



这篇文章的目的是确定可能导致韩国各地网上商场顾客满意的因素。假设客户的积极认知互联网购物的有用性,安全,技术能力,客户支持和商场接口积极影响客户满意度。这也是推测,满意的顾客成为忠实的客户。调查结果证实,客户满意度对顾客的忠诚度有显著影响,这表明,当顾客满意服务时会显示出很高的忠诚度。我们还发现,“网上客户有关安全风险的感知交易中,客户支持,网上购物和商场接口与客户满意度呈正相关。 概念模型



以往的研究表明,系统方面的技术,如网络速度,错误恢复能力和系统稳定性都是导致客户满意度的重要因素。例如,Kim和Lim(20xx)发现,网络速度与网上购物者的满意度有关。Dellaert和卡恩(19xx年)也报告说,当网络提供商没有进行很好的管理时网上冲浪速度慢会给评价网站内容带来负面影响。丹尼尔和Aladwani的文件表明,系统错误的迅速准确的恢复能力以及网络速度是影响网上银行用户满意度的重要因素(H3)。由于网上交易的非个人化性质客户查询产品和其他服务的迅速反应对客户满意度来说很重要。也有必要提供快捷交货,优质的售后服务和简便的退货程序。因此,许多网上购物商场为客户查询配备互动回答系统。这种互动性极大地提高了提交给客户信息的精度和数量,并将最终提高客户满意度。因此,假设认为顾客支持网上购物对顾客满意对有积极地影响(H4)。 网站的设计,决定网上商店的气氛包括图像的大小方面,布局,声音和图像,数据链接和提供内容的多样性。因此,成功的网上购物很大程度上取决于用户界面以及客户与网站的

互动。最近由罗森、Purinton(20xx年)和Mummalaneni(20xx)的研究发现,网站界面对客户重访和满意度作出了贡献,并最终表现为虚拟商店。因此,假设积极感知网上购物的用户界面,对用户满意度(H5)的具有积极作用。这能假设满意的顾客成为忠诚的客户(H6)。 实证结果

因子分析是利用方差最大旋法转研究主成分提取过程用于五个多项措施。一个因素合理的装载值应为0.5或更高为通过为准则,以审查该项目所有条件的可靠性。测量项目分为五个独立的变量,如在上一节中描述的研究模型。五个因素的内部一致性信度是通过Cronbach’s a检验的。所有因素的a值在被认为可接受的0.65至0.86不等,这表明变量正确加载这五个因素。在上一节中所述的六个假说与协方差构造分析测试中确认顾客的满意度对顾客的忠诚度有显著的积极影响, 这表明当服务满意时网上购物者表现出高的忠诚度。在可能会影响客户满意度的虚拟因素中,我们发现,网上客户交易的安全风险知觉(系数0.274,P<0.01),客户支持网上购物(系数0.121,P <0.01)网站接口(系数0.223,P <0.01)的客户满意度上呈现积极的影响。然而,客户的感知有用性和技术能力等因素对于形成顾客满意是微不足道的。结果表明,客户满意度对客户忠诚度有着显著的积极影响。因此,当网上购物者满意服务时往往表现出高度忠诚。这意味着,互联网是商场经理要考虑的很重要的因素可能会影响客户满意度。其中假设的因素可能会影响客户满意,我们发现,网上客户有关交易安全性的风险感知,客户支持网上购物和商场接口与客户满意度呈正相关。


Determinants of online shoppers’ satisfaction in Korea


The purpose of this article is to identify the factors that might lead to the customer satisfaction in the online shopping malls across Korea. It is hypothesized that customer’s positive perception of usefulness of internet shopping, security, technical competence, customer support and the interface of shopping mall positively affects the customer satisfaction.It is also hypothesized that satisfied customer becomes loyal customer.The survey results confirm that customer satisfaction has a significantly positive impact on the customer loyalty, which reveals that internet shoppers show high loyalty when they are satisfied with the service.We also find that online customers’ risk perception about the security of the transactions, customer support to the online shopping and interface of the shopping mall are positively related to the customer satisfaction.

Conceptual Model

Online shoppers can easily sort the merchandise by price or by quality within a shopping mall, and also compare prices of the same goods across the different shopping malls. Shopping online can also save time and reduce the information searching costs.Therefore, customers may have a perception that they can get better deals online with less time and effort.This feature of innovative system has been defined as perceived usefulness. Several empirical studies have found that it is the customers’ perceived usefulness realized after adopting innovation that affects the degree of satisfaction.Accordingly, it is hypothesized that perceived usefulness of online shopping is positively related to the satisfaction (H1).Online customers’ primary concern involves theapparent sense of insecurity regarding online credit card usage. Despite recent advancement of authentication system, customers’concern about transmitting such sensitive information as credit card number online would not be easily alleviated. Protection of privacy in the online environment is another concern. Studies show that online customers are concerned about the identity theft or fraudulent use of their private information by the online businesses. Thus,it is hypothesized that positive perception regarding the security of internet shopping gives a positive effect on the customer satisfaction (H2).Previous studies show that technical aspects of system such as the network speed, error-recovery ability and system stability are important factors which leads to

customer satisfaction. For example, Kim and Lim find that the network speed is related to the online shoppers’ satisfaction. Dellaert and Kahn also report that slow speed during the web surfing has a negative impact on the evaluation of website content when it is not well managed by the web provider. Daniel (1999) and Aladwani document that the swift and accurate recovery ability of system error as well as network speed is important factor for the user satisfaction in the internet banking. Here, it is hypothesized that technical competence of internet shopping mall gives a positive effect on the customer satisfaction (H3).Due to the impersonal nature of online transactions prompt responses to customers’ inquiries about the products and other services are important for the customer satisfaction. It is also necessary to provide speedy delivery, quality after-sale service and easy return process. Thus, many internet shopping malls equipped themselves with the interactive answering system for customer inquiries. This interactivity dramatically increases the accuracy and amount of information that can be presented to the customers,and would ultimately increase the customer satisfaction.Accordingly, it is hypothesized that perceived customer support of internet shopping gives a positive effect on the customer satisfaction (H4).It is the design of website that determines the store atmosphere of online stores in terms of image size,layout, sound and graphics, number of links and diversity of provided contents. Therefore, the success of internet shopping mall would depend, to a large extent, on user interface and customer interactions with the web sites. Recent studies by Rosen and Purinton and Mummalaneni find that the website interface has contributed to the customer revisit and satisfaction, and ultimately to the performance of virtual stores. Thus, it is hypothesized that positive perception of user interface of internet shopping mall gives a positive effect on the customer satisfaction (H5). It is also hypothesized that satisfied customer becomes loyal customer (H6).

Empirical Results

Factor analysis is utilized for the five multi-item measures by utilizing principal component extraction process with Varimax rotation. A suggested measure of factor loading of 0.5 or greater is adopted as a criterion to examine the item reliabilities of all measures. The measurement items are classified into the five independent variables as in the research model described in the previous section.The internal consistency reliability of the five factors is examined by the Cronbach’s















文献综述、开题报告、外文翻译格式要求暨模板 嘉兴学院









