篇一 :英语开场白

Welome to all of you! As well as the judges, a big welcome to the audience, wish you have a good time and enjoy yourselves.First of all,I would like to express my deep appreciation to the organizing committee giving this opportunity for me here possible,then I am also greatly honor to introduce my tutor,Professor DingFang. Professor Ding comes from the Education Department of Soochow university.Her main research interests are in children’s cognitive and social development. The level of children's cognitive development is the basis of their social development. In contrast,children's social development contributes to their cognitive development. In a word,both between is complementary relationship. So let's welcome professor Ding to give our detailed introduction about main contents in this field and her main research achievements. thank you very much.Hope the meeting goes well.

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篇二 :英语课开场白及课件

Good morning boys and girls,I’m glad to see you,ok I’m Cherry .What’s your name ?How are you,…Nice to meet you.I think you are a nice girl, do you think so?ok are you happy today,(如果他回答不开心,你就接着说I believe after the class, you will be happy,)

Ok, now let’s begin our class,

This class,Cherry invite you to her house,ok this is my house, welcome to my house,everybody please look at here,my house’s name is COLOURFUL ,so can you guess,who are my family mumbers.Wow,they are red ,green,yellow, blue , and so on.

Let’s recgnize them.(开始学单词)please look at the first , RED RED RED red is stop红灯停.ok the second GREEN ,GREEN GREEN green is go绿灯行。Ok who can tell me which one is the next,yes yellow,YELLOW YELLOW YELLOW,yellow is wait 黄灯等一等。Ok go on,BLUE BLUE BLUE,blue is sea.

Ok this is my colourful,and red green yellow blue are my family mumbers.now let’s read it once again.

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篇三 :小学英语课堂开场白的设计与实施



【摘 要】 本文提出有效的课堂开场白是提升课堂效率的策略之一。开场白是为主体课堂教学服务的,目的在于激趣、启智和知识迁移。精心设计的教学开场白,能以其新颖、趣味、敏捷的特质,让课前有“趣”,从而激活整节课堂。本文探讨了开场白的功能、设计原则,并且利用有效开场白的实例来阐明自己的观点。

【关键词】 小学英语;开场白;功能;设计原则;实践示例

就像难写的文章开头一样,课堂的开场白最不易把握。小学英语课堂,兴趣是教学的主线。课堂的初始让孩子有了兴趣,让他们对学习充满激情,课堂就成功了一半;由于课堂外孩子们语言接触和输入都不够,在课堂内,学习的导入更是需要老师的引导和提醒;对于外语教学流程来说,承上启下,自然过渡是关键。具体到课的开场白,就更是对接下来的主体教学内容的引领,对现有语言知识和技能的激荡。所以,一个经过巧妙设计的和精心组织的课堂开场白(WARM UP)能为接下来的教学内容顺利地搭梯架桥,形成良好的教学氛围,提高学生的参与率,使整堂课顺利而有趣地展开,高效地完成针对性的课堂预设,增强整节课的教学效果。





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篇四 :新英语教师第一堂课开场白

Good morning, everyone. How are you? Nice to meet you. From now on, I am your new English teacher. My name is … You can call me Miss Li.

各位同学,大家好。以后,我就是你们班的英语老师。我叫。。。,你们可以叫我Miss li。。。老师。你们知道吗,当我刚走进这个教室,看到一张张可爱的脸,我心里特别高兴。因为我将带领、陪伴你们一起走过初中剩下的两年半。



为什么喜欢呢?这位同学,可不可以说一下你的理由呢?这位同学可不可以先介绍一下自己吗?哦XXX 老师记住了。








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篇五 :英语演讲开场白之话题集锦



Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests:

Good morning/afternoon/evening.

1. Let me start by thanking...

2. I’m very pleased to be here.

3. I’m very happy to have this opportunity to...

4. I feel great honored to be here.

5. It’s a pleasure for me to share my experience with you all.

6. We have the great pleasure to have Mr.President with us.

7. We are honored today to be joined by our distinguished guest,...

8. Today I’d like to say something about...

9. Well, the topic I’m going to deal with is...

10. I’m sure everybody is interested in... so I will share with you some...


Thank you very much.

That is all. Thank you/Thanks for your attention.

Thank you.


- the subject of my presentation is...

- I shall be speaking today about...

- My presentation concerns...

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篇六 :英语口语核心句型:开场白


1.May I come in?


2.Excuse me, may I see Mr. Green?


3.I'm sorry I kept you waiting so long.


4.Sorry for interrupting.


5.Thank you for coming.


6.Please take a seat.


7.Did you have any difficulty finding our company?


(也可以这样说:Did you have any trouble finding our company? Is it convenient for you to find our company?

Is it easy for you to find our company? )

8.It's my great honor to have this chance to be here.


9.Mr. Green, how do you do?


(也可以这样说:How are you doing,Mr. Green?)

10.I hope I didn't rush you.


11.I’ve looked over your resume and wanted to ask you some questions face to face. 你的简历我已经看过了,想当面问你几个问题。

12.The director of the personnel department will interview you today.

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篇七 :英语开场白



-I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the presentation. -Please can you save your questions till the end.

-If you have any questions, I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the presentation.

-there will be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questions-so please feel free to ask me anything then.

-Don't hesitate to interrupt if you have a question.

-Please feel free to interrupt me at any time.

-Please stop me if you have any questions.

-If you need clarification on any point, you're welcome to ask questions at any time. -Can I come back to that point later?

-I will be coming to that point in a minute.

-That's a tricky question.

-We will go into details later. But just to give you an idea of...

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篇八 :英语演讲开场白之话题集锦



Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests:

Good morning/afternoon/evening.

1. Let me start by thanking...

2. I’m very pleased to be here.

3. I’m very happy to have this opportunity to...

4. I feel great honored to be here.

5. It’s a pleasure for me to share my experience with you all.

6. We have the great pleasure to have Mr.President with us.

7. We are honored today to be joined by our distinguished guest,...

8. Today I’d like to say something about...

9. Well, the topic I’m going to deal with is...

10. I’m sure everybody is interested in... so I will share with you some...


Thank you very much.

That is all. Thank you/Thanks for your attention.

Thank you.


- the subject of my presentation is...

- I shall be speaking today about...

- My presentation concerns...

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