篇一 :The happy prince快乐王子英文读后感

The happy prince

The happy prince is a famous fairy tale written by Oscar Wilde. When I first heard the book’s name, I thought it must be an interesting story about the happy life of the prince or about the romantic love between the prince and princess. However, it was a sad story. The prince devoted himself to the happiness of others. I was greatly touched by what the prince and the little swallow have done.

This book mainly tells the story about the happy prince and a swallow. They are the embodiments of the true, the good and the beautiful. In fact, the prince is just a statue standing high above the city. Once he was a happy prince living in the palace of Sans-Souci and he didn’t know what sorrow was. Now as a statue, his body was gilded with thin leaves of fine gold, for eyes he had two bright sapphires, and a large red ruby glowed on his sword-hilt. He could see all the ugliness and all the misery of the city. He sympathized with the sufferings of the poor. The little swallow was going to Egypt to enjoy the warm spring. He was moved by the prince’s kindness. Later he became the messenger of the prince and was

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篇二 :The little prince英文读后感

The little prince—

A fairy tale of love and responsibility

The little prince which was written by Antoine de Saint-Exupery is one of the greatest books I have ever seen.

The story describes :the writer is a pilot. He told the readers that he can’t find a bosom friend in sdult world,because they are so serious. Then,the pilot told about the story which between him and the little prince in Sahara desert. The little prince lives on a young star. One day, he left the star which he lives, starts to travel. He passed through various star, afterwards, he arrived the Earth, finally, he returned to his star.

In the travel, the young prince saw all forms person in the society confused:

King, loves the vanity person

The drunkard, for put behind ashamed drinks

The industrialist, only likes calculating the astronomy number typemoney

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篇三 :The little prince 读后感

The impression of reading “The Little Prince”

When I was in the high school, my teacher had introduced this book, The Little Prince, to us. But at that time, I thought it was the fairy tale and I had no interest in reading it. After I went to the college, I knew more things about this book. This book written by the French author, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, is very famous in the world and it has been translated into more than 160 languages. Many grown-ups like this book very much. They say this book is written for grown-ups which can make them think of some precious experiences in their childhood.

After reading this book, I feel it is really good and worth reading. The story is about “I” who is the narrator of the story make the acquaintance of the little prince, a lonely and sad child from another planet named Asteroid B612. He leaves the planet because he has some quarrel with a rose. Then, he visits the neighbor planets and meets with a king, a conceited man, a drunkard, a businessman, a lamplighter and a geographer. He thinks these people are too strange and he doesn’t like them. At last, he travels on earth and meets with a fox. The fox helps him learn love and responsibility. Finally, the little prince decides to go back to his planet to take care of his friend, the rose.

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篇四 :The Little Prince读后感

My Feeling—“A Little Prince”

“Little Prince” is a clear spiritual book, as clear as the water, it is a book about life and the lives of the fable. It writes for adults, teenagers and children. And “Little Prince” brings feel warm and fresh for people.

The story is about a boy—the little prince. The little prince has a serious attitude. He lives on a small planet. But he is lonely. His heart is full of endless loneliness and sorrow. Fortunately, a beautiful rose came in his life. She is a beautiful and proud flower. They love each other. But a little argument separates them. And he starts traveling. He goes to many planets and meets many different people.

At last a little prince comes to earth, he encounters a small fox. He thinks he must assume responsibility for the rose. A little prince learns love form the fox. A little prince finally finds him unable to go back, he deeply misses his flowers. Little prince can’t bear to miss the pain, but he can’t go back. And finally he chose to snake venom end his life. He thinks it will be able to cast off their bulky body to go back. Every time, when I read “The Little Price”, I always move about it. The little prince is na?ve, childish, chaste and sincere. I move about his attitude about the world. In real life, we often busy in the all day. We have not soul to live. The passage of time, childhood away, we have gradually grown up and taken away many years of memories. When I read this book, I feel a little sad – about ourselves, who are losing more and more innocence.

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篇五 :The little prince 读后感

The Book report of The Little Prince

The Little Prince

Antoine de Saint Exupery (1900.6.29-1944.7.31)

The Little Prince is a children’s book for grown-ups. Actually, all grown-ups are children first, though few of them remember it. Antoine is the narrator of The Little Prince, he met the little prince in the Sahara desert six years ago and he understood him gradually. In the book, we could know the story about the little prince who came from asteroid B-612. After finishing reading the book, I think I could understand why the book is dedicated to grown-ups.

At the beginning of the book, Antoine draw a picture showed a boa constrictor swallowing a wild beast and he showed it to adults. However, they just thought it was a hat and they encouraged him to study geography, history, and grammar. So he chose to learn to be a pilot airplanes and he succeed in it and grown-ups praised him and were glad to know such a reasonable person.

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篇六 :the happy prince翻译


在一根的高耸的柱子上方矗立着快乐王子的雕像,直入城市上空。他全身覆盖着一片片做工精细的上好黄金,他的眼睛是蓝宝石镶嵌而成的,佩剑的剑柄上也嵌着一颗耀眼的红宝石。 他确实备受称赞。“他就像空中的风向标一样美丽”一位议员这样评价道,他希望人们称赞他艺术品位高雅,但又怕有人说他不务实,他事实上挺务实的,他补充了一句:“可惜不怎么实用”。






一天夜里,一只小燕子飞过这座城市的上空。他的朋友们在六个星期前就飞去埃及了,他却留下来了,因为他爱上了最美丽的芦苇。他在早春的时候遇见了她,当时,他追着一只大大的黄色飞蛾来到了河边,就被她苗条优雅的身姿所深深吸引,他停下来和她聊天。 “我可以爱上你吗?”燕子问道,他一向说话直接。芦苇向他深深举了个躬。他在芦苇身边盘旋飞转着,翅膀轻弹水面,惹得波光粼粼。这是他在求婚,就这样过了一个夏天。 “这样的结合太荒唐了,”其他的燕子叽叽喳喳地说着,“她没钱,亲戚倒是不少。”确实,这条河里满是芦苇。之后,秋天到了,他们全都飞走了。


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篇七 :The Happy Prince93

After reading The Happy Prince

In the summer holidays, I finished reading The Happy Prince, a famous British story written by Oscar Wilde's. There will be many troubles in life, many of helplessness. What kind of life to be happy? The book The Happy Prince has told me, so my little heart is touched with the shock.

Statue of The Happy Prince stands in the city center, his eyes are two bright sapphires, there is a big ruby in his hand holds the hilt on sparkling. with the help of flying Swallow ,he gave people in need of help the pure gold. Finally, the Flying Swallow has been frozen to death. The Happy Prince is also due to dilapidated to be removed. Later. Someone asked The Happy Prince: "You help others, they destroyed themselves, Are you worth doing it?" The Happy Prince said without regret,“As long as I have , I will be happier to give others happiness.”

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篇八 :The Happy Prince

The Happy Prince

1 High above the city, on a tall column(柱,圆柱), stood the statue ( 雕塑)of the Happy Prince. He was gilded all over with thin leaves of fine gold, for eyes he had two bright sapphires(蓝宝石), and a large red ruby (红宝石)glowed (发光)on his sword-hilt.

2 “When I was alive, I never cried.”said the prince, “Now that I am dead they have set me up so high that I can see all the ugliness and misery of my city, and though my heart is made only of lead(铅),I cannot help crying.”

3 ?Far away,? the statue in a low musical voice said , ?far away in a little street there is a poor house. One of the windows is open, and through it I can see a woman seated at a table. Her face is thin and worn, and she has rough, red hands, all pricked(刺、戳) by the needle, for she is a dressmaker(裁缝). She is embroidering(绣花) flowers on a gown for the loveliest of the Queen?s maids-of-honor to wear at the next Court-ball. In a bed in the corner of the room her little girl is lying ill. She has a fever, and is asking for oranges. Her mother has nothing to give her but(除了) river water, so she is crying. “Swallow, little Swallow, will you bring her the ruby out of my sword-hilt? My feet are fixed and I cannot move.” The swallow thought about this, “My friends are in Egypt , waiting for me.” 4 “Oh, little Swallow,”said the prince. “Please stay with me for one night and be my messenger. The girl is so weak and her mother is so tired.”

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