篇一 :英语开场白

Welome to all of you! As well as the judges, a big welcome to the audience, wish you have a good time and enjoy yourselves.First of all,I would like to express my deep appreciation to the organizing committee giving this opportunity for me here possible,then I am also greatly honor to introduce my tutor,Professor DingFang. Professor Ding comes from the Education Department of Soochow university.Her main research interests are in children’s cognitive and social development. The level of children's cognitive development is the basis of their social development. In contrast,children's social development contributes to their cognitive development. In a word,both between is complementary relationship. So let's welcome professor Ding to give our detailed introduction about main contents in this field and her main research achievements. thank you very much.Hope the meeting goes well.

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篇二 :第一节英语课开场白5篇




我以前都是介绍自己,学英语的必要性,重要性,最后谈谈学自己这门学科的要求。我总觉得这样对于一个年龄不大的孩子而言太生硬了,你们有更好的方法吗 ?可以拿出来分享吗 ?


Hello,everyone!I'm very happy to see you here.What about you?........

Do you know who I am?If you want to know more about me ,I think you must learn English well and speak English well. Now I think we must decide who will introduce himself to others first,you or me?let's play a game, and decide whose turn will be the first one.

(Then play a game and introduce oneself to each other.)


good morning everyone, how r u? May I introduce myself first, my name is xx(写黑板),and you can just simply call me xx,I am very glad to be you xx teacher in the next few months time, and I really hope I could be your friend as well but not only your teacher. Well, this is my first lesson in my life(maybe not), so if there is any inconvenience between us, please do tell me, than I could make a little notice on that next time. And if you have any questions wanna ask, please don't be shy. Ok, just before I start this lesson, if you do have any questions about me right now, I am listening.(please do so/please ask) ....

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篇三 :精彩英语演讲开场白示例




Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman, Thank you for being on time/making the effort to come today. Let me introduce myself first. My name is...




I'd like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to...

I am grateful for the opportunity to present...



Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about...

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篇四 :英语课开场白及课件

Good morning boys and girls,I’m glad to see you,ok I’m Cherry .What’s your name ?How are you,…Nice to meet you.I think you are a nice girl, do you think so?ok are you happy today,(如果他回答不开心,你就接着说I believe after the class, you will be happy,)

Ok, now let’s begin our class,

This class,Cherry invite you to her house,ok this is my house, welcome to my house,everybody please look at here,my house’s name is COLOURFUL ,so can you guess,who are my family mumbers.Wow,they are red ,green,yellow, blue , and so on.

Let’s recgnize them.(开始学单词)please look at the first , RED RED RED red is stop红灯停.ok the second GREEN ,GREEN GREEN green is go绿灯行。Ok who can tell me which one is the next,yes yellow,YELLOW YELLOW YELLOW,yellow is wait 黄灯等一等。Ok go on,BLUE BLUE BLUE,blue is sea.

Ok this is my colourful,and red green yellow blue are my family mumbers.now let’s read it once again.

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篇五 :英语课开场白和结束语的设计




关键词:英语课堂 开场白 导语 设计

授课伊始, 教师的开场白(导语)必不可少,恰当的课堂导语不仅对授课的内容起到承上启下的作用,还能激扬情趣,活跃课堂气氛。由于它并不是授课的内容,常被忽略。如果在备课时没有设计开场白,而是到了课堂上随便拉扯几句,或套用千篇一律的所谓导语,就很难做到平稳过度,也不能抓住学生的注意力。下面的内容无论多么精彩,已属“亡羊补牢”矣!


英语课堂上我们惯用的开场白是:“Let’s begin our class.”或者是:“Last time we learned?. Today we are going to take up?.”一般来说,这样的开场白并无差错,但显得陈旧、俗套,很难引起学生的注意和兴趣。而好的导语要使学生在短短的几分钟内就能进入角色,课堂气氛活跃热烈。这样的导语对提高学生听力、加强课堂教学效果起着不可估量的作用。

那么怎样设计好英语课堂导语呢? 不妨从以下几方面着手。

(一) 语言应简洁易懂。英语导语的设计应尽量使用学生学过的单词或短语。句的长短,内容的深浅要根据学生的水平而定。学生听懂了,才有兴趣听下去;反之,如果用词生僻,句子复杂难懂,则适得其反。

在讲Robinson Crusoe时,我是这样设计导语的:Do you know the story “Robinson Crusoe”? The author of it is Daniel Defoe.He is one of the most

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篇六 :英语演讲开场白之话题集锦



Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests:

Good morning/afternoon/evening.

1. Let me start by thanking...

2. I’m very pleased to be here.

3. I’m very happy to have this opportunity to...

4. I feel great honored to be here.

5. It’s a pleasure for me to share my experience with you all.

6. We have the great pleasure to have Mr.President with us.

7. We are honored today to be joined by our distinguished guest,...

8. Today I’d like to say something about...

9. Well, the topic I’m going to deal with is...

10. I’m sure everybody is interested in... so I will share with you some...


Thank you very much.

That is all. Thank you/Thanks for your attention.

Thank you.


- the subject of my presentation is...

- I shall be speaking today about...

- My presentation concerns...

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篇七 :一节英语课开场白5篇




我以前都是介绍自己,学英语的必要性,重要性,最后谈谈学自己这门学科的要求。我总觉得这样对于一个年龄不大的孩子而言太生硬了,你们有更好的方法吗 ?可以拿出来分享吗 ?


Hello,everyone!I'm very happy to see you here.What about you?........

Do you know who I am?If you want to know more about me ,I think you must learn English well and speak English well. Now I think we must decide who will introduce himself to others first,you or me?let's play a game, and decide whose turn will be the first one.

(Then play a game and introduce oneself to each other.)


good morning everyone, how r u? May I introduce myself first, my name is xx(写黑板),and you can just simply call me xx,I am very glad to be you xx teacher in the next few months time, and I really hope I could be your friend as well but not only your teacher. Well, this is my first lesson in my life(maybe not), so if there is any inconvenience between us, please do tell me, than I could make a little notice on that next time. And if you have any questions wanna ask, please don't be shy. Ok, just before I start this lesson, if you do have any questions about me right now, I am listening.(please do so/please ask) ....

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篇八 :英文学术报告开场白、结束语


開場白很重要,最常用的問候是“Ladies and gentlemen”,但要視場合而定。例如在會議討論會場合時,經由主席介紹上台時可先說Mr.Chairman,Honorable guest,Ladies and gentlemen,good morning ,It's very great pleasure indeed for me to be able to attend this meeting


非常榮幸能參加這次的會議。或者你也可以說I'm hornored and proud to have the opportunity to speak at this meeting .


開始簡報(opening a presentation)—提出簡報摘要


例1.Today I would like to present my paper“The challenges of pharmacy practice in Taiwan”,In the first part of the report ,I'm going to begin with a few general comments concerning the Taiwan Medical care enviroment recently, and then discuss in more detail specific issue which concerned community pharmacy, and how the National Health cave Insurance influence the future of pharmacist career?

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