篇一 :一篇TED演讲观后感


--《这一次是TED演唱,因为演讲真的很恐怖!》观后感 一个天生口吃的女孩,站在TED的讲台上,她要说她的故事,唱她的歌。这令我感触不少。





再说一下这场演讲《这一次是TED演唱,因为演讲真的很恐怖!》主角Megan Washington,这个和我们有一点不同的女孩。她从小口吃,却发现唱歌能让她流畅地表达自己。她选择了唱歌,唱歌成就了她。来到TED讲台上,她没有用她培训过的“Smooth Talking”来做一场完美的演讲,即使她能够这样,也没有刻意的取乐观众。她让一个真实的自己显现在观众面前。我从她的眼神中,看到坦然、平静和坚定。

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篇二 :观后感—TED演讲


The philosopher Stephen Cavebegin begin with a dark and compelling question: when did you first realized that he would die? Then he discusses the people to resist the inevitability of death, tells the story of four across various civilizations for the processing of death. So that we can deal with fear of death. The fear of death is not rational,but over this bias is not easy because the fear of death is so deeply embedded in us. And when we see that the fear is not rational and when we can bring it out in the open, then we could start to try minimize the influence it has on our lives.


Williom 张


In a social and outgoing personality is venerated cultures, become introverted people may find it hard to, it is shameful even. But, from Susan Cain's study, you will find the introvert brought amazing talents and abilities to the world, it is worth to encourage and celebrate. Many people do not understand the introvert. Introversion is a kind of personality. But, introverts can be very good at communication, can also express myself very well, but they enjoy time alone more, not to participate in social activities. Just now the society, especially in the United States education focus too much on team spirit,

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篇三 :有感于TED演讲《怎样预测一个人会成功》

有感于TED演讲《怎样预测一个人会成功》 发布于


20xx年10月11日 星期六 12:11 作者:石振勇


我开始研究儿童与成人处于各种艰巨挑战中的表现。 在每次研究中,我关注的是: 谁会成功?为什么会成功?

我和我的研究团队去了西点军校。我们试着预测哪些学员 能通过军事训练,哪些会放弃。

我们去看全国拼字比赛, 试着预测哪些孩子能在比赛中 笑到最后。

我们研究在非常艰苦的环境下 工作的新教师, 预测哪些教师在学年末时 还能坚持在岗位上。 当然还有,哪些教师教出的学生 成绩的提高最为显着? 我们和私人公司合作, 预测哪些销售人员能保住工作?谁能赚最多钱? 在这些非常不同的背景下,我们发现有一个特质能够很好地预测成功。 它不是社交能力,不是美丽的外貌,不是健康的身体,也不是智商。 而是意志力。 意志力是面对长远目标时的热情和毅力。 意志力是有耐力的表现。 意志力是日复一日依然对未来坚信不已--- 不只是这周、 不只是这个月, 而是年复一年。用心、努力工作 来实现所坚信的那个未来。 意志力是将生活看作是一场马拉松,不是短跑。





第一,有人确实天生意志力强大,这是一种遗传基因。 第二,有人在人生早期阶段机缘巧合的进入了一种“正反馈”的状态。通俗讲,就是他偶然发现做某件事收到了“甜头”,他就继续加大投入,会收到更大的“甜头”。这样他就进入了正反馈,自然形成了对这件事情的意志力。这种意志力不需要去“坚持”。 第三,有的人需要后天自律的去培养意志力。

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篇四 :TED演讲观后感—为什么快乐

TED—Why We Are Happy 观后感


Doctor发现——Happiness can be synthesized 。很多人都认为natural happiness和synthesized happiness中明显后者是次等品,因为前者是我们得到了自己本来就很渴望的事物,而后者是带着笑容面具接受并不使自己十分满意的事物。表面上看,或许natural happiness更胜一筹,但研究表明,synthesized happiness往往更加持久有效。


Adam Smith(现代资本主义之父)曾说——人生中的悲剧与无序之源,似乎都来自于人们过高地评估某种时局,诚然,某些时局趋势高于人们的追求,但是,不管这种追求有多大的合理性,我们都不可能因为这种痴情的追求而打破谨慎公正的法则,亦或我们未来的心(The great source of both the misery and disorders of human life seems to arise from overrating the difference between one permanent situation and another. Some of these situations may,no doubt ,deserve to be preferred to others, but none of them can deserve to be pursued with that passionate ardor which drives us to violate the rules either of prudence or of justice , or to corrupt the future tranquility of our minds)。生活中去是存在某些事物比某些事物更有价值,我们也确实应该追求价值更高的事物,但如果我们过分地看重这两种事物之间的区别而过分地追逐我们想要的东西的时候,很可能会因为忽略初心而变得盲目,甚至是牺牲真正有价值的东西而被畏惧所控制,从而变得谨小慎微、患得患失,当这种畏惧积累膨胀时,我们就能会变得或者鲁莽大意,或者单小如鼠。当我们不是无节制的追求,我们反而可以生活得很快乐,我们可以通过选择,或者自己产生出自己不断追求的目标。

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篇五 :TED观后感

Paul Bloom: The Origins of Pleasure

My eyes are attached by the title of the speech. Because I have been wondering that how can I feel happier on earth. Maybe I find the answers through the speech. It illustrates that humans are, to some extent, natural born essentialist, which means we don’t respond by things as we see them, as we feel them. We respond by our beliefs about what they are, what we come from. For example, if you drink wine in an exquisite bottle, it will taste better. The reason why we take origins so seriously is that we are snobs, who are focused on status. The theory applies to pain as well. You will hurt more if you know someone do it on purpose. While pain, under certain circumstances, can be transformed into pleasure, so people can seek out low-level pains and take pleasure from them. Actually, I can afford the pain but I don’t need to suffer from the negative emotions. In general, whether I am happy or not depends my own beliefs.

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篇六 :TED演讲感想

After watching 10 TED videos, I found this—More Stuff, Less Fun is very interesting. Mostly it’s because the speaker use multiply ways to make his speech appealing. I would like to break down this video by using the following points.

Opening: Interesting one, rise a question at first to increase the audience’s interest. He caught people’s eyes in the first 15 seconds.

Point: He used a symbol “< = >” to represent “less equals more” is a pretty good move.

Evidence: Using his house design as an example to convince people less equals more. Listing things you needed under multiplecircumstances to make us realize that we don’t need that much stuff. Showing multifunctional spaces and housewares to make us believe it’s possible.

Reasoning: Begin with the problems normal American’s are facing: too many stuff. As a country whose 73% of GDP is come from consuming, overloaded stuffs has led to debts, less environmental friendly and stress. Then he presented his point as a solution to this problem. He encouraged people to edit their stuff ruthlessly and showed it’s also possible that demands can be met with few things in our house. As a designer, he also presented a few designs that make the house

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篇七 :20xx年总结之学习篇——TED演讲



    TED(指technology, entertainment, design在英语中的缩写,即技术、娱乐、设计)是美国的一家私有非营利机构,该机构以它组织的TED大会著称。TED诞生於1984年,其发起人是里查德·沃曼。

【TED01】Chris Anderson:谈科技的长尾理论20##-09-10

【TED02】Frederick Balagadde:谈微芯片上的生物实验室20##-09-11

【TED03】Jimmy Wales:关于维基百科诞生的演讲20##-09-12

【TED04】Gary Wolf:数据化的自我20##-09-13

【TED05】Peter Gabrie:用视频与不公平作斗争20##-09-14

【TED06】Derek Sivers:下定的目標可別告訴別人20##-09-15

【TED07】Seth Priebatsch:世界第一的遊戲社交圈20##-09-18

【TED08】Julian Treasure:保持聽力的八個步驟20##-09-19

【TED09】Mechai Viravaidya:保險套先生如何讓泰國變得更好20##-09-20

【TED10】Steven Johnson:偉大創新的誕生20##-09-21

【TED11】Ze Frank's:傑·法蘭克大玩網路20##-09-22

【TED12】Craig Vente:克萊格-溫特爾揭開合成生命的面紗20##-09-23

【TED13】Eric Mead:安慰劑魔法20##-09-24

【TED14】Lee Hotz:帶你走入南極的時光機中20##-09-25


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篇八 :李世默TED演讲观后总结

The lecturer explained his birthplace and the Chinese historical background in his infancy briefly. And then he expounded the definition of a story that explained all he ever needed to know that humanity: all human societies develop in linear progression and then end up with communism. He also stated the great influence of meta-narrative on not only Chinese people but also one third of the entire world’s population. Because disillusioned by the failed religion of his youth, he attended the USA and was told another story which claimed that only electoral democracy could lead human to the paradise in adulthood. This story also became a bestseller like the former one and was spread around almost whole world except in China. In the following, he explained the rapid development of China and the China’s great contribution to the world in just 30 years without voting. So he asked himself what’s wrong and studied it. He declared that it was wrong to consider the one-party state bad, on the contrary, the China’s one-party system is inherently incapable of self-correction. Then he fully discussed the reasons why China’s one-party system can keep working. He demonstrated the validity of the one-party system from the aspects of economic reform, political system and corruption by illustrating. Then he expounded the Party’s Organization Department and its

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