篇一 :Remember the Titans的观后感

Remember the Titans的观后感

2012-04-14 17:28 提问者: 我我我爱跳跳糖 |浏览次数:948次


回答 共2条

2012-04-14 18:09热心网友

很多年前, 一个爸爸和一个妈妈想休假,所以他们决定晚上去城镇。他们叫来最信任一个人来照看孩子。当保姆来的时候,他们的连个孩子已经在床上睡着了。所以保姆只是看了看孩子是否睡的好,就坐下了。
















2012-04-14 23:00gjh0927|十四级

4月29日,是我们北京公司的月会,庆哥来到北京公司,为我们开了茶话会,而且推荐大家共同观看了一部影片Remember the Titans《冲锋陷阵》,又名《铁血强人》或《光辉岁月》。这部影片以前就看过,但是再次观看,感触还是不一样,或许是这些年来自己不断的在进步,在实践家感受的一切,使我更深层次的理解了一些事情。

这部影片看完后的第一感觉是,更加明白了生命的意义。突然想到了俞敏洪在《赢在中国》的一段话:我们的生命,有的时候会是泥沙。你可能慢慢地就会像泥沙一样,沉淀下去了。一旦你沉淀下去了,也许你不用再为了前进而努力了, 但是你却永远见不到阳光了。 所以我建议大家, 不管你现在的生命是怎么样的,一定要有水的精神。像水一样不断地积蓄自己的力量, 不断地冲破障碍。 当你发现时机不到的时候, 把自己的厚度给积累起来,当有一天时机来临的时候,你就能够奔腾入海,成就自己的生命。这段话非常精彩,社会是现实的,我们的对事物的认知也是由简单到复杂再到成熟的简单。种族融合是当时美国国内必须要面对的严重问题,这里我们不做讨论。那么对于我们的意义是什么呢?在我们成长的过程中,社会的变化是我们所无法改变的,我们要积极的去面对,才是我们要做的!经济形势不好,是我们抱怨的理由吗?不是!经济环境变差,顾客在我们的课程消费方面的投入会减少,但是,我们顾客的课程投入都投在我们的公司了么?不是。可能公司会受到影响,但是不会因为经济增长变缓而衰退,死掉的只是那些和我们竞争目标顾客群的没有专业、没有品质的团队。当顾客发现我们真正可以帮到他们,我们的专业能力是一流的,我们的团队是可以信赖的,那么我们就能继续赢得顾客!所以,与其想一些杞人忧天的问题,还不如积极的去面对来的实在。业绩暂时滑坡没关系,每个人都有状态不好的时候,但是,一定不要放弃,如果你放弃了,不能怪环境,只能怪自己。记得乔丹说过:“我可以接受失败,但是我不可以接受放弃。”能够用这样的态度去理解当前的形式,是在现在这个大环境下,每一个高管和员工必须要做到的,否则,就会被现实无情的淘汰!

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篇二 :Remember the Titans the friendship

Daniel 2010071112 Daniel 1 Sophomore Writing 2-2 D

RK Smith

May 10, 2012

Remember the Titans: True Friendship Is Shining

A black man becomes Titans? new coach, which appears to be a great shock for the football team and the whole community. Regardless of any potential obstacle, the new coach determines to make his team a mixture of black players and white players and the summer training camp becomes his first challenge. This is the very beginning of the movie Remember the Titans. The movie has beautifully illustrated different virtues which are essential parts of one?s whole life. Among those wonderful virtues, the most impressive one for me in the movie is the true friendship. True friendship is like a flower that also needs to be cared, to be protected before its blossom, which means it is not easy to have a true friendship. Therefore, in the following, I would like to talk about my feelings about the friendship that has not been split by different races, backgrounds and even age.

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篇三 :remember the titans Media Assignment

Media Assignment

Name of the movie: remember the titans

Dates and times watched: Monday, Oct. 18 2010 12:20 PM

Length of the movie: 120min

Setting: Alexandra, Virginia, 1971


1. Coach Herman Boone: He is a very famous and severe black coach. He wants to change the phenomenon about the black and write. He wants to win the black man’s civil rights.

2. Coach Bill Yoast: He is a very famous white coach. He is the defensive coach in the team. In the last he helps Boone to win the competition.

3. Sheryl Yoast: She is the doctor of Bill. She very loves the game. She is 9 year old, and knows much knowledge about football.

4. Gerry Bertier: He is a white man and the captain of the team. He is the best friend of Julius. In the last, he is killed by the accident.

5. Julius Campell: He is a black man and the defense of the team. He is the headman of the black men.

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篇四 :小笨霖英语笔记本八十 看电影心得 (Remember the Titans)

小笨霖英语笔记本八十: 看电影心得

(Remember the Titans)

之前我曾尝试过几次把电影里的对话写成一集笔记, 诸如美国派 (American Pie) 和 Bring It On 这二集的笔记都得到读者不错的回响. 这次小笨霖再接再励 , 把最近一部票房冠军的片子: Remember the Titians 里面一些值得学的句子整理给大家. 如果你没看过这部电影也无所谓, 这些对话本身都非常实用, 不怕日常生活当中没地方用.

1. Hey bro! (Hey yo!) 嘿, 你好.

黑人见面很喜欢互相打招呼道 "Hey bro!" (brother 的简称) 或是 "Hey yo!" 这是黑人才独有的一种文化, 像一般白人在打招呼时就不会说, "Hey bro!" 或 "Hey yo!" 在这部电影的背影年代种族歧视还很严重 (事实上这部电影主要也就是在探讨黑白种族之间的歧视) 只因为白人队员叫了某位黑人球员一声 "Brother." 他就很兴奋地告诉其它人说 "He called me brother!" 另外有一幕很有意思, 当那位老黑要去探望出了车祸而躺在床上的队长时, 护士小姐对他说这是 "Family only." 结果这位队长就说了一句很有意思的双关语, "Don't you see the family resemblance? He is my brother." (你没看出我们之间的血缘关系吗? 他是我兄弟!)

还有一幕笑料发生在那个白人大胖子身上, 由于他跟黑人队友走的很近, 他们就戏称他, "He is just another white skin brother." (他不过是另一个白皮肤的兄弟 ), 结果有位黑人很不爽, 就说, "Ok. Then I am just a black skin cracker." (好吧, 那我就是一个黑皮肤的白人了) 注: 这个 cracker 在这里跟 brother 押韵 , 原指「饼干」但在俚语的用法中则是指「浅色的人种」而言.

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篇五 :exercise sheet for 12 argumentative essay-2 reading and learning UNIVERSITY IN EVERY TOWN




Zoe Lei




Zoe Lei




Zoe Lei




Zoe Lei




Zoe Lei

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篇六 :Analysis on the Causes of the Break of Father's American Dream in The Triumph of the Egg (中文版)



——舍伍德·安德森《鸡蛋的胜利》解析 《鸡蛋的胜利》是美国著名的小说家舍伍德·安德森传世佳作之一。舍伍德·安德森生于美国俄亥俄州卡姆丹镇,后移居到克莱德镇,而且他的很多小说就以克莱德镇为背景进行创作,《鸡蛋的胜利》就是其中一篇。舍伍德·安德森能洞悉人们是如何追求美国梦的,也明了他们梦想是如何破碎的。在这篇小说的主人翁是“父亲”,一个本性天生乐观、热情,后来变得习惯性地沉默与失意的男人。安德森通过对“父亲”由原来胸无大志到后来雄心壮志再到最后梦想破碎的简单的描写,点明了本文的主题:美国梦的破灭;而文中的“鸡蛋”则可以说是美国梦的化身。那么,美国梦到底指什么呢?是什么刺激了“父亲”美国梦的产生?有时什么使得他的美梦破产了呢?本文将针对这些问题对《鸡蛋的胜利》进行解析。

首先,我们来探讨一下什么事“美国梦”?所谓的美国梦是指一种信任只要在美国经过努力不懈的奋斗便能获得更好生活的理想,亦即人们必须透过自己的工作勤恳、勇气、创意和决心迈向饭桶, 而非依附于特定的社会阶级和他人的援助。通畅这代表了人们在经济上的成功或是企业家的精神。在《鸡蛋的胜利》一文中,“父亲”的美国梦就是出人头地,能有所成功。所以,为了实现他的美国梦,他展开了他的冒险之旅:养鸡和开饭馆。但是,因为各种各样的原因,两个计划都失败了。一系列沉重的打击使得“父亲”的激情彻底消退,这也标志着他的美国梦彻底破灭。


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篇七 :Hamlet is a classical representative work of a great English playwright and poet


10英教(1) 1028010002 朱莉 Hamlet is a classical representative work of a great English playwright and poet-William Shakespeare. William Shakespeare is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon". His four great comedies are Twelfth Night、Midsummer Night's Dream 、The Merchant of Venice and As You Like It. His four representative tragedies are Hamlet、 Othello、 King Lear and Macbeth. While Hamlet is most popular and the best work in the four representative tragedies, because it is a philosophical exploration of life and death.

The hero of Hamlet is Prince Hamlet of Denmark, son of deceased King Hamlet.When he back the home in a hurry from Germany for his father's funeral ,he only to find his father death mysteriously and his mother remarriage with Claudius- his father’s brother hastily. He is doubt that his uncle killed his mother to rob his beautiful mother and his father throne. Suddenly a Ghost appears to lead Hamlet to a secluded place, claims that it is the actual spirit of his father. It tells hamlet a secret. His father was murdered by his brother Claudius pouring poison in his ear. In order to revenge on his uncle for killing his father, he pretend to be mad and suffered a series of misery. To this, he started the difficult revenge course, launched the life and death contest with Claudius. Finally, sent out sword the revenge to Claudius. Hamlet is a absolute tragedy,

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篇八 :The Research of Chinese and Western Names in Cross-cultural Communication(论文读书笔记)

The Research of Chinese and Western Names in

Cross-cultural Communication

1. Background: The name culture has inevitable influence and indispensable impact on the daily interactions of the population of the East and West. Doing research on the differences and similarities of the name culture of the East and West is of great significance in cross-cultural communication to enhance the bilateral cultural exchange, communication, and mutual understanding. Name culture has been increasingly applied in real life.

Taking the aspect of the origins, development and constitution, this article does search on the history, culture ideas, religion (Christian), way of thinking, concept of the family, values and worldviews of Western and Chinese names. Describing the similarities of Western and Chinese names, listing the differences of them and analyzing the reasons, describing the impact on bilateral communication of the differences to avoid misunderstanding, I would like to promote cultural integration and to improve the level of cross-cultural communication.

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