篇一 :英语格言警句



You'll have a dream if you have a nap now, but your dream will never come true unless you study now.


Today I get through with nothing done is just the tomorrow the men who dead yesterday eager for.


The second you think it's so late is the fastest moment.


Never put things you can deal just now to tomorrow.


Time is passing.


The saliva (唾液,口水[s??la?v?])you dribble (滴下或作细流;运球,带球 [?dr?b?l]) today becomes your tears tomorrow.


Study hard as a dog and you'll be the next lucky dog.


You must run fast if you even don't take a pace(走,步行).


Invest for future and be loyal to reality.


Academic certificate is dollar.

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篇二 :英语励志格言



What pains us trains us.


There is no elevator to success—only stairs.


The secret of success is constancy to purpose.


Success grows out of struggles to overcome difficulties.


The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work.


I have no secret of success but hard work.


People often ask me if I know the secret of success,and if I could tell others how to make their dreams come true.My answer is,you do it by working.


Hope for the best,but prepare for the worst.


There is only one success—to be able to spend your life in your own way.

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篇三 :英语格言大全


来源: _????_的日志

[英文]:Life is real, life is earnest.


[出处]:H.W.Longfellow 朗费罗(美国诗人)[英文]:Life is compared to a voyage.


[英文]:Life would be too smooth if it had no rubs in it.


[英文]:Life means struggle.


[英文]:Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions form insufficient premises.


[出处]:S.Butler 勃特勒

[英文]:Life is sweet.


[英文]:Life is fine and enjoyable, yet you must learn to enjoy your fine life.


[英文]:Life is but a hard and tortuous journey.

[中文]: 人生即是一段艰难曲折的旅程. 人生无坦途.

[英文]:Life is a horse, and either you ride it or it rides you.

[中文]:人生像一匹马,你不驾驭它,它便驾驭你.[英文]:Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can.

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篇四 :英语格言警句大全



A bad workman always blames his tools.拙匠总怪工具差。

A brave man may fall, but he cannot yield. 勇者可能跌倒,但不会屈服。

A burnt child dreads the fire. 烧伤过的孩子怕见火。(意同:一朝被蛇咬,三年怕草绳)

A constant guest is never welcome. 常客招人嫌。

A contented mind is a perpetual feast. 知足长乐。

A cracked bell can never sound well. 破钟敲不响。

A drowning man will catch at a straw.人快淹死时稻草也要抓

A fair death honors the whole life. 死得其所,流芳百世。

A fox may grow grey, but never good. 江山易改,本性难移。

A friend in need is a friend in indeed. 患难识知已

A friend is easier lost than found. 失友容易,交友难。

A good beginning is half the battle.良好的开端是成功一半

A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever. 好书如挚友,情谊永不渝

A good husband makes a good wife. 夫善则妻贤

A good name is sooner lost than won. 美名易失,不易得

A good wife is a good prize.贤妻赛宝石

A good winter brings a good summer. 好冬必有好夏

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篇五 :英语格言警句大全


A bad workman always blames his tools.拙匠总怪工具差。

A brave man may fall, but he cannot yield. 勇者可能跌倒,但不会屈服。

A burnt child dreads the fire. 烧伤过的孩子怕见火。(意同:一朝被蛇咬,三年怕草绳)

A constant guest is never welcome. 常客招人嫌。

A contented mind is a perpetual feast. 知足长乐。

A cracked bell can never sound well. 破钟敲不响。

A drowning man will catch at a straw.人快淹死时稻草也要抓

A fair death honors the whole life. 死得其所,流芳百世。

A fox may grow grey, but never good. 江山易改,本性难移。

A friend in need is a friend in indeed. 患难识知已

A friend is easier lost than found. 失友容易,交友难。

A good beginning is half the battle.良好的开端是成功一半

A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever. 好书如挚友,情谊永不渝

A good husband makes a good wife. 夫善则妻贤

A good name is sooner lost than won. 美名易失,不易得

A good wife is a good prize.贤妻赛宝石

A good winter brings a good summer. 好冬必有好夏

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篇六 :英语励志名言警句、格言


Behind every successful man there's a lot u unsuccessful years. - Bob Brown 每个成功者

的后面都有很多不成功的岁月. 鲍博.布朗

I think success has no rules, but you can learn a lot from failure. - Jean Kerr


There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. - Colin L. Powell


Few things are impossible in themselves; and it is often for want of will, rather than of means, that man fails to succeed. La Rocheforcauld, French writer

事情很少有根本做不成的;其所以做不成,与其说是条件不够,不如说是由于决心不够。 法国作家 罗切福考尔德,L.

Genius only means hard-working all one's life. Mendeleyev, Russian chemist

天才只意味着终身不懈地努力。 俄国化学家 门捷列耶夫

Great works are performed not by strengh, but by perseverance.-Samuel Johnson, British writer and critic

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篇七 :英语格言警句


1.A bad conscience is a snake in one's heart.


2.A bad workman quarrels with his tools.


3.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.


4.A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk.


5.A blind man who leans against a wall imagines that it's the boundary of the world. 坐井观天。

6.Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it.


7.A burnt child dreads the fire.


8.Accidents will happen.


9.A clean hand wants no washing.


10.A clear conscience is a soft pillow.


11.A clear conscience is a sure card.


12.A clear conscience laughs at false accusations.


13.A clear fast is better than a dirty breakfast.


14.A close mouth catches no flies.

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篇八 :每日一句英语格言


Nobody is bored when he is trying to make something that is beautiful or to discover something that is true.


Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man and writing an exact man.


Where there is no struggle, there is no strength. -- Oprah Winfrey


No matter how far you may fly, never forget where you come from.


Growing in wisdom can be measured by the decrease in bitterness.


Don't tell lies because those who believe your lies are the ones who believe in you. 不要去骗人,因为你能骗到的,都是相信你的人。

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. --Napoleon Bonaparte


Don't set your goals according to what are deemed important by others. Only you know what is best for yourself.

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