篇一 :The Green Banana观后感

The Green Banana


Although it might have happened anywhere, my encounter with the green banana sta rted on a steep mountain road in the central area of Brazil. My ancient jeep was straining up through beautiful countryside when the radiator began to leak, and I was ten miles from the nearest mechanic. The over-heated engine forced me to st op at the next village, which consisted of a small store and a few houses that we re scattered here and there. People came over to look. They could see three fine streams of hot water spouting from holes in the jacket of the radiator."That's easy to fix,?nbsp;a man said. He sent a boy running for some green bananas. He patted me on the shoulder, assuring me that everything would work out. "Green bananas," he smiled. Everyone agreed.

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篇二 :the green banana课文解析

本文是新编《大学英语》(20xx年版)第一册中的一篇课文,作者是美国学者Donald Batch elder,摘选自Donald Batchelder 和Elizabeth G. Warner 于19xx年编写的 An Experiential Approach to Cross-cultural Education,在原文的基础上略作了修改。

文章讲的是对待世界上各种不同文化应采取何种态度的问题。随着国际交往的不断发展,我们的世界越来越像一个地球村(the global village),各种风格迥异的文化彼此遭遇、碰撞(culture shock),文明之间的冲突大有愈演愈烈之势,如何看待异域文化和文化差异成了值得人们认真思考的重要问题。本文的作者通过一个小故事,向我们展示了他本人对这个问题的深入思考。 文章可分为两大部分。


在第二部分(5-8段)中,作者着重讲述了他的感悟。首先,他惊讶于青香焦所展示给他的当地古老文化中的智慧;再次,他惊讶于村民们对世界中心即那块岩石的信仰,因为他认为世界的中心应该在他祖父的家乡新英格兰。后来作者逐步意识到:每一种文化都有自身的精妙之处, "The Green Banana" 即象征着每一种文化中所蕴藏的鲜为人知的宝藏;对每一种族的人来说,他们生活的地方对他们都具有特殊意义,从而在某种意义上说都可代表世界的中心 (Every place has special meanings for the people in it, and in a certain sense every place represents the center of the world.)。 世界因此有无数的中心,但是人们不可能经历全部。而我们一旦能够从自己文化的包围中走出来,去自觉领受另一种文化,我们将会得到影响自己一生的全新视角,并从此开始收藏异域文化中的宝藏 (The world has numerous such centers, and no one student or traveler can experience all of them. But once a conscious breakthrough to a second center is made, a life-long perspective and collection can begin.)。

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篇三 :现代大学英语精读1 UNIT6 The Green Banana 课文翻译


Translation of Text A







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篇四 :Unit 6 The Green Banana

Unit 6 The Green Banana

1.About the author and text

This text is taken from Beyond Experience: An Experimental Approach to Cross-culture Education edited Donald Bechelder and Elizabeth G.Warner in 1974. When the second editon of the book was published in 1993, Bechelder explained his view on cross-culture education: If some the goals of education in modern times are too open up possibilities for discovery and expand learning and chance for mutual acceptance and recognition in a wider world, it may be important to offer students a perspective on their own immediate center of the world by enabling to participate sensitively as cross-culture sojourners to the center of someone else’s world.

2.Writing characteristics

Short story →plot: “I” in Brazilian village Setting: a village in Brazil

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篇五 :Unit10 The Green Banana

Unit10 The Green Banana

教学目的: 以课文内容为纲,关键语汇为点带领学生了解文化背景知识,并告






教学重点: 识别关键语汇(形容词、名词和短语)以分析文章的逻辑结构及其




教学内容: 以形象的方式结合课文内容发展顺序,带领学生了解不同于本民族






教学方法: 结合实际采用多种教学方法如讲授、问答、讨论、模仿、练习等。

Unit10 The Green Banana

By Donald Batchelder

Background Knowledge

The text is taken from Beyond Experience: An Experiential Approach to

Cross-cultural education edited by Donald Batchelder and Elizabeth G. Warner in 1974. When the second edition of the book was published in 1993, Batchelder

explained his view on cross-cultural education: “ If some of the goals of education in modern times are to open up possibilities for discovery and expand learning and the chance for mutual acceptance and recognition in a wider world, it may be important to offer students a perspective on their own immediate center of the world by enabling them to participate sensitively as cross-cultural sojourners to the center of someone else?s world.”

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篇六 :Unit 6 The Green Banana

Unit 6 The Green Banana

1. Lead-in

Pre-reading questions:

? How does the title “Green Banana” strike you? What do you expect the story to tell?

? If you are asked to write a passage on Green Banana, what are going to cover? What kind of function do you know about Banana?

2. While-reading

Now let’s read the text and the vocabulary together, and try to divide the article into several parts, according to your understanding.

? Part 1 (Para 1-Para 4)

The author’s experience in Brazil and his encounter with the village people and then the green banana

? Part 2 (Para 5-Para 7)

The author’s two learning moments from the experience

? Part 3 (Para 8)

As often the case in an essay, it starts from something specific and then moves on to a general conclusion.

And then you need to think about several questions and give the answer after our analysis.

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篇七 :The green banana




The Green Banana

By Donald Batchelder

? About the author

? #Introduction to the text

? #Details of the text

? #Sentences Paraphrase

? #After-class activity

About the author and the text

? This text is taken from Beyond Experience: An Experiential Approach to Cross-cultural Education edited by Donald Batchelder and Elizabeth G. Warner in 1974.

? When the second edition of the book was published in 1993, Batchelder explained his view on cross-cultural education: “If some of the goals of education in modern times are to open up possibilities for discovery and expand learning and the chance for mutual acceptance and recognition in a wider world, it may be important to offer students a perspective on their own immediate center of the world by enabling them to participate sensitively as cross-cultural sojourners to the center of someone else’s world

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篇八 :Unit 6 The Green Banana Key to exercises

Vocabulary ? 1 strain ?2 teasing/tease ?3 dawn ?4 death ?5 leak ?6 inspection ?7 realization ?8 burial ?9 scattering/scatter ?10 grasp ?11 appreciation ?12 flight ?13 assurance ?14 astonishment ?15 expectation ?16 insurance ?17 reflection ?18 belief

2 ?1 stream ?2 state ?3 relate ?4 form ?5 recognize

?6 accept ?7 encounter ?8 collect ?9 radiate ?10 identify 3 ?1 reporter ?2 professor ?3. editor ?4. adviser ?5 robber ?6. actor ?7 aggressor ?8 beginner ?9 passenger ?10 supporter

?11 visitor ?12 liar ?13 seller ?14 murder ?15 traveler ?16 scholar ?17 author ?18 successor ?19 composer ?20 interpreter ?21 beggar ?22 sailor ?23 announcer ?24 manager ?25 invader ?26 creator ?27 dealer 4 ?1 令人羞愧的结果 ?2 满满一碗米饭 ?3 色彩鲜艳的衣服 ?4 一个令人快乐的人 ?5 满满一篮子的苹果 ?6 满满一盒巧克力 ?7 一小撮人 ?8 一条有帮助的建议 ?9 一个有害的习惯 ?10 带着哭腔;声泪俱下地 ?11 吃一大口 ?12 一厢情愿的想法 ?13 有希望的形势 ?14 一屋子的客人 ?15 一调羹油 ?16 一大捧书 ?17 痛苦的记忆 ?18活泼的性格 5 ?1. acceptance ?2. occurrence ?3. astonishing, unrecognizable ?4. appreciative, expectations ?5 identical, identify, identifications

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