,直到把它背下来。

He kept reading the article until he ____________ it ___________ ____________.

7. 这个问题这么简单,就连我的司机都能回答。

This is ___________ ___________ easy question ____________ even my driver can answer it.

8. 在古代运动会妇女不允许参加运动会。

In ancient Olympic Games, Women were not allowed __________ __________ _________ the sports meeting.

9. Linda在班上格格不入。

         Linda is __________ __________ __________.

10. 我不知道怎么回答他的问题。

I don’t know ___________ ___________ ____________ his question.

11. 汤姆在店里把他的瓶子灌满水后继续上路。

Tom started again after he ____________ his bottle _____________ water.

12. 玛丽轻而易举地赢得了100米的比赛。

Mary won the 100-metre race _____________ _____________.

13. 有些沸水溢出来,把火扑灭了。

Some of the boiling water _____________ _____________ and put out the fire.

14. 最终,国王把那个坏人送进了监狱。

At last, the bad man ____________ ____________ _____________ ____________ by the king.

15. 昨晚汤姆花了三小时才做完作业。

         It ____________ Tom three hours ____________ ____________ his homework last night.

16. 我直到九点才会回来,别等我吃晚饭了。

I _____________ ____________ back ____________ nine o’clock. Don’t wait for me for supper.

17. 孩子们玩得多开心呀!

         ____________ ____________ the children are playing!

【总结】:完成时间:_________________        正确率:_________________




18. 在沙漠,他救了她,作为回报,她告诉他哪里能找到水。

He saved her in the desert, ____________ ____________, she told him where to find water.

19. 我们应该相信他,毕竟她从来没有让我们失望。

We should trust him. After all, he has never _____________ ____________ ____________.

20. 关于这件事,格林太太没有说什么,因为她对这个话题不感兴趣。

Mrs. Green didn’t say much about it because she ____________ ___________ ____________ ____________ this topic.

21. 当一有人遇到困难时,我们应该尽我们最大努力去给予帮助。

When someone ___________ ____________ _________, we should try our best to give some help.

22. 为了在写作中避免犯一些拼写错误,我们应该非常细心。

To __________ ___________ some spelling _____________ in writing, we should be very careful.

23. 我不介意在家做家务活。

I don’t mind _____________ ____________ ____________ at home.

24. 我们应该学会对别人耐心。

We should learn to                                              others.

25. 我奶奶时不时打电话和我聊天。

       My grandma calls to talk with me _____________ ____________ ____________ ___________.

26. 山姆把所有糖果加起来,然后在两个儿子之间分配。

       Sam ____________ ____________ all the candies, and then ____________ them _____________ his two sons.

27. 我丝毫不知道他们昨天下午3点在做什么。

    I _______________ _____________ _____________ what they were doing at   3 o’clock yesterday afternoon.

28. 在重大事情方面,通常都是我爸爸作决定的。

   My father always                                          in some important things.

29. Tom比Mary做作业认真得多。

   Tom does his homework                                             than Mary.  

30. 为何不加入这个有趣的游戏呢?

         _____________ ____________ join in the interesting game?

31. 她经常被她弟弟的行为气疯。

         She ____________ often _____________ _____________ by her younger brother’s behavior.

32. 他对自己所做的感到很羞愧,一直低着头。

         He _____________ ______________ ______________ what he did and kept his head down.

33. 我昨天收到妈妈的来信。

         I _____________ ______________ my mother yesterday.

34. 在任何情况下都不要嘲笑别人。

         Don’t _____________ ______________ others in any situation.

35. 虽然我的父母经常出差,但是我们会保持联系和沟通。

       _____________ my parents_____________ often _____________ _____________, we will still keep in touch with each other.

36. 这个模型船是用钞票做成的。

   This model ship _____________ _____________ _____________ bank notes.

37. 我顽皮的弟弟总是把我的房间弄得一塌糊涂,这真是让我受不了。

   My naughty brother always _____________ _____________ _____________ in my room. It _____________ me _____________.

38. 与你一起工作时一件很愉快的事情。

   _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ work with you.

【总结】:完成时间:_________________        正确率:_________________




1. solved                     2. sense                      3. polite                      4. single                      5. truth                       6. difficulty

7. spend                     8. driver                      9. hurt                         10. pale                      11. audience             12. consider

13. certain                 14. quiet                     15. exactly                 16. less                       17. trust                     18. invitation

19. cost                      20. weight                 21. real                       22. doubt                   23. obeyed                 24. personal

25. expected             26. reduce                 27. brave                    28. mistakes             29. prison                   30. daughter

31. meals                   32. offer                     33. regret                           34. remind                 35. metal                   36. careless

37. business              38. Though                39. decision               40. exam                    41. mess                    42. suggest


1. make sure                      2. play a joke on                                   3. be out of date                         4. am on a diet                  

5. on weekdays                  6. learnt; by heart                               7. such an; that                           8. to join in                

9. out of place                    10. how to answer                              11. filled; with                             12. without difficulty       

13. ran over                        14. was sent to prison                        15. took; to finish                       16. won’t come; until      

17. How happily                 18. in return                                          19. let us down                           20. had no interest in

21. is in trouble                  22. avoid making; mistakes              23. doing the housework 24. be patient with

25. from time to time      26. added up; divided; between      27. have no idea                         28. makes a decision

29. much more carefully        30. Why not                                 31. is; driven mad                       32. felt ashamed of

33. heard from                   34. laugh at                                  35. Though, are, on business           36. is made of

37. makes a mess; drives mad                  38. It’s a pleasure to























一年级上学期教学总结 祝玉芬

