篇一 :经济与金融专业PS



来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:pumpkin [字体:大 中 小]


Economics and Finance Personal Statement

Having a flair for Economics and accounting I have decided that I want a degree in Accounting and Finance or Management. The many brilliant representatives of the management community around the world have strengthened that resolve.

When I worked in my school as a tutor of English as a Second Language for students from a community school in Muscat, I realized the importance of a strong leader who could organize, command respect, and be able to work well with others. These ideas were further enforced by my month long internship at Novartis Pharmaceutical (Accounts and Finance Department and Human Resources Department).

I attended the Harvard Model Congress in Paris and won the Award of Distinction. One skill in particular that contributed to this award was my confident public speaking.

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篇二 :金融会计专业PS个人陈述

金融会计专业PS个人陈述(financial accounting ) Since I was just a kid, I have shown a great admiration to those who carved out from scratch because I think that is the life I expected for with vigor and challenge. However, many of them failed at last mainly because of the financial accounting. It is very difficult for a company to change the resource into money without the professional financial management and an abundant financial professional knowledge. As the “batch product of the school”, I desire to become the “class A product” with abundant professional knowledge and good quality after two years study in the campus. Although I knew that the “investment risk” was ineluctable, I believe the future investment yield will be huge in the future. On the choice of investment project, I certainly chose my favorite accounting in he financial field and sincerely hope that the further study can presented me with a solid foundation and full preparations for the future work in the company financing.

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篇三 :金融类个人简历中文范文模板


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篇四 :留学申请金融PS必备的材料


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Applied Program: Economics / Finance

I am a young man who has grown up with a spate of accolades behind me. From

elementary school to university, I have consistently been ranking No. One in my class. More than anything else, apart from my gifts, behind those accolades are my relentless efforts and the spirit of perseverance. It is my conviction that God treats everybody equally and that everybody should treasure and bear tremendous responsibility for the life

endowed to him or her. Only the owner of this life can be the master of his or her own life and fate. This belief has constituted the pillar that has supported my growing up and personal development. I have no doubt that it will continue to support me well into my future and till the end of my life.

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篇五 :金融类个人简历范文


来源:58.com 2013-05-16 15:23

姓名: 58同城





身材: 172 cm 68 kg


年龄: 31 岁


贸易类工作年限: 7

月薪要求: 3500--5000

希望工作地区:广州 深圳 佛山


2000.7-2004.6 新百佳国际有限公司 业务主管 因公司搬迁外省而离职公司的主要业务是出口轮胎到欧美、中东、东南亚及非洲等地区。本人负责跟进及开发东南亚及中东地区的客户,独立完成从审核信用证及制作出口单证。并多次参加广交会与外商洽谈业务。在新百佳工作期间年多来自己利用网络资源独立开发了十几个客户,出口额达到1000多万美元。

2004.9-2006.12 titi latex sdn. bhd. 外贸经理 因家庭原因离职担任马来西亚titi latex sdn. bhd.驻中国外贸经理,负责国外橡胶进口及中国轮胎出口业务。为公司开辟了一个新的盈利模式。



受教育培训经历: 1996.9-2000.7 中山大学 国际金融语言能力外语:英语 优秀国语水平:精通粤语水平:精通工作能力及其他专长 1、精通计算机操作,对电子商务具有独到的见解,能够将传统进出口业务跟互联网挂钩,在网上开辟新的出口渠道。 2、精通外贸业务操作。 3、优秀的英语运用能力。详细个人自传在中山大学四年国际贸易金融系国际金融专业的艰苦学习,我打下了扎实的外贸知识理论基础我对计算机有特殊



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篇六 :英国大学经济与金融专业申请文书范文展示:PS篇

Personal Statement


My aspiration for finance can be traced back to my teenage years, when my father was fascinated with stock market and I bought stocks together with him for fun. When he purchased a new one, I would ask him the bid price and expected ask price, and then brainstormed how much we may possibly get.

Earning money by investment after ups and downs was a fantastic experience for me, and I came to realize that there exist rules and principles deeply rooted in finance theories and statistics, which drove me to further explore the field.

Now, through three-year systematic studies in economics and finance, my interest and passion have been fully exploited and I made up my mind to pursue a career in the field of finance.

The more I know, the more I want to know. In order to do further study and build a successful future career, I plan to go for advanced study in the United Kingdom, where the most cutting-edged researches and practices of financial analysis are being carried out.

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篇七 :APEC峰会:中国互联网金融再博眼球

APEC峰会:中国互联网金融“再博眼球” 时隔xx年的亚太经合组织(APEC)峰会重回中国。20xx年亚太经合组织财长会议在北京举行。本次峰会的峰会的三大议题包括“推动区域经济一体化、促进经济创新发展、改革与增长以及加强全方位基础设施与互联互通建设”。会议把促进基础设施投融资合作作为重点领域,签署了筹建亚洲基础设施投资银行协议。此协议引发了国际社会对中小型企业金融领域创新的极大关注。而作为中国的互联网金融,特别是P2P网贷新金融模式的大肆兴起,恰好能够解决中小企业融资难的问题。

APEC工商咨询理事会中国代表受邀演讲,主题是“为中国在互联网金融领域的创新和实践”。这一主题立即得到了各国代表的积极响应。APEC秘书长Alan Bollard立刻追问讲稿,希望与全世界分享中国经验。泰国财长SommaiPhasi则坚定表示,一定要尽快推动泰国企业学习中国的互联网金融创新之道。早在20xx年在印尼举办的APEC中小企业部长级会议上,中国的互联网金融当时就引起各国的极大兴趣和关注。此次峰会,中国的互联网金融再次搏击各国眼球。



先说助推小微企业发展:一直以来,小微企业融资难是一个棘手的问题。而小微企业又是我国企业的重要组成部分,,融资难始终是困扰小微企业生存和发展的重要不足之一。自从互联网金融的诞生,便给小微企业融资难带来了福音,也可以说是救命稻草。为什么这么说呢?我们拿互联网金融的“新力军”P2P网贷来说,先来看组数据:据第三方机构统计,20xx年上半年,全国网贷平台数量已达1184家,网贷行业成交量约为 818.37亿元。根据“20xx中国互联网金融发展报告”则显示,今年上半年,国内众筹领域发生融资事件 1423起,募集总金额达18791万元。就拿赢得财富P2C网贷平台来说,服务已覆盖了全国近30余个省的200多个城市,帮助了数万急需融资发展的小微企业和个体工商从业者获得融资贷款。所以说互联网金融是小微企业的“救命稻草”此言不虚。

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篇八 :大学生村官创业富民需要金融支持 http

大学生村官创业富民需要金融支持 http://www.sina.com.cn 20xx年x月x日06:10 金融时报


<正文>= 杜斌李庶民杨汉杰姜海燕自国家实施大学生村官政策以来,各地金融部门从自身实际出发,制定并采取多项政策措施,积极支持大学生村官创业富民,取得了较好的效果。人民银行天津分行近期开展的一项对河北廊坊、秦皇岛、唐山、承德、邢台,山西大同、晋城、长治,内蒙古赤峰、通辽、呼伦贝尔市(以下简称“11市”)的调查也印证了这一结论。




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