篇一 :金银岛 英文读后感 treasure islad

Book Report of Treasure Island

1. About the Author.

Robert Louis Stevenson was a Scottish novelist, essayist, and poet, who contributed several classics to the world of children's literature. Stevenson was born in Edinburgh on November 13th 1850. His grandfather and father were civil engineering,made great achievements in the lighthouse construction. And they wished that Stevenson would take over their own enterprise. In 1867, Stevenson received his father’s decree to enter the Edinburgh University to study civil engineering. In fact, he loved literature when he was a child. So he asked his father to study literature, and was refused. But his father let him study law. Since childhood, however, Stevenson's natural inclination had been toward literature; eventually he took up letters seriously, soon making his way into the first rank of contemporaneous writers by the excellence of his style. In 1878 and 1879, he published two works of the theme of travel, since then the continued to publish works. In 1883, he published Treasure Island. The story was praised as The Best Work of Children’s Adventure Story as soon as the work was published. Since then Stevenson had became a famous writer. However, 1894, only 44-year-old Stevenson suddenly suffered from stroke,and died of illness in the Pacific south of the capital, Apia, Western Samoa and was buried in the local mountains overlooking the Pacific. Stevenson had a lot of famous works, such as Treasure Island, Kidnapped, A Child’s Garden of Verses and New Arabian Nights.

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篇二 :金银岛英文情节和读后感

Plot: “Treasure island” is a well-known adventure story book. The story happened in eighteenth Century. Jim is a little boy, who was eager and enthusiastic about the sea treasure hunt. Once, he went to the Treasure Island, deal with the pirates and seamen, experienced all sorts of matters------sincere, loyal crew, hypocritical, cruel, between the seamen and witnessed a series of breath-taking stories. Master Jim was a timid, shy child. After his father died, he started the adventure. To begin with, Jim was just a waiter in the cabin, but he had the courage to fight with the enemy, and later recaptured a ship from the pirate, and became the new captain. With courage, a timid and shy boy became a hero. At the end of the story, Jim returned, vowing that he would never hunt again. Since then, Jim had often been troubled by a nightmare. Coins made Jim nightmares, rather than wealth and a better life. So you can see from the story that greed and desire will never bring a wonderful life.

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篇三 :金银岛英文读后感

Book Report of <Treasure Island>

Lots of people may read the masterpiece called <Treasure Island>.

This is an exciting adventure story about a poor boy who lives in a small inn, the Admiral Benbow, run by his parents in Black Hill Cove. The boy’s name is Jim Hawkins. One day, unexpectedly, he finds a treasure map which indicates the treasure hidden by the pirates in Skeleton Island. Then Jim, Dr. Livesey, Captain Smollett and his friend, with a group of sailors, set out journey for the treasure. After a short time, some greed sailors who are led by Long John Silver rebel for the map. These two groups fight fiercely. Evil can never prevail over good. Through each justicial person’s effort, Jim and Captain Smollett win the battle. And later then they go back home with the boat filled with treasure.

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篇四 :金银岛读后感




故事发生在十八世纪,杰夫.何金斯是一个小男孩,他渴望并且热衷於出海寻宝。有一次,他到了金银岛寻宝,与海盗、水手打交道,亲身体验到船员之间真诚、忠实、虚伪、残暴的种种现象,目睹了一幕幕令人惊心动魄的故事。 读了这本探险故事,使我感触良多。主人翁杰夫.何金斯原是一个胆小、害羞的孩子。父亲去世后,他便开始了探险。在探险之旅中,初时杰夫只是一个船舱裏的服务生,但他却勇於与敌人搏斗,后来更从海盗手中夺回大船,并自命为新任船长。虽然杰夫.何金斯经常易於冲动,但他所表现出来的非凡勇气和过人胆识,足以令我佩服不已。杰夫.何金斯凭著勇气与胆识,由一个胆小怕事的小男孩变成一位夺回大船的英雄。而我们有时遇到难题,便自乱阵脚,不努力探讨解决的办法。试想想,若我们也有杰夫那种勇於尝试和敢於探索的精神,许多难题不是都能迎刃而解吗?

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篇五 :金银岛 读后感

Treasure Island

Treasure Island, the masterpiece of the famous writer Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis stevenson, Scottish novelist, essayist, and poet, who contributed several classics to the world of children's literature.

Stevenson was born on Nov. 13, 1850, in Edinburgh, the son of an engineer, and studied engineering and then studied law at the University of Edinburgh. Since childhood, however, Stevenson was inclined to literature; eventually he took to writing seriously, soon making his way into the first rank of writers by the excellence of his style. The novel depicts that, in a seaside village in south-west England. Jim Hawkins was the young son of the owners of the Admiral Benbow Inn. An old , strong ,nut-brown seaman named Billy Bones lodged at the inn .Afterwards, Jim Hawkins acquired the map that conceive the mysterious treasure island accidentally ,which induced some pirates’ coming and inspired local landlord Squire Trelawney and local Dr. Livesey. Together, Squire Trelawney immediately planned to start a sailing boat to hunt for the treasure, with the help and assistance of Dr. Livesey and Jim.

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篇六 :《金银岛》读后感






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篇七 :金银岛读后感






The story is told in the first person by Jim Hawkins, whose mother kept the Admiral Benbow Inn, and who shared in the adventures from start to finish.

An old sea dog comes to the inn one day and hires Jim to keep a watch out for other sailors, but he is hunted out and served with the black spot. Jim and his mother barely escape death when some pirates descend on the inn for the sea dog’s papers. Jim snatches up a packet of papers to square the sailor’s debt, when they were forced to retreat from the inn. The packet contains a map showing the location of the pirate Flint’s buried treasure, which Jim, Doctor Livesey, and Squire Trelawney determine to find. Fitting out a ship, they hire hands and set out on their adventure. Unfortunately, their crew includes one pirate also in search of the treasure, and a number of his confederates. Jim overhears the crew's plan to mutiny and warns his comrades. The battle begins. Finally the victors get safely aboard the ship with the treasure.

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篇八 :Treasure Island金银岛读书笔记英文

Robert Louis Balfour Stevenson was a Scottish novelist, poet, essayist, and travel writer. His most famous works are Treasure Island, Kidnapped, and Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

A literary celebrity during his lifetime, Stevenson now ranks among the 26 most translated authors in the world. His works have been admired by many other writers who said of him that he "seemed to pick the right word up on the point of his pen, like a man playing spillikins." Treasure Island is his first widely popular book.

This is an exciting adventure story about a poor boy that lives in a small inn, the Admiral Benbow, run by his parents in Black Hill Cove. The boy’s name is Jim Hawkins. One day, unexpectedly, he finds a treasure map which indicates the treasure hidden by the pirates in Skeleton Island. Then Jim, Dr. Livesey, Captain Smollett and his friends, with a group of sailors, set out for the treasure. After a short time, some greed sailors who are led by Long John Silver rebel for the map. These two groups fight fiercely. Evil can never prevail against good. Jim and Captain Smollett win the battle. And later then they go back home with the boat filled with treasure.

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