篇一 :蝇王读后感

My Appreciation of Lord of the Flies


Lord of the Flies tells the story of a group of English boys deserted on a tropical island after their plane is shot down during a war.

My Own View on This Novel

First and foremost, as far as I am concerned, in exploring the breakdown into savagery of a group of boys free from the imposed moral constraints of civilization and society, Lord of the Flies dramatizes a fundamental human struggle: the conflict between the impulse to behave morally and the impulse to indulge in violence. The first set of impulses might be thought of as the “civilizing instinct”, which encourages people to work together toward common goals and behave peacefully; the second set of impulses might be thought of as the “barbarizing instinct”, or the instinct toward savagery, which urges people to rebel against civilization and instead seek anarchy, chaos, despotism, and violence.

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篇二 :《蝇王》读后感

Lord of the Flies

In 1954, a mythic novel named the Lord of the Flies was wrote and published by William Golding. “Lord of the Flies”, also the theme, comes from the Hebrew language “Baalzebub” which means the evil and ugliness. In the Bible, the word “baal” was regarded as the worst of the evils. In this novel, the author combined the story with the cruel reality of the society to show us the monstrous culture and humanity. With the way William Golding created the story, the readers can easily understand its general meaning—the story of a group of English boys deserted on a tropical island after their plane was shot down during a war. However, this is not only a children’s literature in the general significance, but also a book for the adults. For it implies the fact that the distance between the representation of the weak culture and the uncivilized abyss is closer and closer. So, why is this book defined by such a comment? I think this is related to its author, background and contents.

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篇三 :蝇王读后感














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篇四 :《名利场》《蝇王》英文读后感

Reflection of Vanity Fair

When I first read the book, immediately it reminds me of the entertainment business in today's society. Actually, there is once a star said: "the entertainment business is a bowl of water, more people jump into pure will become dirty, dark."

Vanity Fair mainly talks two heroines---one of them is humble, the other one is a scheming social climber--- who meets in boarding school and embarks on markedly different lives. Amid the swirl of London's posh ballrooms and affairs of love and war, their fortunes rise and fall. Through it all, Thackeray lampoons the shallow values of his society, reserving the most pointed barbs for the upper crust. What results is a prescient look at the dogged pursuit of wealth and status---and the need for humility. In this novel, I like the name of novel “Vanity Fair” and the subtitle “A Novel without a Hero”.

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篇五 :《蝇王》感后感



首先,我很佩服这一群小男孩儿,当他们面临一个荒无人烟的孤岛时,没有感到害怕,而是勇敢乐观的面对, 还能豁达开朗的进行合唱,这足以看出他们是一群多么天真可爱的孩子啊,这是成人在面对困难时不能拥有的。同时,这群孩子也是聪明的,一开始他们就有了集体意识,相信只有大家共同努力、团结一致才能克服困难,重返家园。



时,我开始对此影片有新的想法,直到杰克的新团队组建成功,万恶的事情开始发生,他们不仅凶残的杀害动物,还先后杀死了西门和“猪仔”,这实在让人难以想象,一群天真可爱的孩子居然变成了凶残的杀手,原因仅仅是那几个孩子没加入他们的团队,与他们的思想不一样而已,这让我想起了《浪潮》这部影片,中学老师Rainer Wenger只是想做一个实验,让学生们亲身体会一下独裁体制的产生,这只是一个教育性质的实验,灾难性的后果确是谁也没有料到的,一开始只是诸如纪律、集体这样的概念,渐渐地却转变成了一场运动,有了团体便有了矛盾,有了矛盾便有了斗争,当要终止实验时,然而,一切早已失去了控制。

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篇六 :蝇王英文读后感

Lord of the Flies ---Book Review

This novel is talk about the humanity’s weakness. Published in 1954, was William Golding’s first novel. Although it was not a great success at the time – selling fewer than 3,000 copies in the United States during 1955 before going out of print – it soon went on to become a best-seller, and by the early 1960s was required reading in many schools and colleges.

In the novel, William Golding thought that the person is evil when they are birth. This novel’s plots are really reality, when you read it, you will find human being’s darkness. Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody. In the society, we have moral and laws restraint, we always keep a good polity, everyone has a beast in our heart. When we far away the civilization society, the beast will be release. In the midst of a wartime evacuation, a British plane crashes onto an isolated island in a remote region of the Pacific Ocean. The only survivors are male children below the age of thirteen. Two boys, the fair-haired Ralph and an overweight, bespectacled boy reluctantly

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篇七 :电视剧观后感:《女王的教室》观后感





从艺术的角度,《女王的教室》十分注重画面的构图,频繁使用了黄金分割点、三分法,用仰视凸显老师的权威、用俯视的角度突出主角的弱小。而且用色也非常恰当,冷暖色调的渲染,没有太多乱七八糟的特效建龙无缝管报价 扬州旗杆 电机车价格 NTC9210 卡套管接头 .cn/。



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篇八 :太空授课观后感观后感







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