篇一 :世界杯32强口号澳大利亚很有趣


The votes have been counted and the winners declared! The winning slogans will be placed on the respective teams' buses at the 2014 FIFA World Cup! Let's read all the winning entries.


Algeria 阿尔及利亚

Desert warriors in Brazil 沙漠勇士在巴西

Argentina 阿根廷

Not just a team, we are a country 我们不只是一支球队,我们代表一个国家

Australia 澳大利亚

Socceroos: hopping our way into history! 袋鼠国的球员们:让我们跳入史册!

Belgium 比利时

Expect the impossible! 期待非凡!

Bosnia and Herzegovina 波黑

Dragons in heart, dragons on the field! 龙在心中,龙在场上! Brazil 巴西

Brace yourselves! The 6th is coming! 准备好!第六个奖杯来啦! Cameroon 喀麦隆

A lion remains a lion 雄狮仍是雄狮

Chile 智利

Chi Chi Chi!, Le Le Le! Go Chile 智!智!智!利!利!利!智利加油! Colombia 哥伦比亚

Here travels a nation, not just a team! 这次来的是一个国家,不止是一支球队!

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篇二 :世界杯32强口号


2014-05-15 17:56:47 来源:沪江英语 编辑:huangqiaoxiao 点击:5038次

The votes have been counted and the winners declared! The winning slogans will be placed on the respective teams' buses at the 2014 FIFA World Cup! Let's read all the winning entries.


Algeria 阿尔及利亚

Desert warriors in Brazil 沙漠勇士在巴西

Argentina 阿根廷

Not just a team, we are a country 我们不只是一支球队,我们代表一个国家

Australia 澳大利亚

Socceroos: hopping our way into history! 袋鼠国的球员们:让我们跳入史册!

Belgium 比利时

Expect the impossible! 期待非凡!

Bosnia and Herzegovina 波黑

Dragons in heart, dragons on the field! 龙在心中,龙在场上!

Brazil 巴西

Brace yourselves! The 6th is coming! 准备好!第六个奖杯来啦!

Cameroon 喀麦隆

A lion remains a lion 雄狮仍是雄狮

Chile 智利

Chi Chi Chi!, Le Le Le! Go Chile 智!智!智!利!利!利!智利加油!

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篇三 :世界杯32强口号巴西最霸气意大利很浪漫


The votes have been counted and the winners declared! The winning slogans will be placed on the respective teams' buses at the 2014 FIFA World Cup! Let's read all the winning entries. 经过球迷们的踊跃创作和投票,评选出来的球队标语已经出炉了!入选的标语将出现在20xx年世界杯参赛球队乘坐的大巴车身上。让我们一起来看看这些入选的标语吧! Algeria 阿尔及利亚

Desert warriors in Brazil 沙漠勇士在巴西

Argentina 阿根廷

Not just a team, we are a country 我们不只是一支球队,我们代表一个国家 Australia 澳大利亚

Socceroos: hopping our way into history! 袋鼠国的球员们:让我们跳入史册! Belgium 比利时

Expect the impossible! 期待非凡!

Bosnia and Herzegovina 波黑

Dragons in heart, dragons on the field! 龙在心中,龙在场上!

Brazil 巴西

Brace yourselves! The 6th is coming! 准备好!第六个奖杯来啦!

Cameroon 喀麦隆

A lion remains a lion 雄狮仍是雄狮

Chile 智利

Chi Chi Chi!, Le Le Le! Go Chile 智!智!智!利!利!利!智利加油!

Colombia 哥伦比亚

Here travels a nation, not just a team! 这次来的是一个国家,不止是一支球队! Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加

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篇四 :世界杯32强口号巴西最霸气 意大利很浪漫

世界杯32强口号巴西最霸气 意大利很浪漫

The votes have been counted and the winners declared! The winning slogans will be placed on the respective teams' buses at the 2014 FIFA World Cup! Let's read all the winning entries.


Algeria 阿尔及利亚

Desert warriors in Brazil 沙漠勇士在巴西

Argentina 阿根廷

Not just a team, we are a country 我们不只是一支球队,我们代表一个国家

Australia 澳大利亚

Socceroos: hopping our way into history! 袋鼠国的球员们:让我们跳入史册!

Belgium 比利时

Expect the impossible! 期待非凡!

Bosnia and Herzegovina 波黑

Dragons in heart, dragons on the field! 龙在心中,龙在场上! Brazil 巴西

Brace yourselves! The 6th is coming! 准备好!第六个奖杯来啦! Cameroon 喀麦隆

A lion remains a lion 雄狮仍是雄狮

Chile 智利

Chi Chi Chi!, Le Le Le! Go Chile 智!智!智!利!利!利!智利加油! Colombia 哥伦比亚

Here travels a nation, not just a team! 这次来的是一个国家,不止是一支球队!

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篇五 :世界杯32强的口号巴西最霸气 意大利很浪漫

世界杯32强的口号巴西最霸气 意大利很浪漫

The votes have been counted and the winners declared! The winning slogans will be placed on the respective teams' buses at the 2014 FIFA World Cup! Let's read all the winning entries.


Algeria 阿尔及利亚

Desert warriors in Brazil 沙漠勇士在巴西

Argentina 阿根廷

Not just a team, we are a country 我们不只是一支球队,我们代表一个国家

Australia 澳大利亚

Socceroos: hopping our way into history! 袋鼠国的球员们:让我们跳入史册!

Belgium 比利时

Expect the impossible! 期待非凡!

Bosnia and Herzegovina 波黑

Dragons in heart, dragons on the field! 龙在心中,龙在场上! Brazil 巴西

Brace yourselves! The 6th is coming! 准备好!第六个奖杯来啦! Cameroon 喀麦隆

A lion remains a lion 雄狮仍是雄狮

Chile 智利

Chi Chi Chi!, Le Le Le! Go Chile 智!智!智!利!利!利!智利加油! Colombia 哥伦比亚

Here travels a nation, not just a team! 这次来的是一个国家,不止是一支球队!

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篇六 :世界杯32强的口号巴西最霸气 意大利很浪漫

世界杯32强的口号巴西最霸气 意大利很浪漫

The votes have been counted and the winners declared! The winning slogans will be placed on the respective teams' buses at the 2014 FIFA World Cup! Let's read all the winning entries.


Algeria 阿尔及利亚

Desert warriors in Brazil 沙漠勇士在巴西

Argentina 阿根廷

Not just a team, we are a country 我们不只是一支球队,我们代表一个国家

Australia 澳大利亚

Socceroos: hopping our way into history! 袋鼠国的球员们:让我们跳入史册!

Belgium 比利时

Expect the impossible! 期待非凡!

Bosnia and Herzegovina 波黑

Dragons in heart, dragons on the field! 龙在心中,龙在场上! Brazil 巴西

Brace yourselves! The 6th is coming! 准备好!第六个奖杯来啦! Cameroon 喀麦隆

A lion remains a lion 雄狮仍是雄狮

Chile 智利

Chi Chi Chi!, Le Le Le! Go Chile 智!智!智!利!利!利!智利加油! Colombia 哥伦比亚

Here travels a nation, not just a team! 这次来的是一个国家,不止是一支球队!

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篇七 :世界杯32强口号巴西最霸气意大利很浪漫


The votes have been counted and the winners declared! The winning slogans will be placed on the respective teams' buses at the 2014 FIFA World Cup! Let's read all the winning entries. 经过球迷们的踊跃创作和投票,评选出来的球队标语已经出炉了!入选的标语将出现在20xx年世界杯参赛球队乘坐的大巴车身上。让我们一起来看看这些入选的标语吧! Algeria 阿尔及利亚

Desert warriors in Brazil 沙漠勇士在巴西

Argentina 阿根廷

Not just a team, we are a country 我们不只是一支球队,我们代表一个国家 Australia 澳大利亚

Socceroos: hopping our way into history! 袋鼠国的球员们:让我们跳入史册! Belgium 比利时

Expect the impossible! 期待非凡!

Bosnia and Herzegovina 波黑

Dragons in heart, dragons on the field! 龙在心中,龙在场上!

Brazil 巴西

Brace yourselves! The 6th is coming! 准备好!第六个奖杯来啦!

Cameroon 喀麦隆

A lion remains a lion 雄狮仍是雄狮

Chile 智利

Chi Chi Chi!, Le Le Le! Go Chile 智!智!智!利!利!利!智利加油!

Colombia 哥伦比亚

Here travels a nation, not just a team! 这次来的是一个国家,不止是一支球队! Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加

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篇八 :世界杯32强口号,看谁最霸气?(双语


The votes have been counted and the winners declared! The winning slogans will be placed on the respective teams' buses at the 2014 FIFA World Cup! Let's read all the winning entries.



Algeria 阿尔及利亚

Desert warriors in Brazil 沙漠勇士在巴西

Argentina 阿根廷

Not just a team, we are a country 我们不只是一支球队,我们代表一个国家 Australia 澳大利亚

Socceroos: hopping our way into history! 袋鼠国的球员们:让我们跳入史册! Belgium 比利时

Expect the impossible! 期待非凡!

Bosnia and Herzegovina 波黑

Dragons in heart, dragons on the field! 龙在心中,龙在场上!

Brazil 巴西

Brace yourselves! The 6th is coming! 准备好!第六个奖杯来啦!

Cameroon 喀麦隆

A lion remains a lion 雄狮仍是雄狮

Chile 智利

Chi Chi Chi!, Le Le Le! Go Chile 智!智!智!利!利!利!智利加油! Colombia 哥伦比亚

Here travels a nation, not just a team! 这次来的是一个国家,不止是一支球队! Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加

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