篇一 :机场接人英文对话

Student: Hello, This is Wang** who comes from Institute of Chemical Industry of Forest Products, are you Professor Brown?

Professor: Hello, I’m Professor Brown.

Student: Excuse me, professor. I call you to confirm your flight information.

Professor: Oh, my flight number is CA5052; the flight will take off from Japan in tomorrow and arrived in Nanjing Lukou Airport at 3:00 p.m.

Student: Oh, I see, tomorrow I will go to the airport with the driver to pick you up, and I will also wait you at the arrival gate.

Professor: Thank you, Ms. Wang, so see you tomorrow.

Student: OK, see you at the airport, Professor Brown. Wish you a nice trip!

Professor: Thank you.

Student: Hello, you must be Professor Brown? I’m Wang **, a postgraduate of Institute of Chemical Industry of Forest Products. Welcome to Nanjing and very nice to meet you. You can call me Mary.

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篇二 :英语标语大全中英对照:Airport 飞机场

英语标语大全中英对照:Airport 飞机场 Airport lounges 机场休息室

Airports shuttle 机场班车

Arrivals 进港

Assistance 问讯处

Check in area (zone) 办理登机区

Customers lounges 旅客休息室

Departure airport 离港时间

Departure times on reverse 返航时间 Departures 出港

Destination airport 到达机场

Domestic flights. 国内航班

Emergency exit 安全出口

Exit to all routes 各通道出口

Flight connections 转机处

Help point (desk) 问讯处

Inquiries 问讯处

Left baggage 行李寄存

Lost property 失物招领

Luggage from flights 到港行李

Luggage pick up 取行李

Luggage reclaim 取行李

Missing people help line 走失求救热线

Missing, police appeal for assistance 警察提供走失帮助。

No smoking except in designated area 除指定区域外,禁止吸烟。 Nothing (something) to declare 无(有)报关

Passport control 入境检验

Please leave your luggage with you at all times 请随身携带你的行李。 Queue here 在此排队

Reclaim belt 取行李传送带

Reserved seating 预定的座位

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篇三 :机场接人英文对话

林化所 郑建强 英语综合(3)

The cultural invasion of the American film

According to a recent survey, the movies which are introduced from Hollywood account for forty percent of total box office earnings. In this case, some domestic scholars express concern that it is a form of cultural invasion, while other people think the view is exaggerated. For my part, it is necessary to pay attention to this problem and spare no effort to solve it. The Hollywood movies which include political ideas, personal heroism, violence and extreme socialist thought have a detrimental impact on our culture and ourselves.

Firstly, one detriment of Hollywood movies reflect in political ideas involving in the movies. American movies wantonly distort and smear the image of a nation which is considered as eyesore for America. For example, Hollywood sometimes hire Chinese-American to play the role which smears our nation. In addition the United States army in the war movies frequently appears as interpol to maintain the international order.

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篇四 :机场接人


1. I want a package deal including airfare and hotel. 我需要一个成套服务,包括机票和住宿。

2. I'd like to change this ticket to the first class. 我想把这张票换成头等车。

3. I'd like to reserve a sleeper to Chicago. 我要预订去芝加哥的卧铺。

4. I won't check this baggage 这件行李我不托运。

5. I'd like to sit in the front of the plane. 我想坐在飞机前排。

6. I missed my train. 我没赶上车。

7. I haven't nothing to declare. 我没申报的东西。

8. It's all personal effects. 这些东西都是私人用品。

9. I'll pick up ticket at the airport counter. 我会在机场柜台拿机票。

10. I'd like two seats on today's northwest flight 7 to Detroit, please.


11. We waited for john in the lobby of the airport. 我们在机场的大厅里等约翰。

12. I'd like to buy an excursion pass instead. 我要买一张优待票代替。

13. I'd like a refund on this ticket. 我要退这张票。

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篇五 :机场接人日语对话





王:はい、そうです。木下さんですね。 ----听写(1)---- どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 (两人交换名片。)


木下:こちらこそ、よろしくお願いします。わざわざお出迎え、ありがとうございます。 木下:哪里哪里,请多关照。谢谢你特意前来迎接。



木下:いいえ。大阪から上海まではとても近いですから、楽ですよ。1時間半ぐらいです。 木下:不累。大阪到上海很近,所以很轻松。一个半小时左右就到了。

王:そうですか。北京より近いですね。それでは、 ----听写(2)----




















木下:はい、そうです。大阪生まれの大阪育ちです。王さんはどちらですか。 木下:是,我是土生土长的大阪人。王先生是哪里人?

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篇六 :口译练习-机场接人

王丽:请问, 您是ABC公司的史密斯先生吗?

Excuse me, are you Mr. Smith from the ABC company?

Mr Smith: Yes, I am John Smith, senior manager of ABC. Are you from Oriental Company?

是,我是约翰史密斯,ABC公司的高级经理。你是东方公司的吗? 王丽:是的,我是东方公司总经理王丽,这是我的名片。董事长派我来接您。见到您很高兴。

Yes, I am Wang Li, general manager of Oriental Company. This is my business card. The chairman of the board sent me to pick you up. Nice to meet you.

Mr. Smith: Thank you so much. Nice to meet you, too!



Did you have a nice trip?

Mr. Smith: Yes, it was a pleasant trip. The weather here is nice. 是的,旅途很愉快。这儿的天气很好。

王丽:按照您在邮件里的要求,我们给您安排在海边的酒店下榻。 According to the request in your email, we arranged accommodation for you at the hotel by the sea.

Mr. Smith: Excellent! Thank you for your kind arrangement. 太好了,谢谢你们周道的安排


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篇七 :外贸人员如何在机场接待国外客户






其次,如果你是第一次见这个客户,那么你一定要准备接人板板上面一定要写明公司的名字,然后是客户的名称,在乘客出口处,一定要大大方方的举起来,有些人会觉得不好意思,其实没有什么必要的,对于一个跑来外地谈生意的人,没有什么比他一下飞机就有人立刻把他接走来的更加的开心。因为如果他下了飞机,还要找来找去都找不到你,这个时候他一定会很担心,特别是那些第一次来中国,而且英文水平也不是很高的那些客户,这一点更加重要。 第三,接到客户,简单的认识之后,要搞清楚下面几个问题:

1. 咨询一下客户是否要办中国的手机卡。

2. 客户是否要简单的吃点东西(飞机上虽然有餐饮供应,但是有些客户是不喜欢那些食物的)

3. 客户是要直接回工厂还是先去酒店(这个很重要,因为你第一时间要搞清楚客户是个怎样的人,是工作狂,还是普通的商人,还是比较喜欢异域风情的人士,这个对于你接下来的谈话非常有效)



1. 做足一切准备


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篇八 :机场接机实用英语

1. I need to pick up somebody at the airport. (我要去机场接人)

2. Excuse me, Miss, will Flight No 33666 arrive on time?(小姐,请问xx号航班会准时到吗?) 3. It has been delayed. (飞机晚点了) 4. It arrived on time. (飞机正点到达) 5. It has been cancelled. (航班被取消了)

6. Where is the luggage Pick-up?(行李提取处在哪?) 7. Where is the Taxi Stand?(在哪叫出租车?)

8. I will hold up a sign and wait for you at the Arrival Gate No. . . . (我会举个牌子在入口. . 号大门处等你.

9. I will be waiting in the parking lot. As soon as you claim your luggage, please call my cell phone right away. 我会在停车场等你. 你一提好行李,马上打我手机.

10. My car is black with lisence plate No. . . . 我的车是黑色,车牌号是. . .

11. How was your flight? 问候人家坐飞机的旅程舒服不. 这句最关键, 毕竟刚下飞机肯定有点感受. 12. Did you enjoy your trip? 你有享受这次旅游吗? 13. Was the food to your taste? 吃的东西合胃口?

14. Please let me know if there's anything you need! 如果有什么需要, 请告诉我

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