篇一 :从推销员之死看美国梦的破灭英文版

Name: XXXX   Student number:XXXX

Course: A Journey in English Literature    Instructor: June.10, 2011


Death of a Salesman is a great tragedy which was written by Arthur Miller, an American dramatist .It is different from classical tragedy. It is a story about an ordinary sales man .Salesman Willy Lowman has worked thirty six years for a company. He believes that a man with a well liked job can be successful through persistent hard work. However, everything goes against his wishes. As he could not sell the product well, the boss in the company fired him without showing any sympathy for him. Willy’s dream of success was shattered. The play has profound social significance, because it comes from the real life and authentically reflects the tragedy of the ordinary people America.

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篇二 :戏剧赏析《推销员之死》读后感

幻 想 的 破 灭



亚瑟•米勒【Arthur Miller,1915-2005】是美国当代著名剧作家,因创作《推销员之死》、《熔炉》、《不合时宜的人》等经典剧本而曾多次获得“普利策戏剧奖”、“纽约剧评家奖”和“纽约戏剧音乐奖”,被誉为“美国得奖最多的剧作家”。




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篇三 :7推销员之死英文名作赏析


Arthur Miller (17 Oct 1915 – 2005) was one of the leading American playwrights of the twentieth century. He was born in New York on October 17, 1915, the son of Polish-Jewish immigrants. His father manufactured women’s coats, but lost everything in the economic collapse of the 1930s. After graduating from high school, Miller worked in a warehouse so that he could earn enough money to attend the University of Michigan. During his college years, he began writing his first drama.

Miller's first play to make it to Broadway, The Man Who Had All the Luck (1944), was a dismal failure, closing after only four performances. This early setback almost discouraged Miller from writing completely, but, fortunately, he gave himself one more try. Three years later, All My Sons won the New York Drama Critics' Circle Award as the best play of 1947, launching Miller into theatrical stardom. His most impressive play is Death of a Salesman (1949, Pulitzer Prize), fusing realism and symbolism in reviewing the tragic life of a salesman victimized by his own false values and those of modern America.

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篇四 :文学史期中作业,旅行推销员之死读后感

Death of a Traveling Salesman

The crucial action of “Death of a Traveling Salesman” takes place in the mind of the protagonist, a shoe company representative, in the last hours of his life. Bowman has been a traveling salesperson for fourteen years, living alone in hotels as he drives from one city to the next with his sample case of shoes. One day he falls into illness after his long traveling. But he recovers to be able to continue his work and gets lost on an unfamiliar road to Beulah where he never travels and then encounters a couple who offers him a shelter and helps him get out of his car.

He virtually realizes how lonely he is and how helpless and tired he feels. It is at this moment that he has a strong sense of love and being loved and a genuine yearning for a home which only belongs to him. So he is so disappointed when he knows that the woman he gradually falls in love with has married to Sonny, and how much does he wish that the woman’s baby is his but not Sonny’s. Finally he can’t help to leave the couple’s home and dies on the road in fright as if all this has happened before.

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篇五 :(英语毕业论文)从《推销员之死》看阿瑟.米勒对“美国梦”的阐释

英语专业全英原创毕业论文,是近期写作,公布的题目可以用于免费参考(贡献者ID 有提示)


1 欧内斯特.海明威《雨中猫》和田纳西.威廉斯《热铁皮屋顶上的猫》中的女主人公的对比分析

2 The Influence of Bob Dylan and His Works on American Social Movements

3 中国大学机构名称汉英翻译策略研究

4 An Analysis on Characterization in Sense and Sensibility

5 广告语的特点及其翻译技巧

6 从跨文化角度谈英语词汇的教与学

7 爱的缺失:班吉康普森的痴人说梦—《喧哗与骚动》班吉叙述视角研究

8 英语听力理解障碍及应对策略

9 人文主义的悲壮颂歌——哈姆雷特与古典人文主义研究

10 英语广告语中双关语的运用及翻译

11 基督教在中国的发展与中国文化的融合

12 浅析英语专业学生在听力理解中的策略运用

13 试论英语中的歧义与翻译

14 《推销员之死》中主角威利的性格分析

15 《了不起的盖茨比》中的象征手法

16 A Study of Narrative Strategies in Beloved

17 浅析《飘》中的女性意识

18 试论提高初中英语作业的效果

19 会话含义理论在英文广告中的应用

20 探讨图式理论对英语专业四级阅读中的指导作用

21 论英语写作中中式英语的成因及解决策略

22 Effects of Chinese Culture on Promotion of Automobiles--Traditional Cultural Elements 23 广播英语的语言学分析

24 试析《傲慢与偏见》中的书信

25 苔丝形象浅析

26 从《无名的裘德》看哈代的现代性意识

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篇六 :推销员之死英文论文

Analysis of A Tragic Character of Death of a Salesman


As is known to all, one’s personal experience of life and social environment

undoubtedly will affect his views towards life and his notions of art. As Arthur Miller’s explained, “The writer who wants to describe life must describe his own

experience(5).” In addition, “the best work that anybody ever writes is the work that is on the verge of embarrassing him---where he puts himself on the line(6).” According to Walden, Arthur Miller’s social conscience stemmed from the economic effects of the Depression which he experienced when he was a young man(189). Therefore, it is basic and necessary to know about his growing background and his works before introduction and analysis of Death of a Salesman.

Arthur Miller was a prolific American playwright, essayist, and prominent figure in twentieth-century American theater, born in New York City on October 17, 1915. He was the son of Isidore Miller who was a Jewish businessman migrated from Austria, and spent his first fourteen years of life in Harlem, a middle-class neighborhood of mixed ethic people. Miller’s childhood was comfortable, but the Great Depression of 1929 inevitably had great impact on his views about life. His career as a playwright began while he was a student at the University of Michigan. His successful plays

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篇七 :推销员之死

Analysis of Major Characters Willy Loman - An insecure, self-deluded traveling salesman. Willy believes wholeheartedly in the American Dream of easy success and wealth, but he never achieves it. Nor do his sons fulfill his hope that they will succeed where he has failed. When Willy’s illusions begin to fail under the pressing realities of his life, his mental health begins to unravel. The overwhelming tensions caused by this disparity, as well as those caused by the societal imperatives that drive Willy, form the essential conflict of Death of a Salesman. Biff Loman - Willy’s thirty-four-year-old elder son. Biff led a charmed life in high school as a football star with scholarship prospects, good male friends, and fawning female admirers. He failed math, however, and did not have enough credits to graduate. Since then, his kleptomania has gotten him fired from every job that he has held. Biff represents Willy’s vulnerable, poetic, tragic side. He cannot ignore his instincts, which tell him to abandon Willy’s paralyzing dreams and move out West to work with his hands. He ultimately fails to reconcile his life with Willy’s expectations of him. Linda Loman - Willy’s loyal, loving wife. Linda suffers through Willy’s grandiose dreams and self-delusions. Occasionally, she seems to be taken in by Willy’s self-deluded hopes for future glory and success, but at other times, she seems far more realistic and less fragile than her husband. She has nurtured the family through all of Willy’s misguided attempts at success, and her emotional strength and perseverance support Willy until his collapse. Happy Loman - Willy’s thirty-two-year-old younger son. Happy has lived in Biff’s shadow all of his life, but he compensates by nurturing his relentless sex drive and professional ambition. Happy represents Willy’s sense of self-importance, ambition, and blind servitude to societal expectations. Although he works as an assistant to an assistant buyer in a department store, Happy presents himself as supremely important. Additionally, he practices bad business ethics and sleeps with the girlfriends of his superiors Themes, Motifs & SymbolsThemesThe American DreamWilly believes wholeheartedly in what he considers the promise of the American Dream —that a “well liked” and “personally attractive” man in business will indubitably and deservedly acquire the material comforts offered by modern American life. Oddly, his fixation with the superficial qualities of attractiveness and likeability is at odds with a more gritty, more rewarding understanding of the American Dream that identifies hard work without complaint as the key to success. Willy’s interpretation of likeability is superficial—he childishly dislikes Bernard because he considers Bernard a nerd. Willy’s blind faith in his stunted version of the American Dream leads to his rapid psychological decline when he is unable to accept the disparity between the Dream and his own life.AbandonmentWilly’s life charts a course from one abandonment to the next, leaving him in greater despai r each time. Willy’s father leaves him and Ben when Willy is very young, leaving Willy neither a tangible (money) nor an intangible (history) legacy. Ben eventually departs for Alaska, leaving Willy to lose himself in a warped

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篇八 :《推销员之死》中美国梦破灭的主要原因












































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