篇一 :《忠犬八公的故事》英语观后感

Parker was a college professor. He worked at the neighboring town by train. One day, he encountered an stray dog at the station. When seeing its innocent eyes, he felt something sympathetic springing up in his heart. So he took it home. At first, his wife strongly opposed his behivor, But she saw that her husband and daughter loved the dog very much. Finally she decided to accept the dog as a part of the family. They called it " Hachi."

Gradually Hachi grew up from a puppy into a bigger one. Every day , Hachi accompanied Parker to go to the station on time. At 5:00 in the dusk, it punctually appeared at the station exit to wait for Parker. That was the tacit agreement between them! Around the station, the hot-dog vendor and the store proprietress always saw an impressive scene that once Parker came out from the station and called “Hachi”, the dog excitedly rushed forward, scratched his trousers, licked his face and groaned with pleasure. In his free time, Parker wanted to teach Hachi to pick a ball with its mouth, even lying on the ground and picked the ball with his mouth to set an example for Hachi, but gradually he felt it difficult to teach Hachi to do it. But one day, Parker went to the station as usual, suddenly he felt Hachi bitting his trousers. When turning back, he found that Hachi should pick the ball, Parker was very happy. But he still leaved. At that time, Hachi had a premonition that it would never see

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篇二 :忠犬八公观后感 英文

Hachi: a dog’s story What is loyalty? There may be lots of answers. A touching movie shows us what loyalty is in a dog’s way during my summer holiday.

Hachi was a forsaken Japanese dog in America. A professor named Parker found it and took it home. Parker looked after it very carefully. He also played with him. Of course he tried his best to be the same as a dog. He crept on the ground and carried the ball with his teeth. Parker did everything as possible as he can. Soon, Hachi developed a close relation with Parker.

When Parker went to work, Hachi followed him. When Parker went back home, Hachi waited for him at the station. They were just like two pieces of paper with glue between them. They were always together, even had bath.

Unfortunately, Parker died when he was giving a lesson. But Hachi still waited for his dear master at the station as usual. Year after year, Hachi waited. At last, Hachi died with his nice memory on a cold night.

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篇三 :忠犬八公观后感英文

In English Class, I saw a film which is a real story about a dog and a professor.

One day this professor found a dog at a railway station. He tired found people to adapt this small dog but he adapted him, at last. However, his wife didn’t agree the dog to stay in their house. The professor loved dog very much and played with him every day and his wife couldn’t help to accept the fact they had a new family number.

After years late, once professor went to the railway station, the dog go with him every day. And at 5 o’clock every afternoon this dog waited for professor to go home.

One day, the dog was waiting as usual. But he couldn’t wait professor going home. Professor passed away in the class. Dog didn’t want to do anything except waiting for professor. Many people were moved by dog. In the end, the dog died in his waiting. After watching this film, I was moved by this story because of its truth. I think it is belief between the man and the animal. It is love.

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篇四 :忠犬八公英文读后感





倒叙、慢镜头、长镜头、对景深镜头的自然追求,一切温情片惯用的手法。 他们本来形同陌路,属于两个不同的物种。







我总希望有人在什么地方等我,你也总希望有人在什么地方等你吧。 ——几米《照相本子》



它的生命如一注流水,一点一点在车站的青石台上年复一年地流逝。它等待。 作为一只狗,它有它的原则。不离不弃。不论生老病死。










我一直知道,我的心在一点一点硬起来,对这个世界越来越不满,常常冷嘲热讽。 偶尔还会写些温暖的文字。可有时就连澄净的心境下写出的文字也难免沾染浮华。



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篇五 :《忠犬八公》观后感 英文版

This story is narrate a very moving story.WhenI watched this movie,tears fell down involuntarily. It tells the story of a dog loyalty to his master and waiting. In this movie,the two parts that I can remember are: Ten years later when the professor's wife back,she saw That Hachi was still waiting Parker—the professor.She was amazed!She couldn’t believe her eyes.!She said to Hachi”You are still.””Let me accompany you to wait for the next train.”

The most moving is:Hachi knew that he is toward the end of life,but he is still waiting at the station.He was still waiting at that place.He was tired and he close he eyes.He as if saw Parker as before.Parker pulled the door of the station and said to Hachi”Hachi,let’s go home.” Through this film I deeply felt that how the pets feel about their master. Just because the moment that Parker saw Hachi at the train station and took him to his home.Hachi followed Parker all his life.Waiting is also a kind of happiness.Spring,summer,autumn,winter,for nine years.It’s a kind of insist,don’tregret,until the moment of death.

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篇六 :忠犬八公 观后感 英语

A moving waiting

It tells a story between a dog Hachi and its master Parker, a college professor. One night, Parker found the lost dog at the railway station, compassionately, he took it back to his home. Very much Parker like it! However, Parker’s wife opposed him to raise a dog at home. In order to let the puppy could be kept, Parker tried many times to persuade his wife to agree with him. At last, he made it. Then, as time went by, Hachi grew up from a puppy into a bigger one with the care of Parker. All those years, they played together, bathed together and slept together. A kind of special emotion that they need each other has been built strongly. No exaggeration to say they have become intimate partners. Besides, Parker always went to work by train, many a time, Hachi accompanied Parker to the train station and wait patiently for his return. At 5:00 pm everyday, as soon as it found Parker going out of the station, it ran to him excitingly and happily.

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篇七 :忠犬八公的故事观后感





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篇八 :忠犬八公观后感

观看电影忠犬八公的观后感 看了忠犬八公的电影,真的是一部很平淡的电影,一位教授,一只八公狗,还有长时间的火车站的场景。这就是这部电影的全部了,真的是很平淡,平淡到起初的我没有任何想看的欲望,但是很显然当看到这部电影的高潮:教授死了时,接下来的每一分,每一秒都在感动中,在震撼中度过,的确没有任何华丽的场景,没有任何惊心动魄的事件,有的只是八公的坚持,如果八公的忠诚,八公的期待。。。。。这不禁让我想八公究竟在坚持些什么呢?每过一年我就在希望,不错是在希望,希望八公的生命可以短暂些,它可以不用等待的,等待着永远不会出现的奇迹。九年,整整九年的等待,如果它的生命是短暂的,那么在我们的眼中至少它的痛苦也可以短暂些,它每天怀着希望,最终又是失望,一天一天,一年一年,整整九年,是什么在让它坚持着呢,难过难以抑制,最后只是希望八公在九年中的每一天都是幸福的,是我们所不能理解的幸福。最后的场景,八公变得十分的苍老,也许这就是生命的最后一天了,最后的每一时刻,都觉得八公九快要走到生命的尽头了,可它还是在等待,它在等待些什么呢。。。。它可不可以休息一天呢,虽然它的生活有好心的人照料着,可是还是觉得八公好可怜,谁能够代替它的主人呢?最后一幕教授的妻子回来了,看到八公还在等待,觉得难以置信;可是即使我们作为观众在看这部影片的时候,即使知道八公在一天天的等待着,我们还是能以接受,只是希望八公是幸福的。最后,教授的妻子对八公说,我们一起等吧,我想我们是知道的,一直都知道八公在坚持些什么,只是在等待它的主人而已;只是无法理解它的那份坚持究竟从何而来。有时觉得其实八公每天都在经历着生与死,一天的希望" 诞生",最后希望"死亡",无尽的失望,不过第二天,第三天,。。。。八公始终没有让失望延续着,他每天都诞生着新的希望,也许这就是八公最幸福的时刻。觉得悲伤事因为,八公每天的希望,我们知道是永远无法实现的啊。。。。。

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