篇一 :篮球比赛观后感


20130960 车辆四班 王鹏军

经过一个多月的焦急等待,Cuba四川赛区的比赛终于在我校拉开帷幕,对于我们这些篮球爱好者来说,这是一个很好的契机可以让我们领略到高水平篮球比赛的魅力,同时也可以给我们这些初学者一个很好的机会去领悟和学习篮球比赛的技巧和团队配合的方式。 由于时间有限。我只看了一场我们学校校队跟外校的一场比赛,这其中我对我们学校校队的首发控卫印象最为深刻。他不仅速度快,而且投篮很准,屡屡用突破和急停跳投撕破对方防线。让我印象最深的一个镜头就是当他和我方一内线大个挡拆时,通过单挡掩护后,他佯装出手投篮,将防守球员骗起,就在这时,他眼睛用余光看到了我方前锋在迅速空切,他毫不犹豫将球一拨,只见篮球飞快的穿越了对方两名球员的防守区域,如手术刀般的精准的找到了那位空切的前锋,此时这名前锋早已无人防守,轻松将球打进。主场球迷都激动的为这个精彩的进球而喝彩,而这一球也极大地将队员们的士气调动起来,对方教练见形势不妙,赶忙向裁判叫了一个暂停。这时候我就在想,真正的孔位不仅要有得分能力,更重要的是应该得有组织进攻的能力,只有将队员的进攻能力跟进攻欲望充分调动起来才有取得胜利的希望。这才是一个控球后卫真正的精髓所在,这也是为什么一些攻击力不强但组织球能力很好的球星能够在NBA立足的原因。




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篇二 :《甜心先生》观后感



杰里(汤姆〃克鲁斯 Tom Cruise饰)待人和善,仪表不凡,是个出色的体育界经纪人。杰里因为一篇流畅出色的发言稿而招来上司不满,导致被炒鱿鱼。漂亮女友离他而去,职业前景也陷入一片迷茫,从巅峰跌入谷底的杰克在临走前奋起疾呼,动员同事们跟他离开公司一起创业。结果,杰克只带走了一条鱼,还有愿意和他干一番事业的会计多萝西(芮妮〃齐薇格 Renée Zellweger饰)。 现在,杰克的客户只剩下一名二流的黑人橄榄球员罗德(小库珀〃古丁 Cuba Gooding Jr饰)。万事开头难,杰克和多萝西还没有完全搞清楚要如何开始创业生涯。看来,要想迎来事业的第二春,杰克还要狠狠摸爬滚打一番;也正是在逆境中,他得以实践自己的职业信念,并寻获一生中的最爱。


在影片中,由汤姆〃克鲁斯主演的Jerry Maguire(杰瑞),是国际体育明星管理集团的一名顶级经纪人,深深了解这一行的他是这一行中的佼佼者。他代理了许多体育大明星, 为他们争取高额的体育和广告合同。



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篇三 :TED Reflection:Never Ever Give Up TED观后感:永不放弃

Diana Dyad:Never, Ever Give Up

In the pitch-black night, stung by jellyfish, choking on salt water, singing to herself, hallucinating, Diana Nyad just kept on swimming. And that's how she finally achieved her lifetime goal as an athlete, an extreme 100-mile swim from Cuba to Florida, at age 64. Hear her story.

It's the fifth time Diana Nyad stand on the Cuban shore believing again that she’s going to make it all the way across that vast, dangerous wilderness of an ocean.

Life is about the journey, but not really the destination. We've been on a journey. Let's face it, we're all on a one-way street. What are we going to do as we go forward to have no regrets looking back? Teddy Roosevelt quote was floating around in her brain over the past years in training. It says, "You go ahead and sit back in your comfortable chair as a critic or an observer, while the brave one gets in the ring, engages, gets bloody and dirty, and fails over and over and over again. Yet he isn't afraid or timid and lives life in a bold way." When you achieve your dreams, it's not so much what you get as who you have

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篇四 :《 老人与海》读后感

Feeling after reading《The Old Man and the Sea》

Old man and the sea created a classic tough guy image of an old fisherman named diego in Cuba, a man fishing alone, in 48 days after nothing caught a very huge marlin is this old man never seen nor heard of than his boat two feet longer a big fish,Fish big strength is big, dragging the boat drifted for two days and two nights, the old man has experienced in the past two days and two nights have never suffered tough test, finally put the big shark fin die, tied to the bow at this time, however, encountered a shark, the old man and the shark dogfight, result the big marlin was shark ate up, old man finally dragged home only a pair of bare fish skeleton

Man can be destroyed but not defeated ,this is 《the old man and the sea 》to reveal the philosophy of undeniable, as long as they will have defects when a person admitted the defects and try hard to overcome it rather than to give it, whatever finally caught a full marlin or an empty framework, this all have no, because a person's life value has been fully reflected in the process of chasing marlin,Once for his efforts to the pursuit of a goal, isn't he a winner? Old fisherman is dares to challenge their own defects and their courage and confidence of the winner。

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篇五 :Sicko 英文读后感 社会保障

Reflections on Social Security

—after watching Michael Moore’s SICKO

Yu Guoyao Social Work Class 2, Grade 2 2009311200728

There is no doubt that Michael Moore’s fifth full-length “documentary” SICKO made in 2007 is a fairly great film, which has been proved by most of my classmates’ comments. Michael Moore conquers us with his realistic film-making skills and special selected issues which set people thinking in depth — the current difficult situation of health care in the United States—then what is the situation of ours.

Moore starts the documentary by putting on a series of real horror stories from the American health care system, in which people die or get disabled permanently just because they are denied treatment—such as Rick, who lose fingers when operating a machine because he can't pay the hospital to have them re-attached after an accident, and are prematurely discharged from hospitals because of cost issues. He uses masses of pictures to notice spectators that health care in the United States is broken and needs to be fixed.

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篇六 :金银岛 英文读后感 treasure islad

Book Report of Treasure Island

1. About the Author.

Robert Louis Stevenson was a Scottish novelist, essayist, and poet, who contributed several classics to the world of children's literature. Stevenson was born in Edinburgh on November 13th 1850. His grandfather and father were civil engineering,made great achievements in the lighthouse construction. And they wished that Stevenson would take over their own enterprise. In 1867, Stevenson received his father’s decree to enter the Edinburgh University to study civil engineering. In fact, he loved literature when he was a child. So he asked his father to study literature, and was refused. But his father let him study law. Since childhood, however, Stevenson's natural inclination had been toward literature; eventually he took up letters seriously, soon making his way into the first rank of contemporaneous writers by the excellence of his style. In 1878 and 1879, he published two works of the theme of travel, since then the continued to publish works. In 1883, he published Treasure Island. The story was praised as The Best Work of Children’s Adventure Story as soon as the work was published. Since then Stevenson had became a famous writer. However, 1894, only 44-year-old Stevenson suddenly suffered from stroke,and died of illness in the Pacific south of the capital, Apia, Western Samoa and was buried in the local mountains overlooking the Pacific. Stevenson had a lot of famous works, such as Treasure Island, Kidnapped, A Child’s Garden of Verses and New Arabian Nights.

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动作:说道说道、打扫打扫、溜达溜达、打扮打扮、清醒清醒、搅和搅和、拨拉拨拉、 商量商量、研究研究、乐呵乐呵、锻炼锻炼、琢磨琢磨、考虑考虑、教育教育、教训教训、活动活动、比划比划、练习练习、切磋切磋、糊弄糊弄、考验考验、学习学习、比试比试 颜色:瓦蓝瓦蓝、乌黑乌黑、雪白雪白、漆黑漆黑







C:楚楚动人、楚楚可人、楚楚有致、楚楚可怜、楚楚作态、楚楚不凡、楚楚可爱、草草了事、草草收兵、察察为明、察察而明、超超玄著、超超玄箸、迟迟吾行、陈陈相因、蠢蠢欲动、 1

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楚楚动人、楚楚可人、楚楚有致、楚楚可怜、楚楚作态、楚楚不凡、楚楚可爱、草草了事、草草收兵、察察为明、察察而明、 2

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