篇一 :cnn新闻摘录20xx年1月19日

Europe terror threat: Greece aids Belgium with investigation

By , and Tim Lister, CNN

Updated 2336 GMT (0736 HKT) January 18, 2015

Brussels (CNN)First France, now Belgium and possibly Greece. Where next? The recent spate of terror attacks and threats in Europe has many wondering what the next target might be and how the danger can be mitigated.

Here are the latest developments:

Belgium: More suspects arrested

Five Belgian nationals have been charged with participation in a terrorist organization after police raided a suspect terror cell in Verviers, the country's federal prosecutor said. Three are in custody, and two have been released "under strict conditions," Erik Van Der Sypt said.

And two additional suspects are in French custody after they were detained while trying to cross from France into Italy through the Frejus Tunnel, the prosecutor said. The suspected terror cell in Verviers, which included people returning from Syria, planned to target police officers, Van Der Sypt said. Police said they recovered weapons, bomb-making materials and police uniforms.

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篇二 :cnn新闻摘录20xx年1月11日

France unites in grief as more details emerge on days of terror

By Faith Karimi, Ray Sanchez and Radina Gigova, CNN

Updated 0940 GMT (1740 HKT) January 11, 2015

(CNN)A heartbroken France will unite in grief Sunday amid intense security after three days of terror left 17 people dead last week.

The nation was on high alert after security forces fatally shot a man police said killed four hostages at a kosher supermarket in eastern Paris on Friday.

The same day, police killed Said and Cherif Kouachi, the brothers police said raided the Paris offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and left 12 people dead. In addition to the magazine victims and the hostages, a policewoman was killed Thursday in Montrouge south of Paris.

As more details on the days of horror emerged, France remained on high alert. French law enforcement officers have been told to erase their social media presence and carry weapons at all times because terror sleeper cells have been activated in the country, a police source said.

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篇三 :cnn新闻摘录20xx年1月23日

U.S. officials say 6,000 ISIS fighters killed in battles

By Barbara Starr, CNN Pentagon Correspondent

Updated 2241 GMT (0641 HKT) January 22, 2015

Washington (CNN)The coalition fighting ISIS has killed more than 6,000 fighters, including half of the top command of the terror group, U.S. diplomatic officials said Thursday.

The number of fighters killed has not been publicly discussed before but was disclosed by the U.S. ambassador to Iraq Stuart Jones, who told Al Arabiya television earlier in the day that an estimated 6,000 fighters have been killed. Jones said the military effort was having a "devastating" impact on ISIS.

The estimate was calculated by U.S. Central Command and finds ISIS fighters have been killed in Iraq and Syria by coalition airstrikes, according to a U.S. military official. CENTCOM has kept a running estimate of fighters killed, but has not made it public.

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篇四 :时事新闻摘抄:Ash Wednesday 20xx History, Dates, Traditions Of Lent's First Day Of Fasting

Ash Wednesday 2015: History, Dates, Traditions Of


Lent's First Day Of Fasting

Ash Wednesday is observed on February 18, 2015. The Christian holy day marks the beginning of Lent, a 40-day season of fasting that is considered preparation for Holy Week and the celebration of Easter.

Although there is no Biblical reference to Ash Wednesday or Lent, scholars of Christianity date the tradition of a 40-day fasting period back to 325 A.D.

Lent mirrors Jesus’ own 40-day period of fasting, described in the book of Matthew. Observers have ash placed on their foreheads in the shape of the cross as the words from Genesis 3:19 are spoken: “You are dust, and to dust you shall return.”

Fasting requirements for Catholics are outlined by the Code of Canon Law, and include eating no meat on the Fridays during Lent, as well as fasting on Ash

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篇五 :时事新闻摘抄:Oscars 20xx: The full list of Academy Award winners

Oscars 2015: The full list of Academy Award winners


The 87th Annual Academy Awards took place on Sunday at the Dolby Theatre in Los

Angeles and naturally there were tons of big stars and even bigger awards.The jam-packed awards show, which included performances from Lady Gaga and Common, emotional speeches from Eddie Redmayne and Julie Andrews, and a nearly-nude appearance form host Neil Patrick Harris was certainly a night for the books.

Perhaps, the most important part of the evening were the awards, where newbies and veterans picked up Oscar statuettes and were overcome with emotion as they delivered memorable speeches.

See the full list of winners below:

Best Picture

"American Sniper"



"The Grand Budapest Hotel"

"The Imitation Game"

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篇六 :20xx年初安全事故新闻摘录

安全第一 警钟长鸣




20##年1月7日,三点半左右,有市民爆料在香炉礁旧货市场引发火情,消防人员迅速到现场进行扑救。截至八点四十,大火仍未扑灭,记者在现场看到,海防路与东北路已拉起了警戒线。附近麦德龙,山姆超市,奥特莱斯等商铺的员工在楼外徘徊,暂时无法进店 。现场浓烟滚滚,数十辆消防车在现场,警方对围观人群进行疏散。据附近上班的市民讲,三点半听到了火警的声音,当时旧货市场只有些许浓烟,并未看到明火,五点左右,浓烟开始变大。方圆十公里内方可看到浓烟,现场,消防,交警,公安,环境监测局,蓝鲨特警均到场支援。十多辆堆土机正像旧货市场开去。记者在现场多次听到爆炸声,疑有液化气罐在现场。据几位目击者介绍,有可能是电路设备短路引发的火灾,但该说法尚未得到相关部门的证实。







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篇七 :展会新闻稿摘抄

2014中国国际农业机械展览会在郑州国际会展中心隆重举行,该展会一年举办两次,本次展会为我公司第一次参加的农机展会,主要展示产品为农机变速V带、农机联组带和农机轻型V带。 通过此次展会三力士公司向广大经销商和主机客户展示了三力士农机主打产品,同时通过现场交流,收集潜在客户信息,进一步了解了农机市场的最新行情。

陶瓷公司在什么时间参加了更大会展。在此次会展中,陶瓷公司展出了什么什么产品,这些产品有什么不特点。与以往陶瓷公司参加会展不同,这次的会展,陶瓷公司提供了最主要的产品,这个产品是怎样怎么样的,还推出了一系列的优惠措施,这些优惠措施是怎样的。 这次参展获得了巨大的成功,陶瓷公司达成了多少多少的生意,还通过这个平台,展示了我们陶瓷公司的产品,更是为我们陶瓷公司提供了一个平台,宣传了我们陶瓷公司的形象,有助于我们陶瓷公司更长久的发展。






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篇八 :摘抄20xx省市质检优秀作文



上天让每个人都平等的拥有了等价的财富——时间,但是不同的人活出了不同的价值,或是单调重复,或是各有不同,诚如三毛所言,我要在有限的时空里,过无限广大的日子。我们唯有在相同的时空中找准自己的坐标,不断进去,让每天都不同,才能让人生精彩纷呈。 也许有人认为,每天都一样的过并没有错,你看释迦牟尼佛每日在菩提树下坐禅,仍能等到灵光一现的顿悟。柏拉图听信苏格拉底,日日重复回首动作,最终成为一代哲学大师。是的,每日重复的思索,看似单调无聊,实则是对内心敬畏之情的维护,一种信仰的坚持,对于内心追求的不离不弃,不是盲目追寻表面的苟同,而是维护内心最遥远的梦想。

然而纵使每一天的重复会使你熟能生巧,但重复并非不加思考的机械化重复。人们说,超人尼采一生都在思考,难道他会一生只追问一个问题?卖油翁技艺娴熟,难道他每日也仅仅是为了应付工作而敷衍了事?中国美术中早有“无画史纵横习气”一说,纵然顾恺之阎立本技艺再超群,但是一味的描摹场景,只会遮蔽心灵,使得他们在绘画艺术上难以建立直视心灵的美的次序,只是画匠而难成画师,难以突破自我,提升境界。 因而,我们需要在百态人生中寻找突破,让美丽人生充满不尽相同的精彩。爱因斯坦和普朗克作为二十世纪杰出科学大师,却能从繁琐的科学实验中享受音乐魅力,让人生的标签不被科学事业限制。褚时健86岁还在规划人生新鲜事。纵然生活“飘风不终日,骤雨不终朝”老人仍能在对世界的好奇中,体味百态人生。


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