篇一 :魔戒英文读后感

The Reading Report of The Lord of The Ring

The lord of rings was written by John Tolkien in 1955. He made up a mystical world called Middle Earth. And the start of the story, is not a person, but an object, a ring. The ring allows one to control a host of other rings handed down to the different peoples of Middle Earth: three rings belong to the immortal elves; seven to the dwarfs; and nine rings to mortal humans. The ring that rules all the others, forged using the fires of Mount Doom by the evil Wizard Sauron, gives its holder so much power that it corrupts all those who seek to wear it, even the purest. Of course, there are some peoples that are more pure than others. Humans generally seem incapable of wearing it without being corrupted by its influence. But there exists a diminutive people, the Hobbits, who do seem at least capable of carrying it without being polluted too much. So the fate had come to a Hobbit- Frodo, who had to carry this Ring deep into the shadows of Mordor and unmake it in the place precisely it was made. If this Ring exists, the world may fall in the Power of the Dark Lord. So Frodo, with his gardener Sam, started an amazing journey towards the hope.

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篇二 :指环王英文影评

The film review of” The Lord of the Rings”

When it comes to my favorite movie, I will say” The Lord of the Rings” without hesitation. Directed by Peter Jackson, the movie is very popular and has drawn large audiences by it magnificent scene of war and the vivid description of people. Telling aboutsacrificing lives todefend the homeland for the world?s bright future, the movie consists of three parts, they are“the fellowship of the ring”, “the two towers”and” the return of the king”.

There is a character that moves me most, whose name is Frodo Baggins. He is a hobbit living in Shire, but the ordinary hobbitbears the burden voluntarilywhich seems can?t be completed.It?s true that he is one of the Nine Walkers in the company of ring but, nevertheless, all the main job falls upon his shoulders. Frodo Baggins, like Jesus, bears his cross throughout the three parts of the fantasy adventure, not trusting anyone with his heavy and, at times, dangerous burden. Despite knowing that his true friend Sam is always ready to help, Frodo knows-he is the one responsible for the outcome of the journey.

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篇三 :指环王英文简介

故事开始于史前世界,一位名叫佛罗多?巴金斯的年轻人,无意中得到了一只魔戒。 这只戒指拥有无穷的神秘力量,戒指原来是黑暗君王索伦所有的,却意外地到了佛罗多手里。佛罗多决定将戒指摧毁,以免索伦夺回去巩固自己的势力。人类,精灵和矮人组成了联盟,九人护戒队组成,前往魔多火山。索伦为了阻止佛罗多,于是派出了手下的兽人加以追杀,一场正邪大战眼看着一触即发? 随着护戒队伍中的波罗莫被强兽人杀死之后,两个哈比族人皮聘和梅里也被强兽人绑架,因为强兽人接受到白袍巫师萨鲁曼的指示,找到霍比特人夺回魔戒,但是真正拥有魔戒的佛罗多却和另外一个生死至交的霍比特人山姆继续进行摧毁魔戒的艰巨任务。随着佛罗多与山姆、咕噜前往末日山脉,其他英雄们也正积极对抗索伦魔君,捍卫中土世界,人皇阿拉冈将拾起王者之剑重掌刚铎王位, “为佛罗多争取时间”,并在帕兰诺平原展开奇幻文学史,甚至是影史上最壮观的浴血战役。没有苦难,就没有胜利;唯有牺牲,才能成就自由。摧毁魔戒的经历,是一段考验人性的旅程,也是一项必须完成的使命,结局是美丽的凯旋,却也伴随着令人惋惜的失落.

The story begins in prehistoric, a man named frodo, bajin's young, accidentally got a ring. This ring has infinite mysterious power, the ring is dark, but the Kings sauron all surprise to frodo. Frodo decision will ring to destroy, lest sauron takes back to consolidate their forces. Humans, elves, dwarves and the nine fellowship, to mordor. Solon in order to prevent frodo, then sent to the orcs, under a pigsty war watched reflexive... As the Baltic ring is mo team after killing, two orcs holistic stuntmen dislocated his

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篇四 :指环王观后感

The hero of the film is very ordinary, but with his amazing perseverance, saves the world entire. As is said in the movie, "even the smallest person can change the world.”

The story is very circuitous, in no hope of the night, dwarfs and their great leader throughed the mountains, they had many changes to give up, but they did not. They believe that there are still good things in this world , finally they succeed. The darkness lifted.

The story tells us:Never despair, because there is always hope.And the kindness and the bravery will never disappear.

This movie is the Lord of the rings.

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篇五 :(英语毕业论文)《指环王》中的善与恶的研究

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42 《呼啸山庄》中希斯克利夫的人物性格 宋词英译中的归化和异化 从《荆棘鸟》中三个女性形象解读女性主义发展 Proverb and Its Cultural Differences in Chinese and English Language “美国梦”的幻灭——论《人与鼠》的社会悲剧 论《简爱》中的经济意识 从文化角度谈美国俚语的汉译 性别话语模式的社会语言学研究 存在主义与海明威的“硬汉形象” Lexical Differences between British English and American English 广告英语翻译中的归化和异化策略 解读《嘉莉妹妹》中的新女性形象 哥特小说的魅力——《红死魔的面具》美学研究 从谚语看中英文化的差异 从文本类型角度看企业外宣材料的翻译 The Travel of Freedom—An analysis of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 双语对认知发展的影响 对英文广告中模糊语言美学功能的理论探究 汉英语言中动物名称文化内涵对比分析 我国中小学英语语音教学现存的问题与对策 广播英语的语言学分析 功能视角下商务英语合同英译汉的技巧探析 北京奥运官网英译:功能主义视角 An Analysis on the Flexibility of Gulliver’s Personality 从叙事结构分析电影《撞车》中对种族歧视问题的诠释 浅析《老人与海》中的悲剧色彩 “词块”理论及应用前景探微 商务英语交流中委婉语的语用功能研究 从电影片名翻译窥探中美文化差异 Miss Havisham: an Imprisoned Woman in Great Expectations 李白对庞德和他的作品的影响 《黑暗之心》主人公马洛的性格分析 论海明威《死在午后》的悲观主义色彩 Differences Between Chinese and Western Cultures in Gift-giving Customs 合作原则视角下探析广告语篇中省略的会话含意 On Beautiful Women’s Death in Poe’s Fictions 非传统式英雄——从女性主义批评角度看《名利场》 比较“迷惘一代”与“垮掉一代” 从福柯的后人道主义视角看赫尔米娜之死——解读赫尔曼黑塞作品《荒原狼》 理智胜于情感 论劳伦斯《儿子与情人》中的“爱”

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篇六 :《飘》 英文读后感300字

Gone with the wind --Margaret Mitchell

This book was written during the American Civil War. Scarlett ,a beautiful girl with "bristling black eyelashes ",use to charm man. When I first read it, I did not like her. In my view ,she was a paradoxical human. She was hopelessly selfish,vain,manipulative,deluded and foolish,but she is also extremely vivacious,loyal and strong character.She had a strong will .whatever she thought she will try her best way to do it.

In the book,she always think she loves Ashley.and she believe that Ashley also loves her.Although at the end he leaves her unkindly,she never give up this thought.

But when I read it secondly.I find that she is just a lonely girl. during the Civil war , she has to make enough money to live with her lover and valentine. She pursuits but also ignore the true love . she regards Ashley as her true love but ignore Barrett who is always being with her.

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篇七 :巴别塔读后感 英文

Building A Bebal To Heaven?


In the Bible,the story bebal is very short and it doesn’t seem to stand out among the interesting stories. But I think it is a really good and insightful. In the story, the whole world had one language and a common speech,men wanted to build a city and a tower that could reach the heaven.God scattered men from there over all the earth and confused their language in order to stop them and also for protecting himself.

Someone thinks that this story is written to sing the praises of human beings.They are in favor of the fact that men had dreams and they made efforts to reach the goal,just as the movie Bebal. People put humanity in this movie at a very high level and consider that it is the beauty of human that rescued themself.

However,I stand in a different view and hold a different idea about the theme of this biblical story.Why God stopped men from building the tower? Because men were not like the original Adam and Eve any more, and they had knowledge and even some bad quality from which God had already tasted the bitterness. What’s more,those who built the tower were not all human beings but fallen angels who still wanted to find a way back to heaven.As for men,they just settled down after the flood and a long migration,and very soon they did not develop themselves

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篇八 :希腊神话读后感英文

Greek myth story has handed down for about more than three thousand years. Brilliant and grand scenes, vivid and distinct personalities, exquisite and flexural plot, so it was overwhelmed by all over the world readers. The Greek myth story is the same as the Bible that has a comprehensive influence to the whole human religious, philosophy, thoughts, customs, natural science, literature and art. When we contact with the western culture, we will meet some literary quotation that almost comes from the Greek myth story, and almost all the classical western literary can find the plot or characters that involved or directly originated from Greek mythology. Just as the Bible we need understand, we also should know the myth stories. That not just a literary works, also a production of culture of that time and an exhibition of the social surroundings and problems of the current western countries. If we want to know western culture, we need to read this book. It is a summary about gods and heroes story of the ancient Greek nation. It mixed up the real life with the fantasies.

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