篇一 :英语作文+祝福语翻译

Is the Spirit of Lei Feng out of Style 雷锋精神是否过时

There are some voices claiming Lei Feng?s spirit has gone out of style in today?s

society. They reason that in commodity economy people should seek more practical things, such as fame, money and the comfortable life. To them nothing is more important than those things, which is often regarded as the views of the present generation.

There are some other voices claiming that the spirit of Lei Feng still has an enormous echo in millions of Chinese people. The great soldier?s story has such a strong influence on people?s ideas, values and ways of life that in every field of society there arise countless “Living Lei Fengs”, who follow the example of Lei Feng and serve the people heart and soul.

In my opinion, the spirit of Lei Feng will never be out of date. Instead, it has been brought forward. Today more and more “Lei Fengs” are coming forth from various circles among whom “Xu Hu” has already set a good example to the whole nation. The spirit of Lei Feng---an unselfish spirit will always encourage us to go forward.

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篇二 :英语作文开头结尾



开头是作文在阅卷老师面前的第一次亮相,它将决定你所写的文章在阅卷老师心中所留下的第一印象。如果第一印象好,就意味着有了良好的开端,也就成功了一半。Good beginning is half done,我们该怎样一提起笔就让自己成功一半呢?

1. “开门见山”式开头


① 对于叙事类的文章,可以在开头把人物、时间、事件和环境交代清楚。如“A Trip to Huangshan(黄山之旅)”的开头可以是:Last month, my family went to Huangshan by train. It took us ten hours to get there. What a long and tiring journey! We were tired but the beautiful excited us.

② 对于论述性的文章,可以在开头处先阐明自己的观点,接着展开进一步的论述。如“The Time and the Money(时间和金钱)” 的开头可以是:Most people say that money is more important than time. But I don't think so. First, when money is used up, you can earn it back, but...

2. 回忆性开头

在描述事件或游记类的文章中,采用回忆性的开头往往更能吸引人的眼球。这种类型的开头中通常含有描述自己心情或情绪的词汇,如never forget (永远无法忘记)、 remember (记得)、unforgettable (难以忘怀的)、 exciting(令人激动的)、surprising(令人惊讶的)、sad (难过的)……如“A Trip to Huangshan(黄山之旅)”的开头还以这样写:I will never forget my first trip to Huangshan. 或It was really an unforgettable experience I had.

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篇三 :20xx中考英语作文(开头,结尾,经典句)




2.结构:中考最流行的结构就是三段式 “观点——要点——总结”让人一目了然。三段式的第一段:简单明了,开门见山,不超过2句话 第二段:可以分析原因。 第三段:经过第二段的论证,可以得出结论。但请注意,不能完全照抄第一段,要有升华。也可以提出希望和建议等。





1. “开门见山”式开头


① 对于叙事类的文章,可以在开头把人物、时间、事件和环境交代清楚。如“A Trip to Huangshan(黄山之旅)”的开头可以是:Last month,my family went to Huangshan by train. It took us ten hours to get there. What a long and tiring journey! We were tired but the beautiful scenery excited us。

② 对于论述性的文章,可以在开头处先阐明自己的观点,接着展开进一步的论述。如“The Time and the Money(时间和金钱)”的开头可以是:Most people say that money is more important than time. But I don't think so. First,when money is used up,you can earn it back,but……

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篇四 :20xx中考英语作文四大经典结尾方式

2015中考英语作文四大经典结尾方式 文章的结尾没有固定的模式,同学们可以根据表达主题的需要灵活创造。一般情况下,记叙文和说明文经常采用自然结尾的方法;但夹叙夹议和发表观点类的文章则往往有结束语,以使文章首尾呼应,结构完整。文章结尾的形式也因文章类别和开头的风格而灵活多变。

1. 自然结尾,点明主题

随着文章的结束,文章自然而然地结尾。如“Helping the Policeman(帮助警察)”的结尾可以是:The two children were praised by the police and they felt happy。再如“The Tortoise and the Hare(龟兔赛跑)” 的结尾可以是:When the hare got to the tree, the tortoise had already been there。

2. 首尾呼应,升华主题

在文章的结尾可以用含义较深的话点明主题,深化主题,起到“画龙点睛”的效果。如“I Love My Hometown(我爱家乡)”的结尾可以是:I love my hometown, and I am proud of it。

3. 反问结尾,引起深思

这种方式的结尾虽然形式是问句,但意义却是肯定的,而且具有一定的强调作用,可引起他人的深思。如 “Learning English can give us a lot of pleasure。 1

(学英语能为我们带来许多乐趣)” 的结尾可以是:If we learn English well, we can... Don't you think learning English is great fun?

4. 表达祝愿,阐述愿望

这种方式的结尾常出现在书信或演讲稿的文体中,表示对他人的祝福或对将来的展望等。如“A Letter to the Farmers(给农民们的一封信)”的结尾可以是:I hope the farmers' life will be better and better。

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篇五 :英语作文写好开头和结尾



开头是作文在阅卷老师面前的第一次亮相,它将决定你所写的文章在阅卷老师心中所留下的第一印象。如果第一印象好,就意味着有了良好的开端,也就成功了一半。Good beginning is half done,我们该怎样一提起笔就让自己成功一半呢?



1. 对于叙事类的文章,可以在开头把人物、时间、事件和环境交代清楚。如“A Trip to Huangshan(黄山之旅)”的开头可以是:Last month, my family went to Huangshan by train. It took us ten hours to get there. What a long and tiring journey! We were tired but the beautiful scenery excited us.

2. 对于论述性的文章,可以在开头处先阐明自己的观点,接着展开进一步的论述。如“The Time and the Money(时间和金钱)” 的开头可以是:Most people say that money is more important than time. But I don’t think so. First, when money is used up, you can earn it back, but……


在描述事件或游记类的文章中,采用回忆性的开头往往更能吸引人的眼球。这种类型的开头中通常含有描述自己心情或情绪的词汇,如never forget (永远无法忘记), remember (记得),unforgettable (难以忘怀的), exciting(令人激动的),surprising(令人惊讶的), sad (难过的)……如“A Trip to Huangshan(黄山之旅)”的开头还以这样写:I will never forget my first trip to Huangshan. 或It was really an unforgettable experience I had.

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篇六 :中考英语高分作文结尾万能句


优尼全能英语,免费体验纯英式课程: /(报名网址)




1. 自然结尾,点明主题

随着文章的结束,文章自然而然地结尾。如“Helping the Policeman(帮助警察)”的结尾可以是:The two children were praised by the police and they felt happy。再如“The Tortoise and the Hare(龟兔赛跑)” 的结尾可以是:When the hare got to the tree, the tortoise had already been there。

2. 首尾呼应,升华主题

在文章的结尾可以用含义较深的话点明主题,深化主题,起到“画龙点睛”的效果。如“I Love My Hometown(我爱家乡)”的结尾可以是:I love my hometown, and I am proud of it。

3. 反问结尾,引起深思

这种方式的结尾虽然形式是问句,但意义却是肯定的,而且具有一定的强调作用,可引起他人的深思。如 “Learning English can give us a lot of pleasure (学英语能为我们带来许多乐趣)” 的结尾可以是:If we learn English well, we can …Don’t you think learning Eng-lish is great fun?

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篇七 :中考英语作文结尾


点击数:7202 次 录入时间:2010/8/3 11:56:00 编辑:lotusdbl [宣传赚点]


1. 自然结尾,点明主题

随着文章的结束,文章自然而然地结尾。如“Helping the Policeman(帮助警察)”的结尾可以是:The two children were praised by the police and they felt happy。再如“The Tortoise and the Hare(龟兔赛跑)” 的结尾可以是:When the hare got to the tree, the tortoise had already been there。

2. 首尾呼应,升华主题

在文章的结尾可以用含义较深的话点明主题,深化主题,起到“画龙点睛”的效果。如“I Love My Hometown(我爱家乡)”的结尾可以是:I love my hometown, and I am proud of it。

3. 反问结尾,引起深思

这种方式的结尾虽然形式是问句,但意义却是肯定的,而且具有一定的强调作用,可引起他人的深思。如 “Learning English can give us a lot of pleasure (学英语能为我们带来许多乐趣)” 的结尾可以是:If we learn English well, we can ?Don’t you think learning Eng-lish is great fun?

4. 表达祝愿,阐述愿望

这种方式的结尾常出现在书信或演讲稿的文体中,表示对他人的祝福或对将来的展望等。如“A Letter to the Farmers(给农民们的一封信)”的结尾可以是:I hope the farm-ers’ life will be better and better。

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篇八 :我的 英语作文 祝贺




Your friend Jack has got his master's degree. Write a letter to show your congratulations. Your letter should be no less than 100 words. You don't need to write the address. Don't sign your own name at the end of the letter, use Wang Li instead.

Dear Jack,

Heartfelt congratulations on your graduation from the Graduate School.

I have good reasons to feel proud of you. I know the degree of master meant many years of assiduous study and hard work. Now you have come through with flying colors and high honors. I have heard of your excellent record in research and extra curricular activities. In this you took the right road to emerge as a fully developed young man to society. I take pride in your achievements and avail myself of this opportunity to extend to you my best wishes for your success and happiness.

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