篇一 :实习报告英文版



Recruiting manager of the testing department


This August I found a new job which is a recruiting manager of a famous software company. Because of the operation of our company is providing world-class IT solutions to global clients. So every

position requires good English communication skills including mine. In this job I lead a hiring team and be responsible for supporting staffer needs of the testing department. The latter half of the year is the busiest period, because many new projects have been processing. Almost all the project teams are short of hands. Software outsourcing is an agreement that provides deadlines for completion of the work. If we could not find employable engineers in time, the vender must change the order to other competitory company. In order to drive for quality hire with short cycle time. I communicate with testing

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篇二 :英文实习总结

I. Purpose University students need to be armed with specialized knowledge, accumulated skills and fundamental theories to survive in the future career. In order to make graduates-would-be suitable for the post-school career, promote the understanding between future employees and their schools, and strengthen our competitiveness in the fierce job market, ZZULI provided us with a once-in-a-time opportunity to go out of the campus and find a institution to serve as an intern. We could better understand where our weaknesses are and how to be a qualified employee after we leave the campus. II. Content On April 11th, I have the great honor to serve as an acting teacher in the Elementary School of the Xing Fu Road which lies in the Erqi District. For this is the very first time that I could stand as a teacher of a class, small as though, rather than a private tutor, it destined to be a forgettable experience in my life. I really learnt much from this precious experience. Through my internship in the School, I learnt that the important thing in the school is not conventional teaching but the communication with students. When I entered the school a month ago, I was quite anxious. Though I had been a tutor to 8 children, it is still a big challenge for me. The only concern is that the children will launch a revolution and get out of my control. The first day, I was assigned to receive a training course. It seemed vital to new-comers. The instructor is Mr. Wang, a very kind grandpa. At the very beginning of the training course, he sent us him generous congratulations

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篇三 :外企中英文实习总结

My Working Summarize 实习总结

During the 2 month-interning experience, I have known about daily work process in channel development department.


1. First of all, I am familiar with the wholly process of marketing activities from planning to approving and acting.


2. Secondly, following up the marketing promotion, OBM materials ordering and distribution are all I have been in charge of.


3. To communicate with DC marketing representatives so that everything is on the right way. It is also the major work of mine.


4. Moreover, I help to do some DME reimbursement and data management.


5. In addition, the most important part of my work is to use SAP system to do some purchasing application. Using it can help me most as most of the plans making are based on the BI data.

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篇四 :英语专业实习总结


时光飞逝,转眼间为期两个月的实习生活在不知不觉中落下了帷幕。在这段时间里,我学到了很多在大学课堂里根本学不到的东西,也体验到了很多人生中从未有过的经历。回首这两个月以来,真的是酸甜苦辣什么滋味都有,而正是这些滋味见证了自己一点点的进步. 实习开始,我的心情和所有参加实习的同学一样,心中充满了兴奋与憧憬,想象着在实习学校大显身手,大展宏图。这段时间里,我的情绪波动也是挺大的。由开始的担心到后面的不舍,在和老师学生了解后,觉得很舍不得那些可爱的学生,以及热情帮助我的指导老师。 回顾两个月的实习生活自己学到了很多东西,我的心中充满了成就感, 记得上第一节课时,我当时特别紧张,带着羞涩与忐忑匆忙地走上了讲台,尽管我做了许多准备工作,当我面对那么多双眼睛时,我不由的紧张了,但我在最难的时刻内努力使自己平静下来,要理顺思路开始上第一堂课,接着就是知道老师交代的教学步骤进行着,由于学生都很配合,所以整堂课还是挺顺利地完成了教学任务。课后我走到学生中间去,问他们是否听得懂,有没有什么疑问,有没有什么意见或建议。

以后的每次上课,我都会备好课:备教材,备课标,备学生。我先自己写好教案,写好teaching plan,与其他组员再一起讨论,试讲。同时,在临睡前,第二天在去实习学校的公交车上,以及上课前15分钟,我都会在脑子里回顾下将要上的课的基本教学步骤。到

实习学校,我都会将要上的课的教学目标,教学重难点,以及教学步骤和导师说下,让导师给我意见和建议。我觉得这点是很重要的。特别是我们对学生已有的认知水平不了解。这个时候张老师就会告诉我,这个知识点学生已学过了,只要复习下即可,或对学生还是新知识,需要详细讲。同时导师们都比较有经验,他们了解学生,知道什么样的方式学生易于接受。所以我每次上课前,都会先请教导师然后才上讲台。上完课,我都会与导师,与其他实习生交流,让他们给我评价。在回学校的车上,我也会反思下今天的教学以及和导师,和学生的相处情况,回到宿舍,写下反思日志,反思并总结一天的情况。反思自己课上做得好的地方以及不足之处并想出解决办法。第二天上课时,我就特别注意提醒自己不要犯同样的错误。同时,我也经常去听其他组员的课,把自己的课与他们的进行比较,找出值得自己学习的地方。此外,我也积极参加了英语组的集体备课活动。在备课过程中,我也积极发表了自己的一些设计想法。有些想法也得到了导师们的认可与采纳。导师们还说不愧是陈老师带出来的啊,我听了也觉得很自豪。当然在与导师的交流中,有时也会出现自己的想法和导师的发生问题。这时,我就会仔细分析问题的根源,分析导师的观点,然后尽量把两者的精华相结合。如,在上Unit 6备课时,课文中出现了wool,cook,foot,wood,look,book cool等单词时,尤其是字母“oo”这个发音,在什么情况下读长音/u:/,什么情况下读短音/u/;张老师说讲的不是很清楚,这时我想出了一条好的记忆方法,就是“毛厨师踩着木头看书”,除此之外都读长音/u:/,在讲课的时候学生都感觉

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篇五 :英文版实习证明

Certificate of Internship

To whom it may concern,

This is to certify , from University, majored in three weeks internship at our company from Aug 2nd, 20xx to Aug 30th, 20xx.

During the student's internship, under the guidance of our company’s staffs, he got a preliminary understanding of conducting investigation into investment project, and was familiar with the project-assessment system, as well as the details and standards involved in the process. In addition, he put all his passion and effort into his work. The student tried to find out every problem he encountered and never hesitated to ask senior co-workers for help. He got along very well with others, which in term proved his team-spirit and excellent skills of communication. Also, he was willing to take suggestions from others, and he could work overtime to ensure his work is fulfilled before due. His diligence, attitude and cooperation left all his co-workers and our company a very good impression.

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篇六 :暑期实习总结(英文版)

Internship report

How time flies! I have been in Chengdu for two months! As my field-work draw to close, I wanted to write a summary to put a good end to my summer vacation!

One.Purposes of field-work

Due to lack ofexperimental experience, I decided to give up enjoying my summer vacation at home.There werethree main purposes of my practice here:

1. To learn some basic skills;

Suchas, understandingtheexperiment process, experiment principle, grasping the experiment skills, obtaining some basic skills as the researchers should possess, and so on.

2. To get a general idea of our laboratory;

For example, laboratory work pattern, laboratory research direction, matters needing attention,to lay a solid foundation for my future research.

3. To adapt to the life

I am willing to accommodate myself to the life as a graduate student early, prepare myself mentally and physically to meet the challenges ahead!

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篇七 :实习报告英文版


英语是一门国际语言,几乎全世界所有的人都在学习它。学习英语已成为一个在父母之间谈论的热点话题。作为一个英语老师,教好英语是我们的责任。在当今社会,英语的教学方式明显不同于以前。英语教学不仅仅是把书本上的内容交给学生,老师还应该根据自己班学生的性格特点而改变教学方法。创造最适合学生的课堂氛围,使英语教学变得更加轻松。 在实习期间我遇到了许多英语教学方面的问题,针对这些出现的问题并结合我自己的教学实践经验,提出了一些解决的办法。在论文中我从课堂教学重点、课堂设计、课堂管理等几个方面谈谈英语教学中遇到的问题和我自己的看法。

关键词:英语教学 课堂设计 课堂管理



English is an international language and almost all the people around the world are learning it. English learning has become a hot topic among parents. As English teachers, it’s our duty to teach English well. In today’s society, the ways of English teaching are quite different from those previously. The aim of English teaching is not only to teach the content of the textbook to the students, but also change the teaching methods according to the characteristic of students. We had better create the most suitable classroom atmosphere for students and make English teaching much easier.

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篇八 :英文版实习报告范文


it is my honor to stand here today. first of all, i want to thank our dean mrs. li to give me this chance to deliver a speech to you. thanks.

this is a speech about practice report, in the first place i want to share with you about my work experience.

in the first summer vacation in the college, i changed 3 part-time jobs. the first one was waiter; the second one was teaching assistant in talking time language village (ttlv); the third one was interpreter in a highway service station. maybe you will ask me how can you get 3 part-time jobs and why do you want to change it?

actually this is a good question. here are 3 reasons: first i want to speak english,second i want to practice english, third i want to use english. this was also the main reason i quitted the first one job waiter. then i searched ttlv online and i attended the interview and passed the teaching test. everything seems went smoothly, i started to work there in a few days later. i was a teaching assistant there, i was in charge of 8 students in my class and i assisted the foreign teacher to interpret for the students during the class. i work there for 20 days then i left because of olympic games in china. so i lost, that seems god always take good care of me, one of my supervisor in ttlv recommended a good job to me after i lost a few days, that was my third job in that vacation. i was an interpreter and i was in charge of communication with foreign friends there. i worked there for 30 days, i got 1500rmb which was my first time to earn so much money by myself in my lifetime.

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