篇一 :Little Women读后感

Little women


“Little Women” is based on the author’s family life and the clue of emotional entanglements among the family members. It described natural bonds and relationship in March’s family. The four sisters in March’s family: Meg is willing to love and poverty; Jo wanted to be a writer by her struggle; Beth is calm before the death; Amy helped the weak as her responsibility. They are all brave and independence, although with the different ideals and destiny. Describe that the girls are sentimentally attached to their family, their loyalty to love and their desire for affection between family members.


Family ,love ,wealth, ideal.

“Little Women (or Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy)” is a novel by American author Louisa May Alcott (1832–1888). The book was written and set in the Alcott family home, Orchard House, in Concord, Massachusetts. It was published in two volumes in 1868 and 1869. The novel follows the lives of four sisters—Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy March—and is loosely based on the author's childhood experiences with her three sisters. The first volume was an immediate commercial and critical success, prompting the composition of the book's second volume titled Good Wives, which was successful as well. The publication of the book in the form of a single volume first occurred in 1880. Alcott followed Little Women with two sequels, also featuring the March sisters, Little Men (1871) and Jo's Boys (1886). Little Women has been adapted as a play, a musical, an opera, a film, and animation.

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篇二 :Little Women 英文读后感

Women’s Struggle between Family and Profession

-----------On Little Women

In American literary world, there have been three profound works whose influence has lasted for at least one century. They are Gone With the Wind, Uncle Tom’s Cabin and Little Women. Among them Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott, is the most popular one for it told the story of the Marches in the form of family dairy, which is easy to understand1. Through portraying the lives of four young girls, the author tried to emphasize optimism, independence, self-restraint, tolerance and family love. So to this extent, Little Women possesses too many qualities of the didactic genre, a class of works that have a moral lesson.2 But as a matter of fact, the real significance of novel is that for the first time a literary work in American literary history expressed the idea of woman’s rights and presented the conflict women faced between family and career. Then I’d like to analyze this theme in two aspects.

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篇三 :《Little women》读后感

Little women

The March family had four girls, and they were Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. Their father was away at the war in the South. Because the March family was poor and the bring up of four girls was a big load to their mother, the four girls tried to do something to help the family. Meg and Jo found a part-time job. Beth and Amy tried their effort to do some housework.

The occasion of Christmas, the four girls of March family decided that they would all try very hard to be good. They would never be cross, or lazy, or selfish—and they would all help each other. Meg was the oldest one and she was determined to no longer complain about the work was bad and no beautiful clothes to wear. Jo was determined not to argue and got angry with people, not run around like a boy, tried to be a young lady. Shy Beth would try hard to become brave. Little Amy would care less about herself and more about others.

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篇四 :Little Women赏析及读后感

Little Women

作者 Louisa May Alcott (1832 – 1888)

出版社 外文出版社

出版时间 2008-1-1


One is the happiest thing is that somebody loves you.?When you are at my time, I absent-minded.When I come to you, when you have gone.?We are always in a meeting to miss, losing a lot of.?However, I want to say this is because we are still young.?No, perhaps this is our life.?From then on, I always looked back the road. "All mothers do, dear, "said Mrs.March. ' But my plans are different from Mrs. Moffat's, I suspect. I want my daughters to be loved, and I want people to think well of them. I want them to marry well, but not to marry rich men just because they are rich. I'd rather you were poor men's wives, if that meant you had happy, peaceful lives. But your father and I believe that we'll always be proud of our daughters, whether they are married or single."

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篇五 :Little Woman 读后感


幸福就是亲情,友谊,健康,劳动和心灵的安宁,有它时,人们只觉得平常,但失去它,或许才会发现,那是用世间任何东西都无法替代的。平凡,伟大! 每天晚上睡觉前,我都想拿它读一读,躺在床上,捧在手心,直至进入梦乡……到醒来时书还在身旁,这就是我想要的。这是第一本我那么喜欢看的书,喜欢的原因是我能从中找寻到以前的童真,我可以找到我自己的影子,自己的成长过程。在书中,我可以忘记烦心事,可以像小孩子一样把一切抛之脑后。


她们四个性格是截然不同的。梅格 16岁,乔 15岁,贝丝 14岁,艾美 12岁。梅格,丰腴,美艳,有吸引力,艳羡华美衣裙,做家教。乔,有一头秀美的头发,总是手忙脚乱,大大咧咧,为人真诚,可是性格强,脾气不怎么好,经常把事情弄得雪上加霜,像个小男孩,爱写东西,在做护理。贝丝,很可爱,腼腆,最招人喜爱了。细声细气,文文静静的,从来不生气。怪不得大家叫她“小乖乖”。她喜欢蜷缩在自己的快乐世界中,只有遇到她喜欢信任的人,她才会扯着胆子走出来,她很同情那些娃娃,像带小baby一样,给它们添置衣服啊什么的。与此同时,她酷爱音乐,爱弹钢琴。她很易于满足。艾美,是最小的,老是一副矜持的淑女模样,眼热绿松石戒指,想到罗马去当艺术家,画画,成为世界上最棒的大师。劳伦斯小男孩,16岁,在很小的时候就失去了父母,他的爷爷把他带大。再没认识马奇家女孩之前,他忧郁,不快乐,与爷爷的关系也不好,因为爷爷为了留住他,不让他做许多他想做的事情。他有钱,但是并不炫耀,他还很热情。后来变成了一个很阳光的男孩。马奇太太,一个很英明的妈妈,她任由她的孩子们去一一经历生活中的喜怒哀乐,希望孩子们都真实地体验自己的生命,而不是去复制上一代人的历史。她希望她的女儿美丽,能干,善良,受人爱慕和尊重,青春时代很幸福,过上有益而快乐的生活,没有忧虑,没有悲愁。她会经常地鼓励孩子们,这鼓励是多少金钱都换不来的。同时她热爱自己的祖国,为了祖国,在许多的压力下,她鼓励丈夫参战,从不后悔。她一直都在学习,学习如何给孩子们树立榜样。

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篇六 :little women 小妇人读后感





To be a teenager with the positive attitude

——《little women》读后感

单 位:化龙初中九年级二班



To be a teenager with the positive attitude

Little Women was written by American female writer Alcott. After reading this novel, I have some opinions about these four women. The novel describes four sisters in the March family. They are kind to each other and love each other, hardworking, stay with neighbor Laurence friendly. The girls with different characters find their own happiness through their own goodness and hard work.

The novel has dropped the ups and downs of the rock and there is no thrilling plot in the play. But the author describes the happiness and love in March’s family with the simple language. Their goodness and kindness, loyalty to love and family has left me a deep impression. The author only describes very ordinary detail in the life, but reveals the love to the happy life expectation everywhere. Although these girls were born in a poor family, but they all have the positive attitude to any matter. The novel emphasizes their personality and dignity,they also show the ability of

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篇七 :Little Women小妇人读后感

Little Women小妇人读后感

The story is an account of the author’s life with her sisters and family. It’s a lot like her biography, but retold by using characters. It follows the young lives of the four March girls—domestic Meg, tomboy and smart Jo (you may see the author’s figure in Jo), music-loving Beth, artistic Amy, their family and their “neighbor boy”—Laurie during and after the American Civil War. It shares their tying experiences with love, hardship, pain, gains and losses. The gist of the book is “love”—the love for family, the love for lover and the love for others. Jo is of course the main character in the story. She’s a brave, smart, intellectually, independent girl, but too tomboyish. She also bad-tempered, can’t control her emotion when she meets something she doesn’t like or can’t bear with. But her love for others is as strong as her anger. During reading this book, you’ll get the feeling that she would do anything for her family and friends. She proves this point when she sacrifices one of her prized possessions

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篇八 :《Little women》读后感 人物评析

Little Women

This is a story about love, faith, fortitude, and devotion. The story of March happened in Massachusetts during the American Civil War. It includes most problems which probably happen in the growth of young girls, such as the problems in first love, friendship between teenagers and the gap between our dream and the reality.

Meg March who is the oldest daughter in March’s is a pretty and lovely girl, with large eyes and soft brown hair, and white hands. She is quite gentle and soft to everybody; even some haughty wealthy girls despise her and her families. Once, she was dreaming of falling in love with someone rich. However, with the growth of the age, she changes her view of the life and love, at last she stick to her affection in spite of living poorly.

Jo March, the second daughter of Mrs. March, is my favorite character in this book. She is tall and thin. Her long, dark-red hair is usually pushed up out of the way, which is cut off for money, when they fall in troubles. She loves writing, dreaming of being a famous writer and making money to have her family live a better life. She is frank and sincere, but at the same time she is impetuous and easy to be angry. The only thing she never changed is her endless love to all of her families. She refused the next-door neighbor Laurie’s affection just because she misunderstood her sister Beth fall in love with that boy. She is such a vivid girl, that I’m

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