


我就说一下我以前读书时的反思吧。 1.不管是考得理想还是不理想,要在第一时间调整好自己的心态,看出月考的实质目的的找缺补漏,促进进步。端正好自己的心态,迎接下面的学习考试任务。 2.对于当时经过考虑做对的题目可以略微带过的,这里有一个思维惯性在里面,一般来说英语题目这次作对的下次基本不会犯错,对于那些考试时是蒙的猜的题目却对了的就要进行细致的研究,找出个所以然来。重点是做错的。经常做错的题,不管是查资料还是问老师同学,要把它彻底弄懂的。

3.建议做一个错题集。这种记录重要的单词用法,语法知识,自己平时或者考试时的错题,并且经常去看看。我们当时读书就是这样做的,实践证明效果很好的。 这次英语月考之所以没有考好,总结原因如下: 1 平时没有养成细致认真的习惯,考试的时候答题粗心大意、马马虎虎,导致很多题目会做却被扣分甚至没有做对。 2 准备不充分。毛主席说,不打无准备之仗。言外之意,无准备之仗很难打赢,我却没有按照这句至理名言行事,导致这次考试吃了亏。 3 没有解决好兴趣与课程学习的矛盾。自己有很多兴趣,作为一个人,一个完整的人,一个明白的人,当然不应该同机器一样,让自己的兴趣被平白无故抹煞,那样不仅悲惨而且无知,但是,如果因为自己的兴趣严重耽搁了学习就不好了,不仅不好,有时候真的是得不偿失。 失败了怎么办?认真反思是首先的: 第一,这次失败的原因是什么?要认真思考,挖掘根本的原因; 第二,你接下来要干什么?确定自己的目标,不要因为失败不甘心接着走,而是要正确地衡量自己。看看想要什么,自己的优势在什么地方,弱势是什么; 第三,确定目标。明确自己想要的,制定计划,按部就班的走。 失败不可怕,可怕的是一蹶不振以及盲目的追求。还有,你自己也要加油!本来应该自己写的




第一节 听下面五段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并将其标号填入提前括号内。每段对话读两遍。

( ) 1.How many students are there in Tom?s class and Mary?s class in all?

A. 54 B. 84 C. 104

( ) 2.How much are the brown shoes?

A.100 yuan B.105 yuan C. 185 yuan

( )3.How many days did the woman stay in Beijing?

A. Two days B. Four days C. Six days

( )4.What does the woman mean?

A. She wants to get on the bus.

B. She wants to get off the bus.

C. She wants the children to get on the bus one by one.

( )5.How often does No.3 bus come?

A. Every ten minutes.

B. Every seven minutes.

C. Every three minutes.

第二节 听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从所给的A,B,C,三个选项中选出最佳选项,并将其标号填入提前括号内。,每段对话或独白读两遍。


( )6.Who is wanted on the phone?

A. Mrs James B. Larry Ruskin C. The woman speaker

( )7.What?s Larry Ruskin?s telephone number?

A.832-2250 B.863-2550 C.836-2550


( )8.Who can make fruit salad?

A. Ann B. Bob C. Bob?s mother

( )9.How many oranges do they need for the fruit salad?

A, Two B. Three C. Four



( )10.What is Ben Lambert doing this summer?

A. Going fishing B. Taking a long vacation

B. Going bike riding

( )11.When is he leaving?

A. The second week in Jule.

B. The first week in July

C. The first week in June.

( )12. What does he plan to do?

A. To spend time on the beautiful beach.

B. To spend time in the beautiful countryside.

C. To spend time on the sea.


( )13.What did Bill do yesterday afternoon?

A. Watched a football match.

B. Watched a basketball match.

C. Watched a volleyball match.

( )14.When is Mary supposed to hand in her homework?

A.On Friday B.On Monday C. On Thursday

( )15.What do they want to do in the shop?

A. Eat something. B,Buy some presents. .C. Drink something.

第三节 听下面一篇短文。根据短文内容完成下列表格。每空一词。短文读两遍。




从A .B.C.D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。

( ) 21._Excuse me , when does the train ______?

—At 9:45 am .

A .get to B .get C .reach D .arrive

( )22 .There is ___in the newspaper ,let?s watch TV.

A .new nothing B .nothing new C .new something D . something important .

( )23 ._I heaar you?ll come to dinner party tonight .

_I?d love to ,but unless Mary_____.

A .will be invited B .is invited C .invite D .invited

( )24 .We?re supposed to keep quiet ___listening to talk .

A .when we B .while we C while D .instead of

( )25 .I feel ___helpful to read English words every morning .

A .that B .it C .it was D .what

( )26 .I have a meeting at 8:00 this morning .I can?t wait ____send my

son to school .

A .for B .to C .of D in

( )27 .This question is ____difficult ____ .

A .so ,that everyone can answer it . B .too ,to answer it .

C .such ,that few students can answer . D .too ,to answer .

( )28 .Thirty miles ___too far ,let?s take a taxi .

A .is B .was C . be D .were

( )29 .Why not ____him waiting for you ?

A .make B .keep C .let D .ask

( )30 ._I?ve grown up ,I can plan my things well ,I don?t like to be made

___things .

A .do B .doing C .to do D .did

( )31 .Some students didn?t talk any more , ___the teacher was mad .

A .realize B .realized C .realizing D .to realize

( )32 .The teacher asked us to do quickly ,because there is no time ___.

A .leave B .left C .leaving D .to leave .

( )33.They are both lost in HongKong ,___of them has been there 3

before .

A .both B .all C neither D .none .

( )34 .Tian?s always mistaken by her mother when she wants to explain

something ,_____?

A .hasn?t she B .has she C .isn?t she D .isn?t Tian .

( )35 ._Oh, Lucy ,your shoes are so nice ,are they new ?

_No ,I ___them for half a year .

A .bought B .kept C .had bought D .have had .


Escaping a fire is a serious matter. If you know what to do during a fire ,you can 36___ a life. It is important to know the ways you can use and 37___them to everyone in the family, such as stairs and fire escape(安全出口). You shouldn?t take lifts(电梯). From the lower floors of the building, escape 38___windows is possible. Let?s learn the best way of leaving by windows with the least chance of serious injury(受伤). The first floor window is usually not very high from the 39___. It is about the height of a man. Of course, it is safer to jump a short way than stay in a burning building.

Windows are also very useful when you are 40___for help. Be sure to keep the door 41___ before opening the window. If we don?t do that, 42___ and fire may come into the room. Keep your head low at the window to be sure you get 43 ___ fresh air instead of smoke.

On the second or third floor, the best windows for escape are those 44___ open onto a roof(屋顶).From the roof a person can drop to the ground more 45____. Dropping onto the cement(水泥地) might end in injury. Trees and grass can help to break a fall.

( ) 36.A.make B.help C. save D. give

( ) 37.A.show B. speak C.say D.take

( ) 38.A.into B.out C. on D. through

( ) 39.A.floor B.ground C.earth D. land

( ) 40.A.wanted B.needing C.doing D. waiting

( )41.A.opening B.closed C.closing D. open


( ) 42.A.smoke B.firemen C.water D.wind

( )43.A.a few B.few C. little D. enough

( )44.A.which B.who C. what D.where

( ) 45.Acarefully B.dangerously C. safely D. easy



The girl would turn her cell phone off every night before going to bed. The girl had a very close boyfriend. When they couldn?t meet, they would either call or send messages to each other. They both liked this type of communication.

One night, the boy really missed the girl. When he called her, however, the girl?s cell phone was off. The next day, the boy asked the girl to leave her cell phone on at night because when he needed to find her and if he could not, he would be worried.

From that day , the girl began not to shut down her phone at night. Because she was afraid that she might not hear the phone ring in her sleep, she tried to stay very alert(警觉的). As days passed, she became thinner and thinner. Slowly, a nap(裂缝) began to from between them.

boy. However what she got was a sweet female voice,“Sorry, the phone is power off.”

The girl knew that her love has just been turned off.

After a long time, the girl has a new love. No matter how well they got along ,the girl refused to get married. One night, the girl fell ill. Instead of calling her parents, she dialed the new boy?s cell phone. The boy was already asleep but his cell phone was still on.

Later , the girl asked the boy , “Why don?t you turn your cell phone off at night?”

The boy answered,“I?m afraid that if you need anything at night and aren?t able to find me, you?ll worry. ”

The girl finally married the boy.

根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 5

( )46.When the girl and her boyfriend couldn,t meet , they would ______.

A. both call and send messages to each other

B. worry about each other

C. either call or send messages to each other

D. send e-mails to each other

( )47.One night the girl?s cell phone was off _____.

A. when her boyfriend wanted to talk to her

B. when she was ill

C. when her boyfriend was ill

D. when she wanted to call her parents

( )48. Why did the girl become thinner and thinner?

A. Because she missed her boyfriend very much.

B. Because she didn?t sleep very well.

C. Because her cell phone is broken.

D. Because she fell ill.

( )49.The underline word “revive” in the passage means _____.

A.想念 B. 使复原 C. 重新 D. 希望

( )50. When the girl fell ill one night , she called ______.

A. her parents B. her friend C. her former boyfriend D .her new boyfriend


Last week Lu visited England. He stayed with my grandmother. He said it was a strange visit.“I don?t understand, but I frightened(使害怕) your grandmother a lot. When I arrived, I give her a purse from Suzhou, She looked in it and asked me to take it back. Then I saw a red spider on the table so I killed it for her and she seemed very unhappy. Do English people like spiders? ”

“Later we went shopping. Someone was painting a shop front, so there was a ladder. Grandmother stopped me from walking under it and said I must walk around it. I liked the shops and bought some lovely rose soap for my mother, a smart umbrella for my father and some new shoes 6

for myself. When we got back, I put the shoes on the table and opened the umbrella to check if it was all right. Your grandmother came in and screamed(尖叫)! ”

“Then I broke a small mirror in the bathroom. Your grandmother?s face went white. I felt very sorry. When I left I gave your grandmother some flowers. She counted and there were 13. She didn?t like it. I think she was happy I was going. ”

I explained to Lu, “My grandmother follows the old customs(习俗).You must not give someone an empty purse or they will have no money. You must not kill a ?money spider? or the same will happen. Also it is very unlucky to walk under a ladder or to put new shoes on the table. An open umbrella in a house means someone will die. Breaking a mirror brings seven years? bad luck, and 13 is also a very unlucky number. You were really making my grandmother very afraid.


( )51.Why did Lu frighten the writer?s grandmother?

A. Because he could not speak English.

B. Because he did many unlucky things.

C. Because he understood British customs.

D. Because he went shopping in England.

( )52.What do many British people think of spiders?

A. They are afraid of them.

B. They keep spiders as pets.

C. They think some kinds of spiders are lucky.

D. They hope to see every kind of spiders in their houses.

( )53.What did the writer?s grandmother feel when she saw the open

umbrella in the house?

A.Excited B.Angry C.Happy D.Afraid

( )54.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Thirteen is an unlucky number in England.

B. People never give purses as presents in England.

C. For most British people, breaking a mirror means bad luck.

D. It is very unlucky to walk under a ladder or put new shoes on the 7

table in England.

( )55.How many wrong things Lu do altogether?

A. Five B. Seven C. Eight D. Ten


Many children use the Internet to get useful knowledge and information, and to relax in their free time. But some of them are not using it in a good way. Here are some rules to make sure you are safe and have fun on the Internet.

? Make rules for Internet use with your parents. For example, when you can go online, for how long and what activities you can go online.

? Don?t give your password(密码) to anyone else, and never —— your real name, home address, age , school, phone number or other personal information.

? Check with your parents before giving out a credit(信用) card number.

? Never send a photo of yourself to someone in e-mail unless your parents say it?s OK.

? Check with your parents before going into a chat room. Different rules and attract different kinds of people. You and your parents must make sure it?s a right place for you.

? Never agree to meet someone you met on the Internet without you parent?s permission(允许). Never meet anyone you met on line alone.

? Always remember that people online may not be who they say they are. Treat everyone online as strangers.

? If something you see or read online makes you uncomfortable, leave the site. Tell a parent or teacher right away.

? Treat other people as you?d like to be treated. Never use bad language.

? Remember: not everything you read on the Internet is true. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 8

( )56. If you want a true friend on the Internet, you can ___.

A. tell the person what your name is

B. meet the person on line alone

C. send a photo of yourself

D. get your parent?s permission

( )57. It?s good for children to _____ on the Internet.

A. give password to others

B. get useful knowledge and information

C. give out a credit card number

D. go into a chat room as they?d like to

( )58.The underline phrase “leak out”in the third paragraph may mean “_____.”

A. give away B. leave out C. give out D. put away

( )59.If your parents don?t agree, never _______.

A. read anything on the Internet

B. relax in your free time

C. have a face-to-face meeting with anyone you met online

D. treat other people as you?d like to be treated

( )60. This passage is mainly about “_______.”

A. How to use Computers

B. Surfing on the Internet

C. Information on the Internet

D. Internet Safety Rules


Here is a page from a magazine named Future.Read the following information about things that may happen in ten years.

61._____They will be much safer .For example,if you are too close to another car or if you are driving dangerously ,your car will slow down by itself

62._____So new cities on water will have two levels.People will live on the upper level; the lower level will be used for traffic ,shops and factories.

63._____Plants that are affected by insects will be developed.The taste 9

of fruit and vegetables will be better and food will be kept longer.

64.____They will have pictures that are as clear as photos .Electrical appliances(应用) will be quieter and will be controlled by computer ;they will use 50% less power .

65.____That?s because doctors are using products of genetic engineering .Cures will be found for the flu and the common cold .However some new illness will appear .


A. Many new ways to cure illness will be successful .

B. New technology will be used to make TVs that are only 5cm thick .

C. Cars will run on solar power or electricity and will be much cleaner .

D. Biotechnology (Biology technology ) will make food better and healthier .

E. Because there won?t be any spare land .new cities will have to be built in the sea

五.请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从下面所给的词中选出最恰当的10个,用其适当形式填空。每个词限用一次, 每空一词 ,并将其答案填在题后的横线上。


I am a doctor .People often come to see me because they have colds or coughs .People 66___come to see me because they are sad or nervous .Sometimes 67 ___helps. Sometimes talking helps .But many doctors 68 ___that music can help people feel better .I asked a few of my patients how music helps them.

Sometimes I was 69___when I was a child .My family said ,‘Play your feelings on the piano.’Sometimes I play a loud 70___on the piano.Soon I feel calm.I can laugh and cry through my 71___on the piano.It?s natural for me.It?s like breathing(呼吸).


“Listening to music helps me feel 72____ . I like to listen to music and dance when I 73 ___my house .”

“I play the violin.I like playing at night 74 ___ it is quiet .After playing I am tired and I am happy .I always sleep 75 ___ after playing my violin.”

Are you a musician ? Good! Keep playing .If you are not a musician, listen to music and sing or dance .It?s good medicine.

66_________ 67_______ 68____ 69________ 70________ 71_________ 72_______ 73________ 74________ 75________.

六 补全对话(5个句子,每句2分,共10分)

A:Hi,Ben.I heard you?re leaving for London.76________?

B: Oh, I feel excited and a little nervous.

A: Why are you nervous?

B: 77_____________________________.

A: Oh,I see. But you can find some information about the table manners on the Internet.

B: Good idea. I?ll try it.

A: By the way ,have you decided 78_______________________? B: I?m leaving this weekend.

A: 79__________________________________?

B: Not yet.I?ll call the ticket office and book it this afternoon.

A:80 _________________________________.

B: Thank you.


紧张而又忙碌的学习生活即将结束,请以“My unforgettable

(难忘的) middle school life ”为题写一篇短文。短文句首已给出。


1 .文中不得出现真实的班级和人名。(否则,扣分!)

2 .词数80—100,短文题目和开头已给出,不计入总数。 参考词;learn ,spend ,be interested in ,be busy with


My unforgettable school life

How time flies !___________________________________



英语月考反思 307























