篇一 :《傲慢与偏见》英文读后感

The impression of Pride and Prejudice

The book《 Pride and Prejudice》 is written by Jane Austen , a famous English writer .

I still remember the first sentence in this

book .It reads :"It is a truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in possession of a large fortune must in need of a wife ." The undertone is very clear : the foundation of the marriage at that time is not emotion but possession. Love seems to be a perpetual theme all the time .And the main story in the book Pride and Prejudice is not a exception .The writer tells us her views and attitudes about love and marriage in this book.

The novel mainly tells us a love story between Elizabath and Mr. Darcy.It is at a ball that Elizabeth meets Mr. Darcy for the first time and his pride and supercilious behaviors has left Elizabeth a terrible impression . This is the reason why Elizabeth's prejudice towards him begins .Besides this

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篇二 :傲慢与偏见读后感(英文版)


Love and marriage is a constant topic among human, In Pride And Prejudice, Jane Austen told a story about five marriages for us in her rational and humorous writing tone, which explains the truth of marriage: love. Marriage should be based on love, while it can’t have access to happiness when just based on money or appearance. And a deeper knowledge is needed when we start our affection . Exclude vanity and prejudice, and think about each other's moral character objectively, and we can know someone better and more exact---- only good moral character deserves real love.


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篇三 :傲慢与偏见读后感英文

Reflection of Pride and Prejudice

I’ve read it during this semester. This book, written by Jane Austen, is published by China International Broadcasting Publishing House in 2010 and has 475 pages.

Jane Austen is an English famous writer. Her compositions focus on country females’ marriage and their life. She describes her apperceive to the world with her own special perspective and humor words. Although Austen was only 21 when she wrote this novel, her sharp observation of social lives makes the style of this book surprisingly mature and lively.

The main idea is: Mr. Bennet has five daughters. With the daughters’ grow older, finding husbands for their daughters become Mrs. Bennet’s priority thing. Their family belongs to middle class. Mrs. Bennet is a very vulgar and power person. Their neighbor Charles Bingley is a single man who possesses lots of property. And Mrs. Bennet urges her husband to visit Bingley. In her mind, she has listed him as a son-in-law. At a ball, Mrs. Bennet tries her best to introduce her daughters to rich person actively. Bingley’s friend called Fitzwilliam Darcy, an imposing, wealthy, noble and dignified man. He becomes a focus for many beautiful girls. Mrs. Bennet’s is very eager to introduce her daughters to middle and upper class people. Her behaviors are very comical,and she is like a clown for Mr. Darcy. He feels very disgust with Mrs. Bennet’s behaviors and also looks down upon her. But these girls find Darcy’s shortcomings soon. He takes up with Elisabeth; she is Mrs. Bennet’s second daughter. Because of many complex misunderstands they missed each other. Then, Elisabeth receives a letter from Darcy and they overcome their prejudices to each other. At last they fall in love and Elisabeth’s sisters also find their true love. And the novel ends in a happy atmosphere.

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篇四 :《傲慢与偏见》英文版读后感

I’ve read many famous novels in English during this summer holiday . The Pride and Prejudice wriffen by Jane Austen give me the strongest impression a mong them. So affer read it. I even watch a film of it.

Like many novels set up in 18 to 19 century, this book tells a story about marriage and fortune . Jane Austen shows us four different attitudes towards marriage and love through describing the different ways in which the Bennet girls doing with their marriage problems . Jane got married with a wealthy gentleman , Mr. Bingley, because of true love. Elizabeth began to hate Mr. Darcy because of his pride and others rumours . at first . Luckily, she found out the fruth and her prejudice of him disappeared. They became couple evenfually . However ,Lydia married wickham ,a bad guy , for his hand some and Charlotte married Mr. Collins just for the money. This book makes us understand that ifs wrang to get married just for property ,

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篇五 :傲慢与偏见读后感英文版

Reaction to “Pride and Prejudice”

Today, I will talk about the reaction to the book “Pride and Prejudice”.

This book is a great masterpiece of Jane Austen, a famous British writer, the theme of which is the choice people make for marriage partners, so is in Pride and Prejudice. Mrs. Bonnet has no other wish if her five daughters can get married as soon as possible with someone wealthy. At a dancing ball, Mr. Bingley can not help falling in love with Miss Jane because of her stunning beauty. Mrs. Bonnet is so excited that she can not help declaring publicly that she will have a daughter married soon, which frightens Mr. Bingley away. Mr. Collins, a distance nephew of Mr. Bonnet, comes to ask a marriage. And after receiving the hint from Mrs. Bonnet that Jane already has an admirer, Mr. Collins turns to Elizabeth without wasting a minute and to Miss Charlotte Lucas two days later after being refused by Elizabeth. At the same time, Lydia finally marries Mr. Wickham, though the marriage is built on the basis of ten thousand pounds. And when Elizabeth hears Darcy’s explanations and learned about what Darcy did for her, she dispels misunderstanding and prejudice to him, thus concluding the happy marriage with him.

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篇六 :《傲慢与偏见》观后感(英语)

My Reflection on Pride and Prejudice

The movie Pride and Prejudice was grounded on the village life in England in the nineteenth century. Elizabeth, who's also named Lizzie, was born in a civilian-class family but loved by a young rich man, Mr Darcy. Mr Darcy overcame the concept of family status and proposed to Lizzie. However, he was turned down because Lizzie was misled by Mr Wickham. Fortunately, the misunderstandings between them was cleared up soon. Afterwards, Mr Darcy helped the Bennet solve the problem caused by Lidia and Wickham,who eloped and damaged the family’s reputation. Eventually, Mr Darcy won Lizzie’s heart. And Lizzie’s friend, Charlotte, got married with Mr. Colins and gained her ideal life. Moreover, Jane, Lizzie’s sister, won her own happiness with Mr Bingley in the end.

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篇七 :傲慢与偏见电影英文观后感

Film Review of Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice is a famous classic written by Jane Austen. I was attracted by the characters and plots of the film adapted from the novel.

Elizabeth is the heroine of the story. When she meets Darcy, a handsome, rich but arrogant man, on the party for the first time, she is dissatisfied with the proud manner of Darcy. Darcy looks down on those who are in a lower social class,

including Elizabeth. However, after getting to know the courage, independence and confidence of Elizabeth, he almost falls in love with her. But Elizabeth believes the lies of Wickham which causes her great prejudice to Darcy. She rejects Darcy’s propose marriage to protect her self-respect. Finally, Darcy goes away because he couldn’t tolerate Elizabeth’s sisters’ vulgar manners. He writes a long letter to explain his thoughts and love to Elizabeth. After reading it, Elizabeth feels guilty about

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篇八 :傲慢与偏见观后感

前段时间看完了BECOMING JANE后,又再次重温了这部95版的经典之作傲慢与偏见。发现,该片除了是一部动人的爱情故事之外,我想更多的是作者jane的心声和一种期望。

BECOMING JANE中,JANE和卡珊德拉的爱情爱情结局固然是让人遗憾的,记得在卡珊德拉的丈夫死后,卡珊德拉搬回家中,一日清晨醒来,看见JANE坐在窗前写着东西,于是问她在写什么,JANE告诉她是小说,卡珊德拉问到结局如何?JANE微笑得回答,HAPPY ENDING。我想于是就有了傲慢与偏见的HAPPY ENDING。




另外再说说jane的父母,becoming中我记得有一个镜头是,在jane拒绝了一有钱男子的求婚后,与母亲发生的一段争执,最后母亲大声地叫道:天哪,我还得继续在这靠挖萝卜过日子。显然他们家并不富裕,虽然最终父亲过来稍微打了下圆场,但是显然这并不起什么作用。 于是傲句中的父母,仍然是保留了jane父母的一些特性,母亲似乎还是那样唠唠叨叨,成天希望女儿能嫁个有钱人,父亲似乎还是那样比较默默无声。但是若仔细观察,可以发现jane还是在傲剧父母身上赋予的一些情感。现实中的父母是有些穷苦的,于是傲剧中他们的家庭虽然不是大富大贵,但也能算是小康之家,活得比较安逸,母亲不用再去亲自挖萝卜,只要舒舒服服地坐在那享受仆人的伺候,但同时保持着那一份唠叨即可。父亲是位不多言的绅士,但是却能在伊莉沙白和母亲发生激烈争执的时候,能恰当地拿出一家之主的威严来,支持自己的想法。(在伊拒绝表哥的求婚后,母亲威胁到,如果不嫁给表哥,就再也不要来见她。但父亲却说道,如果答应表哥科斯林的求婚,就再也见不到他这位父亲。)

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