


我的家乡有一个美丽的湖,名叫天鹅湖。据说许多年以前,曾经有一群天鹅在这里生活,因此而得名。湖呈圆形,湖水清可见底,碧得发亮。湖的四周有茂密的树木。其中最引人注目的是垂(cuí chuí )柳,在微风的吹动下,柳条迎(yíng yín )风起舞。湖水映衬出柳姑娘的身影十分秀美。树下是一片嫩绿(lǜ lù)的草地,草地上开着红的、黄的、蓝的小花。湖上有一座美丽的小桥,把天鹅湖打扮得更加美丽。

1、给短文加个题目: (3分)

2、保留( )里正确的读音,划去不正确的。(3分)

3、 第2自然段先写了湖水( ) 、( ),再写湖的四周有( ),接着写树下有( ) 和 ( ) ,最后写湖上有( ) 。(12分)

4、 短文的主要意思是( ) (2分)





词:(至少写三个) 句:(至少写二句)


齐白石爷爷是世界著名的大画家。他画的花鸟鱼虫就像活的一样:蚱(zhà)蜢(m?ng )好像会跳;小鸟好像会眨眼睛;最有趣的是那些虾,身体像是透明的,仿佛轻轻一碰,就会游走似的。

白石爷爷小时候,家里很穷。他八岁就给人家放牛、砍柴。牛在吃草,他就用柴棍(gùn )在地上画画。后来,他当了木匠,白天干活,晚上在昏暗的油灯下学画。夏天蚊虫叮咬,冬天两脚冻得发麻,他都不在乎,一直画到灯油燃尽为止。就这样,他画的画越来越好了。

白石爷爷家里种着许多花草,招来许多小昆虫,水缸里还养着鱼和虾,他每天仔细地观察它们。他要画蚱蜢,就跟在一只蚱蜢后面满院子跑,一直到看清蚱蜢跳跃(yuè )时双腿的动作为止。别人劝他把蚱蜢拴(shuān )住,他说拴上绳子蚱蜢不舒服,动作不自然,那就画不准了。



著名—— 喜欢—— 仿佛——


昏暗—— 仔细—— 成功——

3、在“舒服”一词中“舒”是哪种意思,请选好在( )里打“√”。(2分)

(1)伸展、宽解。( ) (2)缓解、从容。( )



三、小 草


春天,一阵微微的春风吹来,小草和刚睡醒的伙伴们跳起了欢快的舞蹈。他们一边跳舞,一边随着春风生长。夏天,太阳把大地烤(kǎo )得火热。人们来到草地上,往小草身上一坐,小草像一位慈(cí)爱的母亲把人们抱在怀里,让劳累的人们消除酷(kù )热带来的疲(pí )劳。秋天,一阵凉风吹来,她一下子变得面黄肌瘦。寒风把冬天请来了,小草的根深深地钻进泥土里。等第二年春天来了,她又从土里钻出来。真是“ , 。”



2、文章按照 、 、 、 的顺序写小草。(8分)


( )----( )

4、短文是围绕 来写的。(3分)

5、哪句话说明小草胸怀宽广?请画上“ ”线,哪句话说明小草生命力旺盛,请画上波浪线。(4分)












陡(峭)( ) (嫩)( )草







( )


( )


( )


(一)葡萄园里葡萄架一个接一个,架上覆(fù)盖着绿茵(yīn )茵的叶片,就像长长的凉棚。架下挂着各种颜色的葡萄,青的、绿的、红的、深紫的、玫瑰色的、墨色的、白色的……好像走进了一幅五彩缤纷的图画。这里盛产国际市场最受欢迎的中国绿珍珠 马奶子 玫瑰 喀(kā )什(shí)喀尔(?r)以及琐(suǒ)琐等葡萄


2、“葡萄架一个接一个”是指园里葡萄架的数量( ),“五彩缤纷”是说葡萄的( )各种各样。 (4分)

3、用“ ”画出文中的一个比喻句,并填空。(6分)

这句话把 比作 。


(三) 太阳花


太阳花的茎有红色的,有绿色的。那茎很嫩,似乎用手一掐就会冒出水来。 太阳花的叶子很特别,小而厚,叶表面像涂了一层薄薄的蜡,光洁、碧绿。







1、 从文中找出与“洁白如玉”的“如”意思相同的三个词写下来。

( ) ( ) ( )

2、 短文先写太阳花的 ,再写太阳花的 ,最后写太阳花的 。

3、 短文的开头和结尾的关系是

4、 作者为什么喜欢太阳花?

5、 简单地写你喜欢的一种花的两三个特点。

(四) 乌鸦







听得入迷呢!” 乌鸦还是不理睬。她当时就是因为听了狐狸的奉承话,忍不住张






1、 给第二自然段的“□”里加上标点符号。

2、 把文章的题目补充完整。

3、 把“乌鸦被狐狸骗去了一块肉”这句话改成带“把”的句子。

4、 说说你是怎样理解“眼珠一转”的。

5、 说说乌鸦为什么又一次上了狐狸的当?

6、 读了这篇文章,你明白了什么道理?

7、 知识创新题:乌鸦应该怎样才能既保住嘴上的肉,又回击狐狸的话?。


2.划去“cui”划去“yin”划去“ lù”








1著名——有名 喜欢——喜爱 5因为他克苦学画,所以他获得成功 4他写字越来越好看,得到的夸奖也越来越多



2. 春天 夏天 秋天 冬天

3.火热 酷热


1绿茵茵 青、绿、红、深紫、玫瑰色、墨色、白色

2多 颜色丰富

3“葡萄园里葡萄架一个接一个,架上覆(fù)盖着绿茵(yīn )茵的叶片,就像长长的凉棚。”这句话把(架子上葡萄的叶片) 比作(长长的凉棚)。




(四)1、不久,乌鸦又找到了另一块肉。狐狸又想骗到。狐狸说:“ 乌鸦大姐,你的羽毛真漂亮 , 远远超过小麻雀。”乌鸦心想:哼,你又想来骗我了,这次我决不上你的当 !








There are seven days in a week(周) . They are Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday . Sunday is the first(第一) day of the week . In Sunday , I am playing cards(玩卡片) with my friends . Monday is the second(第二) . We are walking to school . Tuesday is the third(第三) . I often do my homework . Wednesday is the fourth . We are flying kites in the park(在公园了放风筝) . Thursday is the fifth (第五). We do my math(数学) . Friday is the sixth . We are working hard at school (在学校努力学习). Saturday is the seventh . We are having fun together .(我们一起玩的很高兴)

( )1、There are days in a week .

A、six B、 five C、seven

( )2、What is the first day of a week ? .

A、Monday B、Saturday C、Sunday

( ) 3、What am I doing in Tuesday ? .

A、do my homework . B、fly kites . C、do my math .

( )4、The fifth day of a week is .

A、Friday B、Thursday C、Wednesday

( )5、In Saturday , we are .

A、 doing my homework B、flying kites C、having fun together

My Family

I have a happy family(一个幸福的家庭). My father is a police officer(警官). He is tall. He likes to play basketball and checkers(西洋跳棋). My mother is a teacher. She likes to watch TV and read books. I am a student. I am a boy. I like to play on the computer(在电脑上玩). I am shorter than my father and my mother.

We like to eat noodles(吃面条). We like to go for a walk after supper(晚饭后散步). We are a happy family.

( ) 26. My father is a police officer.

( ) 27. My father is short.

( ) 28.My father likes to play football and checkers.

( ) 29.My mother is a teacher.

( ) 30.My mother likes to watch TV and read books.

( )31.I am a student. I am a girl.

( )32.I like to play on the computer.

( ) 33.I am taller than my mother.

( ) 34.We like to eat soup.

( ) 35.We are a happy family.


It is a sunny day this Sunday(这个周日阳光灿烂). I usually go shopping with my mother on Sunday. Sometimes I climb mountains(爬山). That’s fun. But not this Sunday. Because the weather report (天气预报)says it’s going to rain next Sunday. I can’t climb mountains in the rain. I can’t go shopping either(也). So I want to read books at home.

( ) 1 What is the weather like this Sunday?

A It is Sunday. B It is fine. C It is rainy.

( ) 2 What do you do on Sunday?

A I climb hills. B I go hiking(去远足).C I read books.

( ) 3 Can you climb mountains this Sunday?

A Yes, I can. B No, I can’t. C No, I’m not.

( ) 4 Do you go shopping on Sunday?

A Yes, I am. B Yes, I do. C No, I’m not.

( ) 5 What do you want to do next Sunday?

A I want to read books. B I want to watch TV.

C I want to go shopping.


Last holiday(上个假期), I took a big trip(旅行) with my aunt. We went to Australia(澳大利亚) by plane. It was in August.(八月) We left Beijing on Aug 3rd. It was winter in Australia. But in Beijing, it was

summer(夏天). I like there, because I like playing with snow(玩雪). I went ice-skating(滑冰) there and took many pictures(照了许多照片). I bought many presents (买了很多礼物)for my friends, too. I was excited (兴奋地), but I was tired(累的), too. I should relax(放松) to go back to school.

( )1. Whom did I go on a big trip with?

A. My parents. B. My aunt.

( )2. When was my last trip?

A. It was in summer. B. It was in winter.

( )3. What did I do in Australia?

A. I went ice-skating and bought presents. B. I played football and ate good food.

( )4. How did I go there?

A. I went by subway. B. I went by plane.

( )5. How did I feel in the end ?

I was excited, but so tired. B.I was so bored. 阅读短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文意思,如符合请打√,否则打×.(10分)

Today is February(二月) 3rd. The weather is windy(刮风的) and cold(冷的). I get many cards today. They’re birthday cards. They’re from my friends. Can you guess(猜猜) why? I wear(穿) my new red coat and blue jeans(蓝色牛仔裤). They’re very pretty(漂亮的). My mother take me to the zoo.I can see many animals(动物). I’m very happy today.

( ) 1.My birthday is February 3rd.

( ) 2.It’s windy and snowy today.

( ) 3.I can see many trees at the zoo.

( ) 4.I have a new coat. It’s blue.

( ) 5.I have many birthday cards.


Zoom and Zip are good friends. They are planning a trip(旅游). Zip is going to sunny Australia(澳大利亚)! It’s so warm there. He can swim all day. He has a new bathing suit(游泳衣) and sunglasses(太阳镜). But Zoom doesn’t like swimming. He likes skating. So he is going to Canada(加拿大), It’s winter there now. He can skate all day. He has winter coats(冬衣) and some new ice skates(滑冰鞋).

( )1.The season in Australia and Canada is the same.

( )2.Zoom and Zip are going to Canada.

( )3. Zoom likes swimming.

( )4.Zip has a new bathing suit and sunglasses.

( )5.Zoom can swim all day in Canada.

( )6.It’s warm in Australia.

( )7.Zoom can skate all day in Canada.


Amy: What day is it today?

Tom: It’s Monday. Hmm…I like Monday.

Amy: What do you have today?

Tom: We have math, science and art. What about you?

Amy: We have English and P.E. What do you have tomorrow?

Tom: We have art and P.E. tomorrow.

Amy: Oh, great.

( ) 1. Tom has math, science and art on Monday.

( ) 2. Tom has art and P.E. on Monday.

( ) 3. Amy has English and P.E. today.

( ) 4. Tomorrow is Tuesday.

( ) 5. Tom doesn’t like Mondays.

Hello. I am John. Today is Monday. I have three teachers. They are Mr Carter, Miss Green and Mrs Black. Mr Carter is a new teacher, he comes from the U.K and he teaches us math. His class is so funny that we all like him very much. Miss Green is our art teacher(美术老师) , she is strict(严格的) but she`s very kind. Mrs Black is so smart (时尚的). They are all nice that we all like them.

( ) 1. I have ______________ new teacher.

A. three B. two C. a

( ) 2. Mr Carter is a ________________ teacher.

A. English B. math C. Chinese

( ) 3. Tomorrow is________________

A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Wednesday

( ) 4. ______________ is an art teacher.

A. Mr Carter B. Mrs Black C. Miss Green

( ) 5. _______________ is smart.

A. Mr Carter B. Mrs Black C. Miss

My name is Tom. My birthday is June 2nd. The weather is sunny and hot. It’s my favourite season(我最喜爱的季节). On my birthday, I usually have a birthday party. Sometimes we have a picnic(野餐). Tomorrow is my birthday. I am cleaning the room now. My mom is making a birthday cake for me. 根据上面短文的意思判断下面的句子是否正确,正确的在句子前面的括号里打“√”,不正确的打“×”

( )1.Tom’s birthday is on Children’s Day.

( )2.It’s warm and sunny in summer.

( )3. Today is June 1st.

( )4. Tom’s mother can make a birthday cake.

( )5.Usually there is a birthday party on Tom’s birthday.

2. Look!This is a picture of Mr.Brown't family. The man in a black coat is Mr.Brown.The woman near him is Mrs.Brown,The little girl in a red coat is Sue. The tall boy behind(在。。。后面) her is Jim,her brother.The family is now in China.Tomorrow is Children's Day.MR brown wants to buy some

presents for his children. Sue wants a new skirt,but Jim wants a new bike. How happy they are!

1.Whose picture is this?


2.Where's the family now?


3.Who is the little girl in a red coat?


4.What presents do Mr Brown's children want to buy?


5.Which festival is tomorrow?


Class: Name:

( )1. Good morning! !

A.Morning ! B.Hello ! C.Hi !

( )2. Nice to see you again ! .

A.How are you ? B.Nice to see you , too . C.How do you do ?

( )3.Good night,mom !

A.Night ! B.Good night ! C.Good evening .

( )4.How do you do ?

A.How are you ? B.Fine,thanks . C.How do you do ?

( )5.How many story books do you have ?

A.I have 10. B.I can see 10. C.Thirty yuan.

( )6.Do you have new teachers?

A.Yes,we do . B.Yes,we don’t. C.Yes,we have .

( )7.Who’s your art teacher ?

A.Mr Zhu. B.Miss Zhu. C.He’s tall.

( )8.What’s he like?

A.He’s tall and strong . B.Yes,he is. C.Mr Zhu.

( )9.Is your English teacher young?

A.No,she isn’t. B.Yes,she is . C.No,she is.

( )10. ? Her name is Chen Jie.

A.What’s your name ? B.What’s she name ? C.What’s her name ?

( )11. ? I like Chinese,math and English.

A.What classes do you like? B.What do you like? C.What are you like ?

( )12. ? We have English and P.E.

A.What do you have on Mondays ? B.What do you have ?

C.What do you have on Monday?

( )13. ? It’s Monday.

A.What is it today ? B.What day is it today ? C.What day is today ?

( )14. ? I watch TV and do my homework.

A.What do you do ? B.What do you do in Mondays?

C.What do you do on Sundays ?

( )15.May I have a look ?

A.Sure.Here you are . B.Look ! C.Here you are .

( )16.Our math teacher is Canada.

A.from B.in C.at

( )17.I three new teachers.

A.has B.am C.have

( )18.What’s Chinese teacher like ?

A.you B.your C.you’re

( )19.My P.E.teacher is thin.

A.too B.so C.very

( )20.There are days in a week.

A.six B.seven C.eight

( )21.There are month(月)in a year(年).

A.ten B.eleven C.twelve

( )22.I often watch TV Saturday .

A.on B.in C.at

( )23.I like P.E. I don’t lime music.

A.but B.and C.so

( )24.This is apple. It is red apple.

A.a , a B.an,an C.an, a

( )25.What do you like ?

A.classes B.class C.class’s


Class: Name:

( )1. How are you ?

A.Fine,thanks. B.Yes,it is. C.How are you ?

( )2. Nice to meet you !

A.Fine,thank you. B.OK. C.Nice to meet you ,too !

( )3. How do you go to school ?

A.I go to Canada by plane. B.I go to school by bike. C.What about you ?

( )4. How do you go to the USA ?

A.I usually go to school by bus. B.I go to England by ship. C.I go by plane.

( )5. ? My home is near the post office.

A. Where is your home ? B.OK. C.See you then!

( )6. See you at 2 o’clock.

A.See you then ! B.The fifth floor. C.It’s easy.

( )7. ? You can go by the No.15 bus.

A.It’s not far. B. How can I get to Zhongshan Park ? C.Sure.

( )8. Where is the hospital?

A.Next to the cinema. B.Thank you . C.You’re welcome.

( )9. Excuse me ,is there a cinema near here ?

A.Yes,there is . B.No,it’s not far. C.It’s near the post office.

( )10.? ? It’s near the post office.

A.Yes,there is . B.No,it’s not far. C. Where is the library?

( )11. ? It’s next to the hospital.

A. Where is the cinema ,please ? B.Is it far ? C.Go straight.

( )12. How can I get to the hospital ?

A.It’s next to the hospital. B.You can go by the No.201 bus. C.Thank you.

( )13.Thank you .

A.Thank you . B.OK. C.You’re welcome.

( )14. How can I get to the museum?

A.Go straight.Then turn left. B.Thank you . C.It’s east of the cinema .

( )15. Where is the post office ?

A.Go straight.Then turn left. B.Thank you . C.It’s east of the cinema .

( )16. What are you going to do this evening ?

A.I’m going to the cinema . B.I go to school on foot. C.Yes,it is.

( )17. Is it far ?

A.No,it is . B.Yes , it is . C.Yes,it isn’t.

( )18. do you go to school ?

A.What B.Where C.How

( )19. I go to school bike.

A.on B. by C.get

( )20. Can I go foot ?

A.by B.at C.on

( )21.How can I to the post office ?

A.near B. get C.for

( )22. me.

A. Excuse B. How C.next

( )23. birthday to you !

A. After B.Happy C.First

( )24. The hospital is the left.

A. at B.in C.on

( )25. is the bookstore ?

A.Where B.How C.When


Class: Name:

( )1.Good afternoon !

A.Hello! B.Hi ! C.Afternoon !

( )2.Nice to see you again !

A.How are you ? B.Hello ! C.Nice to see you , too.

( )3.Good night,moom !

A.Good evening ! B.Good night ! C.Night !

( )4.How are you ?

A.Fine,thank you . B.I am 10. C.Nine .

( )5.How do you do ?

A.Fine ,Thank you . B.How are you ? C.How do you do ?

( )6.How old are you ?

A.How are you ? B.I am 11. C.I have 11.

( )7. ? I have 23.

A.How many books do you have ? B.How many books can you see?

C.How many book do you have ?

( )8. ? I can see 6.

A.How many lights do you have ? B.How many lights can you see ?

C.How many light can you see ?

( )9.May I have a look ?

A.Sure.Here you are . B.Look! C.Sure.Here are you .

( )10. ? 50 yuan.

A.How much is this schoolbag ? B.How many is this schoolbag ?

C.How much are this schoolbag ?

( )11.Where’s my seat ?

A.It’s near the door. B.It’s on the door. C.It’s under the door.

( )12.Let’s clean the desks and chairs.

A.All right ! B.Hello ! C.It’s nice .

( )13.What’s this ?

A.There is a board . B.It’s a bee. C.It’s bee.

( )14. ? My name is Mike.

A.Here are you ? B.What’s your name ? C.How do you do ?

( )15.Who’s the inventor of paper ?

A.Chinese people. B.Oh! Great ! C.Hello!

( )16.I a student. You a teacher.

A.am ,am B.are, are C.am, are

( )17.This a boy.His name Zhang Peng.

A.is, is B.am , is C.is , are

( )18.Let clean the fish bowl.

A.I B. me C.my

( )19.This is apple.It is red apple .

A.an ,an B.a, a C.an, a

( )20.We a new classroom.

A.are B.have C.has

( )21.There a bee in our classroom.

A. is B.are C.am

( )22. have a new schoolbag. schoolbag is heavy.

A.I , my B.I ,My C.My , I

( )23.Put your English book your head.

A.at B.in C.on

( )24.There many books in the desk.

A.am B.is C.are

( )25.How many do you have ? A.pencil B.pencils 三年级英语测试题

Class: Name:

( )1.当向别人打招呼时,应该说:

A.Hello. B.Good morning .

( )2.How are you ? 的正确答语是:

A.name B.I’m fine,thank you .

( )3.当想知道别人的名字时,应该说:

A.What’s your name ? B.See you.

( )4.字母K的小写是:

A.k B.

( )5.Nice to meet you 的意思是:

A.见到你很高兴。 B.你好吗?

( )6.向别人告别时,应该说:

A.Good bye! B.Hi.

( )7.Jenny is a

A.boy B.girl

( )8.Li Ming is a

A.boy B.girl

( )9.Jenny lives in

A.Canada. B.China.

( )10.字母P的大写是:

A.P B.q

( )11.当向别人说谢谢时,应该说:

A.Nice to meet you . B.See you later.

( )12.早上好的正确答语是:

A.Good morning . B.See you later.’ C.pencils.

( )13.What’s this ? It’s a

A.desk B.book

( )14.This is a

A.teacher B.Danny

( )15.This is a boy.What’s name ?

A.his B.her
























