美国文学 期末考试 总结三


1. A Psalm of Life

1.1 Analysis:

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow begins his poem "A Psalm of Life" with the same exuberance and enthusiasm that continues through most of the poem. He begs in the stanza to be told "not in mournful numbers" about life. He states here that life doesn't abruptly end when one dies; rather, it extends into another after life. Longfellow values this dream of the afterlife immensely and seems to say that life can only be lived truly if one believes that the soul will continue to live long after the dies. in the first. Longfellow states this clearly when he writes, "And the grave is not its goal." Meaning that, life doesn't end for people simply because they die; there is always something more to be hopeful and optimistic for. Longfellow begins discussing how humans must live their lives in constant anticipation for the next day under the belief that it will be better than each day before it: "But to act that each to-morrow / Find us farther than to-day."

In the stanza, Longfellow asserts that there is never an infinite amount of time to live, but long after its creator dies.

In the stanzas, Longfellow likens living in the world to fighting on a huge field of battle.

He believes that people should lead heroic and courageous lives and not sit idle and remain ineffectual while the world rapidly changes around them: "Be not like dumb, driven cattle! Be a hero in the strife!" His use of the word "strife" is especially interesting, since it clearly acknowledges that life is inherently difficult, is a constant struggle, and will never be easy. Longfellow then encourages everyone to have faith and trust the lord and not to rely on an unknown future to be stable and supportive.

2. Commentary for A Psalm of Life

Sensory language

Rhyme scheme


Uses descriptive language

Uses similes

2. Excelsior

Summary: Excelsior is a poem about a traveler who had only one goal stuck into his head that was to get higher and nothing could make him stop, not even the warm light of houses, nor the warm welcome of a girl, nor the storm that will come at night, nor the avalanche could stop him. And in the end he died. He did what he determined to do and he ended up losing his life.

3. Sit and Look Out As the poet surveys the human world, he is struck by the numbers and variety of misfortunes to which mankind is subject and which are the causes of wide-spreading suffering in the world. He sees all this but he remains silent. His silence is of course due to the profundity of suffering in the world and his helplessness in the matter.

4. Mending Wall (from North of Boston)

Form and style: The poem is in blank verse—that is, unrhymed iambic pentameter. Its forty-five lines are in the form of a monologue, but quite different from the style of dramatic monologue

popularized by Robert Browning’s give a revelation of the speaker’s character, often unintentional, and are focused inward. Frost’s are directed outward, usually at some object that can serve: as a point of departure of general observations. The verse is largely monosyllabic, the language typically unpretentious. His Paleolithic savage, for example, is old-stone, a literal translation of the Greek word and much more effective. Simplicity and dignity set the tone.

第二篇:美国文学 期末考试 总结一

1.The Minister’s Black Veil--Hawthorne, 人物:Hooper

总结:A universally beloved minister appears in church one Sunday wearing a small black

veil which hides his face from the forehead to the mouth. Everyone is made uneasy by this.

After he has worn it for several Sundays a delegation from the congregation go to his home

to ask him to remove it, or at least explain why he is wearing it. But intimidated胁迫 by the veil,

they are afraid to raise the subject.

His bride-to-be then declares she will speak to him about it. When he will not discuss the

matter with her she says she is afraid to marry him unless he lifts the veil at least once, or tells her

why he must refuses. He will not but begs her to marry him anyway, instead of condemning them

each to a lonely life. He continues to wear the veil throughout a lonely life. Everyone avoids him

but his sermons布道 become even more impressive and many people are brought to a state of

grace by them.

“black veil”symbolizes the cover used to keep one’s guilt as a secret.

2.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn—Mark Twain 人物:Huck, Jim 1.Huck’s quest for freedom and Jim’s quest for anti-slavery

2. Society vs. individual

3. Huck’ birth and rebirth

4. Huck’s loneliness and isolation 人物性格分析:Huck is always practical and natural, exhibiting good common sense. Huck is

extremely adaptable. Huck is also very shrewd and possesses a good inventive ability. His

sympathy for other human beings, his shrewdness and ingenuity, his basic intelligence, his good

common sense and his basic practicality.

3.An American Tragedy-- Theodore Dreiser 人物:Clyde Griffths

总结:Clyde thinks money and success will bring him happiness. When a pregnant girlfriend

threatens to destroy this dream, he plans to kill her. At the last moment, he changes his mind, but

the girl dies accidentally anyway. Since Clyde has decided not to kill her, is he really responsible

for her death? This becomes the main question during the trial审判. The trial itself is not really

fair. The newspapers stir up public anger against him. In the end, Clyde is executed. Clearly,

Dreiser believes that Clyde is not really guilty. Dreiser calls his novel a tragedy, and in certain

ways it is similar to classical Greek tragedy. It concentrates on a single individual, who gives it

unity; and his individual is eventually destroyed by forces which he cannot control.

4.The Hairy Ape—Eugene O’Neill 人物:Yank

全文总结:Yank, the ape-like seaman, attempts to rise to a higher level. Yank’s initial crisis is

seeing himself unfavorably in the mirror of the society girl when she calls him a filthy beast. After

this incident, and throughout the play, he struggles to find out exactly who and what he is.

Ultimately he tries to find meaning and purpose in the animal world by freeing a caged gorilla, but

this final effort fails also. In the end, Yank dies, without ever finding his place of belonging. The

general feeling is one of despair: Man is rootless in an indifferent and impersonal universe.

The next day Yank goes to the monkey house at the zoo. The gorilla’s brute

strength impresses him and he speaks to the animal as a friend. He describes the feelings he had in

the park, watching the sun rise on the sea. At last he understood Paddy’s nostalgia for the old life,

but he knew he could never belong to it. This realization led him to seek out the gorilla. Yank says

the gorilla is lucky to belong to one world while he belongs to neither heaven nor earth. Identifying himself with the animal, Yank frees him to get even with the men who have put him in the cage. The gorilla picks him up, crushes him and throws him into the open cage. When the door has slammed shut on him and the gorilla has gone the dying Yank calls out mockingly to imaginary spectators to step right up and have a look at the one and only--- Hairy Ape. He dies, having pronounced this final judgment on himself. In a stage note the playwright suggests that perhaps Yank at last belongs.

5.A Farewell to Arms—Ernest Hemingway 人物:Henry, Catherine Barkley, Emilio


Interior monologue// stream of consciousness

Understatement The Grim Reality of War

The Relationship between Love and Pain

Feelings of loss The novel tells about the war experience and the love story of an American lieutenant, Henry, during the World War I. Henry serves in the Italian ambulance crops, and fall in love with an English nurse, Catherine. Although in civilian clothes, he is suspected, and forced to flee with Cat to Switzerland. They go to Lausanne for the birth of their child, but the baby is stillborn and Cat dies in childbirth. Henry is left alone in a strange land; his dream of leading a decent life broke into smithereens. So the novel is both farewell to war, and a farewell to love.

6. Autobiography-- Benjamin Franklin It is probably the first autobiography in American literature. It is an interesting record of a man rising to wealth and fame from a state of poverty and obscurity. It’s a record of self-examination and self-improvement. He wrote it at 65.



























1、我们要对学生应有的关爱。我们不要一味地怪我们的学生差,怪了,我们学生的素质也不会好,我们不能歧视我们的学生。你心目中已经认定了你的学生不好了,那你还会有多大的耐心与你的学生友好相处,你还会有多大的耐心教育你的学生。如果学生感觉不到老师的爱,他(她)还会相信老师吗?古语云:“亲其师,信其道” ,此乃至理名言也。



4、要重视教学反思,要有“农民种田”的意识。 孔子在《论语?学而》中说:“吾日三省吾身。”美国学者波斯纳认为没有反思的经验是狭隘的经验,至多只能是肤浅的知识。教师的成长=经验+反思。有论者认为反思是教师产生教学灵感与教学智慧的关键所在,通过对教学实践重新咀嚼和回味来审视和分析自己的教学实践,体会自己教学的成败得失,从而获得更清晰的感悟和启迪。因此课后做教学反思是提升教学效果,促使教师教学能力增强的必要手段。教师的专业成长除了教育理论的指导作用,更多的则来自于对自身具体的或长期的教学效果的反思,在反思中摸索积累个性化的经验,在教学反思中形成实践智慧。叶澜教授说过:“一个教师写一辈子教案不一定成为名师,如果一个教师写三年反思可能成为名师。”
























