篇一 :这个杀手不太冷英文观后感

Leon - The Professional

This is my third time to watch this movie.

Actually I do not know why I am addicted to it . It is just a story between a man and a girl. However, every time I watch it ,I will be deeply moved.

Leon, a cleaner full of charm, skilled and efficiently in the missions, carefree and romantic in daily life. He does not negotiate, he barely even speaks. ”No women,no kids”, he follows the principle till his life ends. So , I prefer call him cleaner to killer.

Mathilda, a twelve-year-old New York girl, is living an undesirable life among her half-family. Her father stores drugs for two-faced cop Norman Stanfield. One day, Stanfield and his team kill the whole family. Mathilda survives by finding shelter in Leon s department.

Then, the revenge starts. Leon teaches his apprentice the fine art of murder,mathilda helps him recover his desire to live. During the time, they acquaint with each other gradually. Leno finally discovers his abilities to live,to feel,to love,so does Mathilda. All of them are lonely before, but now, They can not live without each other. The relationship between them is subtle. It is basically a father-daughter or mentor -apprentice relationship.

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篇二 :Léon 《这个杀手不太冷》英文观后感

Léon -----The Professional

I always love to appreciate the movies that people have great though. My Friends have told me several times that ‘Leon - The Professional’ is wonderful. He love the acter Natalie Portman(娜塔莉·波特曼)very much. When I watched it by myself, I understood my friends’ feeling. This movie is really a classic.

Leon is a hitman, and happy with his life. When a young girl comes home to find her family has been killed by a drug dealer, she runs to him for help. When she discovers he is a hitman, she asks him to teach her the skills to take her revenge. The relationship between Leon and Mathilda is the theme of this film. Soon she has wormed her way into every part of his unusual life. Leon does his best to keep her out of trouble, and a father-daughter bond forms between the two of them. Leon however has little experience of being either a father or a friend, and is also unable to prevent Mathilda from pursuing her revenge against Stansfield(史丹斯菲尔德). Natalie Portman(娜塔莉·波特曼)is just mind-blowing in her character Mathilda, a tortured child with incredible strength and hopefulness.

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篇三 :这个杀手不太冷 英文读后感

About Leon - The Professional

Something I had to say. 1.

About Tom’s life experience From the conversation between Tomand Leon there is not difficult to said that she and her sister are half-sisters. And according to the family picture, we can see that the picture of Tomif paste on it. And have a photo that Tomhugged a doggy. That said elder sister and little brother might close. And Tomdoesn’t have blood relationship between sister or brother. And how she entered the family? That’s simple, Tom is illegitimate child or her mother died or abandoned her. I think the first one have more possibility. Tom had never mentioned her mother right? That is so strange for an illegitimate child. So Tom lacked of mother love. And she is a bastard. Has not family status. Tom often has scar on her face. Only a little brother likes to play with her. What a poor girl. I like such a girl. And I want to say that Tom’s father is an asshole, a coward. His wife was killed and he didn't… Oh don’t mention it. The

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篇四 :电影《这个杀手不太冷》Leon英文读后感


It is a story that takes place in New York metropolis, played by Jean Reno as a professional killer ---Leon,who is entrusted by a restaurant owner to murder someone. When appearing as a killer ,he is calm and mysterious and his way of murder is completely exciting . In contrast, when removing the mask of a killer, he then becomes a rather humble man in the world, who is even too simple to have an identity card and a bank account that were almost owned by any ordinary people. He drinks at least a cup of fresh milk every day and likes watering flowers and wipes the foliages of his favourite pot plant carefully. In general,he is a man who has dual identities in life.

Leon lives in an apartment where someone processes drug dealing secretly. A 12-year-old little girl-- Mathilda's father is a informant of

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篇五 :《这个杀手不太冷》英文影评

The movie view of Leon - The Professional

There is real danger and drama throughout the film, yet it never becomes merely an action film - the characters are too significant for that. I love to appreciate the movie that people have thought great and classic. The relationship between Leon and Mathilda is the theme of this film. The director Luc Besson, as always, both makes the film look beautiful and builds plenty of atmospheres into it. He is clever at directing the figures and the psychology. Nobody can make more success than him, that’s why I appreciate him.

This is a wonderful film. The story, which at first glance is

unrealistic and silly, actually becomes gripping and emotional in the hands of the skilled Jean Reno and that little girl. The characters are sympathetic and cute, and one is touched by the depth of the relationship between Leon and Mathilda. The character of their

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篇六 :这个杀手不太冷观后感




本学期我学习了电影赏析 ,看了很多精彩的电影,有日本的,有中国的,还有美国的。有动画片,有老电影。其中让我印象最深刻的就是《这个杀手不太冷》这部影片。下面我来为您介绍这部影片。






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篇七 :这个杀手不太冷英语影评

A story about two children

事业13-1 孔舒婷


This is about two children’s story, a boy and a girl, in their hearts, they are all 12 years old, they all feel lost and they love each other.

------Luc Besson “Here we are safe, Leon” when the Matilda orchids from basin moved into the land, she said softly. The lens over the girl’s head high away gradually, summer is sunny in New York, the trees green. In the end of the song Sting rings, that’s not the shape, the shape of my heart. And if I told you that I loved you, you may be think there’s something wrong…


Watching the film still could not help but shed tears.

The killer is not a killer. For Leon, the killer is just a job, a career he had no choice.

Work, care plants, drink milk, go to sleep on the sofa, next to put a gun. But everything has changed, when Matilda encounters Leon, professional hetman, and the little girl is out shopping for Leon when

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篇八 :《这个杀手不太冷》观后感



- -《杀手的童话》











喜欢小女孩坐在楼梯口抽烟等待杀手归来的样子 喜欢杀手打开窗子将植物置于窗外的情节 喜欢他们彼此依靠的感觉。




他委托交托他任务的托尼,如果哪天他遭遇不测时把他的钱交给那个小女孩时;他打破管道,在枪林弹雨中与玛蒂尔达诀别时,说“我爱你,你让我的人生有了乐趣??”那些话的样子;他最后与那个可恶的斯坦利一起同归于尽时,里昂无悔的样子一直在我脑海里;真是将心换心,少女玛蒂尔达在影片最尾,一边种栽兰花,一边自言自语着。话说得那么的殷切与朦胧。席草依跪,动容抚灵:这里安全了,里昂 ??

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