篇一 :当幸福来敲门读后感——精华版


《当幸福来敲门》这部电影我以前看过两遍,它讲述的是一位美国黑人追求自己幸福的故事,当我看完这部影片的时候很受感染和触动,影片的主人公克里斯起初是靠推销治疗仪器为生的,他每天奔波于各大医院,但是这项工作没有给他和家人带来过多物质的利益,他不能给妻子和孩子良好的物质生活,最终妻子选择了离开他,后来他凭借自己在数学方面的天赋和与人的交际能力在一家证券公司做实习,每天不仅要在公司里忙碌于联系客户,而且还要在下班后赶去接他的儿子,之后再领着小儿子冲冲忙忙的赶往收容所,就这样的生活并没有让克里斯放弃追逐自己的梦想,最终凭借自己惊人的毅力完成了在证券公司的实习任务,后来终于成为了证券公司有名的投资专家,这是一部催人奋进的电影,我看完很受鼓舞,并且被克里斯的精神所感动, 主人公克里斯曾说过一句话“如果你有梦想,就要去捍卫它”,“如果有了目标就要全力以赴”我很喜欢这两句话,并且对于现实中的我们来说很有意义。每个人都有自己色彩斑斓的梦想,有许多人也正在追逐梦想的路上,这个过程蕴含着许多的艰难和曲折的经历,但是只要我们不放弃,努力的去捍卫我们的梦想,那么各种美丽的梦想终究都会实现,看完这部电影我对人生和幸福又有了新的看法,我觉得人生就是在不断的设置梦想和实现梦想的过程中,人生最大的幸福就是追逐自己的梦想,并且为了实现梦想而努力付出,最终如心所愿的达到梦想,其实幸福是需要我们自己创造的,在寻求幸福的过程中,我们会发现们梦想的力量是无法估量的,它会使我们越过各种坎坷曲折的道路,最终指引我们通向成功之路,幸福其实很简单,只要我们知道我们今天所做的事情是否和我们的心灵在一起,只要身体和精神都是一起在路上的,我们才会觉的过得很充实很有意义,幸福是追逐梦想的一种过程,而不是目的地,梦想会随着时间和环境的变化而不断变化,因此最后坚持自己最初梦想的人是很少的,不得不承认坚持完成自己的梦想是需要有毅力和耐力的。

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篇二 :当幸福来敲门 英文读后感

Throw the trouble away

-----------The feeling after reading book “The Pursuit of


Recently, I have read a book named The Pursuit of Happiness. May be you have already seen the movie. But as for the spirit which can only described by the words, I have made a choice which is reading the book by myself. It?s a very famous story and many people are moved by this story. When I close my eyes and think about my real world. Is there any trouble that I can?t deal with exist? No, of cause not. Think about Chris Gardner, the hero of this book. How difficult the situation is when he gets no job, no money?

Chris hasn?t seen his father until the age of 28. So he swears that he must be a great father for his son ----Christopher. But thinking about his career and the badly-off current. He has to lead his kid hang out every hospital to sell the bone scanners for money. Accidentally, he knows that act as a bill broker merely calls for knowledge of numbers. So he tried to find a manager in this field who named Jay twistie. With the help of persistence, interesting words and a Rubik?s cube, he acquires a chance of being an intern in Jay?s company. But there is only one person from six interns can be hired after six months? non-wage work. It?s too difficult for Chris. At this moment, Chris? wife leaves them two and move to New York. In the cause of no enough money, Chris and his son lose their house. They even live in the public washroom. Everything comes to him who waits. Finally, Chris wins the job and creates his own company. Yes, he makes it!

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篇三 :当幸福来敲门观后感

A Review of《The Pursuit of Happiness》

I have seen《The Pursuit of Happiness》 several days ago , but I can't forget Chris and his spirits until now . To be honest , this move is really a big shock to me , and the strong power in Chris has been influencing me all the time .

Characters and the climate

There are mainly three characters : Chris Gardner 、Christopher、 Linda ,and the leading character is Chris Gardner ,the father. The whole atmosphere is positive ,though there is a large part describing the bitter struggles of Chris ,his spirit is inspiring , and there is no disappear but hope and stable belief in happiness.

Development of events

The story of Chris Gardner is divided into six part ,I will

introduce them one by one .

Part one : Riding the bus

It was in San Francisco 1981, Chris spent all his money on buying medical equipments , but later he found that they were unpopular among doctors ,because they were expensive and almost useless . everyday he did his best to promote the equipment to doctors ,but he can't earn enough for the rent and kindergarten , his life was not easy .

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篇四 :当幸福来敲门英文观后感800字

Review of the Pursuit of Happyness

The university has organized us to watch the movie the Pursuit of Happyness. The movie draws its materials from life. It portrays a man, Chris Gardner, who is walking bankruptcy, how to raise his son as a single parent and struggle to be a stock trader.

There is something in the world. It has no shape, no color, and no weight. It can’t be seen or touched, but everyone wants it. That’s happiness.

The spell of happyness in the title is wrong, which echoes a scene at the beginning of the movie. Chris noticed the word and told his son “There is an i in happiness. There is no y. It’s an i. ” It means that we should pursue happiness ourselves instead of asking why.

Chris Gardner hardly worked from everyday morning to night, but still couldn’t make a change. At last, his wife couldn’t endure and left away, just leaving him and their five-year-old son. What’s more, he had no money to pay for the rent. They became homeless and slept in anywhere.

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篇五 :当幸福来敲门英语读后感

You have a dream,you got to protect it -

----after watching“ Pursuit of Happyness”

I finish watch this movie with a heavy heart. To be frank, "The

Pursuit of Happyness" is a simple inspirational movie. There is not pretty actors, no fancy pictures, no touching music…But it can also attract you deeply. Many scattered fragments of the movie again and again flashed in my mind.I think I am touched by the movie.

This film is about a poor father called Christ Gardner. Every day, Christ had to work hard from morning till night, but still could hardly make a living. He bought 50 bone scanners and wanted to sale these to make a change.But he failed, his wife left ,leaving him their five-year-old son, Christopher. With the failure of his business, Christ had no money to pay for the rent, so they were driven away from the flat. They slept in asylum, subway station ,public bathroom or anywhere as a temporary shelter. The destitution of life was absolutely depressing, but Christ never gave up and he still strongly believed that happiness would come one day if he worked hard enough today. With his great efforts, Christ won a six-month internship at Dean Witter, but there was no pay at all. So Christ had to work hard to make a living. However, Finally, Christ made it with his amazing willpower

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篇六 :当幸福来敲门观后感英语

Director: Gabriele Muccino

Title: The Pursuit of Happiness

Press: Columbia Pictures

Year: 2006.12.15

Shining words or sentences:

1. You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want something, go get it.

2. I'm the type of person, if you ask me a question, and I don't know the answer, I'm gonna to tell you that I don't know. But I bet you what: I know how to find the answer, and I'll find the answer.

3. There is an I in "happiness", There is no Y in "happiness", It's an I

4. Martin Frohm: What would you say if man walked in here with no shirt, and I hired him? What would you say? Chris Gardner: He must have had on some really nice pants.

5. You want something. Go get it!

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篇七 :当幸福来敲门 英文读后感

The Pursuit of Happiness is really an excellent move , after watching it ,I can?t calm my heart down for a long time. there are tears in my eyes ,but smile in my heart ,I think Chris is a good example for all of us ,just be optimistic and go to realize your dream.

To be honest , this movie is really a big shock to me , and the strong power in Chris has been influencing me all the time . At the beginning of the move, Chris has sent Christopher to the kindergarten , he saw a wrong word on the wall ,and said the famous sentence : There is no ?Y? in happiness ,the only thing we can do is striving for our own happiness voluntarily .Just like Chris do.

what does happiness mean ?Maybe we don not know, because we have not been experienced the troubles that the middle-aged man met . Before I watching this movie, i heard everyone watching with tears ! i can understand it .how can u imagine ? a man ,perhaps not young, is in poverty and his wife left him, He wants to cry ,but he can not, because of his son .in a way ,his son is what he works for!

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篇八 :当幸福来敲门 英文读后感

A Review of <The Pursuit of Happiness> I watched this movie long time ago, I think this isn’t a movie that tells you about how to become successful, but tells you how to find happiness.

In this movie, Chris is a middle-aged man who started to pursue his dream but has no money so that he has to take his son to sleep the street. He tries his best to create a better future for his son, however the reality is very harsh. When he slept in the public lavatory with his son, people outside kept knocking the door very fierce, he covered his son’s ears with all the strength, and finally he cheeks dripped with tears. This is his limit, he can have no money, he can have no wife, but he must have a home for his son. Fortunately, all the hard work has paid off.

We often ask what’s happiness, where’s happiness? Many of us often answer the questions perfectly, but in the end, we always forget making some actions. That’s why happiness will never accidentally knock your door, the accidental happiness is unreal and can easily broken. So we should fight for the happiness, do our best to get it, because like Chris says in the movie: There is no Y in happiness, there is I.

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