篇一 :英语笔译实习总结(英文)1000多字


On 23, December, 20xx, there are about 200 people started the internship.

On that day, at 9:00 we had a intership mobilization meeting on the building No

6.our purpose is to go to Changsha attractions to practice our English translation

ability. Our tasks are,1 Translation training for text of Newspapers.2, translation

training for attractions of Changsha.3, attractions translation criticism and

appreciation. Etc.

Thanks to our school giving this opportunity to us, before we go, we have a full

expectation to this practice.before we started to train it, the teacher gave us the first

lesson about the taboo matters and skills to written translation, this is the beginning of practice. We got much enlightenment.

We have many tasks to do.When we see a English annotation place, we need use

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篇二 :翻译实习总结

将近一个月的暑期翻译实习课程即将结束。在这次翻译实习中,指导老师黄老师为我们布置了5篇精心挑选的 具有代表性的翻译资料。翻译资料内容丰富,涉及经济、高科技、实事新闻以及西藏文化保护等方面。



这次翻译实习除了使我增强了信心以外,更重要的是让我发现了很多翻译的缺点和不足。首先是炼词方面,用词不够准确、恰当。我记得翻译资料中有一个句子关于英国外交部的“travel advice”。单词


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篇三 :英语笔译实习报告


外国语学院 20xx级 英语笔译
















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篇四 :笔译实习总结


Summary of Translation Practice

The three-week practice of translation skills finally comes to a halt. Undoubtedly, I learnt lots of knowledge during the course of practice. Thanks to the practice of C-E&E-C Translation, I got more translation skills and theories and grew to like it, even though it was time-consuming and intelligence-consuming . Although I encountered some barriers and felt depressed at first, I persisted to the last minute. After finishing a pile of materials, I really had a sense of achievement, since I had never translated so many articles.

The practice started on 30th October lasting for three weeks. It was divided into three stages, which meant that we had different tasks each week. At first, we were assigned to translate the Chinese introduction of “The Hong Kong Story”. Honestly speaking, after reading the original article, I was confused and depressed, because the material was demanding and unfamiliar to me. Thanks to a variety of translation assistant software, I figured out general frame of the version. Nevertheless, I still met some difficulties that were beyond my imagination, such as professional terms and complex sentences. Lastly, we had a panel discussion to find the most accurate expression. Through the first task, I contemplated that translation was a demanding job which required vast accumulation of English vocabulary and idiomatic English expressions, instead of translating word by word.

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篇五 :英语笔译技能实习总结


Well,the practice of translation skill finally come to an end,which is last for 3 weeks,and I with no doubt learned so much knowledge in English-Chinese translation during the course of the practice.I will surely apply such knowledge into practice,as the saying goes:when you have learned something, you should learn how to use it.The process experienced unforgettable,which I think will lay a solid foundation in my way of translation,will kept in my mind vividly and everlastingly.

It can not deny that,despite the time went quickly, I was teemed with the knowledge of the difference between English and Chinese, of the method in how to translate English into Chinese and vice versa,of what type of quality a translator should possess.Before the very beginning of the practice, I asked myself what is translation?After the ending, I have found the answer:Translation can be roughly defined as a reproduction or recreation in one language of what is written or said in another language.Being a very complicated human activity,its whole picture is never easy to describe when translating,linguistic views,cultural views,literal views,semantic views,functional views and communicative views should be carefully considered.The primary information I acquired from the practice,more exactly from the lecture given by Mr.Zhang,attracted me mostly,was the difference between the English and Chinese.English and Chinese belong to two different language families:English,the Indo-European family and Chinese, the Sino-Tibetan family.The two languages also have different cultural backgrounds:Western and Chinese.Some characterics of English:(1) a synthetic-analytic language;(2) hypotaxis:the sentence structure is featured by rigid subject-verb concord with subordination;(3) flexibility of function;(4) openness of vocabulary;(5) the development of new varieties of intonation;(6) many highly specialized terms pass swiftly into general use;(7) frequent use of multi-functional small words;(8) preponderance of nouns over verbs;(9) abstract method of diction;(10)sentence structure:SVO prevails;(11) brevity and simplicity:economical of words,abbreviations,acronyms,etc..Some characterics of Chinese:(1) a typical analytical language;(2) supple in sentence structure,free from the

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篇六 :笔译 实习报告


20  20  学年第学期)


    业:           ______________

    号:              ___________

    名:                  _______

实习地点:                 ________

实习时间:  _______________________




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篇七 :笔译模拟实习课心得





TRADOS是一种计算机辅助翻译软件,它也称为翻译记忆(TM:Translation Memory)软件。简言之,就是将译员做过的工作,用TRADOS提供的工具存储起来,放到两个主要的数据库(记忆库)中,一个是句料库,另一个是术语库。在进行翻译工作的时候,只要是句料库和术语库中有的,TRADOS就会提醒我们。完全相同的句子,在TRADOS中称为100%完全匹配,自动插入译文,不再要我们译第二次。类似的句子,它用一种称为模糊匹配的方法,给出参考译文,让我们去选择、修改。对数字、缩写、日期、时间和度量单位等等,它能够自动替换,比如已有的句料库中有20xx年x月x日,到译文中出现日期(May 3,20xx)时就会自动替换为20xx年x月x日。



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篇八 :翻译实习总结



我对文化板块的英国王室传统婚礼的兴趣最浓。英国王室婚礼礼仪介绍是以英国威廉王子大婚为背景。为了在理解的基础上顺利地翻译原文,我查阅了威廉大婚流程介绍、英国王室历史人物、人物王室封号等,理性了查尔斯王储、戴安娜王妃、卡米拉、威廉王子、哈里王子等人物关系,了解了威斯敏斯特教堂丰厚的历史文化沉淀。威廉王子婚礼安排无处不表达着对母亲戴安娜王妃深切的思念。在兴趣之余,我学习了查尔斯〃斯宾塞在葬礼上对姐姐戴安娜王妃的致辞A Tribute to Diana,感受到戴安娜王妃个人无限魅力与高尚品质。同时,我掌握了单身派对、伴娘、伴郎、狗仔队等实用词汇。


评级与公司贷款成本之间的关系。另一方面,我也获得一个启示 在遇到困惑的地方要查阅资料,不能想当然地翻译。例如,文中出现一次“principle”时,我起初将它翻译为最常见的“原则”意思,可待整个段落译完,发现不合句意。借助字典才知道其为“本金”意思。类似情况还有“Standard and Poor’s and Moody’s Investors Service ” 应译为 “标准普尔及穆迪信用评级机构”,而不是简单地将“poor ”、 “ moody”形容词的词义译出。再者,关于日本核电站的翻译,因为原文为一则新闻报道,译文的玉雅应力求简洁,这让我了解到不同体裁的文体风格也应有所变化,而自己在译文简洁与内容的完整性方面有时做不到协调统一。最后一篇是中央人民政府关于西藏文化保护与发展政策,内容易懂,但在翻译过程中明显感到中英句法差异,即英语语句句型多变,结构复杂,多用复句,而汉语多为小句。同时,还学到了各种关于法律规章的表达法,如关于什么的暂行条例,应用到“interim provisions on something”.

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