

Linguistic Error Analysis of English Writing in Junior High Schools


2.Writing problems

2.1 Some aspects of English writing errors

As is known to all, writing is a very important part in junior high school English teaching .students need great improvement in using lexis and grammar, and also the capacity of writing and expression. However, it not easy for them, the students will inevitably make mistakes in the early process of their English learning. In the daily teaching, some scholars found that the writing level of those students in junior high school is not so high and often make some mistakes in lexical and syntax aspects, which lead to students losing many marks in the exam and greatly affect the passing rate of their exam. Therefore, in this thesis, the writer will analyze the common errors of writing existing in the junior high school students, then focus on the causes of their writing errors. Lastly this paper will study on how to avoid these errors and to put forward its own views on how to improve the English major students' writing skills.

When learning a second language, people analyze errors through different aspects of the language, such as vocabulary, grammar and text and so on, which can help them to understand their learning process and to improve the quality of learning. This method is what is known as” the error analysis”. The process involves statistics, analysis and research on the phenomenon of learner errors. And it is easy to find out the cause of the errors by classifying descripted these error phenomenones, and finally put forward right strategies to solve the errors.

2.2 Main reasons for errors

This paper attempts to use the good method of“error analysis” to analyze and

study the writing errors of the students junior high school, and then puts forward some related solutions. Therefore, in this paper, the main research problems are: 1. what writing mistakes do the junior high students have? Why these errors produce? 2. How to avoid these errors and to improve the writing ability.3.what strategies can we find to help those students in their writing?


For these problems, this paper intends to study from the following aspects: First of all, to analyze some common errors appearing in the writing process of junior high school students. For example, some lexical errors happened in spelling, matching and even missing and lacking words in the sentence. There are also many syntax errors such as inconsistent subject-predicate, monotonous sentences and Chinese English and so on. Then give a further study on the reasons of these errors formation. There are four main reasons: 1.Some heavy problems existed in teaching contents and

teaching methods; 2.The students have a poor ability to study by themselves; 3.The big difference between Chinese and English languages; 4. Different cultures between

Chinese and western. At last, to put forward its own views on how to avoid these

errors and to improve the level of junior high school students' English writing. In this paper, the writer also puts forward four suitable strategies to solve these problems: 1. To change the traditional teaching mode and to highlight students their own status in the teaching process; 2. To arouse students' interest in English writing by some useful methods; 3. to give more trains to strengthen their lexical collocation memory and sentence expression; 4. To improve student's understanding of Chinese and western culture.


Human learning is a wonderful process that learner revise and improve

themselves in study by finding errors and then correcting mistakes, especially

happening in the human `s process to learning a second language. It is an essential experience that every learner studies language from making mistakes and feeding back to correcting. We all know that the writing is a key in English learning and teaching, the students who making lexical grammar and syntax mistakes in the

process of writing was actually leaded by the different ways of thinking in English and Chinese in a final analysis. This thesis revealed some errors appeared in the

English writing process in the junior high school students by analyzing the errors of the learning process, and giving a detail analysis on the causes of the errors formation. All in all, teachers should pay attention on the daily teaching, giving more guidance and training in students’ writing, step by step, developing their writing skills in a

planned way. At the same time, arousing the enthusiasm of students writing is also an effective way. Only students improve their writing ability step by step, day by day, never give up, can they go to an ideal road where they improve themselves a lot and finally express their own views rightly and freely. Only our teacher strengthen

students` understanding and memory to the word, sentence expression as well as the Chinese and western culture in the process of English writing teaching, can we fundamentally improving the students' writing ability.



论文来源:王俊民; (明代画家沈周佳作《庐山高图》浅析)惠州大学学报

(社会科学版) 19xx年03期

李瑾:(外师造化 中得心源——沈周《庐山高图》的启示)艺术研


何娴倩 ( 以心造境——沈周《庐山高图》的启示)南京艺术学院

学报(美术与设计版) 20xx年03期

经过比对三篇论文分析,我得到了如下的一些结论 这三篇文章主要是对《庐山高图.进行赏析析,总结出耐人寻味的启示。(明代画家沈周佳作《庐山高图》浅析)这篇论文,主要评析了沈周《庐山高图》这幅佳作的绘画风格和艺术功力。从沈周的所处的时代背景讲起,沈周学古人之笔法不断长信,形成了自己与众不同的技法和风格。从而来强调沈周的画作为何是冲破明代画界,成为明四家之一的。其次,文中从“线”.“面”.“墨”.“色”等方面详细为大家解析了《庐山高图》的唯美意境。评析了沈周《庐山高图》这幅佳作的绘画风格和艺术功力。(外师造化 中得心源——沈周《庐山高图》的启示)这篇文章通过对沈周《庐山高图》的浅析,体悟古人的"外师造化,中得心源"的深刻道理。画家沈周不厌其烦地将勾、擦、点、染化

作北山的雄浑和江南的秀润, 并借此阐述自己对生命的关照与道的体悟。画幅中的崇山峻岭注入了人格的魅力与人文的情怀, 因此不能不说这样的山水比自然更丰满、更奇美, 也更令人回味无穷。《庐山高图》从笔法到布局到处理可以看出沈周把现实中的庐山实景经过有意识的经营, 使整个画面充“ 径路迁回, 烟霭微茫, 曲尽山林幽致”的感觉, 表明了心迹。同时, 也突出了当时文人画所追求的闲、静、出、雅、文逸的那种意境的艺术特点。沈周能从传统中跳出来, 并从诸家中吸取精辟而不拘于一家, 最后形成他自身所特有的又满足广大地主阶级知识分子最理想生活情调和精神境界的艺术观, 正是得益于以实景作为描绘对象, 再现自然的“外师造化” 和对自然景色进行理念化的加工, 并倾注真切的主观感受的“中得心源”。( 以心造境——沈周《庐山高图》的启示) 这篇文章与(外师造化 中得心源——沈周《庐山高图》的启示)这篇文章陈述的观点极为类似。这篇文章业从绘画语言和技巧、 其笔墨力度、韵味、表现技法等方面为我们展现了笔法填密细秀, 气势沉雄苍郁, 构图十分繁密, 但又显得格外空灵的《庐山高图》。


























