篇一 :PostgreSQL注常见问题入总结




1) 《系列1之日本京都同志社大学 - php注入点写webshell,linux最简单提权》

2) 《系列2之日本共立女子大学 - 解决PostgreSQL连接问题完成脱众女子内裤》

3) 《系列3之日本东京大学 - PostgreSQL注入常见问题总结》

作者:YoCo Smart

来自:Silic Group Hacker Army http://blackbap.org



1) 如何判断php搭配数据库为PostgreSQL


Warning: pg_query() [function.pg-query]:

Query failed: ERROR: unterminated quoted string at or near "'" LINE 1: select * from now where no = 111' ^ in /home/sites/web/school/detail.php on line 307



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篇二 :豪客挑战赛扑克技巧总结(下)


小对追大对, 五倍以上不嫌累

解释:如果你是中间或者小的对子(不是top pair),如果pot里面总的钱是当前bet的五倍以上(五倍的利),那就call。 要是TURN上没戴着, 八倍以下赶紧逃


两大打对小, 以一赚五值得搞

解释:如果你有两张pocket overcards(比盘上的所有牌都大的牌),如果利在五倍以上,那就call。



因色死追找(INSIDE STRAIGHT DRAW)找以一当十才可要 解释:gunshot的straight draw(卡张顺子),要十倍以上的利才等。 一般人少早扔掉, 一对垫底凑热闹

解释:如果人少的话,那么gunshot draw要尽快扔掉;如果你同


呕喷暗地(OPEN END)佛拉屎(FLUSH), 三跟五涨位重要 解释:两头张顺子或者四张同花,有三倍的利就跟,五倍的利就涨。 TURN上一张没成套, 五倍以上继续要



解释:中小的对子,即使是top pair也是不可饶的,来张大牌就很难抉择。

人少宜打莫白饶,人多(5 OR MORE)先缓放一遭

解释:当然如果人少的话,中小对子也要打得很冲,不要白让对手看牌;如果人多的话,先check一圈,看看风头再说。 在网上的在线德州#9@k室里通常德州#9@k分三大类:

有限下注桌(limit texas),压注限制桌(pot limit),无限下注桌(no-limit)。

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篇三 :sql注入



但如果单引号测试出错,是可以试试and 1=1的,因为一些对SQL注入有一点了解的程序员认为只要把单引号过滤掉就可以了


and 1=1

and 1=2


and 1 is null,and 1 is not null

and 2<=3 (>= ,<= ,is null,is not null,<>等符号都可以用于判断)




显示内容为空,程序加了on error resume next






asp?id=aeo' and '1'='1

asp?id=aeo' and '1'='2

asp?id=1%' and '%'='


1.And user>0

user是SQLServer的一个内置变量,它的值是当前连接的用户名,类型为nvarchar。拿一个 nvarchar的值跟int的数0比较,系统会先试图将nvarchar的值转成int型,当然,转的过程中肯定会出错,SQLServer的出错提示是:将nvarchar值 ”abc” 转换数据类型为 int 的列时发生语法错误,abc正是变量user的值,这样,不废吹灰之力就拿到了数据库的用户名。这样就可以判断是否为SQLServer数据库或Access,前提是IIS错误提示未关闭,并且SQL返回错误提示


Sysobjects是SQL的内置系统表,在WEB下可以正常读取,msysobjects是Access的内置系统表,在WEB下无权读取那么就可以输入and (select count(*) from sysobjects)>0或and (select count(*) from msysobjects)>0这两句随便输入一句即可判断。也可以提交 ;and 1=(SELECT IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin'));--如果显示正常,说明是SA。

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篇四 :SQLserver20xx〔Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SQL Server不存在或访问被拒绝

SQLserver2000〔Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SQL Server不存在或访问被拒绝

分类:Technology2007-04-20 19:076126人阅读评论(1)收藏举报

SQLserver2000,打开服务管理器时出现错误:〔Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SQL Server不存在或访问被拒绝"


[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen(connect()).]SQL Server 不存在或拒绝访问。 现从网上查阅问题解决办法有如下几种:

(A)1:你如果是独立上网的请把21端口打开.局域网把1433端口打开就可以了. 2;关闭防火墙!

(B)把数据库连接的SqlLocalName="(local)" 的(local) 改成 IP试试。可以把(local) 该成127.0.0.1,或者改成外网IP

(C)打开服务,暂停全文检索及sql server服务开启sql server服务再开启全文检索服务

(D)SQL Server 右键属性==>安全选项中的“所有权链接:”“允许跨数据库所有权链接”前面的勾要勾上(此操作需要重起SQL Server)。


2、在dos下写入telnet ip 1433不会报错



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篇五 :SQLserver20xx〔Microsoft][ODBC_SQL_Server_Driver][DBNETLIB]SQL_Server不存在或访问被拒绝[1]

SQLserver2000〔Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][ dbnetlib]SQL Server不存在或访问被拒绝

分类: Technology2007-04-20 19:076126人阅读评论(1)收藏举报

SQLserver2000,打开服务管理器时出现错误:〔Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SQL Server不存在或访问被拒绝"


[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen(connect()).]SQL Server 不存在或拒绝访问。 现从网上查阅问题解决办法有如下几种:

(A)1:你如果是独立上网的请把21端口打开.局域网把1433端口打开就可以了. 2;关闭防火墙!

(B)把数据库连接的 SqlLocalName="(local)" 的(local) 改成 IP试试。可以把(local) 该成127.0.0.1,或者改成外网IP

(C)打开服务,暂停全文检索及sql server服务 开启sql server服务 再开启全文检索服务

(D)SQL Server 右键属性==>安全选项中的“所有权链接:”“允许跨数据库所有权链接”前面的勾要勾上(此操作需要重起SQL Server)。


2、在dos下写入telnet ip 1433不会报错



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篇六 :时事新闻摘抄:Somalia extremists urge attacks on US shopping malls

Somalia extremists urge attacks on US shopping malls


JOHANNESBURG (AP) - A video purported to be by Somalia's al-Qaida-linked rebel group al-Shabab urged Muslims to attack shopping malls in the U.S., Canada, Britain and other Western countries.

U.S. authorities said there was "no credible" evidence suggesting a U.S. mall attack was in the works.

The threat by the al-Qaida affiliate came in the final minutes of a more than hourlong video released Saturday in which the extremists also warned Kenya of more attacks like the September 2013 assault on the Westgate Mall in Nairobi in which 67 people were killed.

The masked narrator concluded by calling on Muslims to attack shopping malls, specifically naming the Mall of America in the Minneapolis suburb of

Bloomington, as well as the West Edmonton Mall in Canada and the Westfield mall in Stratford, England. The authenticity of the video could not be immediately verified by The Associated Press.

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篇七 :Study the following set of pictures carefully and write an essay in no less than 150 words

Study the following set of pictures carefully and write an essay in no less than 150 words.

Your essay must be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

Your essay should cover all the information provided and meet the requirements below:

1. Describe the pictures

2. Deduce the purpose of the artist of the pictures.

3. Suggest counter-measures.


本题的题目是一组图,其中上下两幅图形成了鲜明的对比。考生需要抓住的细节包括年代的差别(分别是19xx年和19xx年,相隔约一个世纪)、渔船数量的差别、海洋中鱼的数量差别。这时只要简单地加以分析就可以发现,画图者的意图是警告人们,如果人类继续无节制地开发自然资源,那么总有一天自然资源将会彻底枯竭,最终威胁到人类自己的生存。考生需要分析画图者的本意,并提出相应的解决措施。 这里需要再次提醒的一点是,在第一段描述图中内容时,要用过去时来说明两个不同年代的情况。

思路拓展: 环境问题是一个涉及内容十分广泛的话题,包括环境污染、沙漠化、森林退化、资源枯竭、全球变暖、生态失衡,同时还与人口增长、经济发展、能源开发等一系列社会问题紧密相连。从根本上来说,这都是由于人类无休止地向地球索取、而没有采取合适的方法来回报地球,造成地球的产能已经无法承受如此巨大的负担。考生在文章中可以提出,要彻底解决环境问题,需要各国政府和全世界每一个人的通力合作,需要唤醒所有人的环境保护意识,用所有可能的措施,包括政治和经济上的合作、全社会的大力倡导、法律的介入等一系列措施来治理这一问题。 范文: The picture unveils a drastic change of ocean ecology during the past century due to the expandingscale of world commercial fishing. There were few fishing ships on the sea in 1900 when an enormous number of fish swam freely; in contrast, in 1995 a large fleet of ships were endeavoring to search for the only fish in the sea.

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篇八 :My SQL installing records数据库实验报告安装mySQL

My SQL installing records

First of all you should go to www.mysql.com to download a installation packet, before download you should ensure you have chosen the right version corresponding to your operating system. By the way mySQL is also available for Linux based operating systems.

While searching for the installation packet I saw a” MySQL cluster” and I searched for the difference between “MySQL cluster” and “MySQL”, and found out that “MySQL cluster” is a comprehensive distributed database system based on the storage engine of NDBcluster. It actually implemented a completely distributed database system without any shared storage device.

So now we proceed to the installation portion, during installation you are asked to select a setup type for mySQL as the figure1.

A description...

The default choice is the developer’s type, in this mode it contains most of the main components of MySQL except some additional things like embedded server and standard suit, while the “full” choice covers that. For the “server only” choice it only installs the MySQL server, this choice is in case of you want to deploy a server, and you don’t want to develop any MySQL applications. Lastly if you choose the “client” type, the MySQL server will not be installed but the developers’ tool do would be installed and you can develop MySQL applications. Now let’s take a glimpse at the detailed components: MySQL Server provides all the main services, MySQL Workbench is a program with graphical user interface that allow you develop for and manage the server, MySQL Visual Studio Plugin is obviously a plugin for Visual Studio, MySQL Connectors connects MySQL with .Net, Java, C/C++ and other languages

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