closing argument


Closing Argument Draft

Your honor, counsel, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, at the beginning of the case, during the opening statement, we said that Mr. Sloan didn’t stage the break-in with the help of his caretaker Terry and file a false or fraudulent insurance claim to the Lone Star State Insurance Company. What has that evidence turned out to be?

Up to now, have all of you been aware of what the cause of the case today is? As Mr. Sloan told us, after the break-in happened on Oct.28th, he had his caretaker shipped some valuable items in his house to Swiss for safe. This behavior made the Lone Star Insurance Company suspect whether Mr. Sloan staged the break-in and filed a fraudulent claim. The Company asked the police to investigate.

However, did you remember what Taylor Wise, the detective tell you just now? Did they make sure whether the jewelry was in the box shipped to Swiss or not? Of course not. Did they confirm whether the jewelry was in the safe in Mr. Sloan’s den? Of course not.Did they suspect? Yes, they suspect almost everything. Did they give us persuasive evidence today? Obviously, none. How can they suspect the victim himself because they can’t find the real person?

Luckily, Mr. Sloan had once shown the police a new way to think. His ex-girlfriend Coco had been dreaming of wearing the missing jewelry and had threatened to get it back and make Mr. Sloan feel sorry for breaking up with her. The police had investigated her. Taylor told you that Coco was wearing a ring that looked like one of the rings that had been stolen and she couldn’t offer the receipt. You will feel happy that the case is going to the end. Unluckily, the police stop their investigation because the police thought he had no legal basis for collecting the missing ring!!! When he got the warrant, Coco was gone. Then, they didn’t exhaust all they could to find Coco, leaving so many reasonable doubts for us to judge today!

(Did you remember what Duke Remington, Coco’s brother tell you just now? He worried about her sister’s safety. Thus he gave the postcard with the postmark which showed where it came from to the police. But they had nothing to do with it. Poor Mr. Remington! )

How could the police draw the conclusion with such a suspicious character such easily and carelessly? Poor Mr. Sloan!

Since Duke was on the probation, it would not be wise for him to commit a crime again. What did he tell us? He expressed how he felt confused that Terry told him, from time to time to mind his own business and stop being so nosy. But Terry told youwhy hetold him to do so because Duke had ex-cons, and if he were Mr. Sloan, he wouldn’t have hired a ranch hand like Duke. And Duke knew clearly that Terry didn’t like him. The prejudice between them will mess things up. Although they may tell the truth they know, the words they used were full of their personal feelings which may mislead you, ladies and gentlemen of the jury and you, all the audience.

The prosecutor once asked Terry whetherthe relationship between Mr. Sloan and him would influence his personal idea. Somebody may doubt whether Terry would do everything for his employer? Then think about the relationship between Mr. and Miss

Remington. They held totally contradictory idea whether Coco had been told the break-in when she was investigated by the police. Duke told us he could not understand the sentence “thank you for helping me get what was coming to me!!”Do any of you understand? (And he didn’t give it to the police because he knewit would be unfavorable to his sister, Coco! He said he worried about Coco’s safety, but he did nothing to help find and protect her.)

Please look back on the facts which made you believe that the break-in was arranged.

The footprints?Size 8 is not unusual for men. The shoes can be bought in almost every supermarket. If determining a criminal mainly depends on the footprints, you can suspect a large number of people.

The fingerprints?I should say that they are unique. However, the police didn’t come to any conclusion that helped, even though they have professional technique.

Mr. Sloan was not in his house. The alarms were broken. The light was broken, too.We don’t mean to deny these facts because they were there. Terry happened to know all the coincidence because his job required him to.

Last but not the least, you see, Mr. Sloan didn’t avoid talking about his loss in tech market. If he intended to file a fraudulent claim to the insurance company, he could have denied, and he could even show us how much he owned nowadays. However, he didn’t. How come? Because he didn’t feel guilty, thus, he didn’t need to explain.

Ladies and gentlemen, did you remember what the police tell us? He said “I heard through the Armedillo grapevine that Mr. Sloan was in financial trouble.”Did he give you any persuasive statistics that proof? Of course not.As a matter of fact, as stated clearly, compared with the house and ranch, $325,000 means nothing to Mr. Sloan.

Ladies and gentlemen, the jewelry which was worn by Mr. Sloan’s ex-wife, and which was kept for his loving daughter, was missing. If there had been a better method to healhim spiritually, he wouldn’t have turned to the police for help to find the bad guy who stole the valueless jewelry. Hoping to get back the memorial jewelry, Mr. Sloan called the police. How could he imagine that he himself would be sued?

(The prosecutors gave me a lot of objections during the closing. They tried to prevent me from analyzing the case for you. However, the facts were there.)

We sincerely hope the police to investigate more deeply and responsibly to find the burglar. Accordingly, we hope you to return the only verdict that Mr. Sloan was not guilty. Please don’t hurt him again because of the jewelry! Thank you.

第二篇:IQC(Incoming Quality Control)

IQC(Incoming Quality Control)

IQC的英文全称为:Incoming Quality Control,意思为来料质量控制.目前IQC的侧重点在来料质量检验上,来料质量控制的功能较弱.IQC的工作方向是从被动检验转变到主动控制,将质量控制前移,把质量问题发现在最前端,减少质量成本,达到有效控制,并协助供应商提高内部质量控制水平。




检验员的主要工作是来料检验,而IQC检验可简述为对外协、外购的物料全部或其主要特性参照该物料的相关标准进行确认;或对其是否符合使用要求进行确认的活动。检验员的职责就是严格按照有关的技术文件标准和物料操作指导书,按照操作指导书的指引,一步一步的完成各项操作,从而完成各种类型的物料的检验,完成送检物料的合格与不合格的判定。 2、处理物料质量问题





参与物流控制环节中的相关流程优化, 对于物流中和物料检验有关的流程优化提出建议和意见。



IQC(incoming quality control)意思是来料的质量控制,简称来料控制。但也许有的技术人员,包括一些专业的开发人员对此也不是很清楚。之所以在此谈IQC,而不是IPQC(制程质量控制),FQC(成品质量控制)等。是因为个人觉得在物欲横流的社会里,各种假货,劣质产品在不断地侵蚀着我们,面对这些劣质产品,可能一个小小的失误就可能给我们造成巨大的财产损失或断送了我们的前程。所以作好来料的质量控制对每个工厂来说,都已经是迫在眉及了。因为巧妇也难为无米只炊呀,只有材料好了,才可以制造出好的产品来。 IQC流程













2、所进物料,因供料厂商的品质信赖度及物料的数量、单价、体积等,加以规划为全检、抽检、免检。 a、全检:数量少,单价高;




(1) 外观检验;

(2) 尺寸、结构特性检验;

(3) 电气特性检验;

(4) 化学特料检验;

(5) 物理特性检验;

(6) 机械特性检验;







5.1 抽样计划

5.2 品质特性: 分一般特性与特殊特性。



























1. 制定进料检验标准,确实执行进料检验。

2. 进料质量异常的妥善处理。

3. 原料供应商,协作厂商交货质量实绩的整理与评价。

4. 对原料规格提出改善意见或建议。

5. 检验仪器、量规的管理与校正。

6. 进料库存品的抽验,及鉴定报废品。

7. 资料回馈有关单位。

8. 办理上级所交办事项

第三篇:The Ultimate Trainers

After I read this book, I think I should learn something useful and optimistic from Jake, the first character in the story. Although the ultimate trainers could bring him the first prize in the running contest, he was not with these trainers in the contest. Whatever he gets in the end, he is the best! As a

student, the first thing in our mind is not how great we do, it is we are honest to do our best.

In the end, Jake got the champion. I think it is not strange. If we try our best to do everything, we will get the best happiness in our mind.

So doing everything honestly is the most important. If we lost it, our life will not be helpful.

2014.10.17 Question:

(1) From this story, we should learn that--------------------

A. Success is the most important things in our mind.

B. Jake was an honest boy and did his best in the match while he was running.

C. Jake did not like Anna, he thought she was so boring that she could not get the champion.

D. Jake had got many champions in his running contest.

(2) From Jake, we could learn-------------------- from him.

A. Doing everything honestly is the most important in our life.

B. We should try to get success whatever we do.

C. Success is from ultimate things from others.

D. The best thing is how great we do, not how bad result we get.


The Ultimate Trainers


The summary of the ultimate trainers


The ultimate trainers


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