篇一 :初一英语读后感模板

Title ___________________    Reviewed by______________

Author: ________________     Publisher: _______________

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篇二 :英语读后感范文



I read the Chinese version of “Camille” a few years ago. At that time I was deeply moved by the main character Marguerite Gautier. “Camille” or “The Lady of the Camellias” by Alexandre Dumas, fils, is the story of Marguerite Gautier, a young courtesan, or kept woman, in Paris in the mid 1800's, and how she falls in love with a young man, Armand Duval, and then tries to escape from her questionable past. Unfortunately, it comes back to haunt her and she ends up returning to that life and dies painfully and alone, but with the knowledge that she was a noble woman at heart. When I first began to read the book, I did not care for Marguerite or her attitude or lifestyle, but as I got further into the narrative, I realized that her saucy attitude was a front to cover the lonely woman that she really was. She felt used, abused and unloved, until the gentle Armand Duval came into her life and showed her that he loved her as a person and not for what she could do for him. It must have taken great courage for Marguerite to leave the life she had lived for so long, knowing all along that it was probably too good to be true and would not last indefinitely. And it also showed that Marguerite really loved Armand Duval for she could even change herself for him.

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篇三 :英语读后感范文

英语读后感 《飘》

Scarlett , a very personality figures ,the two mans she love ,neither does she know about.To her, I was compelled to admire, admire her strong and brave, admire her to lay down in the environment, farm workers previously suffered education, admire her to disregard the community to create their own expression of the cause .She is in the whole story, all a person full of fighting will full of vitality . I appreciated most , it is this " Tomorrow is another day of hers. " . Promising forever, full of fighting will , will never give up, never desperate. I think I'm moved by her.So, whenever I meet difficulty, the mood is not good, I will tell oneself : " Tomorrow is another day. " 'Gone with the Wind' is absolutely a good book that is worth sampling repeatedly, the characters are graceful , the plot rises and falls, exciting boldly and unconstrainedly, though the subjective factor because of the author among them , the appraisal on U.S.A.'s Civil War is not objective and overall, but as to angle of literature, this one fine piece of writing generation definitely absolutely, worth visiting.

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篇四 :英语四级考经典作文范文 读后感

英语四级考经典作文范文 读后感

Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic My Favorite Novel. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline below:


My favorite novel is Around the World in Eighty Days which is written by Jules Verne. The author was born in France and devoted himself to literature and wrote several scientific romances, which gained him the name——Father of Modern Science Fiction.

This is a book of science fiction which tells us an exciting story about an English gentleman, Mr. Phileas Fogg, who makes a bet with his clubmates and manages to travel around the world in eighty days. It gives us a vivid description of the many difficulties and incidents which happen on his journey.

From this story, we can see the author’s deep love for the sea, travel and adventure, which played a vital role in his life. We are also astonished and convinced by his fertile imagination and scientific and geographical knowledge.

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篇五 :Alice’s A4爱丽丝梦游仙境英语读后感外语读书卡电子小报成品好书推荐手抄报模板读后感板报



Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is a

work of children's literature by the English

mathematician and author, the Reverend

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, written under the

pseudonym Lewis Carroll.It tells the story of a

girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit-hole

into a fantasy realm populated by grotesque

figures like talking playing cards and

anthropomorphic creatures. – January 14, 1898), better known by the pen name Lewis Carroll, was a British author, mathematician, Anglican clergyman, logician, and amateur photographer. Although he was a mathematician,he is best known as the author of Alice's adventures in wonderland (1865) and Through the looking glass (1872),children's books that are among the most popular of all time.They are distinguished as satire and as examples of verbal wit.

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篇六 :rio2 478A3英语电影观后感电子小报成品,外语双语手抄报模板生活中的英语简报板报,英文剪报


班级 姓名

The movie is about a blue and Pearl was a few blue macaw world only, they are one family lived a comfortable life in the city.When they know they have the similar in the Amazon jungle.She decided to let the children learn how to when the real birds, adhere to the family moved to the Amazon jungle. So, one family will fly to blue Amazon to find their own kind.The beginning of a period of adventure.

After watching this movie I can not help the birds return to nature, love nature, protects the nature spirit moved.As we human beings should know how to protect the survival of our home - the earth, protect her, cherish her.In this world earth day is approaching, I urge everyone to save resources Protect environment! Let us start from the bit by bit, use our hands, we use the wisdom, with our conscience, our beautiful home, make efforts for our survival!

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篇七 :the track of zengzimo 墨迹英文读后感

【内容简介】《墨迹》:[关于名字] 念小学时,我喜欢这样介绍自己:“我是曾子墨,曾子的曾,孔子的子,墨子的墨。”[关于工作] 那一刹那,我想我是在冥冥之中受到了上天的点拨,我忽然大彻大悟,投资银行不过是众人眼中的一道光环,我为什么一定要牺牲自己的快乐,去点亮别人眼中的光环呢?而后,一种从未有过的简单、轻松和愉悦笼罩了我。至今,我仍然觉得从摩根斯坦利辞职是我一生中最重要的决定之一。[内容介绍] 当她的同学正为高考焦头烂额时,她已因“总分永远第一”获得了保送中国人民大学的资格;当梦想留学美国的本科生、硕士生们向托福600分冲刺时,18岁的她以660分的骄人成绩夺得北京市第一;当同窗们还在忍受着枯燥的课程,她已持全额奖学金踏入美国常春藤名校;当哈佛女孩刘亦婷还在大学门口徘徊,她已当之无愧成为华尔街的明星;当在摩根斯坦利的事业似乎已达到顶峰,她又毅然决然投身凤凰卫视追寻梦想的真正生活…… 她,就是曾子墨,一个漂亮的,坚定的,有着巨大能量的女孩。她将自己的成长历程结集成书,推出首部作品《墨迹》,清楚展现了一个女孩梦想照进现实的道路,励志传奇,激动人心。【作者简介】《墨迹》作者:曾子墨,毕业于“常青藤”盟校之一的达特茅斯大学,并于19xx年获学士学位。毕业后任职于美国闻名投资银行摩根斯坦利,参与完成大约700亿美元的并购和融资项目,其中包括新浪上市。20xx年,加盟凤凰卫视担任主持人,先后主持过《股市直播室》、《财经点对点》、《财经今日谈》和《凤凰正点播报》。现担任《社会





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篇八 :英语电影欣赏观后感


题 目 当幸福来敲门 学生姓名


学 号 所 在 系

指导教师 学 期 ________

2015 年 5月 5 日

《当幸福来敲门》观后感 这部电影没有华丽的场面,也没有极佳的构思,甚至没有美女帅哥的表演,看完了整部电影,我仿佛唯一的印象便是,奔跑,一直在跑,为了工作,为了孩子,为了生活??是由当今黑人投资家chris gardner真实故事改编,获20xx年奥斯卡最佳男主角提名奖。


《当幸福来敲门》中没有漂亮的男女演员,没有花哨的剪辑,也没有大量的特效,甚至没有精彩的配乐,但它是一个很好的励志故事,一个能触动人心的故事,一个能让你忍不住一看再看的的故事。它传递的是一种积极向上的正能量,让每一个人都不在困难中放弃,坚信“everything will be OK”(克里斯)。让我们深思:生活中的我们怎么样,我们对待人生的态度又是怎么样,你会发现琐碎小事也能散射出生活的彩光。



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