篇一 :新托福独立写作的名言警句该如何用



? 关于教育

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is better to choose a university whose graduates have good job opportunities than a university who has famous professors.

题目翻译:选择有好的工作机会的学校还是选择有知名教授的学校? 思考:那么知名教授对比工作机会,能给学生带来更多的什么呢?


Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime. Teach a man to create an artificial shortage and he will eat steak. -------jay leno


这里,授人以鱼可表示一个好的工作机会的offer, 而授人以渔可以表示普通老师的教授方法,而授人竭泽而渔,则可表示知名教授不一样的教学方法,同学们引入了之后便可对这句话进行适当解释,进而引入话题,表明观点等,就能把文章的亮点凸显出来。

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篇二 :新托福独立写作话题常见的名言妙语分享



朗阁海外考试研究中心 黄蓉



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is better to choose a university whose graduates have good job opportunities than a university who has famous professors.




Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime. Teach a man to create an artificial shortage of fish and he will eat steak.

-------jay leno

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篇三 :TPO1-30独立写作题目汇总

TPO1-30 独立写作题目汇总

注:1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement均简化为agree or disagree;

2.末句Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer均已删掉。

1. agree or disagree: At universities and colleges, sports and social activities are just as important as classes and libraries and should receive equal financial support.(学校教育)

2. agree or disagree: Always telling the truth is the most important consideration in any relationship between people. (品质:诚实)

3. agree or disagree: It is more important to keep your old friends than it is to make new friends. (交友)

4. agree or disagree: In twenty years there will be fewer cars in use than there are today. (交通工具)

5. agree or disagree: People today spend too much time on personal enjoyment - doing things they like to do - rather than doing things they should do. (生活)

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篇四 :托福考试独立写作范文






A:通常有护照的人直接拿护照就可以进场了;没有护照的话,拿身份证外加一份第二证件例如: 驾驶证、带钢印的工作证、往来港澳通行证、外国人居留证、外国人工作许可证、港澳居民回乡证,或由正规大专院校颁发的学生证,学生证需要注册过


A:没有的话,可以准备身份证明信(此类证明必须有本人的照片,签字,身份证号码,以及个人体貌特征描述和经办单位人事部门的有效直线电话,经办人签字,并且在照片上封盖两个章介绍单位的公章和人事章)--- 1,学生从所在学校和档案存放人事部开具证明信 2,个人人事档案在本公司存档的职工从人事部开具证明信,并骑缝盖2个章:所在单位的公章和人事章3,个人人事档案不在本公司存档的职工,除了开具本公司证明信(照片上骑缝盖公司章),务必在档案所在地加盖人事部骑缝章。(人才交流中心或街道办事处存档处)4,不属于以上情形的考生,可以到户籍所在地派出所开具证明信,应该有照片并以在照片上骑缝加盖户籍章的格式打印户籍证明



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篇五 :托福独立写作教育类话题搭配“对象”多






The main role of a university professor is to educate students rather than to do research.


能让学校多处top students,提高学校的reputation;




It is more important for universities to spend money on improving facilities than on hiring famous professors.



Disagree:Hiring famous professors更重要:能使学生的专业知识更扎实;提高学校的reputation,吸引更多的top students;对学生做好以后的工作奠定专业基础;

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篇六 :20xx年全年大陆新托福独立写作题目总结


(1) 1月x日Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think

that daily homework is necessary for students? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.


1月x日Agree or disagree: Most people often let others make decisions for them rather than make decisions by themselves.

1月x日speaking important or writing important?


3月x日Because people are too busy doing many things,they can do few things well.

3月x日in today's world, the ability to cooperate well with others is more important than before. Agree or not



4月x日电影和电视[movies and television]对年轻人的行为方式[the way young people behavior]主要是消极的影响。给出理由。

4月x日there are so many events happening everyday in the world, we don't have to know

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篇七 :geyu625的独立写作模板及总结



1 For most of the time, we are always on the arduous journey in seeking for the answer to such question:_____. Some people maintain____, others, however, claim that _____. From my personal angle alone, I hold that ______.

2 Have you ever enjoyed the unfurling of leaves in spring or the rustle of an insect’s wings? Have you ever been immersed in the very moment when you could hear the lonely cry of whippoorwill or the arguments of the frogs in a pond at night? Have you ever been thrilled by perceiving the smell of winds, cleansed by the midday rain or scented with the pinyon pine? (环境类)

Have you ever been thrilled by the recognition of your classmates after your wonderful personal presentation about a certain topic? Have you ever enjoyed the very moment when having a detailed discussion about your recent progress or problems you encountered with your tutor? (传统)

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篇八 :独立写作的模板以及总结

Although that success sometime come with a risk and made by people' creation , but for those person who has been successful in some special fields , the thing to do in superior is to keep and enhance his success instead of trying enter the region that he or she not good at . the reason is one person can not do all the thing perfectly and it is unreasonable to just do something with thinking.

firstly , people' energy is limited . if the one whose choose to do something which he is not familiar with or something may let him in trouble ,as an result , he may ignore the thing with actually can gives him profits. for example , it is widely accepted that bill gates is very successful in the IT region . he have the biggest

software factory in the world , he is the richest man in the world ,and he donate a great deal of charities for poor people. He has such high reputation because

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