篇一 :一篇优秀的出国留学ps范文



20##-04-07 11:51:43



  下面是一篇全英文的出国留学ps范文,是一篇优秀的展示真我型(A Revealing Look at the Real Me)的留学ps。出国留学ps在申请过程中占有举足轻重的地位。希望下面这篇出国留学ps范文能够对大家有所帮助。

  I can’t tell you in which peer group I’d fit best because I’m a social chameleon and am comfortable in most; I will instead describe my own social situation and the various cliques I drift in and out of.

  My high school’s student body is from a part of town that is much more diverse than the rest of the city, and the city as a whole is more diverse than most of the state. The location of my school, only a few blocks from the University of Oregon, is greatly responsible for the social atmosphere. Whereas the other high schools in town draw mainly from middle-class white suburban families, mine sits in the division between the poor west university neighborhood and the affluent east university one. East university is hilly and forested with quiet residential streets and peaceful, large houses. A few blocks west, using the university as the divider, the houses become small and seedy. On the west side of my school there are many dirty apartments; crime is high and social status is low.

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篇二 :优秀的出国留学ps范文样本



  下面是一篇全英文的出国留学ps范文,是一篇优秀的展示真我型(A Revealing Look at the Real Me)的留学ps。出国留学ps在申请过程中占有举足轻重的地位。希望下面这篇出国留学ps范文能够对大家有所帮助。

  I can’t tell you in which peer group I’d fit best because I’m a social chameleon and am comfortable in most; I will instead describe my own social situation and the various cliques I drift in and out of.

  My high school’s student body is from a part of town that is much more diverse than the rest of the city, and the city as a whole is more diverse than most of the state. The location of my school, only a few blocks from the University of Oregon, is greatly responsible for the social atmosphere. Whereas the other high schools in town draw mainly from middle-class white suburban families, mine sits in the division between the poor west university neighborhood and the affluent east university one. East university is hilly and forested with quiet residential streets and peaceful, large houses. A few blocks west, using the university as the divider, the houses become small and seedy. On the west side of my school there are many dirty apartments; crime is high and social status is low.

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篇三 :ps范文及写法

From a very young age, I had aspirations of becoming an engineer, because I wanted to build machines that did not require direct human energy inputs to operate. I achieved this for the first time a few weeks later, designing a vehicle that carried it's energy stored in rubber-bands; it wasn't a roaring success, but the fact that it wasn't perfect only increased my desire to learn more about engineering.

Soon afterwards, I became a serious motor sport enthusiast, and to understand the sport more, I began assisting my dad and his mechanic in the maintenance of our family cars and electricity generator. I quickly learnt and understood the function of every part of the generator and before long, my dad ran out of answers to my questions, like: 'Why do high performance engines often have up to six valves per cylinder when two would do the job?'. He therefore encouraged me to read further about engineering, and a few books later, I knew what I was devoting my life to.

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篇四 :ps范文

From a very young age, physics has always been a subject close to my heart. Back when I was in primary school it was space that captured my imagination, but as I’ve grown up the world of electronics has become the forerunner for my attention. It is largely through electronics that the world has developed into something that would have been unrecognisable less than 100 years ago. It is my belief that electronic circuits are the primary reason that the number of patents filed each year has increased dramatically over time, and so to be a part of their development would be an incredibly rewarding situation.

It was at age 7 that I had my first memorable encounter with any form of electronic circuit, when the radio that my Dad had bought me fell from a shelf and broke, exposing the circuitry within. Though I had no idea what any of the components were, they fascinated me. Their discovery led to years of prying the backs off of any devices I could find just so I could stare at the contents, even going so far as to open up a Gameboy I got one birthday before I actually attempted to play any of the games it had come with.

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篇五 :Roopsi 的PS经典范文--计算机专业

“Knowledge Itself Is Power”. This is one of my favorite precepts and at this point in my life when I am about to complete my graduation and my future spreads in front of me like a dream, this adage has never influenced my life more than this before.

Knowledge and proper training are essential to succeed in today's highly competitive world. The best place where I can achieve this is in the United States of America - the undisputed leader in developing new products and processes. Not only is America the birthplace of my chosen field of study, it has also nurtured it for it's full growth and continuous development. To achieve my goals, I want to pursue a Master's program in Computer Science. It is the ideal way for me to gain the knowledge and skills to stand tall as a computer professional.

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篇六 :Photoshop中英文对照


M 是矩形选取 V 是移动 L 是套索 W是魔棒 裁切是C 切片是K 印章是S 修复画笔是J 画笔是B 历史纪录画笔是I 橡皮是E 渐变是G 涂抹是R 加深是O 路径选择是A 文字是T 钢笔是P 矩形工具是U 注释是N 吸管是I 抓手是H 缩放是Z






3.Open As-(打开为)

4.Open Recent-(最近打开文件)



7.Save As-(存储为)

8.Save for Web-(存储为Web所用格式)




-(1)PDF Image



13.Manage Workflow-(管理工作流程)

-(1)Check In-(登记)

-(2)Undo Check Out-(还原注销)

-(3)Upload To Server-(上载到服务器)

-(4)Add To Workflow-(添加到工作流程)

-(5)Open From Workflow-(从工作流程打开)



-(2)Create Droplet-(创建快捷批处理)

-(3)Conditional Mode Change-(条件模式更改)

-(4)Contact Sheet-(联系表)

-(5)Fix Image-(限制图像)


-(7)Picture package-(图片包)

-(8)Web Photo Gallery

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篇七 :Photoshop CS5中文版案例教程

《Photoshop CS5中文版案例教程(配盘,全彩色)》目录: Chapter1 平面设计基础

1.1 平面设计的概念

1.2 平面设计的创意与表现

1.3 平面设计的基本流程

1.4 平面设计师的基本要求

1.5 知识与技能梳理

1.6 课后练习

Chapter2 Photoshop CS5的基本操作

2.1 图像处理的基本概念

2.2 Photoshop CS5的操作界面

2.3 常见工具的使用

2.4 图层的应用

2.5 通道与蒙版

2.6 色彩调整

2.7 路径

2.8 知识与技能梳理

2.9 课后练习

Chapter3 画笔

3.1 Photoshop的王道——画笔

3.2 案例——绘制草地

3.3 案例——添加气泡

3.4 案例——制作毛发效果

3.5 案例——制作空间感雨幕效果

3.6 画笔的本质——应用粒子态

3.7 知识与技能梳理

Chapter4 抠像

4.1 轮廓的处理

4.2 案例——人物抠像

4.3 案例——梅树抠像

4.4 案例——椰子树抠像

4.5 案例——火焰抠像

4.6 案例——玻璃瓶抠像

4.7 综合案例——星云宝盒(潘多拉的宝盒)

4.8 知识与技能梳理

Chapter5 调色

5.1 校色和调色

5.2 Bridge介绍

5.3 利用Bridge筛选照片

5.4 RAW格式与JPEG格式

5.5 Camera Raw软件

5.6 Bridge全局调色法

5.7 案例——元阳梯田

5.8 案例——混合匹配法

5.9 知识与技能梳理

Chapter6 材质

6.1 材质的应用

6.2 案例——异质同构

6.3 知识与技能梳理

6.4 拓展训练——音乐海报设计 Chapter7 标志设计

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篇八 :photoshop 7.0.1简体中文教程

第一章 photoshop 7.0.1 简体中文教程 经过漫长的等待,我们终于等来了Photoshop 7.0,但为了那些令人惊叹的新特性和新工具,这一切都 是值得的,PS7.0 中最令我们津津乐道的估计就是新增的修复工具和不定工具了,当然,丰富的笔刷工具也 为我们的工作增添了不少色彩。PS 7.0 以她全新的界面、极酷的功能、完善的改变以及与OS

X/Windows XP 的兼容性,必将极大地吸引那些成天与PS 共舞的人们。 1.1 了解Adobe Adobe Systems Incorporated 于1982 年参与发起了桌面出版领域的革命,并且一直处于下一个出版革命 ——即网络出版革命的核心。网络出版致力于为任何人、在任何地方和任何设备上创作可靠的、视觉效果 丰富的信息。今天,Adobe 为企业和创意专业人士提供了完整的软件解决方案。 这些产品可以让客户创 作、管理并发布效果丰富、引人入胜且稳定可靠的内容。 每天,全世界都有数以百万计的人们通过 Adobe 出色的获奖软件将其设计和思想生动地表达在 Web、纸 光盘上。 Adobe 不断为企业和创造性客户提供各种工具,使他们的工作做得更好、更快。 事实上, 您今天在 Web 上所看到的大多数图像都是用一个或多个 Adobe 产品来创建或修改的,如 Adobe?0?3 Photoshop?0?3、Adobe

Illustrator?0?3、Adobe Acrobat?0?3、Adobe GoLive?0?3、Adobe FrameMaker?0?3、Adobe

Premiere?0?3 以及 Adobe After Effects?0?3 等。 从跨国公司到中小企业,从技能高超的专业图形设计人员到普通的家庭用户和公司员工,Adobe 的客 户群跨越了各个行业和职业。 无论从事何种行业,不管软件使用技能的高下,人们选择 Adobe 软件的初 衷是一致的,那就是:创建和发行具有精彩视觉效果的交流资料,通过 Web、印刷和光盘等各种媒体来获 得一致、专业的图像。 Adobe 是世界上最大的PC 软件公司之一,全年净产值超过12 亿美元。公司在全世界共有员工约3,400 人,总部位于美国加州的圣何塞。自1986 年起,Adobe 在Nasdaq 国家市场以ADBE 为代表符号进行公 开交易。 1.2Photoshop 发展历程 在Mac 平台上除了Mac OS 以外,极少有其它软件比

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